
xubuntu98dokay. i'll give it a shot.00:00
fradi need a video editor to simply crop mkv files. on mkvtoolnix I dont find anything, kdenlive lets me crop, but I have to save onto somthing else (way too complicated for a noob, I jsut want to crop, not resize or reformat), avidemux has not been upgraded since 2 years and openshot lets me also crop, but I have to save to something else06:15
fradhelp welcomed06:15
bazhangfrad, by reformat did you mean re encode07:36
fradif reencoding means transforming a mkv into ogg, yes07:36
bazhangthat would be yes07:36
bazhangI tend to do that with handbrake, although if you want cli only then ffmpeg07:37
fradsudo apt get handbrake?07:38
bazhangsudo apt install07:39
bazhangyou can tab complete the package name, such as handbrake-gtk, or whatever the exact package name is07:40
bazhang!find handbrake07:41
ubottuFound: handbrake, handbrake-cli07:41
bazhangjust handbrake then07:41
fradhave to do something else now, but thanks07:43
bazhangvery nice presets, very easy to get interface07:44
fradbazhang, the mkv has subtitles, if I crop the first 50 seconds, will the subtitles still remain in the right spot?07:58
bazhangfrad, what have you tried so far07:59
fradbazhang, I believe handbrake is not what I need: when I said crop I mean to get rid of the first 50 seconds and the last 3 minutes of a mkv file and I dont see how can I do that with handbrake, there is not even a progress bar to choose the exact moment the image changes08:06
bazhangfrad, I didnt address that, just the final re-encode stage08:15
fradill keep asking then08:16
TeiwsHi there09:10
TeiwsSomebody has already upgrade a BIOS on HP envy 13?09:15
bazhangTeiws, prior to a xubuntu install?09:16
Teiwsyes of course bazhang.09:17
TeiwsFor 1 year I have an issue with the fan speed...09:17
TeiwsI am going crazy with the noise...09:18
TeiwsSo I will try to upgrade my BIOS on my HP Envy Notebook 13-d101nf. problem is the system board ID is 80DF and even if HP tell me the lastest BIOS version is F46.RevA I just have F35 version...09:19
TeiwsCan I share a link? Look this conversation... This is my issue. It's crazy. ( https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Operating-System-and-Recovery/HP-Envy-13-Bios-Update/td-p/5935981 )09:21
xubuntu85dCan I ask17:05
L0kiHello All, quick question, was getting taught about the MV command today to rename files...the example given was one file named 'motorhead' which had a sentence specific to itself. Another file named 'ramones', again containing text specific to it. the teacher then used the MV command from motorhead to Ramones, thus changing the name (to only motorhead) but also over writing the text contained in Ramones to that contained in motorhead, I thought in this case17:29
L0kithe teacher thought I was wrong and that for renaming you would only use MV?17:31
strangehey guys im having a very strange error im running xubuntu 14.04(cant upgrade because my videocard lost support) i can get audio through hdmi but on analog i just cant hear any sound in the volume control it does show the blue bar moving as if sound is being played but just cant hear anything17:57
strangeany suggestions?17:58
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