
[Kid]when i use Vsphere as a cloud provider, how can i specify which datastore the controller goes on when bootstrapping/00:34
rsamIm following the tutorial from https://medium.com/intuitionmachine/kubernetes-gpus-tensorflow-8696232862ca, trying to set up a project for the first time, and I'm stuck deploying01:20
rsamfor some reason flannel never finishes (remains in Blocked status), and I'm not sure how to debug it01:20
rsamcould someone please help me debug what the issue is?01:21
rsamI have tried changing the configuration of the instances. Currently trying 1 gpu p2 instance. But still getting stuck01:22
rsam"(update-status) Missing flannel resource." might be the culprit01:22
rsamupdating revisions for all charms worked for me02:21
[Kid]getting i/o timeout when setting up bootstrap in vmware03:24
[Kid]but it creates the VM and gets to the point of setting up machine config03:25
[Kid]are there any devs in here?03:32
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
akshay__Hi All, one of our charms uploaded on charms store is not getting listed  on the portal. We have uploaded total 6 charms and only 5 are getting listed. Having said that we can see the missing charm by exact url.11:01
akshay__Is it a know issue with jujucharms.com?11:01
akshay__List of the charms can be seen at: https://jujucharms.com/q/hyperscale11:03
magicaltroutakshay__: did you grant access etc?11:07
akshay__Yes it is for everyone11:11
kjackal_akshay__: can you share the link with the missing charm?11:12
akshay__Sure give me a minute please11:13
akshay__Here it is:11:14
akshay__It shows version as 14...but from that onwards we have only released the charm on "edge" channel and hence the latest version can also be seen as #2711:15
kjackal_I am sorry akshay__ I do not see anything wrong with the charm. You might have more luck asking the gui team at #juju-gui or #juju-dev11:24
magicaltrouti blame the greeks11:25
kjackal_makes sence!11:30
kjackal_is it snowing over there magicaltrout?11:31
akshay__Thanks for the prompt responses @kjackal_ and @magicaltrout, I will follow this up on suggested channels. Cheers!11:32
magicaltrouthas been kjackal_ mostly gone now, pretty icy this morning though11:40
soumayaHi all ...12:49
soumayaWe are integrating a vepc in opnfv and facing some issue regarding bootstrap ..12:50
soumayaWe are bootstrapping on openstack using https identity service ...12:51
soumayaendpoint is
soumayabut bootstrap is failing with following error ....12:52
soumaya07:41:20 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:144 opening model "controller" 07:41:20 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack provider.go:798 authentication failed: authentication failed caused by: requesting token: failed executing the request caused by: Post x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs ERRO12:52
soumayaanyone can help me regarding the same ...12:52
zeestratsoumaya: If you don't get any traction here, I suggest creating a bug over at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju13:01
soumayaThanks zeestrat13:02
bdxcharm store borked for everyone?14:59
bdxsearch for "elasticsearch" in the search14:59
bdxor anything14:59
bdxbut "elasticsearch" is triggering the error for me14:59
bdxI can't deploy charms from the charm store atm either15:00
bdx:( :(15:00
gsamfirabdx: store seems broken ATM. 500 errors on any charm15:02
bdxright, I'm seeing the same15:02
gsamfirathey are probably working on it :).15:03
bdxwell lets be safe15:03
bdxrick_h: ^^^^^^15:03
gsamfira(unrelated to the above): is there any ppa where I can still get juju 2.2.6 ?15:06
gsamfiraversion 2.3.1 seems to have issues with LXD containers :)15:06
bdxgsamfira: what are the issues with lxd you are experiencing ?15:10
gsamfirabdx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/173764015:11
mupBug #1737640: /usr/sbin/fanctl: arithmetic expression: expecting primary | unconfigured interfaces cause ifup failures <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <cpe-onsite> <foundations-engine> <juju:Triaged> <ubuntu-fan (Ubuntu):Confirmed for smb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1737640>15:11
gsamfirathis one15:11
gsamfirahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/26170673/ <-- status from one of the containers15:12
=== urulama changed the topic of #juju to: Juju as a Service Beta now available at https://jujucharms.com/jaas | https://review.jujucharms.com/ | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms | Production issues, charm store and some other services DOWN
bdxgsamfira: hell of a bug, wow15:13
gsamfirayup :). Version 2.2.6 works fine for my needs, and I would rather use a PPA than compile my own15:13
