
cpaelzergz powersj to also officially be part of the group now :-)07:02
cpaelzerrbasak: once you are aroung it would be great if you could check my ubuntu-release question (if no one else answered) and tell me if/what I overlook07:23
cpaelzerthanks in advance07:23
cpaelzerabout the MIR related apache2 migration07:23
cpaelzerrbasak: resolved07:47
azidhakaHelp with 16.04 upgraded from 14.04 :) /var/log/syslog is empty, everything goes to syslog.1. Logrotate config: https://pastebin.com/mAiJVKJY ;  Rsyslog config: https://pastebin.com/3V7BbVX509:49
rbasakazidhaka: have you rebooted since the upgrade?09:56
cpaelzerrbasak: can you pull bug 1735930 into the ongoing merge?10:50
ubottubug 1735930 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "Bug in /usr/share/mysql/mysql-systemd-start script" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173593010:50
Neo1Hi! Who know how set up php5.6, Now I have 7.110:54
Neo1Used this manual and this doesn't work https://askubuntu.com/questions/109404/how-do-i-install-different-upgrade-or-downgrade-php-version-in-still-supported#10954410:54
rbasakcpaelzer: added to my list. Thanks!10:55
rbasakI'm planning on doing the merge first, then a further upload to fix bugs.10:55
cpaelzerjust wanted to know it in good hands10:56
jamespagecoreycb: doing oslo.* updates for m2; oslo.log is unhappy under py3.6 atm (applies to current version as well)11:28
jamespagecoreycb: I think we need to revert the exception serialization feature in oslo.serialization; we can drop any patches once upstream either follow suit, or fix the rest of the world to work with it.12:19
coreycbjamespage: thanks, i'll work on clients today. good call on oslo.serialization.12:46
marlincAnyone who has experience with suppressing PAM messages about sudo from a user? I tried to suppress them with "session [success=1 default=ignore] pam_succeed_if.so quiet uid = 0 ruser = zabbix" in /etc/pam.d/sudo but this causes segmentation fault14:08
catphishi'm attempting to disable dependence on filesystem UUIDs, but i don't seem to be able to stop grub putting them in grub.cfg (specifically in the search line), is there a good solution to this?14:21
catphishi think the only solution is to hack it out of /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib - this feels like a bug14:26
jamespagecoreycb: taking stevedore14:49
coreycbjamespage: ack14:49
coreycbjamespage: taking ironic deps and keystoneauth15:02
jamespagecoreycb: not doing everything via bileto - anything pretty atomic can test out in bionic-proposed15:03
jamespagecoreycb: stevedore uploaded15:03
coreycbjamespage: ok15:03
jamespagecoreycb: ovsdbapp next15:03
powersjcpaelzer: thanks!15:40
jamespagecoreycb: os-traits done16:11
jamespagecoreycb: python-troveclient next16:12
jamespagecoreycb: done; tempest next16:39
coreycbjamespage: ack. done up to ironicclient. keystoneauth/middleware and ldappool next.16:46
jlacroixI'm hoping someone can help me with connecting an external USB hard disk to a KVM/Qemu VM. I've tried installing every package with the word "spice" in the name, on both the host and VM, and I've tried reconnecting, rebooting, etc. For some reason, no matter what I do, the USB drive doesn't show up in the guest VM.16:56
cpaelzerjlacroix: let me try to find you my last description16:58
cpaelzerin some bug around that I should have steps to do so ...16:59
cpaelzerjlacroix: in what Ubuntu release are you?16:59
cpaelzer(btw no spice needed at all)16:59
cpaelzerI fixed the remaining apparmor bits in artful, so if you are on 17.10 or 16.04 + UCA-Pike you are good17:01
cpaelzerotherwise you need to adapt some configs in regard to appamor17:01
cpaelzerthe TL;DR to attach is this:17:01
cpaelzer1. make an xml describing your usb device17:01
cpaelzer2. run virsh attach-device <guestname> <xml-describing-your-device>17:01
cpaelzerBonus: if you need USB2 caps make sure your guest has a usb 2 host controller17:02
cpaelzerlist of usb controllers is at https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsControllers if you need more than the default (which strives for max compatibility)17:03
jamespagecoreycb: tempest done - enabled signature verification of the tarballs using the openstack infra signing key17:04
cpaelzerbugs 1552241 and 1686324 have examples how I did test the fixes17:04
ubottubug 1552241 in libvirt (Ubuntu Zesty) "libvirt-bin apparmor settings for usb host device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155224117:04
ubottubug 1686324 in libvirt (Ubuntu Zesty) "usb hostdev passthrough generates the wrong apparmor rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168632417:04
jamespagecoreycb: python-os-win next17:04
cpaelzerjlacroix: I hope that gets it going for you I'm EOD actually so I should leave17:04
coreycbjamespage: cool will take a look. i think i saw that mentioned in the debian policy upgrade checklist.17:05
boxrickDuring my pre-seed postinstall chroot environment. In /lib/modules it has kernel 4.4.0-96 Yet if it I try and use modprobe it looks for 4.4.0-103. Why this difference?17:05
boxrickAnd is there any way to stop this happening?17:05
jamespagecoreycb: I've been doing wrap-an-sort -bast to make future merging with Debian a bit easier17:05
coreycbjamespage: ok17:07
jamespagecoreycb: os-win done17:10
jamespagecoreycb: python-os-brick next17:10
coreycbjamespage: signing sure is nice17:10
coreycbjamespage: checking signature that is17:11
boxrickAny ideas?17:14
ahasenackboxrick: what's the running kernel?17:23
