
mupPR snapcraft#1805 opened: lifecycle: use the -no-fragments mksquashfs option <Created by tyhicks> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1805>00:27
mupPR snapd#4396 opened: snap: use the -no-fragments mksquashfs option <Created by tyhicks> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4396>02:44
mupPR snapd#4395 closed: update HACKING.md for distro build dependencies <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4395>06:56
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kalikianagood morning08:03
mborzeckikalikiana: morning08:08
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
Chipacamborzecki: o/09:03
mborzeckiChipaca: hey09:03
Chipacamborzecki: would now be a good time to rant about the insanity of signed st_size09:03
mborzeckihahaha :) that's the ParseInt() thing?09:04
Chipacamborzecki: yeah09:05
Chipacamborzecki: stat64's st_size is a long long09:05
Chipacamborzecki: stat's st_size is unsigned long (not unsigned long long)09:06
Chipaca(it's just an unsigned int on 64 bits, in fact; it's unsigned long on i386)09:07
mborzeckiChipaca: fair enough09:07
Chipacamborzecki: and golang's os.FileInfo's Size() returns an int6409:08
Chipacamborzecki: and i it bothers me _every_ _time_09:08
Chipacalike, who's this person going around creating negative-sized files09:08
Chipacai'd like a word09:08
pedronisChipaca: is there some call that returns size_t directly, usually the reason is to mark errors as -109:10
mborzeckiChipaca: can you add a comment there in the code? just in case someone stubles on it in the future09:10
Chipacapedronis: getuid reutrns unsigned ints, and uses -1 as a flag value09:10
Chipacamborzecki: psh. comments. what's next, *tests*?09:11
Chipacapedronis: but, yeah, probably09:11
mborzeckiChipaca: nah, tests you can skip09:11
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Chipacapedronis: and I guess the feeling is if reaching the limit of 63 bits is close, 64 bits is just as close09:11
Chipacamborzecki: :-D09:11
Chipacamborzecki: i'm quoting you on that one09:11
* Chipaca looks forward to having 20EB sd cards09:13
pedronisChipaca: also defining off_t would be hard09:15
mborzeckiChipaca: i'm doing a meetup on go at my local group today, will reference both golang bugs that you found (geteuid and syscalls that must fail, even if they don't)09:16
Chipacamborzecki: heh09:16
Chipacamborzecki: those are mundane compared to the threading one :-) but ok!09:17
mborzeckii'll be showing the actual bits of go's asm that are responsible09:17
Chipacapedronis: are you reviewing that PR? just asking to know if i should wait before pushing the changes09:18
pedronisChipaca: no, I don't even know what PR you are talking about, I need a belated breakfast actually :)09:18
Chipacapedronis: breakfast >> reviews09:19
* kalikiana coffee break09:32
JamieBennettAny idea why none of my snaps can save settings? Happening with Corebird and Mailspring. I'll change settings, they will be reflected in the UI but not saved. When I go back to the settings of the app the old values are still there.09:38
pstolowskiJamieBennett, any denials in the logs?09:51
sergiusensJamieBennett check ownership of files/dirs in ~/snap09:56
JamieBennettpstolowski: Only denial I see is this but it looks unrelated: Dec 13 09:37:00 ubik kernel: [ 1876.976847] audit: type=1107 audit(1513157820.788:1187): pid=1834 uid=106 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="system" path="/" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" member="GetManagedObjects" mask="send" name="org.bluez" pid=1085009:57
JamieBennettlabel="snap.mailspring.mailspring" peer_pid=1820 peer_label="unconfined"09:57
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pstolowskiright, seems unrelated09:57
JamieBennettsergiusens: permissions looks OK too09:58
JamieBennettIt's strange09:58
pstolowskiJamieBennett, also, does it create any (possibly hidden) files in ~/snap/.. as you modify & save settings? 'find ~/snap` before and after might give a clue10:00
mborzeckihmm corebird seems to work just fine here, the settings are preserved and i can actually see then on d-conf10:00
