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stephen101 | Hey guys I live booted on 17 Ubuntu and no issues. | 00:09 |
stephen101 | Both cores show working in system monitor. | 00:10 |
stephen101 | Even my WiFi working haha | 00:11 |
stephen101 | Wtf is the difference between 16 and 17? | 00:11 |
bazhang | Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) release notes can be found here: https://ubottu.com/y/Artful stephen101 , and please no cursing here | 00:15 |
stephen101 | Thanks. But why would I have processor issues with 16 v. 17? | 00:15 |
stephen101 | Power, WiFi and CPU issues. | 00:16 |
bazhang | stephen101, you'd need to specify more clearly | 00:16 |
stephen101 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/26158204/ | 00:17 |
stephen101 | Biggest out of those issues it was saying "Processor context corrupt" | 00:18 |
stephen101 | I guess I am going to do a fresh format and install 17. | 00:19 |
stephen101 | Though will have to get used to the new interface. | 00:19 |
Ben64 | 16.04 is supported until 2021, i recommend that | 00:19 |
stephen101 | But its not working with my PC correctly. I can't use WiFi, CPU has core issues, and there is random power issues saying my laptop has critical low battery though its plugged in. | 00:21 |
stephen101 | I tried every solution provided earlier nothing made a change. | 00:21 |
Ben64 | use the hwe to bring 16.04 to 17.10's kernel | 00:21 |
Ben64 | still gets you supported until 2021, and has the newer kernel and stuff | 00:21 |
stephen101 | So you saying 17 is like beta? | 00:22 |
bazhang | stephen101, there are two 17's | 00:22 |
bazhang | neither are beta | 00:22 |
Ben64 | well there is no "17" there is 17.04 and 17.10. both releases are not LTS versions. LTS versions are supported for 5 years. Non-LTS versions are supported for 9 months | 00:23 |
bazhang | 17.10 is the currently latest release stephen101 | 00:23 |
Ben64 | 17.04 loses support next month, 17.10 loses support in July | 00:23 |
stephen101 | Ya the version I grabbed is 17.10 | 00:25 |
stephen101 | I mean worst case I can just revert is 6 months. | 00:26 |
bazhang | stephen101, there are no downgrades | 00:27 |
bazhang | stephen101, the next LTS is 18.04 , in april of next year | 00:28 |
stephen101 | I can just upgrade then :-) | 00:28 |
bazhang | stephen101, yes, thats right | 00:28 |
stephen101 | In the mean time I am not rocking a system that is unstable. Lol | 00:29 |
stephen101 | I spent hours trying to stabilize it. Nadda. | 00:30 |
stephen101 | 17.10 here we come XD | 00:30 |
stephen101 | I still wonder what they did different on the kernel, they need to apply it to 16 lol | 00:32 |
Ben64 | like i said, 17.10's kernel is already available in 16.04 | 00:33 |
stephen101 | Its not harm though. It was a fresh install | 00:33 |
Ben64 | not sure what that means | 00:34 |
stephen101 | Meaning I just got the PC. I installed Ubuntu dual with windows 10. | 00:34 |
Ben64 | ok? | 00:34 |
stephen101 | Problem for me is, I expect a os to generally be fully functional out the box, 16 was not least for this laptop. | 00:35 |
stephen101 | I have it running on my other laptop without any issues. | 00:36 |
Ben64 | Well windows isn't fully functional out of the box. And it's still not "16" it's 16.04. And you could have installed the HWE kernel in 16.04 | 00:37 |
stephen101 | But I have never spent a day on and off researching how to get it to work properly on a windows install lol. | 00:38 |
stephen101 | Or other Ubuntu installs... | 00:38 |
Ben64 | pretty easy though, just install newer kernel | 00:38 |
Ben64 | doesn't require a day of research | 00:39 |
stephen101 | Ya but nobody earlier even suggested that lol. We went though command after command and paste bin after paste bin lol | 00:39 |
stephen101 | Not that I didn't appreciate the help but nothing worked. | 00:40 |
stephen101 | And they were convinced it was hw related not software. | 00:40 |
stephen101 | Apparently I am not alone. | 00:47 |
stephen101 | https://communities.intel.com/thread/115968 | 00:47 |
stephen101 | Fedora gave me same errors as Ubuntu 16. And this guy has same processor but Fedora. | 00:48 |
realies | how do you change the boot options menu to stay for 1 second instead of 15ish? | 01:00 |
Ben64 | realies: change 'GRUB_TIMEOUT' in /etc/default/grub | 01:02 |
realies | Ben64, thanks | 01:02 |
realies | also, im getting amdgpu_init to crash... | 01:03 |
realies | is it possible to boot without that driver? | 01:03 |
* realies managed to boot in recovery mode | 01:03 | |
realies | Ben64, it seems its' read only in that mode | 01:04 |
Ben64 | mount -o remount,rw /dev/null / | 01:05 |
realies | do i have to "reload" grub settings after editing the timeout? | 01:07 |
krytarik | realies: Yes, "sudo update-grub" | 01:14 |
realies | cool | 01:16 |
realies | modified the network settings via the gui | 01:16 |
realies | and it seems they are not stored in etc/network/interfaces | 01:16 |
realies | any clues where do i find them? | 01:16 |
realies | nmtui :) | 01:20 |
realies | Ben64, still takes 25 seconds in the grub menu | 01:23 |
Bashing-om | realies: Waiting on networking (??) . what does ' systemd-analyze blame ' relate in the boot process ? | 01:26 |
realies | what? | 01:26 |
Bashing-om | realies: run terminal command ' systemd-analyze blame ' to see the times in the boot process . | 01:27 |
realies | 7.542s NetworkManager-wait-online.service | 01:28 |
realies | im talking about the grub boot menu | 01:28 |
Barones | running packettracer on bash returns nothing, but running /opt/pt/bin/PacketTracer7 starts cisco packet tracer normally | 01:35 |
Barones | what could be? | 01:35 |
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snkcld | on ubuntu 17.10, where are the wayland logs? | 02:13 |
Kazooie | Hi. I've been handed a laptop this evening with Ubuntu 14.04 installed on it. I'm trying to upgrade it to Ubuntu 17.10 but none of the servers can be found when running `apt update`. Any ideas on how to force an update to artful? | 02:13 |
nicomachus | Kazooie: if you're going that far, probably best to just backup the /home folder and do a fresh install of 17.10 | 02:16 |
Bashing-om | Kazooie: Proprietary drivers reverted .' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo do-release-upgrade '.\ | 02:16 |
stephen102 | Could always install from USB. Gives option to save data. | 02:19 |
mentalita | hey I have some custom actions in caja (thunar is my default) and it asks me for sudo pass when I want to perform the action, but in the terminal (if I didn't run caja through terminal nothing is displayed)...how can I overcome the issue? | 02:21 |
jrabbit | snkcld: are they not in /var/log ? | 02:30 |
jrabbit | snkcld: maybe uhhh ~/.local/log | 02:30 |
SemiNus | hi | 02:38 |
SemiNus | please I need help | 02:38 |
SemiNus | I just copied 10 GB from my local drive to my hard drive | 02:38 |
SemiNus | erm, I meant: to my external hard drive | 02:38 |
SemiNus | after I verified that all data has been successfully transfered to the external drive, I deleted the files from the hard drive in my computer | 02:39 |
SemiNus | then the computer had some issues, shutting it down did not work, and I had to unplug it | 02:39 |
SemiNus | however, after rebooting, all the files on the external hard drive were gone | 02:39 |
SemiNus | I guess the files are still on the external hard drive as they have been copied | 02:40 |
SemiNus | however I cannot see them | 02:40 |
SemiNus | what can I do in order to recover them? | 02:40 |
SemiNus | file system type is ntfs | 02:41 |
syphon229 | join #linux | 03:18 |
stephen102 | New Ubuntu is very annoying lol. | 03:19 |
stephen102 | 17.10 lol | 03:19 |
stephen102 | Was a total pain to install nuvola player 3. | 03:19 |
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stephen102 | Gdebi doesn't work correctly in 17.10 | 03:20 |
Bashing-om | stephen102: change to the Xorg desktop - see if that is not a beter experience for you . | 03:24 |
stephen102 | Ya had to use dgkg to install, didn't work, had to follow it with apt fix broken lol | 03:27 |
stephen102 | Technically support for nuvola player isn't listed for 17.10 | 03:28 |
JoeRW | Hello, can anyone please help me figure out why I'm receiving this critical error? https://pastebin.com/XNKkHXeJ | 03:30 |
Ben64 | stephen102: should pick a player in the repos | 03:53 |
programo | Hi I have a problem with my wifi device drivers for Ubuntu 14.04 | 04:09 |
programo | The enable wifi option does not show up | 04:10 |
programo | How can I resolve this issue | 04:10 |
programo | ? | 04:10 |
bjrohan | Hello. I have a new Dell xps 15, nvidia 1050 and I can not seem to get a few things corrected. 1st, the machine won't shut down. in the gui trying to shutdown, it gets to the logo, then just hangs. If I then press power, the machine appears to power down, but the next day when I try to start it up, the battery is dead | 04:13 |
bjrohan | and the battery should last much longer off than 16 hours. it lasts when I boot and shut off in Windows | 04:13 |
bjrohan | I have this issue with both the Nvidia 384 driver and the open source nouveau driver | 04:14 |
Jordan_U | bjrohan: Do you have the same problem if you use "systemctl poweroff" to shutdown? | 04:24 |
Jordan_U | bjrohan: Until you get this properly fixed, know that for most laptops if you hold the power button down for a long time, around 10 seconds, it will force power off the machine. | 04:26 |
Jordan_U | bjrohan: This bug sounds similar but not quite the same as what you're describing, and is also on an XPS 15: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1659623 . Looks like a enabling proposed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed and installing the proposed kernel will fix the bug, as presumably will just waiting for the package to graduate from -proposed to a standard update. | 04:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1659623 in linux (Ubuntu) "Shutdown/reboot hang on Dell XPS 15 9550 BIOS 1.2.18+" [Medium,Fix committed] | 04:30 |
