=== wodencafe is now known as notwodencafe === notwodencafe is now known as wodencafe === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [08:08] hey folks. having an issue on kubuntu 17.04 wherein i setup my VPN with network-manager and have it connect automatically. when i restart the computer it won't connect to my wired ethernet connection, and it forces me to click the "connect" button. I have set the priority of my ethernet connection to 99 and the VPN connection priority to 0, but still has no effect. [08:09] i have no issues connecting to the ethernet and then the VPN when I manually press Connect, but like I said it won't auto-start or even connect to ethernet at all when I restart the computer. [08:19] hi [08:25] i gotta get going but if anyone who knows how to fix the issue im dealing with it would be freaking amazing if you could shoot me a quick email with a solution to riconico@tutanota.com [08:25] Thanks guys! [12:46] Hi KDE users [12:46] Where after the installation of truecrypt it is possible to turn off the austostart ? [14:19] Hiyas all [14:41] bom dia [14:44] Maradona es mejor que pele [15:58] jest możliwe [16:06] !pl [16:06] Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [16:32] just goofing around cuz of Claudio [16:35] Claudio? [16:35] dude that wrote sth in Spanish, right above my post [16:38] hi, one question. i'm using kubuntu 17.10, and the network manager to manage my internet connection but every tieme i boot the computer the network manager create a new unusable connection, and when i try to edit the good one i get a message saling that the connection is read only (even with root) [16:43] juacom99,what does the 2: with the 'ip link ls' command show? [16:45] 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 [16:45] link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 [16:45] 2: enp3s0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 [16:45] link/ether 60:a4:4c:c9:f8:46 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [16:45] ups sorry about that [16:47] juacom99, does enp3s0 change it name after a reboot? [16:47] it's [16:49] also could you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file please [16:56] BluesKaj: no the interface dosn't change of name [16:56] let me get that pastebin [16:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/26195625/ [17:04] juacom99, if you use a static iP then the network-manager should be configured for static as well, or just disable network manager, but I think the " allow-hotplug enp3s0" line should be removed in any case [17:07] can you guide me throu? [17:07] the NM is configure for static [17:07] juacom99, I use a static IP setup without network-manager and my interfaces file doesn't use the hotplug option. Also you should add any dns nameservers to your /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file [17:07] with the same ip that in interface [17:08] i got google's dns threr [17:08] *there [17:09] ok good, I think network-manager is the problem here, but I'm not certain, but I know that a static IP setup can run without it [17:09] ok.... that may be the problme o got the dns in http://paste.ubuntu.com/26195625/ [17:09] but not in /etc/resolve.conf [17:10] it seems like it resering itself after every boot [17:10] sotty [17:10] *sorry i ment /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base [17:12] juacom99, I don't have that file [17:13] ok that's odd [17:14] maybe because I don't have network-manager installled [17:16] BluesKaj: i don't think that file is from the network manager, that's the new way to configure the resolve.conf [17:16] i think... [17:17] susyemd uses resolved.conf [17:17] systemd that is [17:18] BluesKaj: sorry i'm not following you :S [17:18] my /etc/resolv.conf has update-libc.d file [17:19] is there a way to disable the update notification in sys tray? [17:19] my /etc/resolv.conf has update-libc.d file [17:20] oops [17:20] konam: click on the arrow down->rigth click on notification->configuration [17:21] you can uncheck all the notifications you don't want from there [17:21] oopsko yes, right click in the system tray, choose settings [17:21] konam,^ [17:23] juacom99, afaik , /etc/resolv.conf is over written by /etc/systemd/resolved.conf [17:23] juacom99 good to know, is there a way to stop the daemon from running though? [17:26] BluesKaj: thanks i'll check what i got there [17:26] konam: sorry i don't know. if you go to the systry configuration you can uncheck the notification element, it hide it from the systry but idon't know if it stop runing [17:27] konam, system setings>startup&Shutsown>Background Services>Startup Services [17:28] think it's Notification Helper [17:28] Blue i'm restarting now, i'll be back [17:29] ok juacom99 [17:31] BluesKaj that specific setting crashes [17:31] I've seen a couple of settings crash systemsettings.. is it because I installed kubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu? [17:32] konam, install plasma-desktop too [17:34] it's installed [17:34] and plasma-workspace if needed [17:35] It's installed too, I think kubuntu-desktop installs all of it [17:37] have you updated and upgraded since ? [17:43] I installed kubuntu very recently [17:43] I'm on 17.10 [17:45] just the same update and upgrade [17:45] with apt [18:32] aelxx was removed by: aelxx [19:46] I have this prblem where my taskmamager suddenly freezes any closeed appear to have their icons ghosted so clicking on one program icon opens another app. THis happens at random somtimes the task manager becomes grey how do I stop this happening? I am on 17.10 [19:46] the funny thing is my virtual desktops toggle also clicking the start button works [19:47] I feel it may be something to do with migrating from suse KDE to kubuntu KDE [19:47] but I am not sure === claydoh is now known as Guest98980 === nkk71_ is now known as still_ [20:45] aiena: does it happen with a new user? [20:45] if so, it might be old or currupted config files [20:45] corrupted, sheesh === sbenne is now known as NuliX [21:05] valorie: I am not sure but I have a GTX 1070 I see that sometimes a warning comes that kwin restarted due to a graphics reset. SO I changed compositing to XRender from openGL 2.x [21:07] valorie: It may be a good idea to make a new user and shift my home there though [21:17] Ok I am on a fresh user lets see if it still occurs === olivier is now known as Guest45221 === claydoh is now known as Guest15347 === jayhunold is now known as jhunold