
tgBot<Seumas> (Photo, 800x453) https://irc.ubports.com/nQtdqOth/file_2868.jpg See that sweet ~57GB free?00:00
tgBot<Seumas> (Photo, 800x453) https://irc.ubports.com/hzFZinm0/file_2870.jpg My sweet babies!00:02
tgBot<Seumas> Sorry for potato quality, the PS Vita camera isn't up to much, but it had to cover while these guys posed ;)00:02
tgBot<Seumas> @lastdon82, It was ok really. There seems to be numerous different ways of doing it. I unlocked the Android/FlymeOS's bootloader, installed TWRP and wiped everything from it, downloaded the turbo recovery image and used ubuntu-device-flash to push it to the phone on the boot mode.00:13
tgBot<Seumas> But as you started from a Canonical phone, you probably just need those last two steps.00:13
tgBot<Xenial> How does the fingerprint scan works under ubports on pro5?00:24
tgBot<Seumas> No complaints. Probably just gonna stick to my thumbs. Right one works like a charm. And will use normal security whenever I think my drunk and unconscious thumb may compromise me at parties :P00:26
tgBot<Xenial> Cool. I was thinking on one plus one but it seems one plus three is coming along the way00:36
tgBot<Xenial> I'll wait to see what's happen00:37
tgBot<Seumas> Fair. I think the MP5 is the best supercharged phone for a budget. £165 or so for this, 64GB OP version and for some reason no import duty had to be paid. Bargain!00:39
tgBot<Seumas> Chinese import I should clarify.00:42
tgBot<Jaume81> @Xenial, Fingerprint works fine00:49
tgBot<Seumas> Hmmm after reboots the passwords for WiFi networks don't seem to persist, is this a known bug for turbo?01:04
tgBot<dohbee> check if the network settings were stored in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections01:07
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @dohbee, how did mp3 become the standard?  we need to fix that bug.  Ogg and flac are awesome.  MP3 has proprietary stuff in there...01:13
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> MP3 is free now, Wayne.01:13
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> The patents expired01:13
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @lastdon82, another one bites the dust.... i recall that Blackberry was actually a Canadian company.  We only had maple syrup, trees and blackberry so it's sad to see one of our only three items disappear.01:15
tgBot<Seumas> I have to rip most my stuff in MP3 so my Playstations can use them for custom soundtracks. But I agree ogg is better quality. If I know I just want it on a device to listen to on the go, I go for ogg rips.01:19
tgBot<Seumas> Will check soon Rodney.01:20
tgBot<lastdon82> @wayneoutthere, I think they should have sticked with BB10 but is quite unfortunate. When i started using my Pro5 people use to ask me what OS i was using? When i told them it was Ubuntu they were amazed. I created couple apps for RBC, Sunlife and Go Train01:20
tgBot<Seumas> ^would love to try those paps when I move to your wonderful country <301:21
tgBot<Seumas> *apps01:21
tgBot<lastdon82> i have to move them to the open store01:22
tgBot<lastdon82> i really want to see UBports succed01:22
tgBot<lastdon82> i was not happy with canonical let us down. i invested in Meizu Pro5 and BQ tablet01:24
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Seumas, so is this news? Or just your own battle against a device that should have worked?  :)  I'm always feeling around for news pieces...01:27
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @lastdon82, what awesome country do you live in??  this seems like an impossible story01:29
tgBot<lastdon82> Canada01:29
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Seumas, paps... i am excited to tell you that paps means 'breasts' so... be careful01:29
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @lastdon82, GET OUT OF TOWN!01:29
tgBot<wayneoutthere> a canadian brutha???01:30
tgBot<wayneoutthere> parlez vous frenchais??01:30
tgBot<lastdon82> yes :)01:30
tgBot<wayneoutthere> I'm vancouver and my family is forcing me to eat dinner but... talk soon!01:30
tgBot<Seumas> Hahaha. I bet there's only a handful of people who ever converted the "turbo plus", if you will, to UBP. So yes somewhat unique.01:30
tgBot<lastdon82> @wayneoutthere, peu01:32
tgBot<lastdon82> lol01:32
tgBot<lastdon82> @wayneoutthere, I am in Toronto01:32
tgBot<Seumas> Can't get ADB access or phablet-shell into this phone :(02:43
tgBot<Seumas> No permission dialog that I've seen unlike my other devices.02:43
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Seumas, hope in your case it has nothing to do with broken nvram02:52
tgBot<dohbee> @Seumas, Did you enable Dev mode?03:00
tgBot<Seumas> Yup.03:00
tgBot<Seumas> SSH won't work either, argh.03:09
tgBot<Seumas> Any tips?03:13
tgBot<Seumas> error: device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.03:23
tgBot<Seumas> Trying to go with "the easiest possibility" : https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/How-to-work-around-missing-ADB-functionality03:31
tgBot<Seumas> but not quite there yet.03:31
tgBot<dohbee> Is rotation lock indicator working?03:32
tgBot<dohbee> If not, that's why you don't get auth dialog. Try rebooting.03:42
tgBot<Seumas> It is working. But I got the confirmation dialog when trying with my mini Ubuntu desktop. Not sure why my usual workhorse should have issues.03:43
tgBot<dohbee> USB connection maybe. Sometimes can be weird, especially with the meizu phonee03:46
tgBot<Javacookies> do I remember it correctly? 16.04 needs =>3.10 kernel?03:48
tgBot<Javacookies> Nexus 5 is still in 3.403:48