bjrohan | Jordan_U, so in cli enter systemctl poweroff | 04:31 |
Jordan_U | bjrohan: Actually, don't bother testing that since this is likely a known bug (and for this bug I would not expect using "systemctl poweroff" to change anything). | 04:32 |
Jordan_U | programo: Can you test wireless from an Ubuntu 16.04 liveUSB? Any particular reason you're using 14.04 instead of 16.04? | 04:35 |
bjrohan | Hmm I have a quite newer kernel and BIOS than the reported bug. BIOS 1.5 and kernel 4.13 | 04:37 |
bjrohan | FWIW | 04:37 |
Ben64 | bjrohan: i'd do this if i were you http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html | 04:38 |
bjrohan | Ben64, Thank you, will read up on it | 04:41 |
programo | Jordan_U, I have installed ubuntu 14.04 along side of windows 10 | 04:45 |
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programo | I have already installed Ubuntu 14.04 now dual booting with windows 10 as well.Since my wifi on Ubuntu 14.04 is not working can I switch to Ubuntu 16.04? | 04:47 |
bcowan | should be able to upgrade to next LTS which is 16.04, yes | 04:49 |
programo | bcowan, will my windows break if I newly install Ubuntu 16.04 | 04:53 |
programo | bcowan, I had used this article to install ubuntu 14.04 | 04:54 |
programo | https://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/ | 04:54 |
bcowan | you already have ubuntu installed, you're just upgrading | 04:55 |
programo | I do not have my wifi or ethernet working , so I cannot upgrade | 04:55 |
programo | bcowan, So should I boot from usb and install? | 04:56 |
bcowan | well thats a whole new install then, best to follow the guide | 04:57 |
programo | Can I use this version of Ubuntu to install | 05:04 |
programo | http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ | 05:04 |
programo | on my desktop | 05:04 |
programo | does the wifi work on this? | 05:04 |
Ben64 | programo: try it and see | 05:07 |
programo | okay, I am | 05:08 |
programo | generating a live cd | 05:08 |
programo | of ubuntu 16.04 | 05:08 |
programo | if the wifi works on live cd , it should work if I install it as well right? | 05:09 |
Ben64 | should | 05:09 |
rolandbeowulf | I recently bought a bluetooth keyboard with a device switching mode so i can quickly respond to txts and get back to work on my laptop, but every time i switch away from my ubuntu 17.04 laptop and switch back, my keyboard loses the connection and i have to re-pair it. Are there any workarounds to this? | 05:19 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: i think breaking a bluetooth connection always requier a re-pair | 05:22 |
rolandbeowulf | My iphone seems to handle being switched away from just fine though, so it apparently maintains the pairing in a way ubuntu doesn't understand | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: are you using bluez? | 05:25 |
rolandbeowulf | if that's ubuntu's default bluetooth, then yes | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | !info bluez | rolandbeowulf doublecheck plz | 05:27 |
ubottu | rolandbeowulf doublecheck plz: bluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 5.46-0ubuntu3 (artful), package size 915 kB, installed size 4186 kB | 05:27 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: maybe it can get easier for you? | 05:27 |
programo | I have created a live usb with ubuntu 16.04 | 05:32 |
programo | I can see that it recognizes wifi near me | 05:32 |
programo | If I install this os on my laptop along with windos 10 | 05:32 |
programo | will the wifi work | 05:33 |
programo | or do I need any drivers for wofo? | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | programo: most wifi chipsets work by default on ubuntu yes | 05:33 |
programo | wifi* | 05:33 |
programo | okay | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | programo: wich chipset is your wifi? | 05:33 |
programo | intel core i 5 7th gen | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | programo: wifi chipset, not cpu | 05:34 |
programo | how do i find that? | 05:34 |
lotuspsychje | programo: are you in ubuntu? | 05:34 |
programo | nope I am installing ubuntu on my other laptop which already has ubuntu 14.04 but the wifi does not work | 05:35 |
programo | so I am trying to replace ubuntu 14.04 with ubuntu 16.04 | 05:35 |
programo | lotuspsychje, | 05:35 |
lotuspsychje | programo: sudo lshw -C network | 05:35 |
programo | okay | 05:36 |
lotuspsychje | programo: no need to paste all, just chipset name | 05:36 |
programo | okay | 05:36 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: I've double and triple checked and im pretty certain its bluez | 05:40 |
rolandbeowulf | I didnt really touch bluetooth much before getting this keyboard so i doubt i wouldve installed an alternate bluetooth client | 05:40 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: bluez isnt installed by default, optional so i presume you installed it before then? | 05:41 |
programo | lotuspsychje, | 05:41 |
programo | http://lpaste.net/360690 | 05:41 |
lotuspsychje | programo: okay..2 unclaimed devices not good news | 05:42 |
programo | can I install ubuntu 16.04 on that machine? | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | programo: try the 16.04.3 iso live install and see if your intel wifi is detetcted there | 05:43 |
programo | okay | 05:43 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: I must've installed it later, point is im 9/10 certain this is using bluetooth | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | programo: some chipsets can also be blocked by uefi settings | 05:44 |
programo | lotuspsychje, I tried with live usb , without installing 16.04.3. It was able to detect wifi. So if I install the OS it should detect wifi right? | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | programo: yes, but dont forget to enable updates during setup ok | 05:45 |
programo | okay | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | programo: good luck! | 05:46 |
programo | I had disabled secure boot as well in uefi settings | 05:46 |
programo | thank you! | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | programo: if live usb detects, its good news | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: not sure what else could be done, perhaps a tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugout/in BT to see errors reatime? | 05:47 |
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lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: apt-cache policy bluez to see what version installed | 05:49 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: 5.43-0ubuntu1.1 | 05:50 |
lotuspsychje | !info bluez zesty | 05:51 |
ubottu | bluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43-0ubuntu1.1 (zesty), package size 938 kB, installed size 4246 kB | 05:51 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: looks good | 05:51 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: perhaps trying your BT in an ubuntu LTS version might give you more light also? perhaps in a liveusb? | 05:52 |
rolandbeowulf | Would loading it up in a VM work? I don't have any usbs free for booting right now | 05:53 |
rolandbeowulf | my sandisks *really* don't seem to like being booted from :I | 05:54 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: not sure how BT reacts in a vm sorry | 05:54 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: never have issues with sandisk before F12 works pretty well here | 05:55 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: The particular sandisks ive had almost never work for booting for some odd reason, so I think this might be something ill have to jot down and report back later on | 05:56 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: perhaps uefi block at boot? | 05:57 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: Perhaps, all i know is that ive dd'd the same iso with the same command on these sandisks and a generic garden variety usb, and the sandisks almost never work while the generics work just fine | 05:59 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: maybe a faulty one? | 06:01 |
alkisg | It's possible to configure grub to directly boot an .iso from the hard disk | 06:02 |
alkisg | (good morning all :)) | 06:02 |
lotuspsychje | hey alkisg | 06:03 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: Could be, but they seem to have functioned perfectly for conventional file transfer for the year ive had them | 06:03 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog on plugout/in usb also for errors | 06:04 |
lotuspsychje | rolandbeowulf: some devices might get errors like was not an MPT device or so | 06:05 |
jk^ | !usb | 06:05 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 06:05 |
lotuspsychje | !msgthebot | jk^ | 06:06 |
ubottu | jk^: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>" | 06:06 |
jk^ | what means "Live usb Pendrive Persistent"? | 06:07 |
rolandbeowulf | jk^: It means a usb with memory that remains after shutdown | 06:08 |
jk^ | ok | 06:08 |
jk^ | yesterday i tried to burn live dvd :\ but i had problems with burning devices :\ i wanted to try to burn ubuntu and all its flavours, so if i have problem with one of them, i can try with the other ones | 06:09 |
alkisg | jk^: you can create a usb stick that has all the ubuntu .iso inside it, and select which one to boot from | 06:11 |
jk^ | really=? :-o | 06:11 |
jk^ | i have a pendrive with much capacity, 64 GB | 06:12 |
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alkisg | I have one with 10 different ubuntu versions inside it, a couple of fedora/debian/opensuse, and also windows etc | 06:12 |
alkisg | And of course a folder for my documents as well | 06:12 |
lotuspsychje | jk^: there is an AOI ubuntu flavors iso out there to download also | 06:12 |
jk^ | slow slow, i'm so bad when i have to do operations at pc :| | 06:14 |
jk^ | what's AOI? | 06:14 |
alkisg | https://linuxaio.net/downloads/linux-aio-ubuntu/lts-releases/ | 06:14 |
