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Unit193seb128: In regards to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bittornado/+bug/1735346, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1735346 in bittornado (Ubuntu) "bittornado: Python3 port needed, or demotion to universe" [Undecided,New]08:47
seb128hey Unit19308:52
seb128Unit193, I'm unsure what's your point there?08:53
Unit193seb128: Mainly that bittornado is part of Ubuntu "infra", hence why it might be in main.  Best guess at least.08:55
seb128Unit193, that might be an useful comment for the bug then, from my perspective it doesn't need to be on the iso, I don't know about IS use of it and what that means in support though08:56
Nafallopretty sure they use it.08:56
Unit193I know they do, page says as much.08:57
seb128the number of downloads/use is really low though, maybe they can close it :p08:57
Unit193I never used the Py3 version of the tracker, by then I'd switched to opentracker (with udp support!), but I don't know if it does exactly what they want.08:57
Unit193seb128: Not sure how much those numbers could be trusted, but having that tracker in there looks better than one that keeps changing and is used in all the latest pirated software. ;)08:58
Unit193Anyway, FYI and all.08:58
seb128Unit193, thanks, that's an useful info, can you comment on the bug about that?08:59
Unit193If I must.08:59
Unit193(I wasn't sure that was warranted.)09:00
seb128Unit193, as you want, it might just help doko or others who care more than me about demoting python209:03
Unit193(I still have py2 only stuff, thus have a vested interest in keeping it around. :P )09:12
Unit193(I posted a comment to the bug report.)09:19
dokoUnit193: universe should be good enough for keeping it around10:21
dokomwhudson: do you want a promotion for golang-1.9?10:21
dokoI assume same bug scubscribers as golang-1.810:22
Unit193I presume you are not addressing the Ubuntu torrent tracker with that statement, and in that case yes universe is (more or less) decent.10:22
dokoUnit193: but why not updating to the Python3 port?  exchanging a non-maintained package with a slightly maintained package sounds better10:26
Unit193doko: Regarding bittornado specifically?  Yes I do use the py3 port, it's other stuff like Deluge and mini-dinstall which sadly aren't ready, or even started.10:26
cjwatsonI tried porting launchpad-buildd to Python 3 over the weekend.  It isn't quite workable on xenial (at least without some not entirely trivial backports), sadly.10:28
Unit193Oh gah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools/+bug/1099537 too.10:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1099537 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-dev-scripts should be ported to Python 3" [Medium,In progress]10:28
cjwatsonIt's close, but twistd can't daemonise on Python 3 with twisted <
dokois it worth thinking of a twisted backport, or update to 16.4 in xenial?10:29
Unit193I suppose 'Convert Launchpad build system to pip' is still in progress.10:29
dokoor wait for bionic?10:29
dokoUnit193: I think the "in progress" might be out of date ;)10:30
cjwatsonIn what sense is it out of date?10:30
Unit193doko: I quite agree.10:30
cjwatsondoko: Yes, a backport might be an option10:30
Unit193cjwatson: ubuntu-dev-tools port.10:30
cjwatsonOh, right, there were multiple referents for "in progress".10:31
cjwatson(Note that launchpad-buildd's use of Twisted is mostly independent from Launchpad's, and upgrading versions happens in entirely different ways.)10:31
Unit193Speaking of, oh meh: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/644 is still stalled.10:32
cjwatson(Though not entirely; at least the bits of launchpad-buildd that are run from the LP test suite need to work with the version in the LP tree.)10:32
Unit193That sounds fun to maintain..10:32
cjwatsonUnit193: Also I think we might need to fix https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8831 in order to be able to upgrade further than Twisted
cjwatsonUnit193: Since https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8079 will probably make ssh logins to codehosting and upload queues painfully slow otherwise.10:34
cjwatsonUnit193: I have a branch that mostly upgrades Launchpad itself to Twisted 16.5.0 now though; still some test failures to shake out but it's looking close.10:35
Unit193cjwatson: Well that's great then!  The specific support I'm looking for isn't there yet, but in the meantime (apart from the chance of a slowdown), I'm sure that's good in and of itself, and makes future upgrades more possible, I'd wager.10:36
cjwatsonIndeed, I think we're close to being past the hideous upgrade hump.10:37
cjwatsonIt's still all a bit "select exactly the right set of versions that works", but ...10:38
cjwatsonSince versions before 16.5.0 fail to install into LP's pip tree due to some setup.py oddities10:39
Unit193Ah, that's the catch then.  OK.10:40
cjwatsonWell, I guess versions somewhere between 13.0.0 and 15.5.0.  Not exactly sure when it broke, but 16.5.0 fixed it.10:41
