
powersjsmoser: blackboxsw: rharper: dpb1: ec2 integration test merge: https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33518601:04
powersjsmoser: blackboxsw: incorporated some of the comments from the other two merges I proposed.01:04
smoserblackboxsw: yeah, its not a huge deal. its just a convenience to ust run the modules02:05
smoserif you think we should ditch it, i wouldnt throw a fuss.02:05
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blackboxswsmoser: resubmitted with your change suggestion. I get that we should have it. adds granularity of running different parts of cloud-init (even though our typical runtime path uses the  bigger 'cloud-init init' stage hammer). Validated behavior on the cmdline is exclusively the init-modules only and not datasource setup etc. also added unit tests05:51
blackboxswpowersj: will check tomorrow thx05:52
dodahi folks, are the ssh-keys, hostname and /etc/hosts the only thing that cloud-init recreates/modifies on first-boot?11:26
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blackboxswok validated bionic ec2 17.1.60 release fresh install & upgrade path works without errors. Azure 'works as expected', still suffering from the hostname bounce https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1722668.17:33
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1722668 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Azure: bouncing of network device/publishing of hostname fails on artful" [Critical,Confirmed]17:33
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33523317:39
smoseryou can put that azure comment on the bug mp there and ec2 also17:39
blackboxswinteresting from cloud-init analyze of azure bionic setup 44 seconds (15 seconds on apt) trying to see what else takes so long there during boot17:45
blackboxswwill do smoser17:45
smoserblackboxsw: did you run gce ?17:50
smoserblackboxsw: if you ran azure on a smaller type, disk io is horrendous17:51
smoserlike floppy bad17:51
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/142602317:51
ubot5`Launchpad bug 525674 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1426023 apt-check hangs, preventing login via SSH" [Medium,Fix released]17:51
smoseri'm going to look at https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/job/cloud-init-copr-test-7/143/console17:53
blackboxswsmoser: yeah ran small instance azure. was currently looking through gce UI for launching daily-ubuntu-1804-bionic-v2017121317:53
* blackboxsw goes back to gcloud cmdline17:54
smoserblackboxsw: https://github.com/cloud-init/qa-scripts/blob/master/doc/launching.md17:54
blackboxswthanks again, yeah was digging up that doc again17:54
smoserpowersj: you have any idea on that copr-test error above?18:00
smoseri cannot reproduce locally18:00
powersjsmoser: I believe it is a connectivity issue to the mirror18:02
powersjwe seem to have very poor connection to any mirror for them18:03
powersjsmoser: I've determined that I need to add 'content_id=com.ubuntu.cloud:daily:aws' to my filter for simplestreams, anything else to point at aws?18:12
powersjhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/26184412/ is what I have18:14
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smoserpowersj: well 2 options18:32
smosera.) act like 'image-status' and just go right into the specific content_id url for aws.18:32
powersjI was currently looking at sstream-query18:34
smoserb.) your suggestiion is "safer" for sure, going in by the index. but officially querying aws you can search by end point.18:34
smoseryeah, image-status and usquery live on top of sstream-query with just knowledge of filters and endpoints built in18:34
blackboxswok gce and ec2 re-done w/ 17.2 package. azure to follow.18:36
blackboxsw->errand back in ~2518:36
smoserpowersj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26184503/18:37
smoseri used http and --no-verify, ubt its safe to use https and no-verify18:38
powersjsmoser: would you prefer i call out to the sstream-query command or continue try down the path of using the simplestreams library directly and replicate sstream-query?18:39
smoserno library is fine18:42
smoseryou have example already in what you did for nocloud18:42
smoserjust different filters18:42
blackboxswsmoser: approved 17.2 release branch https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33523319:15
rharperhuh, seedfrom=<url> is trailing slash sensitive ;   seedfrom= (works) seedfrom= (fails)19:21
smoserrharper: strict.19:36
smoseri'd be willing to acept somethign that added a / onto the end of the host[:port] portion of the url19:36
smoserbut i'n not intersted in just appending a /user-data or /meta-data.19:37
smoseras it is this works as expected:19:37
smoser http://myhost/instance-abce-19:37
rharpersmoser: I was just surprised; I'm cleaning up curtin's launch and I noticed that we had duplicate // in a few places, and in fixing that, it dropped the trailing slash on the seed url19:37
smoser   instance-abce-user-data and instance-abce-meta-data19:37
blackboxswsmoser: care if I tryout git git-publish tool on your 17.2 branch to publish to master?19:38
smoserduplicate / are generally a bug , and hiding such things doesnt help.19:38
smoserblackboxsw: ?19:38
smoserwhat is that ?19:38
rharpersmoser: right19:38
smoseroh. um... well that one *is* special in that it needs the tag to go too19:38
blackboxswsmoser: sorry this one https://trello.com/c/Xz1btAu8/591-tool-to-merge-community-authored-branch-into-master-and-ammend-appropriate-author19:38
blackboxswI wanted to land your approved 17.2 branch into master19:39
blackboxswand test the full-run of the git-publish MP tool19:39
smoserpowersj: https://github.com/canonical-server/test-scripts/pull/219:45
smoserand then19:45
powersjsmoser: thx will look after lunch19:45
smoseri'm not sure that will actually fix our issue, but i'm flummixed as to why the test works on 6 and not 719:45
powersjsmoser: stole your FilterMirror class too for simplestreams19:45
smoserblackboxsw: did that make sens e?19:47
