[01:39] hi [01:40] anyone there [01:40] guess not [01:40] bye [02:52] Hey all! [02:56] hey there [04:11] Hey all, I'm working on a task right now that requires me to go through a basic snaps usage tutorial and report any issues that I find [04:11] however, after completing the tutorial, I wasn't able to find any meaningful issues [04:11] does this mean i can't finish the task? [07:06] Hi could could someone please review the Translate Ubuntu components task [10:08] hi [10:08] hi [10:08] can u help me [10:10] I'm one of the participants, so my knowledge is quite limited, but describe your problem here [10:10] someone else will help you if I won't be able to [10:11] i want to package and publish python snap [10:15] ok, what have you already done? [10:15] nothing [10:17] ok, so you should choose a project to snap (you can find a list of candidates here: https://bit.ly/ugcicandidates) and follow the instructions described in the task description ;) [10:17] what are you waiting for? :) [10:35] elopio, sergiusens, kyrofa: could you take a look at my submission for "Package and publish your first ruby snap" task, please? :) [11:14] Hi...Actually its been already 36 hours since i last submitted my work and there is still no response from my mentors. Is there anything else i can do? [11:48] hello [11:48] Accelerator, . [11:49] hello daniellimws [11:49] hello MaskyS [11:50] popey,It has already been 36 hours since i submitted my work and there is still no respoonse [11:51] popey,Can you please look into this [11:51] Looking... [11:53] Accelerator: can you link to the instance pls? [11:54] popey,https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6384315959083008/ [11:54] thanks! [11:55] popey,thanks to you too [12:01] can you please check mine also [12:01] https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/ [12:02] the task instance is not there [12:03] try this one [12:03] https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4825391275442176/ [12:08] popey,It has already been 4 days since I submitted my task but no one has checked it could you please have a look the link is https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4825391275442176/ [12:09] Looking! [12:12] popey, Thanks a lot [12:43] hi sergiusens are you able to look at my pr today? [13:08] Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble with Python snaps in general. I tried making httpstat and I just made another snap using Python and both times I get an error message saying `python3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by python3)` [13:09] jakewalker: install 16.04 LTS [13:09] easiest way to do it is using LXD container [13:11] jakewalker perhaps you can share your snapcraft.yaml file? [13:11] I've got 17.10 [13:11] jakewalker: that's the problem [13:11] Oh [13:12] you can use snapcraft from LXD container [13:12] that's what I did [13:12] there's a tutorial here https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-setting-up-lxd-1604#0 [13:12] Well here's the snapcraft.yaml anyway: https://gist.github.com/jake-walker/bc3b803fe1f43fbf61d6f64e9dea7fef [13:12] Thanks [13:23] daniellimws I asked for one of my colleagues to look at it [13:24] ah ok thanks [13:26] Just curious, although ubuntu is open source, I believe you guys still work for Ubuntu full time right? In that case, where does most of the revenue come from? [13:33] partnership, support etc. [13:33] ahh [13:34] services [13:34] anyways I believe the GLIBC issue could be a problem for deployment? [13:35] daniellimws: it's because snapcraft `core` package uses old glibc, the same that's used by 16.04 [13:35] oh [13:35] you can wait for next LTS, 18.04 :P [13:36] at least that's what they told me [13:36] oh that sucks [13:37] for me it's ok [13:38] at least you can choose between stable and veeeery stable, not as on windows – unstable (called stable) and veeeery unstable (windows insider) ;) [13:40] what a windows hater :P [13:44] luckily, if you can't get used to the fact that you don't have to reinstall system once a month (or even more frequently), you can use daily builds (sometimes unstable) [13:45] why would you even do that [13:45] but if you have masochistic tendencies (and you don't have enough time to compile everything by your own), using windows 10 is great [13:46] daniellimws: I ask myself about it every time I see people using windows XD [14:21] hey all, was just wondering, do I have to "submit a task for review" when I want the mentor to view a comment that I have made? [14:22] no, you don't have to === MaskyS_ is now known as MaskyS [14:50] jakewalker hi have you managed to get your thing working? [14:50] jakewalker m4sk1n I came across this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/per-project-containers/388/3 [14:51] you can do `SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 snapcraft` or `SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 snapcraft prime` whatsoever and this will create a lxc for you and mount everything for you [14:52] with this you do not need to go through the trouble of creating a lxc yourself and mounting stuff and all that, and your snap will now work [14:52] according to this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/clean-up-stale-lxd-containers-created-by-snapcraft/952 you can do `SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 snapcraft clean` to remove the container [14:53] the lxc is 16.04 so the snap will now work [15:28] daniellimws Ok, I left it installing while I went and did something else, I'll try that now [15:29] just the initial pulling of the image will take some time, but it should only be a one-time thing [15:29] Seems to be working OK though [15:30] the snap? [15:33] I did that thing but there's just more errors about permissions: