
blackboxswpowersj: just got together an automated git-publisher tool which hopefully jenkins/CI can use. I ran the scrIpt against your https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/335051 and sorted the commit message content17:14
* blackboxsw needs to setup the LP user for the bot to not be me :)17:14
powersjblackboxsw: nice! I wondered how you sent me a message about my commit message17:15
powersjblackboxsw: would be nice if the subject line had something to do with cloud-init btw17:25
blackboxswpowersj teaking it now. yeah was wondering where that "subject" field showed up as I don't see it anywhere on the comment  in the UI17:26
blackboxswtweaking rather17:26
blackboxswpowersj: sorry couple more passes/comments on your branch as I test. please ignore them17:26
blackboxswactually, I'll just fake-approve my own branch17:26
rharperblackboxsw: btw, that's a pretty neat tool; effecitively a lander for git on launchpad, yeah ?17:27
blackboxswrharper: yeah, that's where we are going with it. agreed. (and we don't really have to re-write tarmac17:27
powersjblackboxsw: what are you using?17:27
blackboxswpowersj: the magic of cloudinit.subp(['git', *]) and python3-launchpadlib17:28
blackboxsw110 line script. not too bad17:29
blackboxswpowersj: some of your ci tools already use laucnhpad lib or were they jenkins plugins?17:29
powersjblackboxsw: various tools do use it to query for example package uploads or bug triage17:30
powersjjenkins-launchpad-plugin of course uses it as the main interface17:30
rharpersmoser: on the maas check_instance_id;  it wasn't clear to me if you had validated the 'restart cloud-init after upgrade but before reboot' w.r.t to a pickled object which doesn't have the 'hash_id' class member ... , the check_instance_id references self.hash_id in the 'if self.hash_id is None' but; I think we need a if hasattr('hash_id', self), right?17:35
smoserrharper: look at the paste there.17:46
rharperI did17:46
rharperbut I didn't see how that mapped to code using an undefined class member via pickle17:47
smoserthe python program basically does what we do and shows you can just use the attribute that is in the class.17:47
rharperbut how is it different than the previous ec2 and azure case ?17:47
smoseri'm not really sur what problem we *did* see there.17:47
smoserbut look at that paste17:47
smoserMyClass version 2 directly accesses self.newattr17:48
smoserwhich would *not* have been in the pickle17:48
smoserbut is in the class definition17:48
smoseri think possibly before when we errored we did not add an attribute to the class17:48
rharperwhat I recall is stages asking got get_data() which referenced a self.<var>  which was not defined in the restored class17:49
smoseri think make we did not add it to the class in an attribute17:50
rharperit was a class attr17:51
rharpergit show 281a82181716183d526e76f4e0415e0a6f680cbe17:51
rharperok;  the new attr is present (and is None) but that was a bogus value17:52
rharperso, yes, I think you're right here; we don't expect a non-none value, if it is none (which it will be on a restore) we go and set the value (like we did with the property in that above commit)17:52
rharperhrm, now I don't see us setting self.hash_id in get_data()17:54
rharpershouldn't we set the value in the class ?17:54
smoserrharper: you're right. i dropped taht code i think on accident.17:57
smoseri had it, then i moved the thing to a function, and dleted the one occurence.18:00
blackboxswsmoser: rharper powersj : here are a couple of bot example messages  when voting 'Needs Fixing' and setting 'Work in progress'18:29
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blackboxswWDYT? might need some wordsmithing/bike-shedding but I can put something up as an  MP for the ability for us to at least manually run git-publish to quickly merge branches. We can then build it into a CI-bot18:31
powersjblackboxsw: the needs-fixing message looks a bit weird due to odd line breaks. Content wise I think the issue that needs fixing should be first, not buried in the message.18:51
powersjI do think that maybe your bot should be added to the CI process, so the end user is not getting hit by both a CI bot and some other commit log bot18:52
dpb1powersj: +119:01
dpb1powersj: and we should change the bot to have a different email address so it doesn't have powersj face on my screen all the time19:01
dpb1:), but still, we should19:01
powersjyeah not sure how that is done19:02
powersjwell the address for the bot is josh.powers+server-team-bot@canonical.com19:03
dpb1powersj: let's use an alias for the bot19:03
dpb1powersj: server-crew-qa?19:04
powersjthat's not a bad idea19:04
powersjas long as it doesn't create a whole bunch of extra mail to that list19:04
powersjI already get plenty of mail :)19:05
powersjgetting rid of the bot would be nice19:05
powersjevery merge request email is annoying x cloud-init, curtin, simplestreams, and git-ubuntu19:05
dpb1we can change notification prefs for that account19:06
dpb1I'm more wanting to fix the 'from' address19:06
rharperblackboxsw: interesting, note that the Launchpad wrap is like70  chars; which would make it easier to read19:07
rharperblackboxsw: also grammar/wordsmitthing19:07
rharperblackboxsw: but the real question is whose lp account gets that tasty bot karma ?19:07
dpb1good point19:08
dpb1think of what we could do... endless posibilities19:08
* blackboxsw runs rharper I was thinking it'd ultimately be https://launchpad.net/~server-team-bot19:12
blackboxswdunno where that '/me runs' came from.19:12
rharperkarma bot gets karma19:12
blackboxswyep, or rotating bot karma. to make sure we all get 5 digit karma so we can purchase that magazine subscription from the karma catalog19:13
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blackboxswwhoops smoser, I totally misunderstood how cloud-init should work w.r.t. module config 'stages'22:28
blackboxswthanks for the review22:28
blackboxswwill reject that branch (and all bot-voting comments) was worth the git-publish script test anyway22:29
blackboxswsmoser: oops right, so ok bootcmd, write_files,ssh, resizefs etc. should be run by in modules-init stage. Will peek at behavior running on the CLI cloud-init modules --mode init to confirm22:40
blackboxsw... though, since the modules piggyback on init stage, why would we want to surface cloud-init modules --mode init?22:41
blackboxswinstead of just allowing "sudo cloud-init init" to take care of it22:41
blackboxswor cloud-init --local22:44
blackboxswgiven that we don't call it at all during system startup, should we even surface that particular option via CLI?22:45
blackboxswExecStart=/usr/bin/cloud-init modules --mode=config22:45
blackboxswExecStart=/usr/bin/cloud-init modules --mode=final22:45
blackboxswExecStart=/usr/bin/cloud-init init --local22:45
blackboxswExecStart=/bin/touch /run/cloud-init/network-config-ready22:45
blackboxswExecStart=/usr/bin/cloud-init init22:45
blackboxsw^ list of what we call from systemd22:45
powersjsmoser: thanks for review, I'm going to incorporate comments into ec2 merge proposal22:51

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