
wxl@tsimonq2: did you see my comments on the UEFI issue?00:25
tsimonq2wxl: Not yet, this is literally the first time all day I've had access to a computer...01:23
wxlHURRY UP01:28
tsimonq2wxl: yeah I don't have the brainpower to muster up a decent enough response tonight, will get to it tomorrow01:40
wxlta :)01:40
tsimonq2(Since when have you been one to say "ta"? :P)01:40
RedWolf[m]Eastender's influence o__o01:53
tsimonq2RedWolf[m]: Wolf!!!01:54
RedWolf[m]Stupid question: does Phab have any connection / bot for Matrix?01:57
wxl[m]Don't know. Maybe make a task to research? There is a Slack like app02:08
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Aye02:08
wxl[m]Get me the info and I'll try the implementation02:13
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I shall02:13
RedWolf[m]Android emoticons are ugly02:14
wxl[m]Even the new no blob ones?02:16
RedWolf[m]I still don't have those02:25
wxl[m]Me either02:57
wxl[m]I think I might switch to a Pixel 😨02:57
lubot<VikingRedwolf> weird, this is all I get when I virtualise Bionic13:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> (Photo, 800x600) https://i.imgur.com/iOqaoX2.jpg13:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> that "dotted lines" are my mouse pointer13:28
wxl[m]What VM?14:03
lubot<VikingRedwolf> virtualbox14:03
lubot<VikingRedwolf> tried with 3D acceleration, without it, with 2D, increasing memory... Ubuntu works, Lubuntu doesn't14:03
lubot<VikingRedwolf> using daily (yesterday's) build14:03
wxl[m]This is in live or installed?14:05
lubot<VikingRedwolf> live14:29
lubot<VikingRedwolf> can't install if I can 't see!14:30
agaidawhaa - some ubuntu users are _really_ cool: https://github.com/pvanek/qlipper/issues/7816:23
ubot93Issue 78 in pvanek/qlipper "Missing translations in systray menu (qlipper 5.1.1)" [Open]16:23
wxlis the method to translate documented at all?16:24
agaidats files16:25
wxli didn't ask that16:25
agaidayou did16:25
wxli didn't say "how" anywhere in my sentence16:25
agaidaso bad luck - i guess it isn't and it wouldn't in the next few years16:26
wxlso you'll probably continue to get such requests.. until it is16:26
agaidai'm happy that it isn't a bug in debian with severity serious or grave to be true16:27
RedWolf[m]wxl, there's no bridge / bot / plugin for Phabricator on Matrix (yet), only Slack has so many connections21:17
wxlRedWolf[m]: boo :(22:32
RedWolf[m]I know :(22:34

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