jk^ | lotuspsychje | 06:14 |
alkisg | That's ^ aio | 06:14 |
jk^ | alkisg how to put the all 7 flavours on the same pendrive? :\ | 06:16 |
alkisg | jk^: that's called "multiboot usb", you can google it, here's one of the possible tools: http://multibootusb.org/ | 06:16 |
jk^ | however this is the log of the problem with dvd writer: https://pastebin.com/raw/smRuiBsg | 06:17 |
jk^ | alkisg do tools like unetbootin or rufus do it? | 06:18 |
lotuspsychje | thats for single iso's jk^ | 06:18 |
alkisg | I think no | 06:18 |
jk^ | :( | 06:18 |
alkisg | https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/issues/451 | 06:19 |
alkisg | His answer is NO :D | 06:19 |
lotuspsychje | jk^: make your life easy and try those AIO | 06:19 |
jk^ | however someone tells me unetbootis is bugged :\ so they tells me to use rufus, but rufus give me a problem during creation of live usb | 06:19 |
jk^ | *unetbootin | 06:20 |
jk^ | what means "AIO"? | 06:20 |
lotuspsychje | jk^: did you click the url alkisg gave you? | 06:21 |
jk^ | yes, they don't be opened yet | 06:21 |
alkisg | For windows users creating linux usb sticks, there's also http://www.easy2boot.com/ | 06:22 |
asarch | One stupid question: if I actually don't have any sound card installed could I still hear the music on a bluetooth wireless headphones? | 06:22 |
EraserPencil | asarch: Give it a try. I believe soundcards are DAC's for audio. SInce BLuetooth is digital, a soundcard isnt needed. | 06:24 |
jk^ | [[[however this is the log of the problem with dvd writer: https://pastebin.com/raw/smRuiBsg]] | 06:25 |
jk^ | i think the problem is the dvd writer, sometime it disappear from "File Manager" where there are the resources/drive of my computer | 06:25 |
alkisg | jk^: for hardware problems see #hardware, and for windows problems see #windows | 06:26 |
alkisg | This is for ubuntu issues only | 06:27 |
jk^ | i saw https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/issues/451 | 06:29 |
jk^ | it tells me to visit https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/FAQ#Do_you_plan_to_add_multiboot_support | 06:29 |
alkisg | Yes, it's the answer that "rufus doesn't support multiboot" that you asked | 06:29 |
jk^ | so long to read and to understand :( | 06:29 |
jk^ | ok | 06:29 |
alkisg | Short version: rufus doesn't support multiboot | 06:29 |
EraserPencil | I need assistance with a networking setup. I have an RPi conncted via ethernet to my living room's router on static IP. I sshed into the RPi with my laptop and went to my room and connected to my room's powerline wirelessly, yet my RPi ssh window stays connected. I cant understand why. Does it mean I wouldnt need port forwarding? | 06:30 |
jk^ | ok so have i to try that http://multibootusb.org/ ? | 06:30 |
jk^ | alkisg | 06:30 |
lotuspsychje | EraserPencil: perhaps an issue for ##networking? | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | jk^: read suggestions before chatting here | 06:31 |
jk^ | yes, the problem is my english :( excuse me lotuspsychje | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | !it | jk^ see also here | 06:31 |
ubottu | jk^ see also here: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 06:31 |
EraserPencil | jk^: I use Multisystem from https://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/. Multiboot dosent support live versions for installation | 06:32 |
alkisg | or easy2boot | 06:32 |
programo | lotuspsychje, | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | programo: yes? | 06:35 |
programo | Installation is a success, I got the wifi on ubuntu 16.04.3 | 06:35 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | programo | 06:35 |
ubottu | programo: Glad you made it! :-) | 06:35 |
programo | thank you so much! | 06:35 |
lotuspsychje | programo: you did all yourself mate ; ) | 06:36 |
programo | Thanks to this forum and internet. Thank you again! | 06:36 |
jk^ | is a problem installing software which is not from repository? | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | jk^: what are you going to do? | 06:37 |
programo | where can I learn more about Ubuntu and how to use it, I am fairly new to Ubuntu | 06:40 |
programo | lotuspsychje, any suggestions? | 06:40 |
rolandbeowulf | programo: Depends on what exactly you want to learn how to use | 06:40 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | programo | 06:41 |
ubottu | programo: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 06:41 |
asarch | Thank you EraserPencil | 06:41 |
asarch | Thank you very much :-) | 06:41 |
asarch | Have a nice day | 06:41 |
rolandbeowulf | programo: Personally I find its easiest to learn things which you actually need to know for a specific reason, so I set projects for myself as excuses to learn specific tools/skillsets | 06:43 |
rolandbeowulf | just dont forget to walk before you sprint | 06:43 |
jk^ | i know there is a repository to download every kind of software from... if there isn't a software in official repository, is it harmful/risky to download from other sources? | 06:44 |
programo | rolandbeowulf, thanks for the inputs | 06:44 |
rolandbeowulf | jk^: Depends on what you're installing and where from. I opt for installing stuff from github instead of the repos all the time, whether it be because the repos are too out of date or just not working right | 06:46 |
rolandbeowulf | Linux isnt nearly as prone to malware as windows, but thats not an excuse to forgo common sense | 06:47 |
rolandbeowulf | Generally id stick to the repos if you don't know what you're doing though | 06:48 |
rolandbeowulf | you can also add third party repos but again, common sense needs to be exercised in what you add | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | programo: every program has also a manual page from terminal | 06:54 |
lotuspsychje | !man | programo | 06:54 |
ubottu | programo: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ | 06:54 |
rolandbeowulf | lotuspsychje: Also for truncated guides/assistance there is --help and whatis ie cat --help | 06:55 |
rolandbeowulf | !whatis | 07:05 |
rolandbeowulf | woops, bumped enter key lol | 07:05 |
jram0421 | Hey guys, have a really weird issue going on that I have no clue how to fix | 07:19 |
jram0421 | I've verified keymaps and that there aren't any shortcuts set to Shift+e and for the love of god, even after reconfiguring layouts and keymaps can't get it fixed. I'm running 17.10 | 07:21 |
alkisg | jram0421: can't get fixed what? You didn't state the problem you're trying to solve with shift+e... | 07:22 |
jram0421 | alkisg: It literally won't let me capitalize e using shift+e | 07:23 |
alkisg | jram0421: and what happens when you type shift+e? | 07:23 |
jram0421 | it ignores e entirely. | 07:23 |
jram0421 | yet it works without shift and works on W10 | 07:24 |
alkisg | jram0421: is this on a laptop or on a normal keyboard? | 07:24 |
jram0421 | Normal keyboard. Let me try another kb | 07:25 |
hateball | jram0421: if you run "xev" does it register the shift+e input at all? | 07:25 |
jram0421 | Recognizes the shift | 07:25 |
jram0421 | hateball: I'll be right back, I'm going to try a few things | 07:27 |
V7 | Hey all :) | 07:27 |
V7 | Why this one appends to file, rather than rewrites ?: xterm -hold -title "Checking victim" -geometry 83x26-0+0 -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -e "airodump-ng --bssid C8:3A:35:0D:F9:30 -a mon0 --ignore-negative-one 2>&1 | tee /tmp/TMPflux/C8:3A:35:0D:F9:30" | 07:28 |
V7 | Could you please ... if you have some time ofc | 07:28 |
alkisg | V7: tee rewrites, tee -a appends. So what you wrote is supposed to rewrite. | 07:29 |
V7 | Yup | 07:30 |
V7 | But it appends | 07:30 |
V7 | This's really strange | 07:30 |
V7 | It looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/Ev3ij3E.png | 07:31 |
alkisg | V7: that may be continuous output from the program you're running on xterm | 07:32 |
V7 | continuous ? | 07:32 |
alkisg | You run airodump-ng, suppose it outputs 3 lines per 10 seconds | 07:33 |
alkisg | Then all those lines will just be continuously written to that file | 07:33 |
V7 | Hm | 07:33 |
V7 | Do you know hwo it would be right to write xterm output to file ? | 07:34 |
alkisg | Well first I don't think you want xterm output, but airodump output | 07:34 |
EriC^^ | i dont think the scope of this channel is to help you "hack victims" | 07:34 |
V7 | Yup | 07:34 |
V7 | EriC^^: this is not to hack a victim | 07:34 |
alkisg | so it would be something like xterm -e 'sh -c "airodump-ng > file"', not using tee | 07:35 |
EriC^^ | what then? you forgot your wifi password? | 07:35 |
V7 | It's to lewarn how to get an output from a program which doesn't output to stdout | 07:35 |
EriC^^ | V7: what about your question and the title? | 07:35 |
V7 | Find some similar application which you can't redirect like > like airdoump and we'll work with it | 07:36 |
V7 | EriC^^: This's just a line copied from a sciprt | 07:36 |
EriC^^ | ok | 07:37 |
V7 | So .. | 07:37 |
V7 | airodump-ng doesn't support an output to a text file | 07:37 |
V7 | xterm doesn't too | 07:37 |
V7 | how then ? | 07:37 |
jk^ | https://goo.gl/images/qgjh6f | 07:39 |
jk^ | what have i to do at this warning of rufus? | 07:39 |
EriC^^ | jk^: update rufus maybe | 07:41 |
EriC^^ | get the latest version | 07:41 |
jk^ | i downloaded it few minutes ago | 07:41 |
jk^ | it's the latest version | 07:41 |
EriC^^ | jk^: it does say that it will reuse them automatically later | 07:41 |
jk^ | i don't understand :\ | 07:42 |
EriC^^ | jk^: it's missing some files for the newer syslinux so it has to download them, in the future you won't get any warning message | 07:42 |
jk^ | ok, then have to click "Yes" or "No"? | 07:43 |
EriC^^ | click yes | 07:43 |
charith | hellow | 08:03 |
adrian_1908 | I have a question about the openvpn package. It create two dirs `client` and `server` inside `/etc/openvpn`. If I only use OpenVPN as a client, should I place certs and/or config files in the `client` dir? | 08:08 |
