[10:02] Morning peepz [10:04] * zmoylan-pi phones random person in belgium, says hello and hangs up... === kennyloggins is now known as CoderEurope === CoderEurope is now known as kennyloggins === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g === Chrisfu- is now known as Chrisfu === Chrisfu is now known as 92AACJTTI === ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen [21:55] ffs, travis-ci!! http://mailchi.mp/travis-ci/ubuntu-trusty-update-2017q4-and-new-ltslatest-process?e=342ffbc329 [21:56] if you're going to "update" your images it's probably a good idea to not use the release that goes out of support in one year [22:14] * zmoylan-pi hands diddledan a calming cup of dandelion tea... [22:33] http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/politics/politics-headlines/jacob-rees-mogg-viewed-lithographs-of-victorian-ladies-ankles-20171204140269 [22:34] was it the hairy hands that gave it away?