smoserthat mp is "special"19:47
smoserint aht you ahve to pull the tag19:47
smoserblackboxsw: i'm going to just do that ... take it and push and ake a release. i'll write down the stuff i did19:50
blackboxswohh I missed your comment before mine smoser. right can't land your branch because 17.2 tag associated with it19:50
blackboxswunderstood smoser, there are some powers branches I can run against after the cut is made19:51
smoserblackboxsw: writing this down at19:56
smoser https://hackmd.io/MYEwRg7AHKCsC0wCMYCm8AsWCG8wDYBmDTEZMEVMAJm0LCA=19:56
smoserblackboxsw: do you know di di put 'mark-released' anywhere othe rthan my temp dir ?20:45
blackboxswlooking, trying to understand what you asked20:46
blackboxswohh that script?20:46
smoserdo you know if i put that script somewhere?20:46
blackboxswyeah I thought that as in qa-scripts20:46
smoserother than in my temp dir here :)20:46
blackboxswI put it there I think20:47
blackboxswchecking to see if it's the sae20:47
smoserit needs exe added.20:47
smoseri'll do that.20:47
blackboxswgood deal20:47
powersjrharper: thanks for the review - as a side note, on __exit__ we run the destroy() method of all the instances. For ec2 this means shutting down the instances and deregistering any custom images. The deregister == delete.20:56
powersjThis includes any image/instance used as a "base" image for customizing20:56
rharperpowersj: does __exit__ get called on exception or control-c on nose ?20:56
rharperpowersj: generally just want to make sure that no matter what (save crashed host) we'd remove/purge those keys;  is there a way to autodelete vpcs or other amazon resources ?20:57
powersjIn my experience it does for exceptions, I have had to clean up 1-2 SSH keys, but I think that's from me doing debugging20:57
powersjwe tag all our resources for testing as well, so I'd like to have a clean up script that purges anything with 'cloud-init-testing'20:58
powersjbut would like to avoid having to do that in the first place :)20:58
powersjblackboxsw: do we need CI to be testing the cloud-init CLI?20:59
powersjat least run the commands?20:59
blackboxswit's not a bad idea for a full integration test powersj. unit tests only have mocked coverage at the moment21:00
blackboxswvery shallow21:00
rharper+1 for cli unittests;  shouldn't be too bad since the cloudinit cli is pretty sparse21:01
blackboxswcould easily run through most of the CLI advertised subcommands /params as a sanity check since most of them don't require any restart ec.21:01
* rharper has backlog for curtin 21:01
powersjsmoser: merges approved21:12
powersjsmoser: Is 'https://ec2.%s.amazonaws.com' % region_name that safe for all regions around the world?21:13
powersjblackboxsw: ^ do you know?21:13
blackboxswsafe.... umm, you mean are they all a string?21:13
powersjdo they all follow that same URL pattern no matter the region or location in the world21:14
smoserpowersj: i think so yes.21:14
smoserunless maybe a govcloud21:14
smoserbut for now that ignoerable21:14
powersjk thx21:14
rharpersmoser: \o/ 17.221:20
smoserall documented at21:20
smoser https://hackmd.io/MYEwRg7AHKCsC0wCMYCm8AsWCG8wDYBmDTEZMEVMAJm0LCA=21:20
smosercomments welcome21:20
smoser(and we shoudl put that somehwer etoo)21:20
smoserand /me has to run21:21
smoserand i fixed lp-bugs-released to not let you feed it a bug number as the version21:21
powersjop me or update topic ;)21:22
=== powersj changed the topic of #cloud-init to: Reviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting: Monday 1/08 16:00 UTC | cloud-init 17.2 released
blackboxswnice! woot!21:24
rharperpowersj: add date to the 17.2 release topic21:28
rharperor maybe current release ?21:28
powersjReviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj |  Next status meeting: Monday 1/08 16:00 UTC | cloud-init 17.2 released (Dec 14, 2017)21:28
powersjlike that?21:29
=== powersj changed the topic of #cloud-init to: Reviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting: Monday 1/08 16:00 UTC | cloud-init 17.2 released (Dec 14, 2017)
blackboxswhmm I need to publish meeting minutes21:53
ckonstanskiI have a few short weeks in which I can get some contributing done. School is out till January. Will be looking at 1728430 unless something else comes up.22:09
ckonstanskiAre the recent gcc pie and profile changes wreaking havoc on the gentoo build?22:10
ckonstanskiProbably should ask that in #gentoo-virtualization22:11
rharperbug 172843022:11
ubot5`bug 1728430 in cloud-init "make NTP tests work in gentoo" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172843022:11
rharperckonstanski: sounds good22:12
blackboxswok minutes from this week published to cloud-init.github.io had to tweak the publishing logic a bit to handle #actions22:20
smoserckonstanski: there are a lot of things in teh ntp area. robjo is working on things there too. those tests really can stand to be refactored.23:04
smosersee mailing list for a message from Robert.23:05
ckonstanskiThis? https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00111.html23:14
robjockonstanski: yes, note there is also a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1731619 and a merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~rjschwei/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33499223:18
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1731619 in cloud-init "Support chrony as a client for ntp" [Medium,Confirmed]23:18
ckonstanskiWill get caught up this evening. Thanks for the info. Seems I need to coordinate with Robert or work on something else. Maybe the latter is a better option until his refactor is done?23:19
ckonstanskiSomewhere I have a TODO list...23:20
ckonstanski"gentoo packager support" and "support lxc tests on gentoo"23:20
powersjsomething seems up with pylint and how it finds members23:55
powersjnow that I added simplestreams to another file pylint complains, even though simplestreams has been imported in another file for quite a while :\23:55

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