
ventricalcan anyone send me some links to C++ files for outstading bugs with unity7 DE like compiz or otherwise? thanks04:09
ventricalk.. i gotta get some rest so just leave an answer and I'll try to stumble upon it a little later..04:12
dokocpaelzer: nghttp2 needs a MIR (apache2), or apache2 needs to be changed08:55
cpaelzerdoko: there is a mir and it was already moved by infinity08:59
cpaelzerdoko: bug 168745408:59
ubottubug 1687454 in curl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] nghttp2" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168745408:59
dokoahh, yes I see it now08:59
ventricalHi all, I have someone who knows C++, joined the unity7 maintainers team, will work 10 hous a week and want sto get going on code right away.!!Hannibal Lecter. do you have  some links to code/bugs her can work on?10:01
ventricalgoodmorning all?10:03
ventricalslangasek: you there10:04
ventricalwillcooke: you there10:04
ventricalok.. got it fixed. thanks10:10
dokojbicha: are you going to do the poppler merge? just seeing because other packages are in dep-wait because of the version mismatch with Debian11:34
ahasenackhi, I have a dep8 test failing for firejail in s390x (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/artful/update_excuses.html#iproute2), that's because there is no thunderbird package in s39012:41
ahasenackI think maybe someone already did something about it, but it's still red, maybe just a retry is needed and it will pick up whatever was changed in the test infra?12:42
ahasenackshould this be requested in #ubuntu-release perhaps?12:43
ahasenackas it's an sru12:43
rbasakfirejail only passes on armhf?12:45
rbasakIMHO, that dep8 test is less than worthless and so I'd ignore it for SRU purposes.12:47
rbasakworthless> in its current state for Ubuntu at least, because it's apparently completely broken.12:48
ahasenackthat test log is, I don't know12:48
ahasenackit's still downloading12:48
ahasenackand there seem to be infra problems (checking the amd64 failure) RESP BODY: {"forbidden": {"message": "Quota exceeded for ram: Requested 1536, but already used 50176 of 51200 ram", "code": 403}}12:49
LaneyIt retried and ran.12:55
LaneyIt just backs off for a while if the quota is full12:56
jbichadoko: I'm not working on poppler today, maybe someone else will get to it first13:37
seb128doko, jbicha, I can have a look to poppler maybe but why is it needed? do we have packages that require a newer version?14:25
jbichatexlive-bin is in depwait14:26
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jbichaLocutusOfBorg: is your vbox 5.2.2-dfsg-3 the fix for the gdm login screen not redrawing correctly?20:22
jbichaI haven't seen that recently but I think it affects 16.04 too20:23
jrniederHi. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sbuild/+bug/1734339/comments/4 says you are the folks to ask to push a message through the ubuntu-devel moderation queue21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734339 in sbuild (Ubuntu) "Add an Ubuntu build profile" [Undecided,New]21:10
cjwatsonjrnieder: moderated21:38
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, fixes the gdm login non starting up22:40
LocutusOfBorgplease test it too, it works really nice here22:40
jbichaworks really nice compared to what?22:41
LocutusOfBorginstall ubuntu 17.10 or ubuntu 18.04 in a vm22:41
LocutusOfBorginstall virtualbox-guest-x1122:41
LocutusOfBorgnothing starts up22:41
jbichaI just used whatever guest driver Ubuntu included by default22:42
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, the problem is described here https://www.virtualbox.org/browser/vbox/trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/util/vboxhgcm.c?rev=6998922:43
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, with the driver in the kernel, the vboxvideo, you don't have 3d acceleration22:43
LocutusOfBorgthe x11 package is providing an alternative *GL implementation22:43
jbichais the Ubuntu kernel going to try to re-enable the new video driver for 4.14?22:45

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