
=== notdaniel is now known as notdaniel_
cpaelzerjlacroix: virt-manager will do the xml stuff, but on 16.04 you will need the apparmor changes mentioned in the bug08:56
cpaelzeryou can manually edit them into the /etc/apparmor/... files as listed in the bgus08:56
=== dkh is now known as notdaniel
cpaelzerjlacroix: if you use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/CloudArchive#Pike on xenial you'd already have the fixes for apparmor09:04
cpaelzerdepends on you if you want to update to that or change the files09:04
Neo1hi I installed ubuntu server on VPS using ISO and can't reach in using putty09:08
Neo1there ssh server is installed, I can reach site using VNC console09:08
Neo1when I was installing I was asked set up network because DHCP couldn't setup automatically and I skipped this step09:10
Neo1network is unreachable09:10
Neo1I did it in VNC console ssh neo@my_id and I get error: network is unreachable, who know how to set up network and is it reason why my putty can't connect?09:11
Neo1I compare VPS on digitalocean with this unworked and on digitalocean network is setup and works09:12
Neo1ping works09:12
Neo1in not digitalocean doesn't work09:12
Neo1guys  what shall I do?09:23
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
gun1xstokachu: i tried rancher out, looks like a cool app14:33
gun1xstokachu: how will ubuntu integrate rancher? cause atm rancher just runs as docker image14:33
gun1xi mean i am confused to how this will mix with juju14:33

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