
=== sportsquid__ is now known as sportsquid
sportsquidI'm here to say hello to elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg01:47
sportsquidfor the google code-in01:47
kyrofaHey there sportsquid, welcome!01:47
sportsquidSorry if I do anything wrong, this is my first time using IRC01:51
elopioHello sportsquid!02:10
daniellimwselopio: you around?04:38
daniellimwshere's a demonstration of what I found https://asciinema.org/a/SNVVdRErHV9sjglO9Ga5R2PFW05:05
heesenpopey, if you get some free time could you please take a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5288882268536832/05:58
popeyI will05:58
popey(just woke up)05:58
heesenpopey, ok no promblem06:06
konrad11901popey, could you take a look at my submission if you have some spare time? Thanks!07:46
popeySure thing!07:47
vonnewman@popey Hi, I have done the snap creation tutorial task12:09
vonnewmanWhat do I need to submit?12:09
popeyA few Screenshots are usually sufficient,12:10
vonnewmanOk, I have sent it in on the GCI task page12:14
popeyAwesome, thanks. I'll take a look shortly12:16
=== vonnewman is now known as owenl131
daniellimwselopio: for my task, what we ideally want is for the link to show next to do build in travis right?16:04
elopiodaniellimws: any way of reporting is good.16:07
elopioas long as we don't have to dig on the log, it's a huge win.16:08
daniellimwsok, currently with what I found we can definitely make a script to load the links16:09
daniellimwsnow still waiting for travis support to respond regarding the annotations16:09
daniellimwsweirdly there is not a single piece of documentation regarding that16:09
daniellimwshopefully can be able to achieve this https://goo.gl/yNV2HQ16:10
elopiothat would be perfect daniellimws !16:37
daniellimwshmm it seems that they just removed the feature one week ago?16:40
ubot93Pull 602 in travis-ci/travis-api "delete annotations from api" [Merged]16:40
daniellimwsthis is so weird16:40
daniellimwsno wonder I could not find any documentation regarding it16:42
daniellimwselopio: what do you say? in this case there probably is not much hope to display the link next to the build already16:42
elopiodaniellimws: you lost me a little. How did you get to show that link on the job? Without annotations?16:43
daniellimwselopio: which part are you referring to?16:44
elopio"currently with what I found we can definitely make a script to load the links"16:44
elopiooh, you meant loading, not displaying?16:44
daniellimwsyea not on the travis website16:45
elopioyeah, that's good. Please include in the research that the annotations have just been removed.16:45
daniellimwshave you seen this? https://asciinema.org/a/SNVVdRErHV9sjglO9Ga5R2PFW16:45
elopioI had not :)16:46
daniellimwsis that ok?16:48
elopiodaniellimws: it is very nice, yes. If publishing the link in the travis job is not possible, I'm wondering what alternatives we could try.16:49
elopiowe have a bot on irc called snappy-m-o. Maybe, we add a command that runs that travis log | grep you found, and returns the url16:49
daniellimwsI also found a way to notify via IRC16:49
elopiodaniellimws: does it notify on IRC even on pull requestS?16:50
daniellimwsyea I think it notifies after every successful build16:50
elopioit says at the bottom "Pull Request builds do not trigger IRC notifications."16:50
elopiowhat makes pull requests hard is that you can't have secrets in them16:51
daniellimwswhat does that mean?16:52
daniellimwsAPI keys?16:52
elopiotravis has a way to encrypt secrets, and not show them on the log. But, on pull requests you could just echo the unencrypted secret, and expose it to the world16:52
daniellimwsoh that's not good16:53
elopioso, the encrypted secrets are only available on branches that come from the organization. So we trust our team members to never echo a secret, but we can't trust the world16:53
daniellimwsoh so the IRC notification being not supported is largely due to this reason right?16:54
elopiomaybe. That would be a good question for travis support.16:54
elopiothe docs don't explain why. And I see that slack notifications support pull requests.16:54
daniellimwsSorry but I don't understand. Can't they still echo the secrets16:55
daniellimwsCan't people still echo the secrets whenever they want?16:55
elopiodaniellimws: it depends on how that notifier is implemented. If they have a server that takes messages from travis, and prints them to IRC, there are no secrets involved.16:56
elopioso the answer to your two last questions is, I don't know :)16:56
daniellimwsI mean can't people just hide a line or so to display the secret in their pull requests, and give people the link to that build in travis?16:57
elopiobut, what you have done so far is pretty useful already.16:57