tgBot<Seumas> Problem is the computer where it DOES work is on Artful (17.10) with no installation candidate for phablet-tools03:49
tgBot<Seumas> Ok I managed adb shell, but then I get this when I try to create a Libertine container:04:06
tgBot<Seumas> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ libertine-container-manager create —id vivid —name "vivid" —distro vivid —type chroot … I: Retrieving Release  … E: Failed getting release file http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/vivid/Release … Failed to create container … phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$04:06
tgBot<Seumas> Should I change the source file? I really want the desktop apps like how my other devices have them.04:07
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Seumas, inwrote abr this04:14
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> vivid reached end of live04:14
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so sources.list needs updating04:14
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> search this group chat for "sources.liat" u will find my posts04:15
tgBot<Seumas> Right, on rootfs correct?04:15
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> or use my lazarus installer to fix it automatically no need to install lazarus04:15
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> $ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus-for-raspi-and-ut/files/lazfpc4ut.tar.gz04:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> $ tar -xf lazfpc4ut.tar.gz04:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> then: … $ sido ./lazfpc4ut04:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> WITH SUDO04:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> it will ask if to fix siources.list type y04:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> for ecerything else tupe n04:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Seumas, both04:24
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> libertine as well anywhere u hv vivid04:24
tgBot<Seumas> I changed all the links in the source.list file, tried to create the container again, but same error?04:25
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> bcuz the container yries to use old sources04:25
tgBot<Seumas> So how to fix that?04:25
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> more ways than one04:26
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> coult make fake dnd for example04:26
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but signing might not work04:26
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> u need to alter sourcesbin the container somehow04:26
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> if u had old rootf would be gaster04:27
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> *fake dns04:27
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i would just edit libertine script04:29
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> add pause before chrooting into rootfd04:29
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> manually update and let tje script continue04:29
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> that s what i would do04:30
tgBot<Seumas> This is the fix I think:04:30
tgBot<Seumas> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/792/libertine-installation-broken-on-vivid04:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Seumas, libertine script doeload rootfs and chroot into it to continue inst. u can update sources in the script04:31
tgBot<Seumas> "and add old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu to the end of the debootstrap command in the same file (after the {}s)"04:37
tgBot<Seumas> I don't get that part.04:37
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Seumas, it tells u how to edit installation script04:39
tgBot<Seumas> Yes but not sure if I got it right.04:40
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> there is a command calling debootstrab04:40
tgBot<Seumas> So is it:04:41
tgBot<Seumas> # Create the actual chroot … $nt=fakechroot {} {} old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu".format( …                     self.installed_release, self.root_path)04:41
tgBot<Seumas> ?04:42
tgBot<Seumas> Or something else?04:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i cant help u now04:56
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> others should be able to04:56
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> or hit me up later04:56
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> pm04:56
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> because now im on the move04:56
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> if u cant male it work i will write a porogram for u that you start and then in another terminal use the usual normal libwrtinw scripts to install co tainwrer. my program will detect the new containwr and fix sources.apt on the fly and inform u. but i need to first get to aplace where i can sith down with laptop. im now in taxi in China fireawalled and can't help u u tul i reach my destination. could be up to an hour.05:09
tgBot<lastdon82> @Seumas, Got my Meizu working now05:10
tgBot<lastdon82> Thanks to Will05:10
tgBotPietro Martinez was added by: Pietro Martinez05:12
tgBot<Seumas> Can you do me a big favour and create a Pastebin Nick? So we can see precisely what to change.05:12
tgBot<Pietro Martinez> Hello to everyone, got a question... Is it possible to use UBports in Puerto Rico with my carrier, which is to be Sprint???05:16
