
KamzyAnyone about that can make sense of this, Trying to install Lubuntu on an relic of a laptop ( https://www.cnet.com/products/hp-compaq-nx9010-series/specs/ ) and every time I try to install it from usb I keep getting this error right after the initial menu and chosing install, it just keeps repeating, tried other USB ports and pensorry to repost this but wasn't here if anyone replied,  I think i've managed once to get it to install but it was half00:30
Kamzybroken, I'm just wondering what might be up00:30
KamzyINFO: task swapper/0:1 blocked for more then 120 seconds00:31
KamzyNot tainted 4.13.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu00:31
Kamzy "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_tast_timeout_secs" disables this message00:31
azizLIGHThow can i get the hex color code of where my mouse is03:58
c2tarunazizLIGHT, Try Color Picker in software center12:16
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jgbIs it possible to create an icon to the launchbar which, when clicked, gives a dropdown containing multiple applications?14:20
zuiss1hi. when my lubuntu 17.10 screen locks due to inactivity, about 75% of the time entering my password into the dialog box and hitting OK doesn't unlock the computer. it just goes to a black screen, seems to do nothing for 5-10 seconds, then returns to the password prompt. attempting to unlock is a second time always succeeds17:26
=== Murii is now known as IhateSwing
=== IhateSwing is now known as Murii
Jay__when I try and open terminal in a specific folder18:05
Jay__it tells me the default not set18:05
Jay__I am a linux noob so that sure what to do18:06
Jay__in lubuntu18:06
Jay__it says terminal emulator not set18:06
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