
babbageclunkwallyworld: awesome, thanks00:05
thumperI have found a bunch of failures where people were creating state pools unnecessarily in tests01:36
thumperI'm going to land those fixes independently01:36
thumperbabbageclunk, axw or wallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/818901:46
thumperwallyworld: I'm trying to reduce the surface of the big pull request for the watchers01:47
* wallyworld nods01:47
babbageclunkthumper: lgtm01:48
babbageclunkdoh, sorry01:48
thumperall good01:49
* thumper afk briefly to collect daughter01:49
thumperaxw: any thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1736582 ?02:11
mupBug #1736582: Cannot bootstrap manual provider with Juju 2.2.6 <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1736582>02:11
thumperbabbageclunk: another https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/819002:53
thumperor wallyworld: ^^02:58
axwthumper: sorry missed your q. from casey's latest comment, sounds like we should perform a check to see if the mongo port is firewalled03:07
* thumper nods03:09
wallyworldthumper: looking03:12
thumperwallyworld: thanks, this one is boring too03:12
wallyworldaxw: here's that pr we talked about https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/819103:12
axwwallyworld: ok, will take a look later after lunch03:13
wallyworldyup, no rush03:13
wallyworldthumper: lgtm, interfaces good03:14
thumperwallyworld: ta03:14
axwwallyworld: how come you only pick out one port?04:40
wallyworldlet me look04:41
axwwallyworld: in EnsureService04:41
axwwallyworld: I think it makes sense to have ingress just point at the first container port in the spec (we can have that as a convention), but the service can still expose all ports?04:43
wallyworldaxw: i guess no good reason, just the current assumption that we only support one container per pod04:43
wallyworldagreed, that is easily fixed04:43
axwwallyworld: though I'm not sure if there's a way to determine which one is "first" once you fetch the service definition. is order preserved?04:44
axwwallyworld: i.e. in ExposeService, is the order of ports there the same as what was specified in EnsureService04:44
wallyworldaxw: thanks for review. i think the order is preserved. at least frm what i have seen05:18
axwwallyworld: ok cool05:41
axwwallyworld: I think it would be best to do the conversion to int32 internally05:42
wallyworldyup, done05:42
wallyworldaxw: awesome, go 1.10 beta1 changes go fmt behaviour :-/06:23
axwwallyworld: ah well, we'd better all upgrade then06:25
wallyworldand the builders :-)06:25
axwoh right, we check that don't we06:25
wallyworldaxw: here's the caas firewaller all completed https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/819308:08
axwwallyworld: I think that's going to be a monday job, my brain is dead08:09
axwI'll make a start on it anyway08:09
wallyworldno worries, no rush08:10
wallyworldi'm just happy to get it all working08:11
wallyworldi'm off to have dinner, have a good weekebd08:11
axwwallyworld: yeah, that's a solid effort - wasn't expecting to see it so soon08:11
axwwallyworld: you too08:11
wallyworldaxw: thanks for the fix. LGTM that should have been caught in CI. clearly there's something missing from the upgrade tests10:35
axwwallyworld: ta10:35
wallyworldjam: did you have any thoughts on that network info issue10:35

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