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar | ||
anddam | hello | 09:13 |
mitmf | hello how can i extract .img.xz? | 09:20 |
alkisg | Double click it, it should open with file-roller or whatever zip manager you have | 09:22 |
alkisg | It will produce an .img | 09:22 |
mitmf | unzip? | 09:22 |
alkisg | Which desktop environment are you using? | 09:22 |
alkisg | You don't need the console, just double click from the file manager | 09:23 |
mitmf | ubuntu | 09:23 |
alkisg | Unity, Gnome, MATE, XFCE, LXDE, KDE? | 09:23 |
mitmf | i don’t know | 09:23 |
alkisg | Open a terminal and type: ls /usr/share/xsessions | 09:24 |
alkisg | What is the output? | 09:24 |
mitmf | ubuntu.desktop | 09:27 |
mitmf | alkisg: | 09:27 |
alkisg | mitmf: ok, then you're using unity | 09:27 |
alkisg | So, open the file manager, and double click on the image | 09:27 |
mitmf | i did it with unxz | 09:28 |
mitmf | :( | 09:28 |
mitmf | i can’t do it with double click | 09:28 |
mitmf | alkisg: | 09:28 |
mitmf | :( | 09:28 |
alkisg | Why, do you see any error messages? | 09:28 |
mitmf | no errormessage | 09:28 |
alkisg | What happens when you double click on it? | 09:28 |
mitmf | strange GUI is shown | 09:29 |
alkisg | Is it this program? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/File%20Roller | 09:29 |
alkisg | This is the "zip for linux", it's called file-roller and it's preinstalled and it can uncompress xz files | 09:30 |
mitmf | no | 09:30 |
alkisg | Upload a screenshot then | 09:30 |
alkisg | !screenshot | 09:30 |
ubottu | Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here. | 09:30 |
mitmf | i can’t because i did it with unxz | 09:30 |
mitmf | :( | 09:30 |
alkisg | What are you asking then? | 09:30 |
alkisg | How to already do it in the past? | 09:30 |
alkisg | :D | 09:30 |
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter | ||
BadBunny | Hi, maybe someone here can help me. since the installation of smartmontools my disks are not going to standby anymore. here is my smartd.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/26162506/ | 09:45 |
BadBunny | any idea what i may have missed? as far as i know, -n standby should prevent disks from being wake up | 09:46 |
pax_rhos | how to kill zombie processes? | 10:15 |
alkisg | pax_rhos: they're already killed. You'll stop seeing them in ps when their childs are killed etc, allowing the os to clean them up | 10:15 |
pax_rhos | alkisg: http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1512987492.png | 10:18 |
alkisg | pax_rhos: update-notifier will eventually read their exit numbers, allowing the os to clean up the process table | 10:19 |
Dani-hp | how can i list all packages which have been manually installed (for example via dpkg -i) and do not provide an upstream repo? | 10:19 |
alkisg | pax_rhos: if you close update-notifier, they'll get closed too | 10:19 |
alkisg | Dani-hp: apt-mark showmanual | 10:19 |
alkisg | "do not provide an upstream repo" => apt policy | 10:20 |
Dani-hp | hm that shoes other's to | 10:20 |
Dani-hp | i want to filter the packages which dont get update via apt-get upgrade | 10:21 |
Dani-hp | meaning they do not have an entry when running "apt-cache policy xxx" | 10:21 |
Dani-hp | just locally | 10:21 |
alkisg | I think you'd need a script for that one, that parses the output of apt policy | 10:22 |
Dani-hp | ah i found something that might help | 10:23 |
Dani-hp | aptitude search ~o | 10:23 |
lotuspsychje | Dani-hp: or perhaps apt-mark showmanual | 10:24 |
alkisg | (12:19:57 μμ) alkisg: Dani-hp: apt-mark showmanual :D | 10:24 |
alkisg | That only covers part of the requirements... | 10:25 |
lotuspsychje | oh didnt see alkisg sorry | 10:25 |
zeta | Anyone know how to fix operation="getattr" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" | 10:56 |
zeta | I've tried allowing everything I can think of, aa-logprof and aa-genprof gives nothing. | 10:56 |
zeta | When I put the profile in complain mode I get | 10:56 |
zeta | operation="file_inherit" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="send receive" denied_mask="send receive" | 10:56 |
zeta | Apparmor | 10:57 |
lotuspsychje | !apparmor | zeta can this help? | 11:02 |
ubottu | zeta can this help?: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor | 11:02 |
zeta | lotuspsychje, I have an apparmor profile that fails to read file metadata | 11:04 |
zeta | but I have /** r, | 11:05 |
zeta | looking at the logs it seems to have something to do with ipc singaling, but having signal, in both profiles doesn't help | 11:06 |
zeta | I have a process that calls another process that access the files | 11:07 |
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zeta | to be more specific I run hg (Mercurila) from nodejs within a chroot | 11:08 |
zeta | if I edit nodejs's profile and make it rix instead of px it works | 11:09 |
zeta | but I don't want that | 11:10 |
lotuspsychje | zeta: im not the apparmor specialist myself , try to re-ask your issue all in one line here in chat with all details, ubuntu version,kernel version,steps tryed etc and idle | 11:13 |
zeta | Is there a appropiate forum where I can ask it, it's a bit long for chat | 11:14 |
bazhang | zeta askubuntu.com is one | 11:14 |
lotuspsychje | zeta: try to compact it to the root problem | 11:21 |
Younder | I think apparmour issues belong here. As long as they address the ubuntu setup uf apparmour. | 11:22 |
Younder | That said you might not gen an answer | 11:22 |
andre144k | hi all - anyone have a sample configuration for mutt for sending mails out without postfix? i wanna only login via smtp on an existing gmail-account. mail-passwd shld be stored automatically. | 11:23 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 11:29 |
lotuspsychje | andre144k: perhaps the #mutt guys know something for you? | 11:29 |
zeta | omg, it was network unix, that was missing | 11:32 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | zeta | 11:34 |
ubottu | zeta: Glad you made it! :-) | 11:34 |
SCHAPiE | why is fonts-noto so incomplete and outdated, in 17.10? | 11:39 |
SCHAPiE | black&white emoji, i really wonder why | 11:39 |
lotuspsychje | !info fonts-noto | 11:40 |
ubottu | fonts-noto (source: fonts-noto): metapackage to pull in all Noto fonts. In component universe, is optional. Version 20161116-1 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 30 kB | 11:40 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: whats happening exactly? | 11:40 |
SCHAPiE | my ArchLinux install shows many more emoji (with colours also), compared to noto-fonts on Ubuntu 17.10 (many missing emoji, no colours) | 11:41 |
SCHAPiE | both using Google's Noto fonts | 11:42 |
SCHAPiE | but on Ubuntu the font is incomplete and/or outdated | 11:42 |
SCHAPiE | and I wonder why | 11:42 |
mitmf | Connection reset by port 22 <———— what is problem? | 11:44 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: perhaps not the same version as on arch? | 11:45 |
SCHAPiE | lotuspsychje: clearly not, indeed | 11:45 |
lotuspsychje | !latest | SCHAPiE this is why | 11:46 |
ubottu | SCHAPiE this is why: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 11:46 |
SCHAPiE | stability, with a font.... doesn't make sense to me, tbh | 11:46 |
SCHAPiE | i don't see why a font's package wouldn't be updated, in this scheme | 11:46 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: well if you find a bug on it, place a new !bug? | 11:46 |
SCHAPiE | it's not a bug, it's just a massively outdated version with a stone-age lit of emoji | 11:47 |
SCHAPiE | *list | 11:47 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: bugs can also contain a new idea right | 11:47 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: but in your case they might say, its already in a newer version? | 11:47 |
SCHAPiE | i'll install it manually in ~/.fonts then, i don't see any other viable options | 11:48 |
SCHAPiE | last time i'm using Ubuntu for my work machine, next install will be one that keeps fonts updated | 11:49 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: its your system, you can install anything you want..but we dont recommend mixing packages | 11:50 |
SCHAPiE | i can imagine aiming for stability with non-font-packages, sure | 11:51 |
SCHAPiE | let's say, things that contain actual code | 11:51 |
SCHAPiE | but with regard to fonts, it makes no sense whatsoever to stick with an old version | 11:51 |
hateball | SCHAPiE: You can mail the mailing list and ask why it's not properly maintained I guess | 11:52 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: if you need newer/older package versions play with another ubuntu version, i see 18.04 got a newer one | 11:52 |
SCHAPiE | emoji developments are speeding up, and this package here is lagging behind in a big way, in 17.10, the latest stable version | 11:52 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: also have you tested this on an LTS version to compare? | 11:52 |
SCHAPiE | yeah, i saw that as well, but 18.04 isn't stable yet | 11:53 |
adrian_1908 | Aren't colored emoji a feature of applications, rather than fonts? | 11:53 |
SCHAPiE | adrian_1908: nope, it's a font feature | 11:53 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: can you recall wich version you had on arch? | 11:54 |
adrian_1908 | SCHAPiE: do the fonts themselves container colored vector graphics, or how does it work? | 11:55 |
adrian_1908 | *contain | 11:55 |
SCHAPiE | adrian_1908: https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html | 11:56 |
adrian_1908 | I always though that fonts are monochrome and clients replace codepoints with their own set of graphics. | 11:56 |
adrian_1908 | *thought (tired, sorry) | 11:56 |
SCHAPiE | it's simple; on ArchLinux i can use a significantly large part of those; on Ubuntu, many are lacking and all of them are in black/white | 11:56 |
SCHAPiE | with the version from apt | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: you sure arch doesnt have an additional package installed or so that covers that? | 11:58 |