elopiodaniellimws: what do you think of this? We send a message to the snappy-m-o bot on irc telling him: give me the snap url for pull request #123. The bot uses the apis to find the travis job id from the pull request id, calls travis log | grep transfer, and returns the url16:57
popeyflexiondotorg: can you take a look at this please? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4790241665744896/16:58
daniellimwselopio: sure thing16:58
elopiodaniellimws: sorry, I'm confused by that last question. In pull requests that are not from `snapcore`, there are no secrets.16:58
daniellimwssorry I'm even more confused now @.@ if there are no secrets, what did you mean by saying people out of the team can expose secrets?16:59
elopiodaniellimws: there are two types of pull requests, the ones that come from snapcore, and the ones that come from other repos.17:00
elopioonce you are a member of the snapcore team, you can push a branch to the snapcore repo17:00
elopiotravis exposes secrets to pull requests that come from snapcore branches. So if I want to echo the unencrypted snapcraft.io credentials, I can do it. Of course, I was approved into the snapcore team because they trust I will not do such thing.17:01
daniellimwsahh I get it now17:02
elopiotravis doesn't expose secrets to pull requests that don't come from snapcore branches. So people that are not part of the snapcore team can't echo the secrets, they are just not available encrypted or unencrypted.17:02
daniellimwsso, am I going to work on the IRC bot?17:02
elopiodaniellimws: well, that sounds like bonus points right? It would be happy if you finish the task with a little research about how to translate a pull request id to the corresponding travis job id.17:03
daniellimwselopio: sure no problem17:04
elopioif you want to finish the job adding a script to the bot, well, more good karma for you :D17:04
daniellimwswhere is the bot repo?17:04
daniellimwsok thanks17:05
flexiondotorgpopey: I'll review that task in an hour or so.17:07
daniellimwselopio: what should the command be? "give me the snap url for pull request #xyz" does sound a bit too long, doesn't it?17:07
elopiodaniellimws: ivanfon: jakewalker: konrad11901: m4sk1n_: and anybody else who is participating on google code in: Tomorrow we will have an Ubuntu Hour, on google hangouts17:07
elopioit would be great if you could join us, and tell us a little bout your experience so far.17:07
daniellimwshmm, it's going to be at 3am over here17:08
konrad11901elopio, I'll do my best to take part in Ubuntu Hour, but as for now I can't promise anything :/17:10
konrad11901but I hope I'll be able to join it17:10
elopiodaniellimws: you are excused :)17:11
daniellimwshaha maybe I'll have a look but highly unlikely17:11
elopiokonrad11901: I will post the link here ~30 minutes before we start, in case you can make it.17:11
ivanfonelopio: I’m gonna be in class but I can probably take part for a bit17:11
elopiodaniellimws: the command could be something like "travis get-snap 123"17:12
daniellimwselopio: ok17:12
elopiothis is the task corresponding to the ubuntu hour ^17:14
daniellimwselopio: is the chatbot mup on #snappy?17:16
elopiodaniellimws: no, snappy-m-o17:16
elopiooh, it's dead. Let me wake it up17:17
m4sk1n_elopio: ok :)17:19
elopiom4sk1n_: great, please leave a comment on community.ubuntu.com17:23
konrad11901elopio, one technical question: can I participate in this call without any camera?17:46
konrad11901I mean, only with a microphone17:46
elopiokonrad11901: yes. The camera is optional.17:46
konrad11901ok, thanks :)17:47
m4sk1n_I have translated my own tutorial to Polish, do I need review from another Polish-speaking person?17:59
konrad11901elopio, a small side note: you should change the date in the "Participate on the Ubuntu Hour, November 15th" task ;)18:24
elopiom4sk1n_: yes, a peer review is required always.18:25
elopiokonrad11901: oh, right18:25
inhumanthree1I joined for the GCI task, should I be saying hi to elopio, kyrofa, and wxl now or wait until tomorrow?19:07
kyrofainhumanthree1, haha, any time! Welcome :)19:08
wxlwanting to help out inhumanthree1 ?19:08
inhumanthree1the ubuntu hour task said to come here first and say hello to you three19:10
wxlhello :)19:10
inhumanthree1...oh, nevermind19:11
inhumanthree1I can't actually participate because it's at 11:0019:11
inhumanthree1guess I'll go abandon the task, goodbye19:11
wxlkyrofa: did you understand the context of all that?19:13
kyrofawxl, haha, believe it or not, yes :D19:13
wxlkyrofa: well given my name was implied, i'd like to know XD19:14
kyrofaThere's a task for attending the Ubuntu Hour19:14
kyrofa(which you're attending, elopio must have put you on there)19:14
wxlyeah well it's also tomorrow X''''D19:14
kyrofaBut apparently it's happening at sleepy time?19:14
m4sk1n_are you going to add tasks based on tutorial suggestions?22:32

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