xnoxlearned a new word today "facile"11:27
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cyphermoxwas it easy to learn?15:35
cyphermox(sorry, I couldn't help it)15:36
xnoxcyphermox, i forgot it already =)15:36
xnoxcyphermox, but Colin's email was interesting to read. I doubt i know how to pronounce "facile" correct or if I will ever use it myself, or remember what it means next time I encounter it (if ever)15:37
cjwatsonwell to be fair it has several somewhat contradictory senses.  I meant sense 4 on wiktionary15:45
xnoxgoogling for "define facile" gave me the "ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial." definition, not sure which dictionaries/sources that uses.15:50
cjwatsonxnox: close enough16:19
cjwatson(sometime in the last few years wiktionary got to the point where I'm happy to trust it as the dictionary of first resort, though.)16:20
rharperis there a way to resolve virtual-packages from apt?  for example, linux-image-virtual, points to a specific package ?16:36
xnoxrharper, but linux-image-virtual is not a virtual package, but a real one.16:38
xnoxrharper, you can use dctrl-grep to inspect provides of the packages file?16:38
rharperoh, huh16:40
rharperI guess looking for the uname release string associated with the current version in the archive16:41
rharperlike 4.4.0-103-generic16:41
* rharper tries dctrl-grep16:42
cjwatson(it's spelled grep-dctrl)16:42
mwhudsondoko: yes pls20:26
mwhudsondoko: golang-1.9-race-detector-runtime too20:26
dokomwhudson: done20:32
mwhudsondoko: ta20:36
mwhudsonnext step is demoting golang-1.8 i guess20:37
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dokoonce golang-1.9 moves to the release pocket20:38
mwhudson(well immediate next step is waiting for britney)20:38
mwhudsonrharper: some days i want to get business cards printed with "advanced grep-dctrl operator" on them20:50
rharpermwhudson: lol20:52
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jbichaRAOF: ping22:07
RAOFjbicha: Yo!22:08
RAOFYou might be wondering when I'll get to colord-gtk?22:08
jbichayes, I didn't know if you were around or not :)22:09
RAOFYup, I'm around.22:09
RAOFI'll stop poking around the Mir build system to get ninja working and do my colord gardening now instead :)22:10
jbichaooh, meson is nice once someone does the work to get it working22:10
jbichaI like how it helps make SRU diffs easier to read by getting rid of the autotools noise22:12
RAOFIt's still a bit annoying to set up.22:13
RAOFParticularly - colord does a two-stage indep/arch-dep build, which is not well supported in debhelper at the moment.22:13
RAOFBecause meson differentiates between “initial configuration” and “change configuration”.22:14
juliankjbicha: I always very carefully rebuilt apt stable updates with the same autotools version (well, in the target release) when they used autotools. glad I don't have to. not using meson yet, though, only cmake.22:16
juliankOur build system was also directory order dependent, so if the directory entries were in a different order, the .po files were completely noisy.22:17
jbichaRAOF: yeah, a lot of complicated GNOME modules haven't been ported yet https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/GnomeGoals/MesonPorting22:17
juliankI expect apt to switch to meson within the next 2 years too22:18
juliankwell, I hope.22:18
juliankCMake is ugly.22:19
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* RAOF wonders whether meson will be ugly when it's mature enough to support all of the complicated GNOME modules…22:30
juliankRAOF: It will become the worst build system in existence eventually22:31
juliankI don't like it using python.22:32
juliankAdds more bootstrapping steps22:32
mwhudsonthere is some competition there22:32
juliankIt's IMO better than autosetup, where everything is written in Tcl.22:33
juliankneomutt uses that22:33
juliankas does fossil, and jimtcl22:33
mwhudsone.g. scons22:33
juliankscons must be terrible22:34
juliankI remember some projects using it, but I have not seen any recently22:34
mwhudsoni haven't used meson or autosetup or even cmake much22:34
mwhudsonbut scons is pretty bad22:34
juliankOh, BTW: autosetup is just an autoconf replacement, it has no equivalent to libtool and automake22:35
juliankCMake really sucks because (1) the syntax is crap and (2) you have all these Find<something>.cmake files22:35
juliankDon't use pkg-config, write your own find code ...22:36
juliankI don't understand at all why meson used if ... endif and not blocks like python. such a great chance to have readable code22:38
juliankor a ? b : c instead of b if a else c22:39
juliankThat said, this is probably a terrible CMake script: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/apt/apt.git/tree/CMake/Documentation.cmake22:40
juliankIt's APT's docbook / po4a support.22:41
juliankIt's terrible.22:41
juliankgettext integration is not much better.22:42
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