
=== bedtime-bath is now known as bedtime-vittles
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iosmi date una mano03:39
IrcsomeBotkbbjs was added by: kbbjs04:41
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== tarator85 is now known as tarator
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest99693
BluesKajHiyas all11:10
user|6104Hello. how can i install the software Center from Ubunto into Kubuntu ?14:35
DarkchaosIn Kubuntu it's just called "Discover"14:40
DarkchaosIf that's what you are looking for, user|610414:40
BluesKajuser|6104, kubuntu alredy has one it's called discover, or you could install muon which is a really good package manger , just not as pretty14:42
user|6104thx. but it's not look like the same14:42
BluesKajuser kubuntu and ubuntu don't look the same , they usae diffewrent desktops14:43
DarkchaosNothing on Kubuntu looks like on Ubuntu :) But it's definitely the software you use to download software14:43
BluesKajdon't think heknows kubuntu from ubuntu14:44
user|6104:-) yes of course. But for me is the Software Centre from Ubuntu the "nice" one14:45
IrcsomeBot<IMR3D> I use Muon, this just would need image of software package, for me is perfect.14:47
user|6104so can i install this Software center ore not ?14:47
IrcsomeBot<IMR3D> Muon on KDE Linux 17.1014:48
DarkchaosNot sure if it's possible, but really Discover looks like this: http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/kubuntu-16-04-lts-arrives-with-new-plasma-discover-software-center-kde-plasma-5-503315-3.jpg14:48
user|6104thx. i will try it14:49
BluesKajuser|6104, you probly can install "the software center"but it will bring a lot of gtk stuff with it14:53
=== bedtime-sleep is now known as bedtime-latin
=== de3pt0r is now known as P0kie_7
grelhey, sup. i was wondering, how do i dual boot kubuntu and W10? (Legacy)16:28
BluesKajgrel, UEFI or BIOS?16:38
BluesKaj2 partitions , one NTFS for windows and the other for Kubuntu16:39
grelwell i already did that16:39
greli've got 2 partitions for windows, and 2 partitons for kubuntu16:39
grelis that fine16:40
BluesKajthe Kubuntu partition is ext4, and install windows first to the NTFS16:40
greli already did that16:40
grelplus can i make root and /home one partition16:40
BluesKaj2 for windows ? why?16:40
grelC: for windows and D: for data16:40
BluesKajroot and /home are great for Kubuntu tho16:40
grelalso is swap really needed16:41
greli only have 4gigs so i was wondering16:41
grelwell i'm already in the install and now it's saying "removing (stuff)" and "completely removing (stuff)" is that normal? BluesKaj16:42
BluesKajgrel, yes near the end of the install it removes temporary files16:43
BluesKajswap is always a good idea16:44
BluesKajhow much ram ?16:44
grelso i've tried original ubuntu before and right after i installed i wasnt able to boot into W10 and I had to edit grub.cfg do i need to do in kubuntu too16:44
grelsorry can you repeat again BluesKaj16:46
BluesKajyes , just run sudo os-prober , then sudo update-grub16:46
P0kie_7DROP P0kie_7 #Lum13t0R17:06
=== urbanfbi is now known as kubusne
kubusneHello, I have kubuntu installed on my notebook and am facing the following problem: I'm trying to update the system via apt. My /boot partition has no free diskspace. This makes trouble when trying to update the kernel17:57
kubusneI did: sudo apt autoremove --purge, but then I got: try run "apt --fix-broken install" to solve problems. I did, but this threw an error: error when trying to handle /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-4.10.0-42-generic_4.10.0-42.46_amd64.deb18:00
kubusneany ideas?18:00
NewUseri want to install kubuntu, i have no dvd drive, and only one hard drive. i thought i could boot an ISO using grub and then install it. But the kubunutu install forces me to unmount all partitions the drive is on. is there a way around this?19:23
NewUserunmount all paritions on the drive*19:24
geniiIf your machine can boot to a USB, best to just image the ISO file onto a stick and install from that19:29
geniiThis is the usual method nowadays19:29
NewUsercant i just edit the file system manually? then run the installer19:30
NewUseri do not have a USB stick19:30
geniiThere is no suitable way I'm aware of to install to the same device that you're installing from19:31
NewUserok thanks for trying19:32
NewUsercan anyone else help? i have done this before with older versions of ubuntu, if i am not editing the partition table i think this should be possible19:33
geniiI'd recommend just go get a 4 GB stick from the corner store, most carry them now, for about $519:34
NewUseri would prefer to learn why it is failing, and fix it.19:35
geniiIt's not failing, it's working as designed. EG: It's not allowing you to install on the installation media because that's usually Not A Good Idea19:36
NewUserthank you for your help genii, but i am looking for a more detailed answer. i was refering to thme failing not the program. They program only wants to unount the paritions to edit the partitions table right? so if i can make the partition table changes manually then i should be able to install this.19:39
NewUseri want to learn, to understand, to change and edit to achive my goal not give up becauase of a simple error message19:41
geniiNewUser: Instead of using GRUB to load an ISO file, you'd be better off to have around a 4G partition on your drive near the end, then dd ISO file onto that. Then boot normally and run update-grub. Then reboot to the partition with the install, install onto the first partition. Then later, adjust the partitions to absorb the 4G one back in19:46
krytarikNewUser: Doesn't "sudo umount -l /isodevice" work?19:46
NewUserkrytarik: ok, so you are saying i no longer need /isodevice now as the system has already booted19:53
NewUserkrytarik: so where is my filesystem now, is it in ram?19:53
NewUseri so stupid ofcourse19:53
NewUserkrytarik: i want to understand and learn how to check this myself. is there something i can google or documention i can read? for example i tried "sudo mount" but nothing really tells me the file system is in ram19:56
NewUsergenii: ok i think i understand what you are saying, but why does using grub to boot the iso matter? why do i need to use dd to write it to a partition? i already have 3 partitions. 1) GPT ESP where grub is 2) blank ext for the install 3) the parition with the ISO19:59
