
cmaloneyIt went well00:08
cmaloneyVirtual Coffee House coders00:22
jrwrenGood morning13:06
rick_heveryone have fun in the snow?13:41
_stink_only shoveled three times13:44
rick_hsame here, though stayed up until 11 to do the final one in the hopes I wouldn't need to do any more in the morning13:46
rick_hlooks like a winner so far.13:46
brouschTwice yesterday, once this morning, none of them more than 2"14:32
rick_hkind of fun, didn't realize the nest cam could do a timelapse for me14:34
cmaloneyGood morning14:54
cmaloneyTook JoDee to school Whee14:54
cmaloneyI shoveled last night, but haven't re-shoveled this morning14:54
jrwrenonly a little fell after I shoveled last night, so I'm ok with taht.14:56
jrwrenthere is still a little empty salt spot on the drive that never got covered.14:56
jrwrenrick_h: you read The Way of Kings!!!16:39
rick_hjrwren: yea, rereading it because the new book came out recently16:39
jrwrenrick_h: ha! same.  I'm rereading it right now :)16:39
rick_hjrwren: I've been a sanderson fan since he finished up the robert jordan series16:39
rick_hjrwren: yea, just finished book 1 again last night and onto 216:40
rick_hshoveling is great audible book time :)16:40
jrwrenI find its easier to re-read. The first read was great, but also, just because it is sooo long... i feel like i didn't enjoy certain parts as much as I am on the second read.16:40
rick_hyea, true.16:41
rick_hjrwren: check out the author's series for mistborn. I really liked those16:41
rick_hjrwren: and the steelheart stuff is an interesting take16:41
rick_hfunny how he hops around adding a book to different series at a time16:41
jrwrenI read the mistborn trilogy last month or so.16:41
jrwrenIt was ok, good even, but not as good as stormlight, IMO16:42
rick_hno, different for sure16:42
rick_hI can't always do 1k pages giant books back to back to back16:42
jrwrenI usually don't like fantasy, so I'd probably never have picked up mistborn, but my new boss bought it for me for my birthday because he heard htat I liked stormlight :)16:42
rick_hI try to mix up fiction/non fiction at least but always good to have something lighter to blow through16:42
rick_hI grew up on fantasy. the D&D books, dritz, and the wheel of time series16:43
jrwrenyeah, I hadn't read much fiction at all this year until I got to that a couple months ago16:43
rick_hit's more work for me to find interesting non-fiction to check out16:43
jrwrentoo much non fiction, so this has been a nice diversion16:43
rick_hyea, a good story is nice16:43
rick_hthat was my big complaint with the latest hodgeman book. No real story to pull it together16:44
jrwrenI don't think I've read him.16:44
rick_hI love his judge john hodgeman postcast and he has some funny books of fake facts16:45
cmaloneyMy year of reading was pretty much in the toilet17:47
cmaloney(and I don't mean that most of my reading was on the toilet)17:48
jrwrenpotty human books eh?17:48
cmaloneyLots of starts and stops17:48
rick_hI find I go in big waves17:49
rick_hlots of podcasts, lots of reading/audio books17:49
rick_hI thought I hadn't read much, but I did at the start and end of the year I guess. Just the middle was mainly a podcast world17:50
cmaloneyAlso: Time to re-up the EFF membership17:55
cmaloneylooks like there's gonna be some legal wrangling to knock down this FCC stupidity17:56
cmaloneyEven thought the FCC building is apparently being evacuated17:56
Scary_GuyI say let it burn.  we need people good and pissed off for any real change18:53

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