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Pietro Martinez, Hello Pietro and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :)05:21
tgBot<mariogrip> @Pietro Martinez, As long as your device supports it that should be fine05:21
tgBot<mariogrip> @Pietro Martinez, you can use this to check if your device will work https://willmyphonework.net/05:22
tgBot<mariogrip> so to be more clear, if it works with android, it will also work with ubuntu touch05:22
tgBot<Pietro Martinez> I have a Samsung galaxy note 5, and yes... also tired of using a Android os.05:34
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @mariogrip, just to be clear if anyone is accidentally scanning this post, what Marius does *not* mean is that you can put UT on any Samsung (that runs android) - sadly.  Because man.  That would be nice.05:36
tgBot<wayneoutthere> I accidentally read it without context ;)05:37
tgBot<Eelis59> 😁05:40
=== ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh
tgBot<jonny> I try to use Ubuntu SDK. But it seems like since vivid repos have been disabled (or renamed to something archive like) I cannot update the SDK build targets. Is there a way to tell the SDK where to find the vivid archive repos?06:09
tgBot<DanChapman> @jonny, You can update the apt sources.list in the container. In the sdk ide settings you can click the "maintain" button for each click target to get a bash prompt in the container06:19
tgBot<jonny> O thanks06:27
tgBot<jonny> Which text editor can I use there? I am used to nano but it is not installed.06:27
tgBot<DanChapman> I think it has vi but you can always install nano if you prefer06:29
tgBot<jonny> No i can't. The repo is not found 😂06:29
tgBot<jonny> vi does not seem to be installed either...06:30
tgBot<jonny> I'll look into that later. But thanks anyway for the hin!06:31
tgBot<DanChapman> @jonny, You can also edit the file on your host machine and copy it into the container with `cat file-on-host | lxc exec <container-name> -- /bin/sh -c "/bin/cat > /target/on/lxc/guest"`06:40
tgBot<Eelis59> Try to execute aapt program, is part of the SDK. If I'm not misunderstanding what you want.06:44
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
tgBot<delijati> @Flohack is there a overlay to get ubports 16.04 LTS on desktop ...09:12
tgBot<delijati> it would be nice to have a working vm that is as close as it can be to ubports phone ...09:12
tgBot<Flohack> @delijati, No we only provide armhf bulds ;)09:26
tgBot<Flohack> REMINDER: Since today all devel and rc updates will DEACTIVATE push service for Telegram et.al. Dont panic, you are on our push server now ;)09:32
tgBot<Flohack> @wayneoutthere this is smth for you to broadcast haha09:32
tgBot<delijati> @Flohack, Hmm it would be pretty usefull for app development :/09:36
tgBot<Rocco> Hi Florian. I can't access UBports supergroup from UT telegram and also I can't subscribe  from UT telegram. There is a workaround to do this?10:21
tgBot<Rawcode> @Rocco, You should download telegram 2.5.1 beta10:25
tgBot<Rocco> Ho già quella versione10:35
tgBot<alan_griffiths> @Flohack, I suspect you considered this, but couldn't you make this transparent to the user by inserting logic that tries each server in turn? (Is it hard to detect an inactive server?)10:36
tgBot<mariogrip> @alan_griffiths, ah no, the problem is that telegram sends the notifacations directly to canonicals servers, that that switch wont happen to our server until ota310:56
tgBot<alan_griffiths> I see. The phone client can't tell if a server is "alive" on connect, only when it gets a notification.10:58
tgBot<mariogrip> @alan_griffiths, well, both servers are alive that's the problem10:58
tgBot<mariogrip> but we *could* add a check to a different endpoint that checks if the swich has happend10:59
tgBot<Michele> @Rocco, 🇮🇹😁10:59
tgBot<alan_griffiths> @mariogrip, I.e. client says "which server should I use", hypothetical meta-server says "this one"11:00
tgBot<mariogrip> @alan_griffiths, yeah might be an idea, @Flohack what do you think?11:02
tgBot<DanChapman> It's possible to get the client working with both servers but as it's only breaking devel for a week or so it's not really worth the effort IMO. You can always revert the push client config back to point at push.ubuntu.com until OTA-311:03
tgBot<mariogrip> @DanChapman, yeah, true11:03
tgBot<DanChapman> I'll post the old config on the forum so that those still wanting notifications on devel can revert it for now.11:04
tgBot<Michele> @Flohack, I don't see any updates avaiable on the bq e4.5 rc1011:04
tgBot<mariogrip> @Michele, are you on devel?11:04
tgBot<Michele> rc11:05
tgBot<mariogrip> @Michele, rc is comming later today11:05
tgBot<Michele> oh, thanks! I'll wait it patiently 👍🏻11:05
tgBot<Flohack> @alan_griffiths, Makes only sense if we run a cluster of push servers. Currently this would break as the client checks certificates and we use a different one11:19
tgBot<alan_griffiths> Agreed, it's too much effort for a one-off transition. (I don't think clustering would be a good use, forwarding to "backend" servers is better for that.)11:24
tgBot<sopernam> hi11:26
tgBot<sopernam> chroot: can't execute '/system/bin/sh': No such file or directory … im getting this error11:26
tgBot<Michele> how can I analize the memory on the disk in my phone? the option in the settings app shows me what takes the memory, but there's a label called "other files" that takes 1.3gb and I want to know what are this files and where can I find them... thanks11:32
tgBot<tylnesh> du :)11:44