boxrickI am using a preseed file, then in the d-i preseed/late_command section running a chroot in the /target17:24
boxrickSo it is the machine I have literally just installed17:24
ahasenackwell, modprobe will consider the running kernel17:26
boxrickIsn't it just a busybox environment at that point?17:26
ahasenackand a chroot17:27
ahasenackloading a module there shouldn't be done I think17:27
boxrickI need to do some ZFS hacking, so I need something to have loaded in ZFS17:28
ahasenackbut during installation?17:28
boxrickIt was working in a VM, but moving this to real hardware seems to have broken something. Which makes it feel a bit fragile17:28
boxrickYea, since I want my /var living on ZFS partition17:29
dpb1we are doing work in curtin to enable zfs for root, rharper might have more info here. :)17:29
boxrickI guess I could do something like: d-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-image-4.4.0-96-generic17:32
rharpergenerally you'll need to have zfs.ko loaded in your "install" environment; so that looks like 4.4.0-96; so you'll  want to make sure the linux-image-generic-`uname -r` is installed; that'll make sure you have a zfs.ko that can be loaded;  one loaded the zfsutils-linux  is needed for zpool/zfs commands;  lastly, in target/chroot you want zfsutils-linux17:32
rharperI'm not preseed savvy but maybe someone knows how to do the above requirements in preseed17:33
boxrickThats what I was basically doing, but for some reason it was installing 4.4.0-96 then at last minute updating it to 4.4.0-1xx. Which is quite odd17:34
rharperwell, whatever uname -r says, is what's needed, even if you update the install environment to a newer level,17:35
rharperif you're running a late command, IIUC, and it's in the chroot, then zfs was already loaded and used to create your /var mountpoint ...  so was there an error or was the concern about seeing a different kernel version17:37
boxrickNo, this was a specific error when it was modprobe zfs in the late command, due to kernel inconsistencies.17:38
rharperit's very likely your install media/environment is 4.4.0-96, but the latest kernel 1xxx is being installed since the installer is going to install the latest version of the package for the target17:38
rharperoh, you can't moprobe late17:38
boxrickWell, this is a chroot17:38
boxrickSo its directly in the target17:38
rharperyou have to do it before17:38
rharperit has to match the installer kernel17:38
rharperso, if there's an early command17:38
rharperload zfs early, and then in late command, you can run in-chroot zfs commands as long as the target also has zfsutils-linux installed17:39
boxrickEarly command feels like CentOS. Not sure if thats a thing in pre-seed17:40
boxrickCan certainly check though17:40
rharperyeah, I'm not sure on preseed17:41
rharperlooks like there is a di preseed/early_command17:41
boxrickPlus its some gross busybox environment. You cant really do much17:42
rharperyou only need to modprobe zfs17:42
rharperif you're waiting until your in your target; though honestly, you should be creating your var before you install the OS , otherwise you'll need to migrate all of the data in var onto your zfs var17:43
boxrickThats fine, doing the zfs stuff before install though is a complete nightmare.17:43
boxrickMoving some files from a none running os though is fairly easy17:43
boxrickCreate zfs pool, do mountpoint, move files17:43
rharperif the tools were available, it would save some io17:44
boxrickMaybe with time this will be easier. I will give this early modprobe a go though, cheers for the hint.17:45
boxrickSeems its also getting very confused with disk ordering which is sad17:46
rharperfor zfs or something else?17:46
boxrickOh just in general, this is server oddities.17:47
rharperrecommendation is to use /dev/disk/by-id/ links which are stable, where as the sdX values can change17:47
boxrickIt has an onboard SATA card which should be seen first ( sda ) but instead is sdc17:47
boxrickCan you preseed all that also ?17:47
rharperI dunno; can you specify the target disk ?17:47
rharperlike, partition /dev/FOO and there, you can replace sda with a link but you need to know it (and it makes it less general)17:48
boxrickSadly this is the recipe for countless servers rather than a single one, so it will need to remain sda etc. But thats fine. Will just have to do a specific pre-seed for this group of hardware17:51
boxrickThanks for the help anyway, very much useful info :)17:56
ScottEboxrick: just an FYI to make sure you set the "overlay" ZFS option if you have /var on a discrete filesystem, otherwise it will fail to mount at boot since there is some stuff written to /var early on18:07
boxrickI did find that out earlier the hard way, and ZFS wouldn't mount because of existing files there18:09
ahasenackrbasak: the other day you said you missed update-maintainer in that mysql merge, did you push that?18:48
rbasakahasenack: no I still need to do that.18:48
rbasakNormally I'd rebase and redo the merge commit, but that would screw up your review.18:49
rbasakBut I suppose I should just add a commit at the end and it'll be fine.18:49
ahasenackyeah, just add it on top18:53
jlacroix@cpaelzer sorry I had to step away from my computer and I missed your messages. Ubuntu 16.04 on both the host and the guest19:29
jlacroix@cpaelzer if it matters I'm using virt-manager to attach the USB device so would I still need to do the xml stuff?19:31
ahasenackrbasak: still around?19:36
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