
mate|22788Hi quick question - Does anyone know how good windowed 3D performance in mate on 17.10 and 18.04 is compared to kwin which seems to be the fastest WM01:04
basilarchiawhat kind of performance issues? It seems to be working excellently for me01:11
basilarchiatry something like tuxracer to see if 3D is working correctly01:11
ali1234it depends a lot on which video card/driver you use01:13
ali1234in my experience kwin is terrible with nvidia and just about anything else works better01:13
mate|22788kde is super fast but the bugs are a pain, if mate's perf is better and does not mess up qt apps ill switch, long ago mate was kinda messy with it but if it's fine now...01:27
ali1234qt apps run better under gtk apps than gtk apps do under kde01:30
ali1234qt apps run better under gtk desktops than gtk apps do under kde*01:30
mate|22788is it possible to make ZFS my home partition? I know it's possible with XFS and btrfs01:33
=== justdave_ is now known as PlainDave
mate26ciao ragazzi qualcuno parla italiano, ho bisogno di una mano a installare aceplayer mi potreste aiutare?07:15
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:17
mate26thanks you07:18
TaZeRi just saw Martin Wimpress posted here: https://flexion.org/posts/2013-01-microsoft-office-on-arch-linux-and-ubuntu/09:41
TaZeRis this the same as our Martin?09:42
alkisgYes that's his blog09:56
TaZeRcool i am following the guide to install office 201009:57
alkisgAFAIK the latest wine support office 2016 out of the box, doesn't it?09:58
TaZeRtheres a regression bug with the latest: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4403609:59
ubottubugs.winehq.org bug 44036 in msi "Multiple installers fail after 86bc556f9fd4a964cbaa66bc1fd67e4603ecd450 (affects MS Office 2010, Notation Composer 3)" [Major,New]09:59
TaZeRim having to install an older version right now, i havnt got it working yet10:00
alkisgThat's 2010, what I heard was about 201610:00
TaZeRhmm im not sure, ill have to look into it10:00
alkisgThe main problem is getting office installed for all users, instead of per-user10:03
alkisgHaving to install it e.g. 1000 times gets tiresome soon :)10:04
TaZeRnot a big deal for me, i hope ican get it working this woudl be very nice10:04
TaZeRi hope crossover isnt that paid one10:04
alkisgYes it is, it's how many wine devs get to actually make money and continue its development10:05
alkisgSo the changes end up in wine eventually10:05
TaZeRis it possible to run it without the crossover?10:07
TaZeRno way im paying for it10:08
alkisgYou don't pay for ms office? How?!10:08
TaZeRfor the crossover program i mean10:08
alkisgAh, you only pay for proprietary programs, not open source ones, got it :D10:09
alkisgMS wins again :D10:09
alkisgOK seriously, wine should run it too, but a very new version of it10:09
alkisgOlder wine versions => older office versions10:09
Kital_DangerousHey I'm having issues with getting nvidia drivers to work on an HP Zbook G3 with Ubuntu Mate does anyone have any solutions I could try.16:10
diogenes_how you installed?16:11
Kital_Dangerouswell i've tried downloading from nvidia's website ive tried apt install nvidia-current ive done the additional drivers from the menus in mate16:12
diogenes_and what result did you get/.16:13
Kital_Dangerousand ive done all from a fresh mate install16:13
Kital_Dangerousim having issues with open gl16:13
diogenes_did it actually install or not?16:14
Kital_Dangerouskind of...16:14
Kital_Dangerousi get the nvidia x server settings application but there are no options inside16:14
diogenes_Kital_Dangerous, run: lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3 | nc termbin.com 999916:18
diogenes_share the link here16:18
diogenes_Kital_Dangerous, it means that you've got optimus nvidia16:20
Kital_Dangerousyeah ive tried turning hybrid graphics off in the bios to force it to use the Nvidia card but still had issues16:22
diogenes_Kital_Dangerous, run: glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer" | nc termbin.com 999916:24
diogenes_link here16:24
Kital_Dangerousso it looks like its using the intigrated right now which is probably because i turned hybrid graphics back on in the bios to see if that would solve the issue yesterday16:26