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Michele, or apt-get install baobab12:18
tgBot<malditobastardo> @Flohack, I'm in devel but I will not update my phone since ota312:18
tgBot<malditobastardo> I mean. Until ota312:19
tgBot<onajjar> @malditobastardo, Anyone knows the date of the OTA3 ?12:27
tgBot<Flohack> @onajjar, 21st of Dec12:28
tgBot<onajjar> @Flohack, Thanks ! Can’t wait for it ! , any webpage about the release and what difference between know and the OTA312:29
tgBot<onajjar> Now*12:29
tgBot<Xenial> Hi @Flohack , the current changes on push server will also bring the system-settings notifications? I remember that on Canonical image we receive a notification when a new update system image was available12:29
tgBot<DanChapman> Xenial it won't bring it just by switching push server. the ubports system-image server will need updating to broadcast a new system image notification for each channel12:37
tgBot<Xenial> Thanks for the clarification @DanChapman !12:42
tgBot<Miguel Gutiérrez> españa12:44
tgBotDanySpin97 was added by: DanySpin9712:57
tgBot<Stereofont> @DanySpin97, Hello Danilo and welcome!  I'm part of the UBports welcoming team.    … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :)12:58
tgBot<DanySpin97> @Stereofont, Hi there, and thank you ^^12:58
tgBot<Xenial> OTA-3 will come already without the Ubuntu Store icon ?13:01
tgBot<DanySpin97> Is there some screenshots where i can see UBports in action?13:01
tgBot<Xenial> You have videos on youtube :D13:02
tgBot<Stereofont> @DanySpin97, If you have any issues or questions, you can join the Welcome Room with the link13:02
tgBot<Stereofont> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaEA_W3Ej6I13:06
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Flohack, PM'ing you now for clarity13:09
tgBot<dohbee> @Eelis59, Unlikely. Only GSM phones have been made to work. CDMA would be a lot of work.13:38
tgBot<dohbee> @Michele, Are you using a libertine container? Or it coul13:40
tgBot<Michele> @KrisJacewicz, but I have to make the image writable, right? and I prefer don't do things like this, as I understood it's not 100% safe...13:43
tgBot<dohbee> @Michele, installing baobab on rootfs is indeed not a great plan.14:26
tgBot<Seumas> Concerning my last few messages about the Libertine problem. Understand that I felt compelled to stay up until nearly 5 in the morning to try and fix it. So I might not have been making sense towards the end. Sorry about that. But I still want to find out how to fix that Python script to point to the correct sources. Or at a push try another solution such as the one Kris said he could offer.14:27
tgBot<Seumas> Looking at this link again:14:28
tgBot<Seumas> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/792/libertine-installation-broken-on-vivid14:28
tgBot<Rocco> @Michele, Excuse me... I have 2.5.1 telegram version14:28
tgBot<Michele> @Rocco, no promblem👍🏻😂14:28
tgBot<Michele> @dohbee, what do you mean?14:29
tgBot<dohbee> i mean using apt on rootfs can cause the partition to fill up pretty quickly, and some packages don't deal well with overlay mounts and such, which ubuntu phone makes use of14:30
tgBot<Seumas> I do have to say Tonoxis is a little bit vague there. I replaced one mention of the obselete source to the new one, but I don't get where to add it "to the end of the debootstrap command" as clear as it might be. It's probably pretty simple and a solution staring me in the face, but not seeing it just now. If anyone would like to take a look at the Python script and make recommendations, or if Tonoxis himself is a member of the supergroup, I'd dearly14:30
tgBotappreciate it.14:30
tgBot<Michele> @dohbee, that's why I avoid doing this, but than @KrisJacewicz suggested it...14:34
tgBot<dohbee> @Seumas, https://paste.ubuntu.com/26183436/14:34
tgBot<dohbee> (that's a diff from the source tree)14:34
tgBot<dohbee> @Michele, yes, he is quick to go straight to the "make your system writable and install things" route14:35
tgBot<wayneoutthere> A news item about the push server and telegram notifications has just been dropped in the UBports News Channel.  To learn more about this news be sure to subscribe to the News Channel here: https://t.me/ubports_news14:36
tgBot<Rocco> No one can help me regarding UT telegram? How can I join to UBSports channels?14:37
tgBot<dohbee> @Rocco, you have to install telegram 2.5.1 beta builds from github14:37
tgBot<Rocco> I have it yet14:38
tgBot<Rocco> What's the  procedure?14:38
tgBot<dohbee> search for ubports supergroup maybe? or go to ubports website and click on the link to join it14:39
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> No, he means getting to it from inside UT14:39
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> We're a supergroup which isn't supported in the normal app14:39
tgBot<dohbee> yes, and he says he has the version that supports it14:40
tgBot<dohbee> and last i checked, there is still a web browser installed in ubports :)14:40
tgBot<Xenial> And he is already here, so is telegram app should get this chat in his list of chats14:40
tgBot<Rocco> @dohbee, I done it without success14:41
tgBot<dohbee> @Xenial, i think he wants to use a different username there14:41
tgBot<Xenial> i wonder if he is trying to access other ubports groups..14:41
tgBot<Michele> @Rocco, are you sure you get telegram from here https://github.com/ubports/telegram-app/releases ?14:41
tgBot<Michele> v2.5.0 or 2.5.1 ?14:42
tgBot<dohbee> yes,
tgBot<Rocco> @Xenial, No... Now I'm writing from android phone. I wish connect with the ubuntu phone14:42
