
KWkQ9i8What log files show what files are have been accessed by a user on the system?  (ubuntu)04:08
jbicharicotz: ok that was fast, vala 0.38.4 is in experimental now13:16
jbicharicotz: https://github.com/radare/valabind/issues/4314:41
jbicha"can you point to a bug number?" "yes" 😒14:41
ubot5`Gnome bug 788837 in general "valabind can't build on vala 0.38 because it requires CCodeBaseModule (aka codegen apis)" [Normal,New]14:43
ricotzjbicha, although, as mentioned, looking into this further is low priority on my side14:48
o_aHello, all. Natural scrolling doesn't seem to be working for me. I turned it on in the configs, but nothing changed. Help?17:50
o_aHello, all17:55
jbicharicotz: https://launchpad.net/~jbicha/+archive/ubuntu/vala38/+packages?batch=185 looks pretty good19:00
jbichayou can ignore fso, gnome-shell-pomodoro, indicator-sound, libindicate, libunity and meson19:01
jbichathat leaves a11y-profile-manager, indicator-keyboard, and valabind19:02
=== LaserAllan is now known as Guest57528
ricotzjbicha, a11y-profile-manager: just drop "PKG_CHECK_MODULES([VALADOC], [valadoc-1.0 >= 0.23.2])" this is overkill21:28
ricotzindicator-keyboard: https://paste.debian.net/plain/100045921:29
jbichamy initial thinking is we'll wait until we can kick valabind & radare2 out of testing and then do the transition in Debian to get it auto-synced to Ubuntu21:33
ricotzjbicha, don't depend on libvaladoc-dev but valadoc22:16
ricotzvaladoc source package should be removed when vala 0.38.x lands22:17
jbichaI'm working on that now22:17
jbichathe configure.ac was a bit broken but I think I've fixed it22:18
jbichaseb128 wants me to wait a day or two before self-approving Unity merge proposals in case someone might want to review them22:29
ubululuHello, so I have a very interesting bug, I'm using the arc theme (of course) but it's transparency only works in nautilus when I launch nautilus as root, otherwise there's no transparency?23:51

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