gsamfiraunfortunately the stable PPA only has 2.3.115:14
bdxgsamfira: darn, thanks for the heads up on this ... similar but different to one I'm hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/173602215:16
mupBug #1736022: failed to bridge devices: bridge activaction error: bridge activation failed: Killed old client process <juju> <juju:Incomplete> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1736022>15:16
gsamfirabdx: no worries. Just trying to work around this for the moment15:25
bdxgsamfira: the bug you hit/shared^ will bork a good number of my deployments out there that are running if upgraded to 2.3, really good information ... don't know how I missed that15:41
gsamfiramake sure you don't upgrade until that is resolved :)15:41
narindercharm pull of charms does not work facing issues mentioning invalid character15:48
narinderERROR cannot get archive: cannot unmarshal error response "<html><body><h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>\nNo server is available to handle this request.\n</body></html>\n": invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value15:48
skayhmm, jujucharms.com is down, maybe there should be a 503 json response that charm can parse nicely15:52
bdxskay, narinder: ^15:53
bdxfatal: unable to access 'https://git.launchpad.net/layer-snap/': The requested URL returned error: 50315:53
skaybdx: git launchpad is also down15:53
skayarg /o\15:53
skaysquirrel... I ran into that earlier and for a while thought I was mistyping my git command. I found out about git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -vvv"15:54
skayhopefully they are back up soon15:55
skayderp didn't see the topic update15:55
bdxthe squirrels are real15:56
narinder bdx ok thanks15:56
bdxI wonder if all this infra runs in the same opentstack/datacenter15:57
narinderbdx, is IS team working on fixing this issue?15:57
bdxnarinder: looks like it15:57
bdxwe should think about diverting traffic to a backup controller/charmstore hosted somewhere else when the primary is unreachable15:58
narinderbdx, thanks15:59
bdxthere are ways to avoid this15:59
bdxnarinder: np15:59
bdxseeing as JAAS is about to try and support uptime contracts and become a paid for service, possibly extra precautions should be taken to avoid this type of outage in the future16:01
urulamabdx: not just possibly, it's a must ... and sorry for outage, but the bad news is it looks like it'll take a while16:02
bdxhaving the capability to do something like ^^ would negate this type of liability for you guys once this all goes live and we have customers bitching etc etc16:02
bdxurulama: right, thanks16:02
bdxurulama: I've implemented a simple version of ^ with a nagios check and script that updates dns, I'm sure you guys can think of something more better though :)16:03
urulamabdx: dynamic dns balancing should in place and 2 regions, there's no question about it. it's not atm, and, well, it should be very soon for all the reasons you've mentioned16:12
urulamacharmstore should be up16:16
urulamaalso JAAS models over CLI16:16
bdxurulama: back in business! many thanks for the quickness there16:19
urulamaweb pages still down :D16:19
bdxurulama: possibly just have to kick those web boxes16:21
urulamabdx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu816:22
urulamaweb kicked16:39
=== urulama changed the topic of #juju to: Juju as a Service Beta now available at https://jujucharms.com/jaas | https://review.jujucharms.com/ | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
bdxurulama: niceeeeeee17:25
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
jose-phillipsHI is possible from a juju charm set a few config on a container?19:40
jose-phillipsalso perform changes on another deployed computers/containers like run apt-get for get packages/19:40
bdxjose-phillips: use the layer-basic to define packages that you want apt installed19:46
bdxin your layer.yaml19:46
jose-phillipsok and what about to change the settings IF the package is deployed inside of a container19:47
[Kid]when i use Vsphere as a cloud provider, how can i specify which datastore the controller goes on when bootstrapping/20:21
[Kid]getting i/o timeout when setting up bootstrap in vmware also20:21
[Kid]getting i/o timeout when setting up bootstrap in vmware also20:21
[Kid]the i/o timeout happens after it has already built the VM and copied it20:21
[Kid]it is when it is doing the startup script for the agent20:22
zeestrat[Kid]: If you don't get any action here, I suggest sending a mail to the mailing list (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju) or create a bug over at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju20:27

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