
=== ejat is now known as myfenris
=== myfenris is now known as ejat
plongshot Is there a way to restart an ubuntu instance via ssh without actually shutting it down?  Like the way we can restarta a service (eg: sudo service apache2 restart)  but for restarting the os?06:46
plongshotIt's an aws 16.04 ubuntu server via ssh on my local machine. I can't shut it down and restart without incurring a cost (they hit me for an hour over a single06:47
plongshotover a sinble restart06:47
lotuspsychjeplongshot: perhaps also mention why you need the restart, something lacks?06:51
=== altmasteroman is now known as masteroman
alkisgplongshot: there's kexec, which, if configured properly, loads a new kernel etc, which is similar to restart08:39
plongshotalkisg: Thank you I'll try that. Unfortunately, got super late and I didn't realize it - gotta run. ty though I'll remember that08:45
lotuspsychje!cookie | alkisg08:54
ubottualkisg: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:54
alkisgHehe, I hope it's sugar-free for my diet :D09:01
Exterminadorhello all. I'm having a few difficulties to find a proper answer (or maybe I'm too dumb to understand the ones I've read) in Google. I have a VPS running Ubuntu 16.04.3 and I have a IPv6 /64 block just for me. the problem is that I only have the 1st IP of the block assigned to the machine. I'd like to know if there's any way for the machine auto detect the whole subnet (I'm providing a few services such as ZNC and I want09:24
Exterminadorto attribute a static IPv6 address to each user) so I don't need to add manually each an every IP on /etc/network/interfaces. thanks in advance09:24

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