lotuspsychje | SCHAPiE: can you doublecheck apt-cache search fonts-noto to see? | 11:59 |
SCHAPiE | lotuspsychje: ah, i found the cause | 12:04 |
TsakNorris | I have verbatim usb-stick what has write protection. How i can format it? mount and df shows path for it, but fdisk and gparted can't find it because its secured some how | 12:04 |
SCHAPiE | 17.10 still lacks cairo >1.15.8 and fontconfig >2.12.5 | 12:05 |
SCHAPiE | therefore it's impossible to do colour emoji | 12:05 |
SCHAPiE | thanks lotuspsychje, for convincing me to search better :p | 12:05 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | SCHAPiE | 12:06 |
ubottu | SCHAPiE: Glad you made it! :-) | 12:06 |
SCHAPiE | lotuspsychje: still does not change my feelings i have towards not being able to use proper emoji in 17.10... but oh well, it is what it is. | 12:07 |
SCHAPiE | i use emoji in my i3status/i3bar to function as icons/pictograms | 12:08 |
mitmf | Connection reset by port 22 <———— what is problem? | 12:12 |
TsakNorris | i have this same problem. some how verbatim has secured it. there isn't anything inside i just want to format it to be normal stick. | 12:12 |
TsakNorris | https://askubuntu.com/questions/457081/how-can-i-use-a-verbatim-securengo-usb-key | 12:12 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
Rockwood | internet breaking after few mints | 12:12 |
Rockwood | i am facing internet disconnection issue on my ubuntu. | 12:16 |
Younder | Then how are you herse? | 12:16 |
Younder | here | 12:16 |
lotuspsychje | !details | Rockwood | 12:17 |
ubottu | Rockwood: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 12:17 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: can you tail -f /var/log/syslog when plug out/plug in your usb, to see whats going on? | 12:18 |
mitmf | Connection reset by port 22 <———— what is problem? | 12:19 |
alocer | gvfs-monitor lotuspsychje | 12:19 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: this is tricky usb thing from verbatim i have to say. Yes i can see how linux will mount it to /dev/r1 but i can't do anything to it | 12:19 |
lotuspsychje | mitmf: we cant guess symptons without all details | 12:19 |
lotuspsychje | alocer: ? | 12:20 |
mitmf | you means that you are starter? | 12:20 |
mitmf | lotuspsychje: ? | 12:20 |
lotuspsychje | mitmf: it means, we dont know what you are doing, on wich ubuntu version,details please | 12:20 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: no write protection switch on the device? | 12:21 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: nope, no physical switch. | 12:22 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: what does the tail say? | 12:24 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: when i mount it gparted or fdisk can't find it. | 12:25 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26163214/ | 12:25 |
hateball | googling suggests it has some annoying firmware to handle that stuff, and that it's less of a headache to simple replace the device | 12:26 |
Younder | hateball, bullshit | 12:29 |
lotuspsychje | Younder: keep language polite here please | 12:30 |
hateball | Younder: That's nice | 12:30 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: Dec 11 14:30:16 boss udisksd[3212]: Mounted /dev/sr1 at /media/boss/SECUREDATAUSB on behalf of uid 1001 | 12:31 |
lotuspsychje | Younder: this channel is not used for discussion with other volunteers, if you have an idea to help, please reply to the asker | 12:31 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: i think what hateball suggest will be the end of it, cant find more usefull neither | 12:32 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: perhaps this tool from win or wine? http://u3-tool.sourceforge.net/ | 12:34 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: hmmm i tested that already :Error opening device: Read-only file system | 12:35 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: yeah ive seen errors pass on this tool also | 12:36 |
TsakNorris | lotuspsychje: ok it's only 4GB stick. i will give this back to that guy. Can't help with it. i have more important work now :D but first coffee. Thank you anyway. | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: no sweat mate | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | TsakNorris: i also reccomend the ##hardware channel and perhaps email verbatim for usefull format tool? | 12:39 |
Rockwood | my ubuntu's internet connection making problem for me | 12:43 |
Rockwood | it is disconnecting automatically in ubuntu but working fine windows | 12:44 |
Rockwood | what should be cause of this | 12:44 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: we cant help you without details mate: ubuntu version, wifi chipset? kernel version? | 12:44 |
Rockwood | ping fine every time, just browsing stops | 12:45 |
lotuspsychje | hey ioria | 12:45 |
Rockwood | i have ubuntu 16.04 | 12:45 |
ioria | lotuspsychje, hi lotus how you doing ? | 12:45 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: fully up to date? | 12:45 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: sudo lshw -C network for wifi chipset | 12:46 |
Rockwood | lotuspsychje: updated yes | 12:46 |
Rockwood | lshw | 12:47 |
Rockwood | lotuspsychje: hardware lister (lshw) - B.02.17 | 12:49 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: hastebin.com the output of : sudo lshw -C network | 12:49 |
Rockwood | okay | 12:50 |
Rockwood | https://hastebin.com/conodiwefi.sql lotuspsychje | 12:53 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: not good mate, you need type the exact command, not just lshw | 12:54 |
Rockwood | okay | 12:54 |
Rockwood | lotuspsychje: https://hastebin.com/ahilasivax.coffeescript | 12:56 |
Rockwood | hope right this time | 12:56 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: yes good now, driver loaded okay... | 12:57 |
Rockwood | now ? | 12:57 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: lsb_release -a shows wich ubuntu version? | 12:57 |
Rockwood | okay | 12:58 |
Rockwood | lotuspsychje: https://hastebin.com/negihereyi.css | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: also looks good | 13:00 |
Rockwood | anymore maybe cause ? | 13:00 |
Rockwood | lotuspsychje: | 13:00 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: i have to do dinner now, try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and switch OFF/ON your wifi please and hastebin all output | 13:00 |
lotuspsychje | Rockwood: i read you bit later ok | 13:01 |
Rockwood | lotuspsychje: if you dont mind | 13:01 |
Rockwood | you are from where ? | 13:01 |
Rockwood | i think we have almost same timezone | 13:01 |
Rockwood | -f /var/log/syslog only | 13:02 |
Rockwood | https://hastebin.com/acabuboceg.pl lotuspsychje | 13:06 |
Rockwood | how to clear temp files in ubuntu ? | 13:09 |
Rockwood | cya friends | 13:10 |
Rockwood | i think help possibilities are less here | 13:11 |
akik | Rockwood: if you want to clear tmp files, look into /tmp and $HOME/.cache for them | 13:16 |
cedra | hello | 13:22 |
cedra | Is the 16.04 Release.gpg key expired | 13:22 |
akik | Rockwood: also the browser cache files will be in your home dir | 13:24 |
Rockwood | akik even my hexchat stops not only browser | 13:26 |
cedra | W: Failed to fetch http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/jgeboski/xUbuntu_16.04/./Release.gpg The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1506804343 | 13:33 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
alkisg | cedra: Ubuntu is not related to opensuse, so you're using something that people here don't even know what it is | 13:41 |
acresearch | people i have a question, i have a python script on my github, is there a way to run it from github instead of downloading it then running it? | 13:52 |
lapisdecor | acresearch, not that I know | 13:54 |
acresearch | lapisdecor: isn't there a curl command or something? | 13:55 |
lapisdecor | acresearch, I think curl downloads the file, type man curl on a terminal | 13:56 |
acresearch | lapisdecor: i see | 13:58 |
Chryzo | Good morning, | 14:13 |
Chryzo | I,ve been trying to split a csv file so that the first column value gets outputed in a file named based on the second value. I have been using: cat GeoIPCustom.csv | awk -F',' '{ print $1 >> $2".subnets" }' | 14:14 |
Chryzo | issue is that I get bad characters in my $2 var and the filenames end being like this: VN?.subnets and fails midway | 14:15 |
Chryzo | How do I stri pthat character from my variable? | 14:15 |
ian5v | hiya. i'd like to change an interface's mac address without taking down the interface. is this possible? | 14:24 |
lotuspsychje | !info macchanger | not sure for the down part | 14:25 |
ubottu | not sure for the down part: macchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.7.0-5.3 (artful), package size 186 kB, installed size 677 kB (Only available for linux-any) | 14:25 |
lotuspsychje | ian5v: ^ | 14:26 |
ian5v | macchanger afaict requires knocking the interface down | 14:26 |
ian5v | been playing with it a bit | 14:26 |
lotuspsychje | ian5v: perhaps the ##networking guys might know of such a linux tool? | 14:27 |
ian5v | i'll give em a shot! | 14:28 |
alkisg | Chryzo: is this a utf8 issue? How did that character get there? | 14:30 |
alkisg | Chryzo: what happens if you just print $2 to stdout, is that character there? | 14:31 |
Chryzo | alkisg, I think it is the line return from the CSV file. If i just pring to stdout, the character is not there | 14:32 |
alkisg | Chryzo: what's the output of `file your-file.csv`? Does it say it has windows line endings? | 14:32 |
Chryzo | GeoIPCustom.csv: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators | 14:33 |
alkisg | Right, it's a windows file | 14:33 |
alkisg | Save it with normal, linux endings | 14:33 |
Chryzo | k, thanks | 14:33 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | ian5v via ##networking | 14:33 |
ubottu | ian5v via ##networking: Glad you made it! :-) | 14:33 |
