
=== layke is now known as Guest90765
penguin42dunking jaffa cakes in hot chocolate works pretty well17:49
zmoylan-pigiving the pancreas a quick workout pre christmas day...17:51
zmoylan-pitracksuit bottoms out now for elastic waist band stretching?17:56
penguin42zmoylan-pi: I've got plenty of space; my diet is tuned to allow me to eat more chocolate17:57
zmoylan-pias soon as the geneticists make a chocolate turkey you're golden... :-)17:59
penguin42you can have the turkey, I'll stick with the chocolate reindeer17:59
diddledanI want the chocolate balls!21:50
zmoylan-pichocolate salty balls?21:54
zmoylan-piwow, 20years old next year... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnNYXgV7L-c22:01
diddledanwhat?! 20????!22:01
daftykinsmmm i still remember watching it on Channel 4 in the early days ~1996/9722:02
diddledanyup me tooh22:02
diddledanand buying the movie22:02
zmoylan-pipffft, i remember watching carol vorderman on day 1... newb... :-P22:02
daftykinsi've been up in my eaves cupboard this evening, popping in yet more insulation22:03
diddledanit's not bubblewrap22:04
daftykinstough work crawling along to squeeze in there22:04
zmoylan-pioops.... https://www.geekwire.com/2017/reported-google-update-glitch-disconnects-student-chromebooks-schools-across-u-s/22:25
daftykinsheh yeah i linked that then a guy in another channel from Sweden had it at his workplace the next day22:31

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