
dokoLaney: do you still need the python3 workaround?09:14
Laneydoko: do you think we can get it migrated quite soon or not?09:16
Laneydoko: problem is if somebody clicks retry on these packages it breaks again09:18
Laneyso maybe it would be useful :(09:19
lapisdecorHow can someone contribute with a wallpaper to the next Ubuntu release?09:25
jibellapisdecor, there is a thread on the community hub https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-feedback-free-culture-showcase-for-ubuntu-18-04/154809:43
lapisdecorjibel, Thanks!10:01
=== sakrecoe1 is now known as sakrecoer
TJ-cjwatson: When you have a moment, re: os-prober. I've got menuitem parsing code passing this set of tests so far; can you think of any other permutations it needs to pass? http://iam.tj/gitweb/?p=os-prober.git;a=blob;f=tests/linux-boot-probes/boot/grub/grub.cfg;h=2abf486abe018a30eda1581f09faa6b8ee70e56a;hb=064a7e40c5efd7cdea6fac2b18c7af8156da194d11:17
cjwatsonTJ-: Maybe some cases of escaping inside double quotes too.11:48
TJ-cjwatson: You mean, as in menuentry "title \\escaped slash" ... ?11:49
cjwatsonYeah, that kind of thing11:49
cjwatson\$ and \" too11:49
TJ-cjwatson: OK... after so many I lost track of what I was trying to prove :)11:50
TJ-The good news is one  --long-- sed expression will do it, athough I have it broken up into individual lines for now to aid debugging11:51
eoli3ncjwatson: a last last question please :) i can no set clearpart, and it works with zerombr, but i need to unset zerombr, without prompting for manual partitionning... is there any way with preseed, to set something which could make automatic install without zerombr in kickstart ?12:37
eoli3ni can fix it, by dd of=mbr.bin in %pre, and dd if=mbr.bin in post... but it's dirty12:38
cjwatsonzerombr does nothing in Ubuntu kickstart12:39
cjwatsonzerombr_handler () {12:40
cjwatson        # partman already initialises partition tables when it needs to do12:40
cjwatson        # so.12:40
cjwatson        return12:40
eoli3nyep but without zerombr, it prompt for manual partitionning12:49
eoli3nforget what i just said12:49
eoli3ncjwatson: where is the code of ubuntu kickstart hosted please ?12:51
cjwatsoneoli3n: apt-get source kickseed13:04
eoli3nthx cjwatson13:33
eoli3ncjwatson: --log for %pre and %post, seems not implemented too13:42
cjwatsonmaybe, haven't checked13:43
cjwatsonlike I say, I haven't worked on this for years13:43
cjwatsonso there isn't much point telling me about missing things13:43
eoli3nyep, i get it13:45
crogersBlah. Line spacing of text in inkscape seems to be at an all-time horrible. :)14:12
crogersCan't seem to change the line spacing on thi text no matter what I do: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wwtmtj7y0gixguy/bad_text_behaviour.svg?dl=114:15
crogersJust completely broken.14:15
crogersAh, click the question mark.14:18
sil2100cjwatson: hey! Do you know where merge-o-matic is running? On what machine?15:10
cjwatsonsil2100: shedu15:11
dokomdeslaur: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subversion/1.9.7-3ubuntu1/+build/1385632815:18
mdeslaurdoko: thanks15:19
sil2100cjwatson: hmmm, is that something one can get easy access to?15:30
slashdslangasek, I have found a potential issue with the openjdk-8 depend for ca-certificates-java pkg. Can you please review my comment when you have a chance, I'd like to have your opinion on this --> LP: #1723198 (comment #16) to choose the best approach.15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1723198 in ca-certificates-java (Ubuntu Zesty) "[SRU] upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 fails with: ca-certificates 20170717~16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172319815:31
sil2100cjwatson: or maybe differently - I wanted to tweak a bit on the stats we get from m-o-m, and just looking into what I should do if I were to get something delpoyed15:31
cjwatsonsil2100: Happy for you to be added to the relevant team - file an RT and I can follow up acking it15:31
cjwatsonsil2100: it's the "merge" Unix group15:32
dokoxnox: is the intel-microcode somewhere seeded like the amd64 one?15:32
sil2100cjwatson: thanks! Will poke around :)15:32
xnoxdoko, yes15:33
xnox./ubuntu.bionic/ship-live: * intel-microcode      # needed to update Intel cpu microcode LP #138625715:33
xnox./ubuntu.bionic/usb-ship-live: * intel-microcode      # needed to update Intel cpu microcode LP #138625715:33
xnox./ubuntu.bionic/server-ship: * intel-microcode # needed to update Intel cpu microcode LP #138625715:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386257 in amd64-microcode (Ubuntu) "intel-microcode should be installed by default, when the CPU is GenuineIntel" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138625715:33
dokoxnox: I don't see it in component-mismatches15:34
xnoxdoko, because it was in restricted since xenial....15:34
xnoxdoko, and now slangasek is pushing to move it from restricted to main, in a bug report.15:34
* Pharaoh_Atem waves at jbicha15:56
jbichahappy Friday!15:57
Pharaoh_Atemjbicha: I was surprised to see you pop up in yet another one of my package reviews16:06
jbichaoh, sorry16:07
jbichahonestly, I don't really get involved in Fedora much, but it was linked to from https://github.com/EmojiTwo/emojitwo/pull/16716:09
slangasekslashd: interesting that this is a behavior difference; we actually *would* want it to pull in openjdk-8-jre-headless by default instead of -9- in xenial, since 9 is in universe and 8 is in main.  It is a behavior change that we should call out as part of the SRU (i.e. "regression potential"), but I don't consider it a blocker for the SRU17:09
slashdslangasek, thanks for everything17:24
slashdslashd, uploaded for Xenial and Zesty. tks17:35
slashdslangasek, ^17:35
smoserhey. so looking for some sru team member feedback.20:08
smoseri have some bugs i'd like to sru for cloud-initramfs-tools.  I basically want to sync what is in bionic to xenial, zesty, artful.  its all SRUable fixes.20:09
smoserthe one thing that isnt is new package 'rooturl'20:09
smoserwould sru scoff at that? it makes it easier on my part, basically making all the same, and a new package doesn't easily add any regressions.20:10
smosererr... sorry, not rooturl. new package that woudl go in is cloud-initramfs-updateroot20:10
jbichadoko: btw, see LP: #172832921:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1728329 in freetype (Ubuntu) "Update freetype to 2.8.1" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172832921:47
jbichaI set block-proposed weeks ago in case someone updated it early :)21:56

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