LilleCarl | Can anyone explain why this part of interfaces config doesn't add the routes i'm asking it to add? https://gist.github.com/Lillecarl/d152e0f93405005ea2fd451f33645968 | 14:38 |
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lotuspsychje | !crosspost | LilleCarl | 14:40 |
ubottu | LilleCarl: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 14:40 |
daniel331 | hi all. How do I enable my laptop's built-in keyboard? atm it thinks its in tablet mode and I can't type anything!! | 14:41 |
LilleCarl | @lotuspsychje Didn't know ##networking was an Ubuntu channel sorry =) | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: wich laptop is this? | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | LilleCarl: are you on ubuntu? | 14:41 |
LilleCarl | The machine having trouble is Ubuntu 16.04 | 14:41 |
LilleCarl | If that's what you're asking :) | 14:42 |
daniel331 | <lotuspsychje>: its an HP Spectre 360. good laptop otherwise. | 14:42 |
lotuspsychje | LilleCarl: okay | 14:42 |
lotuspsychje | LilleCarl: desktop or server? | 14:43 |
LilleCarl | @lotuspsychje Server | 14:43 |
lotuspsychje | LilleCarl: you might wanan check #ubuntu-server they are used to it there | 14:43 |
LilleCarl | Oh thanks | 14:44 |
lotuspsychje | np | 14:44 |
LilleCarl | I'm guessing it'll be a crosspost if i ask there too? Haha | 14:44 |
alkisg | LilleCarl: it's ok if you do it when explicitly requested to ask elsewhere :) | 14:45 |
LilleCarl | N1, thanks :) | 14:45 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: some forums mentioning open/close lid brings keyboard back, can you try this for me? | 14:47 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: also try the rotate, to see if it switched to tablet mode | 14:48 |
daniel331 | <lotuspsychje> I've had this laptop for about 2 years and this problem happens regularly. Opening and closing the lid is what has fixed it for me in the past. Today no joy though and the problem remains no matter how many times I open/close the lid | 14:49 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: wich ubuntu version are you on mate? | 14:50 |
daniel331 | possibly some minor update has fucked things. I tried to run a screen rotation script and it said "Failed to change the screen configuration" when before I was able to rotate the screen fine | 14:50 |
daniel331 | 16.04 | 14:51 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: up to date system to 16.04.3? | 14:51 |
daniel331 | yep | 14:51 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: doesnt it rotate without the script? | 14:51 |
daniel331 | <lotuspsychje>: no. the accelermoter has never been recognized by linux. :-( | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: this what i found: http://academic.bancey.com/hp-spectre-x360-keyboard-turning-off-problem-solved/ | 14:52 |
daniel331 | thank you | 14:52 |
daniel331 | hmm thats a good theory actually and useful information. i bet it would have worked for me before and i wish i'd known that earlier. but today it isn't working. :-( | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: perhaps a hp manual download could be usefull? | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: i also wonder what your syslog would do on a tail -f /var/log/syslog when turning device and lid open/close? | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | daniel331: maybe we dealing with a weird acpi and its working on windows? | 14:58 |
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clab | Hello I'm having problem with xkbset to set the mouse keys, it always resets the setting | 16:57 |
GoldenHart | Hello | 17:05 |
dreadkopp | hey guys. xubuntu17.10 should run fine with Ryzen 1600X + GTX 1060, righty ? | 17:05 |
GoldenHart | Ubuntu 16.04 Issue. I have tried everything relating to my issue that I can find to this point. The other day I installed Oracle VirtualBox, and turned off my laptop after doing so. When it booted up again, the login screen froze and I have not been able to log in; this repeats each time I boot up. | 17:07 |
GoldenHart | Through recovery mode I uninstalled the virtualbox, but the problem persists | 17:08 |
alkisg | GoldenHart: which desktop environment? | 17:14 |
alkisg | Unity? | 17:14 |
bender| | Hey guys | 17:17 |
GoldenHart | All I did, when I installed Ubuntu, was just get plain Ubuntu. I had no knowledge to do anything else. Desktop environment is foreign to me | 17:17 |
bender| | So I installed Ubuntu 16.04 on an old machine (Core 2 Duo, 5 G RAM, Intel G45/43 chipset), I’m currently running GNOME on it, and it seems rather laggy. Animations are really awkward. Any suggestions? | 17:18 |
tonyt | bender do you have amd or nvidia's own video driver installed? | 17:19 |
tonyt | or intel. what ever video card you are using | 17:19 |
bender| | Well I tried looking into the proprietary Drivers section | 17:20 |
bender| | It says it’s using Intel microcode | 17:20 |
bender| | This thing doesn’t have a discrete GPU | 17:20 |
tonyt | oh ok. that is the only thing i can htink of | 17:20 |
tonyt | *think | 17:20 |
GoldenHart | Anybody got any ideas for me? :3 | 17:22 |
bender| | Is it expected on G45/43? I ran Windows 10 on this system without any UI-associated lag, although I had to separately install graphics drivers | 17:22 |
adamdelinux | bender| If it's an old machine, have you considered using Lubuntu? Much lighter than the full version. | 17:22 |
bender| | glxgears also gives an average of 61 FPS | 17:22 |
bender| | adamdelinux: I’m not using Unity, is GNOME a problem? | 17:23 |
adamdelinux | bender| GNOME version 3 is a bit heavier, I think, but that's all I can think of. | 17:24 |
GoldenHart | Ubuntu 16.04 Issue. I have tried everything relating to my issue that I can find to this point. The other day I installed Oracle VirtualBox, and turned off my laptop after doing so. When it booted up again, the login screen froze and I have not been able to log in; this repeats each time I boot up. Any help? VB was uninstalled and the problem persists. | 17:25 |
bender| | GoldenHart: I’m doing the same thing man. Hunting for the ideal desktop environment | 17:25 |
GoldenHart | I'm just trying to get to my desktop...lol | 17:26 |
GoldenHart | A bit different | 17:26 |
adamdelinux | GoldenHart Do you have a live boot disk? | 17:26 |
bender| | GoldenHart: Hm? Did you mean to say you uninstalled VirtualBox and then reinstalled it and tried to log in through the same system (as in the same VDI/VHD file)? | 17:26 |
bender| | Wait. Are you running Ubuntu natively or inside VBox? | 17:27 |
GoldenHart | No, VB is uninstalled now. Uninstalled through recovery mode console | 17:27 |
GoldenHart | Natively | 17:28 |
GoldenHart | And live boot disk no I don't have | 17:28 |
akik | bender|: mate desktop is much lighter on the system resources | 17:28 |
bender| | Thanks I’ll look into that. | 17:28 |
akik | bender|: and the lightest of ubuntu flavours, lubuntu | 17:29 |
adamdelinux | GoldenHart If you can get a copy of your OS onto a flash drive or CD, you can boot into it and do a live session. Then you can at least access your files and back them up while you do repairs. | 17:29 |
adamdelinux | akik Using MATE myself... very good. | 17:30 |
bender| | If you have an additional USB and a PC, you can create a recovery/install disc yourself | 17:30 |
GoldenHart | So, to search up how to do that on google, what would be my general search phrases? | 17:30 |
GoldenHart | And no, all I have is a tablet at this point, outside of the laptop that is not working | 17:30 |
adamdelinux | Try "create ubuntu bootable usb" | 17:31 |
GoldenHart | Alright sir. Will try | 17:31 |
adamdelinux | GoldenHart Oh... sorry about your laptop. You can also purchase a flash drive or CD with the OS online. Might take a few days to get it in the mail. | 17:31 |
bender| | Hm, can you access the command line at least? | 17:32 |
adamdelinux | GoldenHart https://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=1206 | 17:32 |
bender| | You did say you were able to uninstall VBox? | 17:32 |
GoldenHart | Recovery mode allows me to do so | 17:32 |
purplepotato | hoofdletterirchexchat | 17:33 |
adamdelinux | purplepotato ?? | 17:34 |
GoldenHart | bender| yes I can | 17:34 |
mmturk | any idea why mpv doesn't draw borders on ubuntu-desktop 17.10? | 17:44 |
mmturk | i also can't see the controls (forward, pause etc.) | 17:45 |
arvin_ | grab the gnome-mpv package (sudo apt install gnome-mpv) for a nice frontend to it | 17:46 |
mmturk | well i don't need/want a frontend | 17:46 |
arvin_ | i don't understand your issue | 17:49 |
arvin_ | either, $ mpv your-video-file | 17:49 |
arvin_ | or grab gnome-mpv | 17:49 |
mmturk | see the screenshot: https://image.ibb.co/hbjLNw/Screenshot_from_2017_12_11_20_49_34.png | 17:50 |
PTNapivoski | Why not VLC? | 17:53 |
theoceaniscool | Sometimes I have to do network testing, and I change manually my ip with "ip addr add", but after some time, the interface looses its IP, how do I prevent that? | 17:54 |
oerheks | "i don't want a front-end".. if you drop a movie on it, you have controls | 17:54 |
PTNapivoski | K... | 17:55 |
ioria | mmturk, i think it's a wayland thing | 17:57 |
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lordcirth_work | theoceaniscool, probably network manager is changing it. | 18:03 |
mmturk | ioria, thanks for pointing that out, using "opengl-backend=x11" fixes the problem | 18:04 |
ioria | mmturk, yeah, i was posting to you that : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/mpv | 18:04 |
lordcirth_work | theoceaniscool, you could disable network manager and configure your normal network in /etc/network/interfaces. | 18:04 |
theoceaniscool | lordcirth_work, It was my first idea, but I want my wifi adapter to be managed by NetworkManager | 18:05 |
ioria | mmturk, this exactly : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/mpv#In_GNOME_Wayland | 18:05 |
lordcirth_work | theoceaniscool, I'm pretty sure there's a way to blacklist a specific interface in network manager | 18:06 |