JamieBennettSeems I am getting quite a few denied messages for dbus10:01
mborzeckiJamieBennett: anything with ca.desrt.dconf ?10:02
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JamieBennettEven stranger, if I change settings then close Corebird and reopen, the new settings are there.10:08
mborzeckiJamieBennett: stat `dconf watch /org/baedert/corebird/` and run corebird, change some settings, you should see dconf watch listing updaated keys10:08
Chipaca if [ ! -e $(ls -1 /var/lib/snapd/snaps/ubuntu-core_*.snap | tail -1) ]; then exit 1; fi10:08
* Chipaca wonders10:08
JamieBennettmborzecki: nothing10:09
JamieBennettChipaca: ls: cannot access '/var/lib/snapd/snaps/ubuntu-core_*.snap': No such file or directory10:10
Chipacaogra_: you're my favourite sh expert: does the above make any sense to you? as opposed to just [ -e /var/lib/snapd/snaps/ubuntu-core_*.snap ] ?10:10
ChipacaJamieBennett: uh, sorry, this's unrelated to your woes10:10
pedronisChipaca: I think you get an error from -e  if there is more than one argument10:12
Chipacahm, probably10:12
Chipacajust the ls, then :-)10:13
pedronisbut yes, it's a weird way to check10:13
JamieBennettmborzecki: do external links in tweets work for you?10:14
JamieBennett(in Corebird)10:14
ChipacaJamieBennett: are the corebird interfaces connected?10:14
JamieBennettChipaca: yes, gsettings, home, network, ...10:15
mborzeckiJamieBennett: yes (note, i'm running latest snapd master)10:15
ChipacaJamieBennett: dbus?10:15
* JamieBennett cannot see a dbus interface10:16
pedronishave we got any green runs in the last days?   all the recent PRs seem red10:16
JamieBennettwhat is the exact name? Should it be dbus?10:16
Chipacapedronis: my pr was green yesterday10:16
Chipacapedronis: first try, too10:16
Chipacapedronis: and finishing at ~5pm which is peak SF10:17
JamieBennettChipaca: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26175847/10:17
mborzeckipedronis: and timing out10:17
ChipacaJamieBennett: 'snap interfaces corebird' would've been nicer :-D10:18
ChipacaJamieBennett: corebird:dbus-corebird           -10:18
JamieBennettChipaca: well, I'm having issues with snaps all round so pasted them all10:18
ChipacaJamieBennett: output of 'snap version'?10:19
* mborzecki restarting master branch travis job for the 4th time10:22
ChipacaJamieBennett: so, about corebird, if you even get a window you're ahead of me10:23
JamieBennettMailspring was the other that is not saving settings for me10:24
Chipacaoh it took ages but finally popped up10:24
Chipacait tried to download and bunzip an h264 decoder (wat)10:24
ChipacaJamieBennett: but, the link on "Create one" worked, so that works10:25
JamieBennettChipaca: What I tried to do was turn autoscroll on in settings, close the settings window, then go back and see if it is still enabled10:25
ChipacaJamieBennett: in corebird?10:27
ChipacaJamieBennett: how do i get to settings?10:29
JamieBennettThe cog in the titlebar10:29
ChipacaJamieBennett: i have no cog in my titlebar10:30
JamieBennettnext to minimise?10:30
ChipacaJamieBennett: https://i.imgur.com/tXRVd4A.png10:31
JamieBennettAh, you have a different theme too, everything is on the left, I'm on 17.10 and everything is on the right10:31
ChipacaJamieBennett: this is sparta^W16.0410:32
JamieBennettChipaca: I think there is a more general problem as no snaps seem to be able to save settings, external links in snaps do not work e.t.c.10:33
* JamieBennett keeps digging10:33
ChipacaJamieBennett: it does sound like something is broken10:34
ChipacaJamieBennett: have you tried seeing if running core from stable fixes things?10:34
JamieBennettno, lets try that10:35
JamieBennettChipaca: nope, that wasn't it10:36
ChipacaJamieBennett: I don't have many ideas. I'd normally point you at zyga...10:42
JamieBennettnp, just debugging dbus at the moment, it definitely looks like something is wonky there10:45
pedronisChipaca: we will have to turn off some suites or something until we decide what to do, I really would like to merge a couple small PRs before leaving10:58
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pedronisfor the holidays10:59