https://gist.github.com/jake-walker/f7bac6443baa2b0c7225013f7a7ae3cb [15:33] I tried running as sudo aswell but didn't work [15:35] hmm did you do sudo adduser lxd [15:36] or sudo lxd init [15:37] Yes, I did both [15:37] oh did it prompt you to add a line in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid [15:37] No [15:37] because it did ask me to add root:1000:1 [15:37] to those 2 files [15:38] or maybe its just me [15:39] My user and root are already in there [15:39] *in both [15:40] oh how about try lxc delete snapcraft-cheat [15:40] then retry doing sudo [15:43] Nope, same error daniellimws [15:43] I'm going to try something else [15:48] ok [16:04] Sorry to keep bothering but I've just created a Docker container on my VPS using the ubuntu:16.04 (https://store.docker.com/images/ubuntu) container just to test my snap. I think this version of Ubuntu is very minimal so `snap` is not installed by default. I just installed it using `sudo apt install snapd`. Running `snap --help` works and show the [16:04] help page, but if I do something like `snap list` or `snap install` I get this error: `error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: no such file or directory` [16:17] you are running this inside docker? [16:17] i think it should work outside docker but not sure if that's what you want [16:19] Yes, inside Docker and I do want it inside Docker because I'm not running 16.04 [16:36] https://github.com/ogra1/snapd-docker [16:36] how about this ^ [16:36] jakewalker [16:37] wait sorry that thing uses 17.04 [16:38] how about using vagrant https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/xenial64 [16:39] because apparently it probably isnt that simple to set up a docker for snap [16:39] https://askubuntu.com/questions/907126/snap-fails-from-inside-docker-container [16:39] just created another PR with tutorial [16:47] daniellimws hey, can you join #snappy ? [18:02] elopio, can you review the python snap task? I'll review the ruby one [18:07] I filed an issue based on the discussion earlier regarding the GLIBC issue. It should be better if it mentions such error on ubuntu 17 machines and lets the reader know that they can do snapcraft cleanbuild or the per project containers. [18:07] https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/issues/550 [18:07] Issue 550 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "[Snap a Python application] Add solution to GLIBC problem on 17.10" [Open] [18:16] kyrofa: I am a little short of time today. I will try to catch up with my pending tasks tonight, or tomorrow for sure. [18:16] elopio, no problem :) [18:17] elopio: you have some which are really old. [18:22] popey: sorry. I will catch up. [19:11] kyrofa, one question, is there any example of a snap using ruby plugin? [19:11] konrad11901, yeah I've done the Travis gem that way. Let me dig it up for you to reference [19:14] konrad11901, take a look at this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26171992/ [19:15] konrad11901, isn't that prettier? [19:15] great, thanks a lot! :) [19:15] yes, it is [19:15] It takes a little time since it builds ruby from source. But that way you can request any version of ruby you want [19:15] i had some problems with using this plugin, but thanks to your example it's much easier now [19:16] konrad11901, oh everything is easier with an example! No problem :) [19:16] :) [19:18] https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=ruby+gem+filename%3Asnapcraft.yaml+extension%3Ayaml+language%3AYAML&type=Code&ref=advsearch&l=YAML&l= [19:25] m4sk1n_: I was looking for the example of snapcraft using ruby plugin (not nil, autotools, etc.), and yeah, I've found two examples, one installing the gem (not compiling it from the github), and the second one had the "command" field quite messed up, so that's why I decided to ask kyrofa for an example ;) [19:26] I just wanted to be absolutely sure about what I'm doing [19:27] Yeah that'll build it from source. Note that `--env-shebang` is required otherwise the binaries will have shebangs with absolute paths pointing into the install directory instead of using /usr/bin/env [19:28] At least, it was required for travis [19:28] I think the rest is relatively clear? [19:30] Yes, it is :) [19:31] For how long will you be available today, kyrofa? [19:31] just curious [19:31] konrad11901, it's 1100 for me. Several hours [19:31] konrad11901, feel free to ping me :) [19:31] Ok :) [19:34] thanks kyrofa, you helped me too :) [19:34] m4sk1n_, I did? Well good! Two birds with one stone! [19:35] I'm sorry about the out-of-date documentation, we'll try to get that fixed [19:59] kyrofa: I've made some changes to my snap, can you check the submission? :) [20:00] konrad11901, sure thing [20:00] That was fast [20:00] konrad11901, the YAML looks excellent. Have you already published this? [20:00] Yes [20:01] stable channel? [20:01] Of course :) [20:01] yay! Works awesome [20:02] Thanks! [20:03] konrad11901, can you make a call for testing in the forum? [20:04] Yes, I can, give me a minute [21:01] kyrofa: if you have some free time, could you take a look at my submission for the task called "Package and publish your first go snap"? [21:01] konrad11901, you're on a roll! Yeah, give me a few [21:03] ok, no problem [21:38] konrad11901, done, looks excellent [21:39] Perfect candidate for a snap [21:39] thanks kyrofa! :) [21:40] I'll submit another snap for a review in a while (last one for today, I promise :D) [21:40] I just prepared a few of them yesterday and today [21:40] while waiting for my submission to be reviewed [21:43] Nice [21:53] Ok, kyrofa, I've just sent a submission, so if you have some spare time, you can take a look, thanks :) [21:53] and yeah, enough for today [21:54] konrad11901, sweet, I'll take a look in a bit