
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:18
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje05:42
EriC^^how's it going?05:42
lotuspsychjegreat here EriC^^ and you?05:43
lotuspsychjedid you see ronin?05:43
EriC^^just woke up05:43
EriC^^nope not yet05:44
EriC^^man i want some coffee05:44
EriC^^too lazy though05:44
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: what are your plans today05:44
EriC^^i woke up and my back is like fucked05:44
EriC^^dunno y i think cuz of te cold05:44
lotuspsychjeyeah i wake this way sometimes also05:45
lotuspsychjei had an ache in my leg few weeks ago wtf..05:45
EriC^^today some chores05:45
EriC^^pay phone bill get guy to fix washing machine etc05:45
EriC^^movie at night hopefully05:45
EriC^^yeah the cramp in the leg is the worst05:46
lotuspsychjenormally goes away fast, but that cramp was like hours omg05:47
lotuspsychjenow i sleep in PJ's lol05:47
lotuspsychjedont wanna get that anymore05:48
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you got rid of the zip?05:48
lotuspsychjehumans get weird stuff huh?05:48
EriC^^yeah it went away by itself05:48
EriC^^yup it was pretty weird05:48
lotuspsychjei never asked for it lol05:49
EriC^^what are you getting your gf for xmas?05:49
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ah we dont buy gifts for each other beside birthdays05:50
EriC^^im thinking i wanna get my grandma something nice dunno what though, she likes painting maybe a painting kit, but she needs a washing machine, too bad i cant afford that though xD05:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: but when we see things we like, we just say it and buy togheter05:50
EriC^^oh ok, cool05:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: second hand shops nearby?05:51
EriC^^we've been talking about this washing/dryer combo05:52
EriC^^it's like $800 though so no way05:52
EriC^^man i wish sometimes i took some money and bought some bitcoin with it05:52
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: how about local exchange trading system in lebanon?05:53
lotuspsychjeyou guys have it there?05:53
EriC^^$200 when it was $1 would have given $3million05:53
EriC^^ill check it out05:53
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: wich continent is lebanon?05:55
EriC^^middle east05:56
lotuspsychjehmm wiki says only africa,asia,europe,america05:56
EriC^^middle east is asia, my bad06:00
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: http://www.lets-linkup.com/06:00
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: cant find lebanon06:03
EriC^^seems nice06:03
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: it is, you can swap stuff and services with each other on a virtual coin06:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: here in belgium we start with 2500 coins and we can go minus 250006:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: perhaps be the first to start a group in lebanon?06:07
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: there are some nice forks of the elas system06:07
lotuspsychjewb EriC^^06:53
lotuspsychjeill be on breakfast :p06:56
lordievaderGood morning07:13
EriC^^morning lordievader o/07:44
lordievaderHey EriC^^07:44
lotuspsychjebbl work guys, have a nice107:46
EriC^^you too07:46
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=== davidcalle is now known as davidcalle_bluef
lotuspsychjework phoned for day off10:01
lotuspsychjeirc & snow today :p:p10:02
EriC^^wb lotuspsychje10:14
lotuspsychjetnx EriC^^10:16
lotuspsychje!info unattended-updates10:35
ubot5Package unattended-updates does not exist in artful10:35
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj11:28
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: good or bad news for you? found this earlier: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kubuntu-18-04-lts-could-switch-to-breeze-dark-plasma-theme-by-default-test-now-518910.shtml11:29
BluesKajHi folks11:29
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje . yeah I saw that yesterday11:30
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: you testing bionic in this stage?11:31
lotuspsychjei think ill await alpha11:31
BluesKajyes I'm on Bionic atm, but I use the oxygen theme, breeze doen't appeal ro me11:33
lotuspsychjecool, any nic e changes at daily?11:34
BluesKajdunno , I haven't checked11:35
BluesKajupdated and upgraded lots of packages, but I haven't really noticed any changes11:36
lotuspsychjei always try to keep daily vanilla (exept for my fav packages)11:38
lotuspsychjeto see where its going11:38
BluesKajrunning plasmashell 5.11.4 and all sems fine, added the plasma and framewworks staging ppas, but as soon as the packages are upgraded or installed I remove the ppas11:39
lotuspsychjeah i see11:39
BluesKaj to prevent  breakage11:39
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: anything you look forward to final?11:40
BluesKajmy pet peeve is the audio suite , they need an integrated audio platform...maybe pipewire is it, but there's along way to go, and wayland is still no tready for nvidia gpus11:42
BluesKajpipewire is actually an A/V mulitimrdia app11:44
lotuspsychjei see11:44
lotuspsychjewell good thing they still got xorg for backup..11:44
lotuspsychjei hope they dont make same mistake as ubuntu touch...11:45
lotuspsychjelaunching something not ready11:45
lotuspsychje!info fonts-noto bionic11:51
ubot5fonts-noto (source: fonts-noto): metapackage to pull in all Noto fonts. In component universe, is optional. Version 20171026-2 (bionic), package size 4 kB, installed size 27 kB11:51
lotuspsychjehey pauljw12:36
pauljwhey lotuspsychje :)  how's it going?12:36
lotuspsychjegreat here, day off due to snow12:37
pauljwhi everyone12:37
pauljwcool, we haven't had any significant snowfall yet this season, a dusting over the weekend was our first. :(12:40
BluesKajhey pauljw...cold here this morning -21C/-6F12:42
BluesKajalready have about 15cm/6" snow12:43
pauljwhi BluesKaj, ouch that's cold, we're at 28F now.  that's a perfect amount of snow to me, i can still shovel it and it's fun to take the truck out to play in. :)12:44
BluesKajsupposeto get another 412:44
BluesKajinches tonight12:45
BluesKajlooks like a real winter ahead12:45
pauljwnice, we haven't had one in a couple of years and it looks like it's going to be another mild one this year.  of course that is subject to change.12:47
BluesKajI'm just concerned about the weather around Christmas, with family driving home and to in laws etc12:47
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: far from home?12:48
pauljwyeah, it does make for hazardous driving...12:48
BluesKaja Daughter in Toronto 400 km drive from here, son in Windsor/Detroit area, 750km away etc12:51
lotuspsychjethat aint good in snow12:52
pauljwas long as you don't get fresh major snowfall on their travel days the road crews will most likely have the roads cleared.  i've done a lot of winter traveling and never had a problem, good tires and caution will win the day.12:57
BluesKajit's the freezing rain that concerns me most of all, ice on the roads, snow clearing and salt takes care of the snow12:57
lotuspsychjebbl dinner13:01
lotuspsychjewelcome joneboyd14:21
lotuspsychje!info puppet-agent14:25
ubot5Package puppet-agent does not exist in artful14:25
lotuspsychjeanyone knows what this puppet does?14:26
lotuspsychjefrom that rockwood guy's logs: https://hastebin.com/acabuboceg.pl14:27
lotuspsychjehey TJ-15:22
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Puppet is a confi management tool. With Puppet 4 lots of things have been renamed. This is why the puppet-agent package no longer exists.15:24
lotuspsychjelordievader: could it make wifi disconnect somehow?15:24
lordievaderYes. Depends on what Puppet is issued to do.15:25
lotuspsychjei see15:25
immuhi all *.*17:14
EriC^^hey immu17:27
immuhey eric17:28
immuwhats up17:28
EriC^^not much you?17:29
immunothing much here also17:29
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