sergiusensJamieBennet Chipaca snap run --shell corebird ... then touch $SNAP_USER_COMMON/stub and verify that works11:07
* sergiusens is on his phone warming up on a static bike to get started with physiotherapy 11:08
Chipacapedronis: i'm trying something that might make a difference (maybe too small to be noticeable though, will see if it works at all first)11:09
Chipacapedronis: the biggest issue seems to be i/o timeouts from linode :-/11:16
Chipacathe second issue seems to be that the images haven't been refreshed in too long (or could use some love to be quicker)11:17
Chipaca(locally in my qemu images i cut down the time by ~15 minutes for 14.04 just by doing all the setup faff beforehand11:18
pedronisI'm sure, I'm looking for a remedy for the next 3 days that doesn't need Gustavo though11:18
* pedronis lunch11:20
Chipacapedronis: that's what i'm trying out: i have a branch that does a single apt-get for distro_install_package instead of one per package11:20
Chipacapedronis: and replaces all -comp xz with -comp gzip in ~5 mksquashfs calls we have in tests11:20
Chipacabetween them it might shave 10 minutes or more, depending11:20
Chipacatesting it now11:20
mborzeckiChipaca: are msquashfs calls done in prepare?11:24
Chipacamborzecki: in core, yes, one11:26
Chipacamborzecki: and in the prepare of cmd/snap-confine/spread-tests/regression/lp-1599608/task.yaml11:27
Chipacamborzecki: and tests/main/ubuntu-core-custom-device-reg-extras/task.yaml11:27
Chipacamborzecki: and tests/main/confinement-classic/test-snapd-hello-classic/Makefile11:28
Chipacamborzecki: and tests/main/ubuntu-core-custom-device-reg/task.yaml11:28
Chipacamborzecki: and tests/main/ubuntu-core-gadget-config-defaults/task.yaml11:28
mborzeckiah, right, the ones that were in the pr11:28
Chipacamborzecki: </ul>11:29
mborzeckione thing I observed while browsing logs today: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26176245/11:29
mborzeckithis is right before the timeout11:29
mborzeckitests/main/lxd task11:30
Chipacamborzecki: yeah11:30
mborzeckiany idea what's the size of this rootfs?11:31
Chipacamborzecki: it should be possible to do that beforehand also :-/11:31
mborzecki10+ minutses of project prepare, blazing fast download and we're pushing the job timeout limit11:32
Chipacai just got green on my pr again11:39
Chipacadunnno what y'awl are moanin' about11:39
* Chipaca is sure to be run over by a bus after this amount of good luck11:39
pedronisChipaca: this 2 lines PR takes regularly 49+ mins:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/438811:45
mupPR #4388: overlord/snapstate: fix auto-refresh summary for 2 snaps <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4388>11:45
mupPR snapd#4397 opened: tests/main/lxd: temporarily switch to manual <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4397>11:50
mborzeckianother experiment, trying to see if this is the culprit11:50
Chipacamy test run is dying a death of a thousand "no powered off servers in Linode account exceed halt-timeout" :-/11:53
Chipacastill seeing ~10 min prepares though12:03
mupPR snapd#4398 opened: overlord/auth,daemon: introduce an explicit auth.ErrInvalidUser <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4398>12:27
pedronisChipaca: mborzecki: simple PR (split out from my larger one) ^12:28
* Chipaca ~> lunch12:43
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VamsiHello, is it possible for me to license snaps that I build? Is there an online documentation where I can read more on this?12:57
ChipacaVamsi: license in what sense?12:59
jdstrandJamieBennett (cc pstolowski): that is definitely unrelated13:01
Chipacapedronis: standup?13:02
jdstrandJamieBennett (cc pstolowski): (bluez)13:02
JamieBennettjdstrand: thanks for confirming13:02
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VamsiChipaca: such that I can make my snap a paid snap without falling into trouble.13:04
ChipacaVamsi: support for for-pay snaps isn't there yet -- JamieBennett or noise][ might have more detail13:06
jdstrandJamieBennett: you should connect screen-inhibit-control for irccloud13:07