NewUserok going to restart back in couple of minutes, thanks for the help guys20:06
delsahi to everyone20:13
newuserthanks for the help guys, i solved the issue. i unmounted the /isodevice, then the install worked. But before i could unmount /isodevice i had to add an extra boot paramater "toram" so the root file system would be 100% in memory and not using the /isodevice anymore20:24
krytarikYeah, I've seen mention of this parameter before, but was never sure when you really need it.  You did use the '-l' option on unmounting though, did you?20:28
newuseri did not use the -l option20:30
krytarikAha, ok.20:30
newuser-l, --lazy Lazy unmount.  Detach the filesystem from the file hierarchy now, and clean up all references to this filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore.20:31
newuserback in a minute i think i just installed kubuntu :D20:31
bedtime-latinI am not able to access my settings in Konqueror. Is there something I need to install?20:42
IrcsomeBotaelxx was added by: aelxx20:54
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> Hi20:54
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> So yesterday I installed ubuntu server and selected both kubuntu full and kubuntu desktop in the software list during installation. Everything installed and booted just fine20:54
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> Except everything is super glitchy20:55
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> (Video, 31s)https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Ulv1t64L/file_382320:56
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> I haven't been able to find any solutions. Nothing is slow or laggy, it all works just fine except for the visual glitches. Not sure if it's a problem with my hardware or if it's a software problem20:57
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delsawho's online for talk about membership?21:09
IrcsomeBotAndredelsa was added by: Andredelsa21:15
delsaok.. I've entered on telegram kubuntu-support :)  so I quit IRC and I'll follow you there21:23
IrcsomeBot<Andredelsa> I'm here21:24
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @aelxx, Hello, Alex. Does your machine have a GPU card?21:24
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> I'm not exactly sure, it's an older laptop21:40
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> There's an amd radeon xpress rs690m in it21:40
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> it seems you're running in the opensource driver rather than the privative driver, and that's causing these glitches on the screen (same happens to me with the nouveau driver)21:56
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> try to install the AMD drivers on the repository (if someone can trigger the ubottu command in IRC would be perfect)21:57
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> 111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000021:58
IrcsomeBot<Andredelsa> ???21:59
=== jaafar_ is now known as jaafar
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Hi friends22:19
IrcsomeBot<Andredelsa> Hi22:19
IrcsomeBot<Andredelsa> ☺️22:19
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Any questions for @Andredelsa in regard to his membership22:19
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> One sec I go to nudge KC22:20
=== claydoh is now known as Guest46384
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @Sick_Rimmit, Hello Rick!22:27
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @Sick_Rimmit, how long have you been involved with the Kubuntu community?22:30
valoriethis is the wrong channel for a meeting22:31
valoriethis channel is for user support22:31
IrcsomeBot<Andredelsa> I drew 3 banners for Kubuntu and I helped in some podcasts22:31
valorieplease can we move this to #kubuntu-devel22:31
IrcsomeBotkbbjs was removed by: kbbjs22:33
genii@DGUERRERO, @Sick_Rimmit As valorie observes, we should keep this channel for support22:33
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Sure let's move to devel22:33
genii( also whoever else is on IrcsomeBot atm ) :)22:34
IrcsomeBot<Andredelsa> Sorry... Change now22:34
dzalissimonew to ubuntu here22:36
dzalissimonever used linux before...22:36
valoriedzalissimo: cool22:37
valoriehow's it going so far?22:37
dzalissimoi dont know lol22:37
dzalissimoits okay i guess22:37
dzalissimoeverything is diffrent22:37
dzalissimoits very fast and not laggy,  i like that22:38
dzalissimobut ...22:38
dzalissimoi cant play Battlefield 2 : Project reality here... that kinda sucks lol22:38
dzalissimoi tried installing this quake shooter game but it wants some more data ...22:39
dzalissimoExcuse me everyone22:49
dzalissimoi have a question related to ubuntu22:49
dzalissimois anyone willing to help me22:49
valoriedzalissimo: you have to ask the question!22:50
dzalissimoI need someone who works with bitcoins22:54
dzalissimoor some other virtual currency22:55
dzalissimoi have a business proposal, intrested message me22:57
geniidzalissimo: The usual way the support channel works is for the person requiring assistance states their actual question to the channel in general, and then a helper with the knowledge required to assist in that specific area steps in to help solve the issue22:57
dzalissimowell i need help to setup bitcoin mining on ubuntu.22:57
dzalissimoor etherium22:58
dzalissimocan someone help me with this ?22:58
geniidzalissimo: https://askubuntu.com/questions/457526/how-to-install-cpuminer-in-ubuntu23:01
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> @DGUERRERO, I'm just doing a fresh install from the latest iso, allowing it to automatically detect and install drivers during installation23:02
IrcsomeBot<aelxx> I had just installed so I'm not worried about data loss. I think it messed up because I installed through ubuntu server installation rather than just kubuntu itself23:02
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @aelxx, that's probably the problem because ubuntu server is a core installation, and since it's intended for servers, rarely it includes any GPU driver23:15

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