=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [16:00] * slangasek waves [16:00] o/ [16:00] \o [16:00] o/ [16:00] #startmeeting [16:00] Meeting started Thu Dec 14 16:00:48 2017 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:00] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:00] [TOPIC] Lightning round === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round [16:00] $ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther) [16:00] xnox sil2100 mwhudson philroche Odd_Bloke rcj cyphermox tribaal fginther rbalint doko slangasek bdmurray infinity tdaitx [16:01] xnox: tag [16:01] Oh no [16:02] xnox: ? [16:02] no [16:02] * systemd updates / SRU [16:02] * openssl 1.1.0 rebuilds / analysis [16:03] * s390x bugs triange and fixing [16:03] * out last week; end of year at end of friday. [16:03] done [16:03] sil2100: oh yes [16:03] something is odd - i'm first twice in a row, well - this week and two weeks ago. [16:04] slangasek, mumble? [16:04] - Regular SRU reviews/releases [16:04] - Kernel SRUs *again*! [16:04] - Looking into Bileto breakage [16:04] - ubuntu-image - Testing 1.3 for all stable series [16:04] - Look and resolve NBS (some package removals done) [16:04] slangasek, https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/mumblymumble [16:04] - Do a pre-NEW review of opengcs [16:04] - Look into merge-o-matic for the stats generation code (for KPIs) [16:04] - Look into britney2 and its Bileto deployment [16:04] - Syncing up on the hwe stack for 16.04.4 [16:04] - Some other stuff I didn't have time to write down oh no! [16:04] sil2100: done? [16:05] rbalint: your turn [16:05] (done) [16:05] (sorry) [16:05] * Cloud image build system vanguard [16:05] * Partner cloud image work [16:05] bdmurray: Wrong order, dude. [16:05] (done) [16:05] * (HIGHLIGHT) xenial GCE images now use the linux-gcp custom kernel [16:05] Odd_Bloke: oops [16:05] * Fixed the issue with all trusty instances having the same machine id (LP: #1731279) [16:05] Launchpad bug 1731279 in cloud-images "Trusty instances get same machine-id" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1731279 [16:05] * A variety of work servicing partner requests [16:05] (done) [16:06] No rcj today [16:06] cyphermox: [16:06] bdmurray: Luckily noone listens to you. [16:06] Odd_Bloke: way to break the illusion [16:06] cyphermox is out today [16:06] Tribaal: [16:07] * Partner UEFI boot work [16:07] * Series/package release management work for a partner. [16:07] * Started SRU of "vagrant" user fix to Xenial (https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/1569237) [16:07] * [BLOG] Wrote a quick list of "magic URLs" I discovered over time. https://tribaal.io/magic-urls.html [16:07] (done) [16:07] Launchpad bug 1569237 in cloud-images x-series "vagrant xenial box is not provided with vagrant/vagrant username and password" [Undecided,Confirmed] [16:07] * Fixed issue with publication of certain HVM images on AWS [16:07] * Working on images changes to support additional boot options on a partner cloud [16:07] * Investigating image testing on a partner cloud [16:07] * Testing for latest gce-compute-image-packages [16:07] (done) [16:07] rbalint: [16:08] doko: [16:08] - gcc-8 update [16:08] - update graphviz to new upstream and port Python3 patches from the trunk [16:08] - mentor Lucasz with several archive-admin tasks [16:08] - MIR processing [16:08] - split out some modules to minimize the size of python3 [16:08] - send emails about Python2 and GTK2 demotions [16:08] - toolchain updates [16:08] - libical transition, demoting libical2 [16:08] (done) [16:09] * was out last Thursday [16:09] * autopkgtest infra management: [16:09] * arm64 was a bit on the floor again over the weekend [16:09] * things are stable now, and arm64 is catching back up [16:09] * where catching back up now means we have 1800 packages in the queue for *all* archs [16:09] * discussions around snap supportability [16:09] * did some merges, included busybox [16:09] * then triaged a regression in busybox from the last security update, LP: #1737662 [16:09] Launchpad bug 1737662 in busybox (Ubuntu) "Unable to install ubuntu1804 build with Debootstrap warning on witherspoon system" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1737662 [16:09] * upcoming: last work day of the year for me is next Tuesday [16:10] (done) [16:10] bdmurray: [16:10] modified mojo spec to utilize right swift credentials [16:10] modified mojo spec to use version numbers with code tarballs [16:10] modified mojo spec not to upload code if the same revno is already there [16:10] added missing relation btwn failed-queue retracers and cassandra [16:10] modified daisy, errors, retracer charms to handle version numbers [16:10] added code revnos to the charm manifests, hooks [16:10] landed and tested the ability to upgrade the code for the charms [16:10] investigation into growth of retracer queues [16:10] submitted RT 107932 regarding increasing memory on retracers [16:10] ✔ done [16:10] infinity is out [16:10] tdaitx: ? [16:10] tdaitx is out [16:11] any questions on status? [16:11] bdmurray: should we look at bugs? [16:11] Well there's one I wanted to talk about [16:11] [TOPIC] Bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs [16:12] bug 1574670 is assigned to adam because we wanted to fix it in the archive right? [16:12] bug 1574670 in update-manager (Ubuntu Artful) "ubuntu-support-status returns inaccurate information" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1574670 [16:12] I ask as mdeslaur has submitted some patches for update-manager to resolve it [16:13] bdmurray: yes, primarily [16:13] They seem fine but should we be heading that way. [16:13] however the original plan was "republish the 16.04 release pocket shortly after release" [16:13] which is no longer an option, really [16:14] at this point, the other part of this needs to be an audit of support info generated for bionic [16:14] how big is the impact, and should we sru the X affected packages as rebuild such that they have the right info? [16:14] or sru ubuntu-support-status with "overrides" [16:14] xnox: the first is not really viable [16:14] ack [16:15] bdmurray: so, +1 for fixing this via u-s-s [16:15] slangasek: okay, and then a card for the bionic work? [16:15] bdmurray: yes - would you mind creating that? [16:16] slangasek: No, I don't mind. [16:16] ok :) [16:16] [LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [16:16] also bug 1737445 seems rather important but I haven't tested it yet [16:16] bug 1737445 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "release upgrader doesn't re-enable updates after failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1737445 [16:16] s/rather/really/ [16:17] bdmurray: ok. I'll bump importance and accept that nomination? [16:17] slangasek: Sure - I'll test it today to get a confirmation. [16:18] bug state fiddled. do I have to manually import that to trello? [16:18] fginther: has the autoimporter been enabled? [16:19] slangasek: I believe so [16:20] no, importing these is not yet available [16:20] ok, importing now [16:21] bug 1732447 seems easy to SRU right? [16:21] bug 1732447 in command-not-found (Ubuntu) "rename no longer included in perl package, but still linked" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732447 [16:23] yeah [16:24] Is the process for updating c-n-f documented somewhere? [16:24] I think it's documented in the source branch [16:24] that seems like a good spot [16:24] if not, then perhaps the release checklist has a pointer? [16:25] okay, I'll have a look [16:25] that's it from me. [16:25] ok [16:25] anything else on bugs? [16:27] no? [16:27] I think we're good [16:28] [TOPIC] AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB [16:28] anything else? [16:28] I'm out on Monday [16:28] I'm out next week starting Wednesday [16:29] will there anybody between Xmas and New Year who I can ping about failed buildds? planning for the test rebuilds ... [16:30] about failed buildds? no idea [16:30] I guess there'll be IS folks on standby? [16:31] ok, IS then [16:32] alrighty [16:32] since I won't be at any meeting next week, have a good end of year, all! [16:32] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [16:32] Meeting ended Thu Dec 14 16:32:43 2017 UTC. [16:32] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-12-14-16.00.moin.txt [16:33] thanks, folks [16:35] Thanks! [16:35] o/