VamsiSo no snap crurrently is a paid snap? All are free?13:07
jdstrandJamieBennett: there are a couple also unrelated denials in there that I'll investigate13:07
JamieBennettVamsi: that is correct, the service has not been launched yet13:07
Vamsiokay. thanks :)13:09
pstolowskijdstrand, thanks for checking13:14
mborzeckihm looking at some logs from ubuntu-14.04 and analyzing them with mvo's script, there's 13 minutes of prepare time, then the top tests take ~7 minutes, leaving us with 29 minutes for ~237 tests13:23
mborzeckithat's 120ms per test :)13:24
Chipacamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...chipaca:dumb-spread-tweaks13:28
Chipacamborzecki: that's why we have multiple workers (and why prepare time is so crucial)13:29
pedronismost systems have 4 workers13:32
mborzeckiChipaca: pushed your commit to #4393 and #439113:34
mupPR #4393: travis: separate unit tests into separate build matrix jobs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4393>13:34
mupPR #4391: travis, run-checks: split travis job into build matrix <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4391>13:34
* kalikiana time for lunch!13:35
pedronisChipaca: also afaiu  we run 3 travis jobs and have 80 machines,  atm all workers for a job = 27 (6*4+3),  27*3 = 81, so we are a tiny bit overallocated as well13:39
Chipacapedronis: ooh, that'll be biting at least 1/3 of our jobs when we're busy :-(13:42
Chipacacan that be dropped to 2, or does that also need gustavo?13:43
mupPR snapd#4398 closed: overlord/auth,daemon: introduce an explicit auth.ErrInvalidUser <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4398>13:45
pedronisChipaca: that can be changed in travies I think13:45
Chipacaah yes13:45
Chipacashould I?13:45
pedronisChipaca: we can do that, or disable one of the distros13:46
pedronistemporarely  (though suse has been disabled temporarly for a long time now)13:47
Chipacapedronis: i've set it to 2 for now13:47
Chipacapedronis: let's see with mborzecki's matrix how things look13:47
mborzeckipedronis: i suppose you can find a time scale where 'long time' feels temporary :)13:51
Chipacamborzecki: is 9.5 minutes prepare for 14.04 an improvement?13:53
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mborzeckiChipaca: 14.04 finished in 34 minutes14:10
Chipacamborzecki: so not necessarily better, but not necessarily worse14:10
mborzeckiin previous run of #4393, ubuntu-14.04 finished in 24 minutes14:11
mupPR #4393: travis: separate unit tests into separate build matrix jobs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4393>14:11
Chipacamborzecki: but also timed out at 49+?14:13
mborzecki16.04 hit a timeout in that build14:13
pedroniswell if we were overallocated, each run might have depended on when it got the last worker (unless it simply died unable to get it at all within allowed time)14:14
pedronisI don't know how retrying spread does to get machines14:14
pedronis*how much14:14
jdstrandkyrofa: hey, I think zyga was looking at the lxc snaps not updating with priority last week. I believe he has vacation to burn and is not around a lot atm14:23
kalikiana^^ zyga eoy'ed already14:38
Chipacaanddam: hello14:45
daniellimwshi how can I run the scripts in tools/travis locally?14:47
kalikianadaniellimws: you'll probably want to have a chat with elopio about that14:49
daniellimwsok it is regarding this task http://paste.ubuntu.com/26171261/14:49
daniellimwsfrom the conversation above, I probably should not send this to travis untested, to avoid eating up resources right?14:56
kalikianadaniellimws: yes and no... I believe there was another task to make it possible to run it locally as you're asking, but it's not possible right now14:57
daniellimwskalikiana: Well I suppose I'll just commit it then, since there's nothing running now it seems. If it's faulty it will die very quickly.15:00
kalikianadaniellimws: Yeah. I'd say go ahead. And otherwise leo should be around soon15:01
anddamis snappy a Canonical's project?15:02
mupPR snapcraft#1806 opened: ci: transfer generated snapcraft snap to transfer.sh <Created by daniellim2000> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1806>15:06