tgBot<dohbee> https://github.com/ubports/telegram-app/releases/download/v2.5.1/com.ubuntu.telegram_2.5.1.0_armhf.click14:42
tgBot<dohbee> that and sideload it14:42
tgBot<Rocco> @dohbee, I have it installe14:42
tgBot<Rocco> D14:43
tgBot<dohbee> ok, not sure why it doesn't work then14:43
tgBot<dohbee> ping @Flohack ^^ how to join ubports supergroup with beta tg?14:43
tgBot<wayneoutthere> did you click the join link ? ;)14:43
tgBot<Xenial> Could you send us a print screen of your telegram chats?14:43
tgBot<Seumas> Pastebin:14:44
tgBot<Seumas> http://paste.ubuntu.com/26183481/14:44
tgBot<Rocco> Ok. Thanks. I'll continuevo from my android phone14:44
tgBot<Michele> idk how to join supergroups from the ut app, but if you join the supergroup from another platform with the same acocunt it should work...14:44
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Rocco, https://t.me/ubports14:44
tgBot<Rocco> It doesn't work14:44
tgBot<Rocco> Ok ok14:44
tgBot<wayneoutthere> wacky....14:44
tgBot<Rocco> It's OK the same14:44
tgBot<Seumas> Sorry if there's redundant repetition of code there, but the native terminal on UT is a bit of a pain to copy (it's easier on a Libertine installed terminal, but don't have that yet on my MP5!).14:45
tgBot<dohbee> @Seumas, well enable ssh. :)14:46
tgBot<Seumas> Sorry Rodney, didn't see your pastebin before I wrote all that out. That looks great, hope it fixes it, will try later after work. Thanks buddy.14:47
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Michele, if feeling in doubts then i recommend not to14:47
tgBot<Seumas> SSH is a whole other nightmare between all my Ubuntu computers and RPi... one day I'll start from fresh and fix the problems with it.14:48
tgBot<Seumas> Chat later guys, cheers.14:50
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Michele, baobab can be installed in the userspace without making image writable. i dont remember if it maybe required a symlink or few, or not even that but i ran it off a folder in my user home folder.14:50
tgBot<Xenial> @wayneoutthere the end of the year is just around the corner, your next podcast could include some talks on predictions about the next year. Then write them, and in the end of next year check it if you were correct14:50
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but apt-get install cant do that obviously.14:51
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Xenial, I like everything you said here... except!  you called it a 'podcast!'   … 😱14:55
tgBot<wayneoutthere> that's like call your UT device... an iphone!14:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> excuse me while I cry myself to sleep14:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> joking about the crying and thanks for the suggestions14:56
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> (Sticker, 512x300) https://irc.ubports.com/s9oXm75y/file_287614:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> good thing no one is getting push notifications, eh?  Eh?14:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> ding14:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> ding14:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> ding14:56
tgBot<Mohannes> BOOOOMMM!!!!14:57
tgBot<Mohannes> Ladies and gentlemen, the Canadian broke the internet yet again14:57
tgBot<wayneoutthere> GIT, @Mohannes  … Git!14:57
tgBot<Mohannes> whats wrong Wayne?14:59
tgBot<Mohannes> @Xenial, Great Idea! I will join you guys.14:59
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, Github release xd I am in a meeting sry15:00
tgBot<wayneoutthere> wait.... I've seen that logo before....  YOU!15:00
tgBot<Mohannes> Ready for round 2? ;)15:01
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Mohannes, I will have my people contact your people.15:01
tgBot<Mohannes> We should make T-shirts though15:02
tgBot<Mohannes> Or stickers, and let the community decide on whos side they are on.15:02
tgBot<wayneoutthere> haha15:03
tgBot<wayneoutthere> has anyone ever found themselves staring at a terminal screen and just enjoyed watching the lines go by?  It's so... nice.15:03
tgBot<profetik777> @wayneoutthere, Yep lol15:04
tgBot<profetik777> In retro terminal it's even cooler15:05
raphawhy is the Nexus 4 (mako) listed twice, once without comment, once with comment "Experimental"?15:08
raphaand a second question, what's the "-ish" in "yes-ish" as the answer to whether ubports runs desktop linux apps?15:13
tgBot<Xenial> @wayneoutthere My autocorrect is broken, pardon me.  … Throwing my two cent into the predictions: your show will be an podcast in 2018.15:13
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Xenial, it's still broken.15:17
tgBot<wayneoutthere> you are trying to type 'audiocast' but it keeps making 'podcast'15:18
tgBot<dohbee> @rapha, They don't all work, and the support is incomplete for ones that do15:31
raphabut afa TUI stuff goes there's an xterm or something similar and i can fire up vim or ssh or whatever, yes?15:32
tgBot<dohbee> there's a terminal app, yes15:37
tgBot<dohbee> and you can create a chroot to install additional cli apps15:38
tgBot<dohbee> i don't recall if vim-full and ssh client are installed by default15:38
raphathat's nice enough, thanks dohbee15:39
raphaand about the Nexus 4's entries in the device list ... do you have any idea why it's listed twice?15:39
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Someone clicked the wrong button, I suppose15:41
tgBot<dohbee> yeah i have no idea about that15:42
tgBotabacao was added by: abacao16:25
