
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?15:55
_stink_how abotu you16:11
cmaloneyIt's going OK. Getting ready to shovel more fucking snow16:18
_stink_i'm hoping if i ignore it, it'll go away16:36
cmaloneyYeah, I couldn't ignore it18:44
cmaloneyso now it's done, and now next door is doing hers18:44
* cmaloney did it with a shovel18:44
gamerchick02ugh cmaloney. hope it's stopped snowing where you are19:45
jrwrenits sooo nice out today. very warm21:11
brouschI broke out the snowblower today21:57
cmaloneyYeah, it's not too bad over here22:27
cmaloneywe managed to get some snow22:27

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