theoceaniscool | lordcirth_work, I'm searching | 18:06 |
theoceaniscool | https://askubuntu.com/questions/21914/how-can-i-make-networkmanager-ignore-my-wireless-card, in case anyone else needs it | 18:07 |
oerheks | ioria, on 17.04 mpv shown no controls either, unless you drop a movie into it | 18:07 |
oerheks | gnome-mpv fixes that | 18:07 |
ioria | oerheks, ok | 18:08 |
theoceaniscool | lordcirth_work, Thanks, it works perfectly | 18:08 |
lordcirth_work | theoceaniscool, good. | 18:09 |
clab | hello can anyone help me with a bug in xkbset? | 18:12 |
oerheks | clab, just ask, wait an see, and show us the bug report perhaps? | 18:20 |
clab | oerheks, the config always reset | 18:22 |
clab | I use mouse keys with xkbset config | 18:23 |
clab | earch on google and I don't have success, I think I'll have to configure it manually | 18:27 |
clab | I just want to know where is hahah | 18:30 |
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megmanx9 | hi | 18:36 |
megmanx9 | i need to make my own proxy server and make anyone at www go from it i install squid and make my squid online via ngrok but i don't know if i should make some config to make all things work | 18:37 |
Popzi | any ideas on why i can run a service as sudo and it works, but not as root/systemd boot | 18:48 |
lordcirth_work | Popzi, what service, and any error message when you try? | 18:50 |
Popzi | lordcirth_work: https://bpaste.net/show/c0a974a7d876 :P | 18:53 |
Popzi | works fine if i run it as another user as sudo, but not root :\ | 18:53 |
EriC^^ | Popzi: the environment must be different | 18:57 |
lordcirth_work | Popzi, it doesn't work when su'ing to root after boot? | 18:57 |
lordcirth_work | Popzi, looks like you should ask the author about it, though. | 18:57 |
Popzi | lordcirth_work: correct, doesnt work as root / systemd (am trying to get it to start on boot), but works for a sudo user | 18:58 |
EriC^^ | Popzi: does it work for sudo -H command_here ? | 18:58 |
Popzi | EriC^^: for user or root? | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | or sudo -i command_here ? | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | user | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | try sudo -i command_here | 18:59 |
Popzi | EriC^^: -H fails for user | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | Popzi: it must expect that $HOME is set to your username's home then | 19:00 |
Popzi | oh hang on it's decided it now wants to fail for user entirely if sudo'ing | 19:00 |
Popzi | -H or -i must've done something | 19:00 |
Popzi | EriC^^: I'll look into homes :P thanks | 19:01 |
Popzi | EriC^^: actually, it does depend on the usb drive being mounted, in order to read a config file on it, perhaps this may be the issue | 19:03 |
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EriC^^ | Popzi: try in the systemd file ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'HOME=/home/user ExecStart=/bin/uwsgi --ini /home/user/EXHDD_NTFS/PlexDownloader/config/config.ini' | 19:06 |
EriC^^ | typo, ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'HOME=/home/user /bin/uwsgi --ini /home/user/EXHDD_NTFS/PlexDownloader/config/config.ini' | 19:07 |
Popzi | righto | 19:07 |
Popzi | nice idea | 19:07 |
EriC^^ | Popzi: same for ExecStop=/bin/bash -c 'HOME=/home/user /bin/uwsgi --stop /run/uwsgi-emperor.pid' | 19:08 |
EriC^^ | Popzi: do you need plex to run as root btw? | 19:08 |
Popzi | no I've not sorted plex out yet :P | 19:08 |
EriC^^ | maybe you have to let it run as your user or something, better consult the docs on these kind of stuff | 19:09 |
Popzi | mm same error even with bash | 19:12 |
Popzi | uwsgi is horrible | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | Popzi: https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/200288586-Installation | 19:14 |
EriC^^ | what's that | 19:14 |
Popzi | EriC^^: none of this is plex related yet :P | 19:14 |
EriC^^ | oh | 19:14 |
EriC^^ | you know the drill :P | 19:14 |
EriC^^ | what is uwsgi anyways? | 19:15 |
Popzi | part of a webserver stack, im using it to run a python framework (Flask) as a website - http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/ documentation goes on for lightyears | 19:15 |
Popzi | a very annoying and buggy program to deal with, nightmare | 19:16 |
EriC^^ | how did you install it? ubuntu repos? | 19:16 |
Popzi | yea | 19:16 |
Popzi | well | 19:17 |
Popzi | installing it is a mess it's self. | 19:17 |
Popzi | installed it through pip, installed through repo's, and installed python plugins to get it to somewhat work, it took me all day to just get it to work with python (like it's supposed to.) | 19:17 |
Popzi | i might try and see if i can just get it to launch on boot via upstart instead :\ | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | did you try journalctl -xn ? | 19:19 |
Popzi | EriC^^: it has nothing related to the service in it lol | 19:20 |
Popzi | imma try copying my works uwsgi service actually, that uses a different exec command | 19:21 |
maestrojed | I've asked about this in #linux a few weeks ago. If I am annoying just tell me, but I am still stuck. I use vagrant and my VM's OS is Ubuntu14. Some directories/files are being treated as if they do not exist. But they do. Assume a problematic directory modules/taxonomy/. if I list the parent directory, "ls -al modules/", that problematic directory does not appear in the list, as if it is missing. But if I list the actual problematic | 19:26 |
maestrojed | directory, "ls -al modules/taxonomy/" it and its contents are listed, as if they exist. Example: https://gist.github.com/maestrojed/4b784672b1b79dd3268c7da5b394e927 | 19:26 |
lordcirth_work | maestrojed, is there any bind mounting / autofs / anything funny like that? | 19:28 |
alkisg | Maybe run an offline fsck? :) | 19:30 |
maestrojed | lordcirth_work maybe! Getting a little outside my knowledge zone. But these ubuntu boxes are running in vagrant. The directories or files affected have so far always been in the vagrant_synced_folders path. So a path shared between guest and host. | 19:30 |
maestrojed | when I look at the files on the host machine, they look normal and can be listed on the CLI. The host machine is OSX | 19:30 |
lordcirth_work | maestrojed, It's possible the syncing is buggy | 19:30 |
maestrojed | These files are also version controlled with Git which shows no changes. | 19:30 |
alkisg | What's the file system that's reported inside the VM? | 19:31 |
alkisg | Is it ext4? | 19:31 |
maestrojed | lordcirth_work yeah, It is quite the coincidence. But once that VM is running, seems I should be able to solve this from a Linux POV? no? | 19:31 |
maestrojed | alkisg let me check | 19:31 |
lordcirth_work | maestrojed, is vagrant mounting the host folder in, or just copying at startup? | 19:31 |
maestrojed | alkisg I believe its NTS | 19:32 |
maestrojed | lordcirth_work I believe mounting, as typically changes made in one system are realized in the other | 19:33 |
lordcirth_work | maestrojed, yeah, I bet that's the problem. Did you mean NTFS? | 19:34 |
maestrojed | I have tried so much, I am not sure if its worth listing the stuff. But I can move, remove, touch, edit, change permissions, ownership, etc. on these files. But they still behave this odd way. | 19:34 |
lordcirth_work | maestrojed, and if you copy the whole tree somewhere local in the VM, does it behave properly there? | 19:35 |
maestrojed | lordcirth_work This is how I determined NTS https://gist.github.com/maestrojed/30fa7c9299e7721296e97825467ab4fb | 19:36 |
maestrojed | lordcirth_work I will try! | 19:36 |
lordcirth_work | thats NFS | 19:36 |
maestrojed | So sorry! | 19:37 |
torontoyes | does anyone know how to prepare the windows image to work with MAAS? is there any documentation for this? I don't really see much | 19:40 |
maestrojed | Ok, I copied the entire tree. That problematic directory was not copied. | 19:41 |
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maestrojed | FYI, I can copy the problematic directory specifically. "cp -Rf /var/www/docroot/modules/taxonomy/ ~/debug/". The directory is copied and I can list it at its new location. | 19:44 |
Popzi | EriC^^: lol, fixed it, made a bash script to wait 30 secs, and run a systemctl start command as the 'user' user, and just added that to run on a @reboot cron for either user since the script works on both... hacky fixes ftw | 19:47 |
EriC^^ | :D | 19:48 |
torontoyes | join #juju | 19:55 |
erdave | Hello, I have installed postgresql 9.4 from snap, but I don't know how to execute it. It drops the following error: | 19:58 |
erdave | createdb: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory | 19:58 |
erdave | Is the server running locally and accepting | 19:58 |
erdave | connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? | 19:58 |
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snkcld | where would i find the wayland logs? | 20:39 |
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DeeJayTwo | Hi, I have an strange issue... as soon as I'm connecting a storage device to any of my USB ports, my wireless mouse and keyboards aren't working anymore. | 21:00 |
DeeJayTwo | Hmm... I think I've found the reason for my problem...: http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/whitepapers/327216.pdf | 21:11 |
DeeJayTwo | USB3 is leaking RF in 2.4 Ghz and breaks communications between my usb antenna and my keyboard/mouse... | 21:11 |
tubal | Hello. I'm trying to figure out the following... it has worked before. ... | 21:15 |
tubal | echo 7 | sudo tee > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness | 21:15 |
tubal | bash: /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness: Permission denied | 21:15 |
tubal | D'oh! Just saw it... the errant > . Duh. | 21:16 |
tubal | Anyway, as you might have guessed, I'm having trouble getting backlight to work properly with 27.20/Gnome. Up to 17.04, backlight-vendor in grub.conf worked. not anymore. Booting with "acpi_osi=" gets backlight to respond to the kb, but not to gui controls. Does anyone know any other approaches? | 21:22 |