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pedronismborzecki: what's the difference between #4391 and #4393  ?  given that John reduced the travis jobs they will eat even more travis chances15:18
mupPR #4391: travis, run-checks: split travis job into build matrix <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4391>15:18
mupPR #4393: travis: separate unit tests into separate build matrix jobs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4393>15:18
pedroniscan one be closed?15:18
mborzeckipedronis: 4393 has unit tests as a separate job15:18
mborzeckiafaiu, travis is gating job execution already, so those should not eat up all the nodes15:19
pedronisthey don't eat nodes, they eat travis jobs15:20
pedronisto be clear I'm not against the experiment, I'm against having the experiment twice15:20
pedronisgiven our current constraints15:20
mborzeckialso, unit tests were supposedly taking quite long, so the idea was to see whether moving those to separate jobs has a positive effect on the build time15:20
mborzeckihm i guess, i can cancel 4393 job for now, and i'll restart it in the evening15:21
pedronisChipaca reduced travis jobs to 2 thinking about other stuff, that approach would need more jobs (if possible) instead :/15:22
mborzeckiand i've canceled the jobs that were not started yet in 439115:22
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, we need to find a sweet spot, or write a spread job runner :P15:23
mupPR snapcraft#1793 closed: project: refactor storeapi <Created by daniellim2000> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1793>15:24
pedronisyea, except that one of the motivation of spread was indeed not to be on task of running a permanent service :/15:24
Chipacaanddam: what do you mean?15:58
Chipacapedronis: how are your jobs faring with the new limit? any further luck?16:01
Chipacashould we make snapcraft or the store discourage people from calling something "foo-snap"?16:16
Chipacasergiusens: ^ wdyt?16:16
niemeyerHey folks16:17
niemeyerI'm in NY and headed to the hotel16:17
niemeyerA bit tired but can probably try to help moving a few things forward when I get a room16:17
niemeyercc pedronis Chipaca16:17
Chipacaniemeyer: ack16:18
Chipacaniemeyer: tests are unhappy (lots of timeouts/errors/out-of-machines with linode cascading into timeouts in travis)16:18
niemeyerIf there are any fires, please drop me a note about them in the forum so I start there16:19
Chipacaniemeyer: ratcheted travis down to 2 runs max16:19
Chipacaniemeyer: not sure whether it's helped16:19
niemeyerIt should help16:19
Chipacaniemeyer: mborzecki has a couple of PRs to play with splitting spread runs into N, per arch, which might make things easier16:19
niemeyerI'm planning a revamp of our runs so we allocate systems dynamically16:19
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niemeyerThat might help making it cheaper and faster at the same time16:20
niemeyerSaviq needs this too16:20
Chipacaniemeyer: but when possible there's a bunch of tweaks we should probably do to the images to make them prepare quicker (and some tests hit the network less)16:20
Chipacaniemeyer: but, worst case, we'll sort it out in the new year :-)16:21
niemeyerAnd agreed :)16:21
* Chipaca ~> bbl16:24
kalikianaelopio: hey. could we chat about the yaml for integration tests in snapcraft#1639?16:38
mupPR snapcraft#1639: grammar: to statement <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1639>16:38
elopiokalikiana: sure.16:39
elopiokalikiana: this is the closest I got to what I would like to see, but still not 100% happy: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/tests/fixture_setup.py#L93916:40
kalikianaelopio: mind joining me in the weekly?16:42
sborovkov_how can I enable core dump generation on ubuntu core?16:45
elopiokalikiana: sure, give me a second.16:47
hurricanehrndzwhat kernel modules are required for the build tests to pass?16:58
hurricanehrndzI keep seeing issues with the seccomp test when testing setuid16:59
hurricanehrndzspecifically can: request_module (can-proto-0)17:03
pedronisChipaca: I got again a timeout (49+ mins)17:17