tgBot<abacao> Hello all, quick question … Is the first galaxy nexus from Samsung supported?16:25
tgBot<Ern_st> Nope16:28
tgBot<Ern_st> and welcome16:28
tgBot<abacao> So this doesn't apply anymore? … http://androidcritics.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-touch-os-on-galaxy-nexus-gsm-and-nexus-4/16:30
tgBot<sverzegnassi> Correct! Canonical deprecated the support for Galaxy Nexus in January, 201416:36
tgBot<samzn> The gnex is a fantastic phone though16:37
tgBot<samzn> I would pay good € for a functional Halium port16:37
tgBot<milkor73> @abacao, Hello André and welcome!  I'm part of the UBports welcoming team.    … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :)16:43
tgBot<abacao> I will... Thanks for the welcomes16:50
tgBot<Xenial> André if you're portuguese we have an ubports for portuguese people! @abacao17:29
tgBot<abacao> I am17:56
tgBot<Sconio> Hello, I would like your opinion on the fact that we can not block calls (phone number) are you thinking of remedying to problem?18:19
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> @Sconio, +118:20
tgBot<Sconio> in France, we are harassed by forced commercial marketing18:20
tgBot<Sconio> its not possible in futur18:21
tgBot<malditobastardo> @Sconio, Same in Argentina18:25
tgBot<Sconio> I'm forced to change my phone number, so the question I'm asking myself is: … Should I stay under ubports or go back under android?18:30
tgBot<Sconio> I would be grateful if you could hear this question URGENTLY18:32
tgBot<Sconio> Cordially18:33
tgBot<malditobastardo> There is a workaround in the forums18:33
tgBot<malditobastardo> It's a paid service18:33
tgBot<malditobastardo> Use the search button18:33
tgBot<Stereofont> @Sconio, There are two different questions here. 1. Block specific  numbers manually 2. Block any number found on a register of known spam numbers. I am guessing that you mean the first? In the UK we have an opt out service and a regulator18:36
tgBot<Stereofont> 3. Would be block all numbers not in Contacts18:37
tgBot<Sconio> blocking a number from the ubuntu touch settings will be very useful, it's in the sense that I raise this issue18:41
tgBot<Sconio> an improvement of the OS18:41
tgBot<Sconio> this is native under androïd18:42
tgBot<Stereofont> Assigning a null ringtone would be a workaround I suppose18:43
tgBot<Sconio> So why not make it also under ubuntu touch? … Is there a problem of law or license to go in?18:44
tgBot<Seumas> @Rocco, Lionel makes good points, but so does Sconio. Is there an opt-out service for providers in the UK?18:45
tgBot<Seumas> *in France I mea sorry.18:45
tgBot<Seumas> *mean18:45
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> use a ring tone for each people in your list.18:45
tgBot<dohbee> @Sconio, Nobody did the work18:46
tgBot<Sconio> no it does not solve the problem, prevents the number from coming into contact with the user and with voicemail yes18:46
tgBot<Stereofont> @Cesar_Herrera, Or the ringtone could say "spam caller" 😐18:46
tgBot<dohbee> someone has to do the work18:46
tgBot<dohbee> ubports doesn't have a multibillion dollar company like google backing it, unfortunately18:47
tgBot<Sconio> https://conso.bloctel.fr/18:47
tgBot<Sconio> it does not prevent the unknown number18:48
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> The things related to phone are very apperciated.18:48
tgBot<Sconio> it's complicated18:48
tgBot<Crash_Burn> @dohbee, What if we all pool our assests?? :P18:48
tgBot<dohbee> you are welcome to implement the feature in the dialer app and telephony framework if you know how, and submit patches18:48
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> :(18:49
tgBot<dohbee> if you feel you need to use android because of this, then i'd suggest using lineageos18:50
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> Not me.18:51
tgBot<Sconio> yes I know Lineage OS without GAPS18:52
tgBot<dohbee> well, or with nano gapps, so you can use google store and get notifications and such18:52
tgBot<Sconio> I use the least possible google service18:54
tgBot<Stereofont> Many telecoms operate spam filters? Choice of spam setting is an option with some?18:54
tgBot<Sconio> use asaway, duckduckgo app,18:54
tgBot<Sconio> Riot18:54
tgBot<Sconio> etc18:54
tgBot<dohbee> yes i try to avoid google services too. but push notifications and installing apps from the store requires a google account18:55
tgBot<Sconio> no18:55
tgBot<Sconio> Fdroid18:55
tgBot<JBBgameich> YalpStore is also a solution to download PlayStore stuff without PlayStore and google account18:56
tgBot<Sconio> oh tk18:57
tgBot<dohbee> whatever, this channel isn't about android :)18:57
tgBot<Sconio> Exactly, in this case are we talking about a solution to problem?18:58
tgBot<dohbee> are you volunteering to write the code?18:58
tgBot<Sconio> this question must be raised to those who work on the project18:58
tgBot<dohbee> i don't know if anyone else, but that's what is required, someone to work on it18:59
tgBot<dohbee> the people who work on the project are volunteers18:59
tgBot<Sconio> do you do any of them at ubports?19:00
tgBot<Sconio> donate19:00
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> The programmers may work in what most of the people wants.19:01
tgBot<Sconio> yes19:01
tgBot<dohbee> well, volunteers will work on what they want to work on19:01
tgBot<Flohack> @Sconio, Donations are welcome but its not like that there are hundred people willing to work for us in a paid way. The skills we need are rare: People with a strong Ubuntu/Debian/Linux background who also understand Android internals. Those 2 things are normally not together ^^19:01