tubal | s/27.20/17.10/ | 21:24 |
TJ- | tubal: what's in the sysfs nodes for class/backlight/ | 21:34 |
tubal | TJ: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26166117/ | 21:37 |
TJ- | tubal: do both allow you to control the brightness manually? | 21:37 |
tubal | TJ: By manually, do you mean with the kb buttons? | 21:38 |
TJ- | tubal: no, by echoing the value to the brightness node | 21:38 |
tubal | Only backlight=vendor did so. Current boot, with acpi=osi, I have the kb, but not the fs. | 21:39 |
tubal | Neither allowed for gui controls. | 21:39 |
TJ- | tubal: you can test with something similar to: echo 6 | sudo dd of=/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness | 21:42 |
TJ- | tubal: you can get the maximum allowed value with cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness | 21:42 |
snkcld | im on ubuntu 17.10, and id like to disable "tap to click", but it doesnt show up under the "mouse and touchpad" settings | 21:43 |
TJ- | tubal: if one of the nodes under class/backlight does NOT change the backlight my guess would be the GUI has bound to that one | 21:43 |
tubal | TJ: The dd line had no effect. So, by the logic of your last line, you're saying the GUI controls should respond to /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video_0 ? | 21:47 |
TJ- | tubal: my hypothesis is that one of those two backlight device nodes doesn't actually work, but the GUI has found it first and bound to it | 21:48 |
TJ- | tubal: if you can't change the brightness using acpi_video/brightness but can using intel_backlight/brightness, it would suggest the GUI is trying to use acpi_video0 | 21:49 |
tubal | echo 300 | sudo dd of=/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness | 21:49 |
tubal | That line did what you'd expect. | 21:49 |
tubal | So, your hypothesis is the GUI is trying acpi_video0. So, based on that, how do I get it to actually do so? | 21:51 |
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soee | if i reinstall system without formatting / partition than all mysql databases or data under /var/www will be lost ? | 21:51 |
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PTNapivoski | srgjames: Difference of microtime in the beggining and at the end o script? | 21:57 |
PTNapivoski | oops... | 21:57 |
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TJ- | tubal: what's on the kernel command-line? do you also have acpi_backlight=vendor ? | 22:01 |
pointydrip | Hello I am having trouble repairing grub from a live usb | 22:05 |
pointydrip | am I at the right channel for help? | 22:06 |
p0a | Hello I've removed firefox with apt-remove but I still get updates on language packs & chromium stuff. How can I completely remove the firefox virus from my system? | 22:08 |
pointydrip | I am on natty and tried using boot repair from a live USB but I got an error, I am now on chroot to sda1 but it says grub-pc has not installation candidate and unable to locate package grub-common | 22:10 |
pointydrip | I'm stuck with no bootloader.... | 22:10 |
adrian_1908 | p0a: try `sudo apt purge firefox && sudo apt autoremove` | 22:10 |
macgeek312 | I have a weird question...is there a way to move /run off of tmpfs and have it just be a normal directory? | 22:10 |
macgeek312 | I haven't been able to figure out where it even gets mounted to adjust the size or anything | 22:11 |
p0a | adrian_1908: what's autoremove? | 22:13 |
p0a | adrian_1908: It's going to remove a bunch of linux-headers* and linux-image* files | 22:14 |
adrian_1908 | p0a: it removes old dependencies that are no longer needed, among them packages that came in with now-uninstalled software. | 22:14 |
p0a | adrian_1908: well that's a whole GB of data! nice | 22:15 |
p0a | adrian_1908: thank you | 22:15 |
adrian_1908 | p0a: Since you say you're still getting updates for stuff you don't want, that might be an option. Otherwise, nothing from firefox should "stick around". | 22:15 |
adrian_1908 | np | 22:15 |
pointydrip | Is anyone able to help me get my bootloader back? | 22:15 |
p0a | yeah I get language packs and ffmpeg stuff for chromium | 22:16 |
tomreyn | !natty | pointydrip | 22:16 |
ubottu | pointydrip: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on 2012-10-28, see https://ubottu.com/y/natty for details. | 22:16 |
p0a | anyhow we'll see now | 22:16 |
pointydrip | tomreyn: ya I know... but I need to retreive stuff from it | 22:16 |
tomreyn | you'd better just backup and reinstall | 22:17 |
tubal | TJ: "acpi_osi=" | 22:17 |
tomreyn | !eolupgrade | pointydrip | 22:17 |
ubottu | pointydrip: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 22:17 |
tomreyn | pointydrip: ^ this is the other option, but i guess with a system that opuutdated, a reinstall is a *much* better option. | 22:18 |
tubal | FYI: Anyone having trouble running gufw, gparted or other GUI apps requiring root privs, see fix at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/backintime/+bug/1713313/comments/3 | 22:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1713313 in xdiagnose (Ubuntu) "Unable to launch pkexec'ed applications on Wayland session" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:18 |
pointydrip | I'll try to reinstall ...and come back if I can't get anything off it | 22:19 |
tomreyn | pointydrip: so just boot from some live media, mount the file systems of the old installation, backup data, install current ubuntu, restore data | 22:19 |
pointydrip | tomreyn: K thx I'll try that | 22:20 |
TJ- | tubal: you should have/try acpi_backlight=vendor in addition to any acpi_osi= options | 22:20 |
tubal | TJ: So, *both*? I will try that. | 22:20 |
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TJ- | tubal: they're entirely different options | 22:21 |
tubal | TJ: Got it. :) Thanks. Will report back when I reboot. | 22:22 |
CarlFK | how do I zero out grub so I can verify that my installer is installing it? (3 drives, sda,b,c are moving around on me...) | 22:41 |
CarlFK | something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bc=100 | 22:41 |
CarlFK | it's ok if I break the partition table and everything else too | 22:41 |
pavlos | CarlFK: I think you need to write 512 bytes | 22:44 |
TJ- | CarlFK: Depends on whether its BIOS or UEFI, and whether the disk label is MBR or GPT | 22:45 |
CarlFK | TJ-: bios. not sure the 2nd - how about i do both? | 22:45 |
TJ- | CarlFK: if you're wanting to zap the MBR boot-strap then something like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdZ bs=442 count=1" | 22:46 |
CarlFK | automated install should rebuild from whatever broken state things are in | 22:46 |
gsilvapt | Hello all. A friend of my who hasn't updated his personal wiki page since 2014. He wants to update it now but it says page immutable for him but I can edit it. Any suggestions about what is happening here= | 22:46 |
gsilvapt | s/=/? | 22:46 |
TJ- | CarlFK: if it's GPT the GRUB core image will be in a small BIOS Boot Partition (around 1MB size, which gdisk etc shows as type EF02) | 22:46 |
CarlFK | gsilvapt: if you dont' hear anything here, try /j #launchpad (probably not the right place, but maybe closer) | 22:47 |
gsilvapt | Thanks, CarlFK | 22:48 |
pavlos | gsilvapt: my page reads immutable but after I login with my lp account, I can edit my page. Could your friend do the same? | 23:01 |
gsilvapt | pavlos, he is logged in. All pages display as immutable | 23:02 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: has he logged in afresh or relying on a stored cookie from a previous session? | 23:03 |
gsilvapt | TJ-, he also cleaned cookies before experiencing this issue and still maintained. | 23:03 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: maybe the browser is blocking some resources? | 23:04 |
gsilvapt | I have no idea. He was inactive for 3 years, I thought that was somehow relate | 23:04 |
gsilvapt | d* | 23:05 |
pavlos | gsilvapt: check that his LP account is ok, then he should be able to edit | 23:06 |
gsilvapt | pavlos, please tell me if there's anything out place as I am not seeing what: https://launchpad.net/~tiagopolicarpo | 23:07 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: can he see his user account preferences in the Wiki? | 23:08 |
gsilvapt | Yes, he does | 23:08 |
pavlos | gsilvapt: looks good | 23:09 |
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gsilvapt | Everything seems in place, I can't understand what is going on | 23:09 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: do you/he have ubuntu-wiki-editors membership? | 23:13 |
gsilvapt | TJ-, he doesn't nor I didn't | 23:13 |
gsilvapt | And I can edit pretty much all wiki pages, lol x) | 23:13 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: are you an Ubuntu member? | 23:14 |
gsilvapt | I am, he isn't | 23:14 |
gsilvapt | Well, he was a long time ago | 23:14 |
gsilvapt | But you don't need membership to edit Wiki Pages | 23:15 |
CarlFK | this will work, but is there a better way? like some /sys/proc list of block devices? | 23:16 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: I think you do now, due to the spam. Check in #canonical-admin | 23:17 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: his page is immutable to me also | 23:18 |
gsilvapt | TJ-, you are not a member? | 23:18 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: correct | 23:18 |
gsilvapt | Hum, ok, I see. That's consistent than | 23:18 |
TJ- | gsilvapt: according to this its the ubuntu-wiki-editor membership requirement: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Forums/Membership#Create_a_Wiki_page | 23:20 |
CarlFK | gsilvapt: my wiki page is also Immutable - huh. | 23:22 |
gsilvapt | Well, I asked him to join this team and see what goes from there | 23:22 |
gsilvapt | Thanks for the help anyways, CarlFK and TJ- | 23:29 |
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