pedronisChipaca: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/315911230?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification17:18
kalikianaelopio: sent you my notes. it's probably easiest if I update my branch first, and you can look into removing update_part later since I'll be adding the parts arguments anyway17:20
kalikiananow time to head out, for drinks and dinner17:21
mupPR snapcraft#1805 closed: lifecycle: use the -no-fragments mksquashfs option <Created by tyhicks> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1805>17:24
brunosferHi guys, is it possible to specify the architecture of a snap when downloading it? e.g. sudo snap download <snap name> --armhf17:27
pedronisbrunosfer: not super official but UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=armhf snap download   ... should work17:32
gsilvaptelopio, you around?17:45
Chipacahurricanehrndz: which test suite?18:02
hurricanehrndzChipaca: One sec, I think I might have figured it out. I'm going to run one more test, and I'llreport back18:06
Chipacahurricanehrndz: ok (but also report which test suite you're talking about -- there're several, and who knows to help varies)18:06
hurricanehrndzChipaca: sounds good18:07
pedronisChipaca: it's about to fail again with a timeout :/18:13
brunosferpedronis: Thank you. It works, however when I do in a amd64 system the UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=amd64 sudo snap download <snap name> it downloads a different version of the snap then it does in an amrhf with the exact same command.18:15
brunosferpedronis: Do you have any idea why this happens?18:16
pedronisbrunosfer: not sure,  best to try to pass a channel --stable or something explicitly18:19
brunosferpedronis: I will give it a shot. Thankx18:20
hurricanehrndzChipaca: yup, figured out the seccomp test, it had already been fixed in master18:21
Chipacabrunosfer: er, you mean UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=armhf right?18:22
brunosferpedronis: Doesn't work with the --stable flag. I could try to specify the version, however my intention is to get the latest version regardless of the architecture downloading the snap18:23
brunosferChipaca: I mean UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=amd6418:23
Chipacabrunosfer: but that's telling it to download the amd64 snap, don't you want the armhf one?18:23
brunosferChipaca: but could also be armhf, I just want consistency on the version I download regardless of the architecture downloading the snap18:24
Chipacabrunosfer: that sounds like a strange requirement to me, could you explain further?18:24
pedronisnotice that different arch different revision18:24
Chipacapedronis: let _me_ press the 'restart' button this time; it likes me :-p18:24
brunosferChipaca: I want to make the download of the snap to send it oflfline to another device that has a different architecture.18:24
pedronisfor the version you need to look at snap info *.snap18:25
brunosferpedronis: You mean that the snap I'm trying to download might have different versions for different architectures...18:25
Chipacabrunosfer: I understand that, but then you compare what you download with “UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=amd64 snap download thesnap” with what you install on an armhf system with “snap install thesnap”; those are different things18:25
Chipacabrunosfer: revisions, not versions18:25
pedronisChipaca: I already did :/18:27
brunosferChipaca: in this case, I'm downloading the nmap (because it's small) for testing purposes, but the version is in the name of the snap when I download the file right?18:27
pedronisthat's the revision18:27
pedronisthe files produced by snap download have the revision in them18:28
pedronisI mean the file names of the files18:28
brunosferpedronis: Ok, thankx, my mistake then, I will install them and check the version. They should be the same then :)18:28
Chipacabrunosfer: in "snap info nmap" (on amd64), the (29) is the revision; 7.12SVN-0.6 is the version18:28
Chipacaawww they're still using svn18:28
pedronisbrunosfer: snap info  <snapfile>  can give you the version without installing first18:28
