=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf === sakrecoe1 is now known as sakrecoer [11:25] How to generate Debian source package from Ubuntu linux-oem git tree? [11:30] FourDollars: isn't it the usual "dpkg-buildpackage -S" ? [11:30] @TJ- No [11:31] @TJ- It looks like I need to execute some commands before `dpkg-buildpackage -S`. [11:32] For example, there is no debian/changelog so it will always fail. [11:33] FourDollars: doesn't it have a ./debian-master/ directory? [11:33] TJ-: There is a debian.oem folder. [11:34] FourDollars: which tree are you working on? I don't have an -oem remote in my linux git repo [11:34] TJ-: git://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-oem [11:35] I do wish they'd keep the kernel trees all in one place! [11:38] FourDollars: I see a debian-master/ and debian.oem/ and contents look similar so I'd guess the .oem is based on -master [11:42] Yes, and then? [11:47] FourDollars: the debian/rules scripts can read debian.master/ (or $DEBIAN/ ) so I'd guess you need to do something like "fakeroot DEBIAN=debian.oem debian/rules " [11:52] TJ-: No, it doesn't work. [11:53] FourDollars: possibly the environment variable needs to be before the faekroot, as in either "DEBIAN=debian.oem fakeroot debian/rules " or "export DEBIAN=debian.oem; fakeroot debian/rules " [11:56] TJ-: `DEBIAN=debian.oem fakeroot debian/rules binary-oem` can start to build the kernel. [11:57] TJ-: But what I was asking is to generate Debian source package so I can upload to PPA. [11:59] * FourDollars AFK [12:12] My temporary solution is to execute `apt source linux-image-4.13.0-1010-oem` to download the Debian source package, apply the patch set and then generate the Debian source package. However it doesn't look like an efficient way. [12:14] FourDollars: Hmmm, not done that in many years. I *think* it's "make-kpkg kernel_source" but not sure how that interacts with $DEBIAN / debian.master / debian.oem [13:02] FourDollars, you should be able to check that tree out, and as long as you clean it (fakeroot debian/rules clean) then it should contain everything you need to package it as a source package [16:08] apw: I still encounter some error when `dpkg-buildpackage -S` after `fakeroot debian/rules clean`. [16:09] http://paste.ubuntu.com/26189304/ [16:10] The complete output http://paste.ubuntu.com/26189309/ [16:15] FourDollars, try running 'fakeroot debian/rules clean' before [16:16] klebers: I do run `fakeroot debian/rules clean` before. [16:17] klebers: apw: OK. I may know what happens. [16:19] FourDollars, sorry for my too quick suggestion, you already stated that you were running it before [16:19] It is because `apt source linux-image-4.13.0-1010-oem` and linux-oem git tree exist in the same folder. [16:20] After I deleted everything from `apt source linux-image-4.13.0-1010-oem`, `dpkg-buildpackage -S` works fine under the linux-oem git tree. [16:20] cool! [16:21] apw: klebers: Thanks a lot. :D [16:21] :-) [21:33] apw: can you cherry-pick 3db4cafdfd057 into trusty's kernel? just a simple build fix I tripped over with weird configs