tgBot<Flohack> So its about finding the right guy, who has time, motivation and skills to hack into it.19:02
tgBot<dohbee> and many of them do not necessarily understand regulatory requirements in various countries, or how to implement things with lower level telephony stack19:02
tgBot<Flohack> Then we can talk about finanical compensation in a moment when it is necessary for him. But its not that we can hire fulltime people ATM19:02
tgBot<Flohack> Mobile world is different than all I have seen so far in IT, yes19:02
tgBot<Sconio> oh, ok... its hack19:03
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> A magager may convince a programmer to do something he didn't think initially.19:03
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> No, but it is heavily regulated and confusing19:03
tgBot<Flohack> technically its not an issue I assume. Make a phonebook option to say "block this user", then incoming calls would loosely match against that number19:03
tgBot<Flohack> then just dont ring19:04
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> But someone needs to do that19:04
tgBot<Cesar_Herrera> Sylvia said this ocultation is good for seccurity.19:05
tgBot<Seumas> OK Rodney, fix implemented, but another issue will be reported by me (to the supergroup) in a few mins.19:05
tgBot<Sconio> Thank you for reacting to this problem.19:06
tgBot<dohbee> @Sconio, i used to work on several parts of the stack before canonical killed the projects19:07
tgBot<dohbee> i'm mostly here now to help other people understand some of the stuff in that stack19:07
tgBot<dohbee> i don't really have time/energy to concentrate on developing anything in it now. maybe when my life is back to being more stable i can, but that will be a while19:08
tgBot<Sconio> if need be, I am willing to do one to settle the problem definitively19:10
tgBot<Flohack> @Sconio, Please see also this issue already filed: https://github.com/ubports/dialer-app/issues/1819:10
tgBot<Flohack> And the companion ticket https://github.com/ubports/address-book-app/issues/719:11
tgBot<Flohack> So we got the requests filed, that means the community is aware of the missing feature. We will need some time, of course, but I am positive that this will get implemented19:11
tgBot<Stereofont> @dohbee, Having an 'archaeologist' is meanwhile immensely valuable19:11
tgBot<Flohack> @Stereofont, And a lead/network guy who knows whom to poke/ping ;)19:12
tgBot<dohbee> there seems to be some blacklisting related "todo" in ofono still too19:14
tgBot<dohbee> hmm, though i don't know if it's been fixed upstream19:15
tgBot<dohbee> guess not19:16
tgBot<dohbee> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/ofono/ofono.git/tree/TODO19:16
tgBot<Seumas> Right, so in the pastebin a new bit of code is introduced:19:17
tgBot<Seumas> "self._build_fakechroot_command,"19:20
tgBot<dohbee> do what?19:21
tgBot<Seumas> Running the create container command with those changes results in:19:21
tgBot<Seumas> "Trceback (most recent call last):                                                                         …   File "/usr/bin/libertine-container-manager", line 517, in <module>                                       …     args.func(args)                                                                                        …   File "/usr/bin/libertine-container-manager", line 93, in create                                          …     if not19:22
tgBotcontainer.create_libertine_container(password, args.multiarch, args.verbosity):                 …   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libertine/Libertine.py", line 332, in create_libertine_container    …     return self.container.create_libertine_container(password, multiarch, verbosity)                       …   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libertine/ChrootContainer.py", line 72, in create_libertine_container19:22
tgBot                                                 …     self._build_fakechroot_command(), self.installed_release, self.root_path)                              … AttributeError: 'LibertineChroot' object has no attribute '_build_fakechroot_command'"19:22
tgBot<dohbee> you did something wrong19:23
tgBot<dohbee> you misread the patch19:23
tgBot<Seumas> Admittedly it was a bit cumbersome pecking away in the terminal to write the code in manually, but I think I got everything correct.19:24
tgBot<dohbee> no, you did not. you added an unchanged line to old code which didn't have that line, i think19:24
tgBot<dohbee> you misread the context as being part of the patch19:26
tgBot<dohbee> @Seumas, why don't you use phablet-shell? because phablet-tools isn't packaged in 17.10?19:26
tgBot<Seumas> Was that function reference meant to be a comment then?19:27
tgBot<dohbee> it was context for the patch19:27
tgBot<dohbee> because i created it from trunk19:27
tgBot<dohbee> to show you what you need to change19:27
tgBot<Seumas> I'm doing it manually on the phone, as I'm on a bus and don't have a laptop :P19:28
tgBot<dohbee> only the lines with -/+ at the beginning have changes19:28
tgBot<Seumas> Ah, I see. Yes sorry but that wasn't clear. Thank you for clarifying.19:28
tgBot<Seumas> I'll modify it and try again19:29
tgBot<Seumas> Hmmm, now it says:19:34
tgBot<Seumas> "E: unknown location old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/Release"19:36
tgBot<dohbee> oh, the other one needs http:// too19:39
tgBot<dohbee> like in https://github.com/ubports/libertine/pull/1/files19:39