diogenes_yeah, from what I see,  you can use your nvidia only with bumblebee16:27
Kital_Dangerousok ill try grabbing bumblebee realy quick then16:27
diogenes_but it needs a lot of configuration and tweaking around16:27
Kital_Dangerousyeah thats ok16:27
Kital_Dangerousill be poking around in it for awhile im sure16:28
Kital_Dangerousthanks diogenes16:30
Kital_Dangerousdiogenes_ any reason to use bumblebee over nvidia-prime that you know of16:41
Kital_Dangerousother than it seems like prime is not so much on the fly as bumblebee16:42
diogenes_Kital_Dangerous, power saving, better rendering of simple graphic tasks, many features that are available only with integrated intel graphic16:42
diogenes_that's also the logic behind optimus technology16:43
Kital_Dangerousthats fair lol16:43
diogenes_Kital_Dangerous, using prime, you don't get any advantages from optimus, just money in vain16:44
Kital_Dangerousok ill be back later16:47
alfialf_hallo bin neu hier ist jemand da18:56
alfialf__ich brauche hilfe ist jemand hier18:59
qwererfrrthytyU-Mate Pi2 16.04/17.10 PC ->router->Nas Openmediavault https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5srkofbw1j4jtq/NAS.zip?dl=0 Who knows what to do to be able to read NFS from a NAS connected to the U-Mate. Using OPV-SSH access have.19:37
qwererfrrthytyFor many years there have been i see this in Linux (Ubuntu's versions) with version 15 and 17 or problems only with Openmediavault (Debian). I using only Openmediavault NAS?19:49
qwererfrrthyty15 - 1719:49
qwererfrrthytywindows ok19:50
qwererfrrthytyFor many years there have been i see this in Linux (Ubuntu's versions) with version 15 and 17 or problems only with Openmediavault (Debian)? I using only Openmediavault NAS.19:53
=== justdave_ is now known as PlainDave
PlainDaveI'm wondering if there's anything I can do about this problem - Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 locks up every day or two. I try Ctrl+Alt+Del, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, and Ctrl+Alt+Esc, but nothing works to reboot it. I have to hold down my power button for 5 secs to reboot. Any help would be appreciated.23:04
PlainDaveOh, I have 4GB RAM and Core i3 cpu.23:05
qwererfrrthytyComputer freezes? And you have to do a reset?23:14
PlainDaveqwererfrrthyty, yeah23:16
qwererfrrthytyAMD APU 4gb RAM real PC and virtual machine 2gb U-mate 17.10. I have it and i think this when no free memory and pc freezes, but i not sure on 100%. I see this on real PC and Virtual Machine. Look this video. https://www.dropbox.com/s/clhe4v15m8pq2f9/Untitled%202017-12-02%2005-51-29_Xv23:26
Nathanhave you tested it out on any other distro?23:28
Nathanor does this only happen on ubuntu mate?23:28
qwererfrrthytyI wrote about it here + video file23:28
qwererfrrthytyvideo because en is not my language to translate is inconvenient23:29
qwererfrrthytyhave you tested it out on any other distro? I or <PlainDave>23:30
basilarchiaPlainDave, do you get video corruption or funny looking text at all when you boot? Do you have AMD video?23:31
basilarchiaI had a box locking up a similar way and upgraded the video and it has been more stable for the last week. (that could just be coincidence of course)23:31
qwererfrrthytyI see this on Virtual machine host Windows Guest Lubuntu 17.10 once or 223:32
NathanI've got an old dell running ubuntu mate that hasn't been shutdown for weeks now23:32
basilarchiawoops, I meant to say I upgraded the kernel, not the video.23:33
qwererfrrthytyi know on 100% on vm guest when freezes vm used 100% HDD and big read until I close (turn off the virtual machine). I'm not sure but it looks that way and on a real PC c U. M. Since I hear this moment of intense sound of the HDD.23:41
qwererfrrthytyi know on 100% on vm guest when freezes, vm use 100% HDD and big read until I close (turn off the virtual machine). I'm not sure but it looks that way and on a real PC c U. M. Since I hear this moment of intense sound of the HDD.23:43
qwererfrrthytyi use zram23:45
qwererfrrthytyEverywhere zram23:45
qwererfrrthytymost of the memory is used the browser23:52
qwererfrrthytyif the video quality is bad in the dropbox player download the file and view on PC,video quality is good.23:56
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