brunosferChipaca: Thanks for the help ;)18:28
brunosferpedronis: Thanks for the help ;)18:28
pedronisin case18:28
brunosferpedronis: Yes, but I was being mislead by the name of the snap. Thanks for the help ;)18:29
sergiusenselopio kyrofa snapcraft#1801 has no reviews yet, being pretty simple it should go fast18:53
mupPR snapcraft#1801: lifecycle: detect docker to auto setup core <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1801>18:53
Saviqis it possible to limit the architectures the snap is built for on build.snapcraft.io ?18:56
sergiusensSaviq not today, not yet19:17
Saviqok, let's see what happens then19:21
mupPR snapcraft#1806 closed: ci: transfer generated snapcraft snap to transfer.sh <Created by daniellim2000> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1806>19:22
WulongHow do I install a snapshot in a custom directory? its size exceed /19:24
mupPR snapcraft#1801 closed: lifecycle: detect docker to auto setup core <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1801>19:25
mupPR snapd#4388 closed: overlord/snapstate: fix auto-refresh summary for 2 snaps <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4388>19:42
ChipacaWulong: pardon?19:47
tyhicksjdstrand: what's your advice on the test errors in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4396 ?19:51
mupPR #4396: snap: use the -no-fragments mksquashfs option <Created by tyhicks> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4396>19:51
tyhicksjdstrand: they're due to http requests with the store timing out19:51
tyhicks(unrelated to my changes019:51
WulongChipaca: how can I install a snap to a custom dir. Eg. snap install vlc --store-to-some-custom-path=/some/custom/path19:53
tyhicksit doesn't look like I have the ability to restart the tests19:54
ChipacaWulong: currently you can't, but if you have a single location that could hold all the snaps you need, you can mount that19:54
ChipacaWulong: what sizes are we talking?19:55
Wulong30 GB19:55
ChipacaWulong: the .snap is 30GB?19:55
WulongNot sure if its the snap or its data.19:56
WulongProbably the latter.19:56
ChipacaWulong: the snap is heavily compressed, so it might be significantly smaller19:56
ChipacaWulong: and, it's mounted compressed; you don't need space for more than just the snap19:56
ChipacaWulong: but if you do need more space, /var/lib/snapd/snaps/ is where you need to put the space (but you need to mount it before installing any snaps...)19:58
WulongOk, I'll give it another shot. Must have been application error or config issue.19:59
WulongYea I know, but I don't have a free partition :|19:59
ChipacaWulong: then where were you going to put the snap?19:59
WulongThanks for the help Chipaca19:59
WulongIn /home19:59
ChipacaWulong: mount --bind is your friend20:00
WulongAh, of course. Forgot abotu that one.20:00
WulongLinux has become too easy. Makes me lazy20:01
ChipacaWulong: :-)20:01
jdstrandtyhicks: let me look20:29
Chipacatyhicks: jdstrand: we're having issues with spread and linode and travis20:31
jdstrandChipaca (cc tyhicks): whoops too late. I clicked 'restart build'20:32
jdstrandtyhicks: if this build fails, I would comment in the PR that the test failures are unrelated20:32
Chipacajdstrand: 👌20:32
tyhicksack, thanks20:33
pedronisChipaca: I managed to merge some stuff, but maybe master is red for all I know20:37
Chipacapedronis: when is it you're off?20:38
sergiusenselopio look at this error, wrong snapcraft is being called https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/31605390020:48
sergiusensohh nvm20:51
lundmarhmm, isn't --devmode and --classic supposed to disable confinement? I have a tool that still gets permission denied when writing on NFS shares despite being installed with --devmode and --classic.21:02
lundmarI'm running
kyrofalundmar, yes, although you still may be hitting traditional permissions21:05
mupPR snapd#4399 opened: rewrite snappy-app-dev <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4399>21:11
pedronisChipaca: Friday is eoy for me21:57
Chipacapedronis: ah ok, same here22:05

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