tgBot<Seumas> Ah ok.19:49
tgBot<Seumas> Ok we seem to finally be in business :) thank you for your efforts, hiccups were no problem. Glad I'm doing this from home actually because of the wait, so don't have to take chunks out of my data plan to do it.20:03
tgBot<Seumas> Couple of final errors:20:17
tgBot<Seumas> "Errors were encountered while processing: …  x11-common …  libxtst6:armhf …  isc-dhcp-client …  at-spi2-core … E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) … Failure installing humanity-icon-theme during container creation"20:17
tgBot<Seumas> So the process doesn't seem to have fully progressed.20:18
tgBot<dohbee> no idea. try again or run `apt-get -f install` in the container20:19
tgBot<Seumas> Ok.20:20
tgBot<Seumas> I mean I did a libertine-container manager-list and nothing showed up, so I don't think vivid has been born yet on this phone.20:21
tgBot<dohbee> so try again20:24
tgBot<Seumas> Will do.20:24
tgBot<Seumas> Could it be because I'm trying to be clever and do it natively on the phone rather than through a shell?20:25
tgBot<dohbee> i have no idea20:26
tgBot<dohbee> depends on what actually went wrong20:26
tgBot<dohbee> i don't know if there more extensive logs for dpkg outside the container if it got destroyed due to such failure20:27
tgBot<Seumas> Well, I'll try both, native first then shell.20:33
tgBotRoccoOPO was added by: RoccoOPO20:35
tgBotnanu_c was added by: nanu_c20:37
tgBot<peternerlich> Hello @RoccoOPO and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :)20:38
tgBot<Seumas> Same (lack of a) result as before via native, but here comes adb-shell to the rescue (I hope).20:52
raphais it likely that the Nexus 4 will be deprecated with UBPorts in the future at some point? Or ist it more likely that at some point it also will be given support for 16.04?20:53
tgBot<demokrit atomos> AFAIK there are a few people trying to port Halium to Nexus 4 but no idea how far they are or how far they will get. Considering that the Nexus 4 is relatively well supported by lineage (basis for halium which itself will be the basis for UT 16.04) i'd say its more likely it will at some point get 16.04 (but i am just a community guy here, no official spokesperson so don't put your hand in the fire for my word)21:01
tgBot<dohbee> @Seumas, btw, phablet-shell is just a shell script, so if you just grab it from bzr/git or copy it from another machine, you can use it just fine on 17.1021:03
tgBotBrian Saia was added by: Brian Saia21:04
tgBot<peternerlich> Hello Brian and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :)21:05
tgBot<Brian Saia> thanks peter21:07
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @rapha, In fact i just searched the halium group and someone called "revertive" seems to have basic halium up and running on N4 allready...21:11
tgBot<Seumas> Do you have a Github link for it, Rodney? I'm drawing a blank.21:11
tgBot<dohbee> no, i don't know if it got imported to github or not21:12
tgBot<dohbee> @Seumas, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phablet-tools/trunk/download/head:/phabletshell-20140512204602-iwzfo5218qr9lyoc-1/phablet-shell21:13
tgBotSudoLinux was added by: SudoLinux21:36
tgBot<SudoLinux> Hello everyone, I am an young teen that is willing to try out UbPorts, is it good?21:36
tgBot<Lyokanthrope> Didn't I just reply to you on Reddit? lol21:36
tgBot<SudoLinux> So how will it run on a Nexus 5X, I will get the Nexus 5X on christmas eve?21:37
tgBot<Lyokanthrope> @UniversalSuperBox would be the one to ask about that, I think21:37
tgBot<SudoLinux> Turns out I cant get it anyway, I guess Ill wait then21:39
tgBot<Stereofont> @SudoLinux, 5X is not supported yet. 5 is21:45
tgBot<peternerlich> Hello @SudoLinux and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. Sorry I none of us noticed you the ten minutes before. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! If you're willing to stick around besides not being able to install it, we'd be honored! :)21:45
tgBot<SudoLinux> I noticed and I am sad...21:45
tgBot<Stereofont> @SudoLinux, It is a good candidate for the future21:46
tgBot<Stereofont> If you can find a used and scruffy N5 at a low price you could use that21:48
tgBot<Seumas> Thanks Rodney will check it out21:49
tgBot<Seumas> But guys, please help with my MP5's WiFi. Just now it won't connect. It continuously shows the enter credentials dialog after a few seconds. Under System Settings, I see that it lists prior networks as "XYZ Network 1, XYZ Network 2" etc. What could be wrong with it?21:52
tgBot<Seumas> As in, some of those prior networks are various clones of a given real one.21:53
tgBot<Stereofont> @Seumas, I had a problem at one point where WPA protocol was recognised but not WPA2. Unlikely to be that but could be21:55
tgBot<Seumas> Can you talk me through some terminal diagnostics which could probe the problem?21:56
tgBot<Seumas> And honestly, my home network ISP seems to have wussed out. But that's not the full story because the MP5 won't connect to the MX4's mobile hotspot. Although it was earlier today.21:59
raphademokrit atomos: thanks for that info!22:00
tgBot<Seumas> @Stereofont How do I check which protocols the phone is using?22:07
tgBot<Seumas> From ip addr I read:22:09
tgBot<Seumas> "wlan0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DORMAN group default qlen 1000"22:10
tgBot<Stereofont> I switched my router from WPA2 to WPA and it worked. That is how I confirmed22:37
tgBot<Stereofont> Subsequent software upgrades resolved it22:41

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