
=== neogeo_fsmtw is now known as neofeo_afkfk
Bashing-om!info nvidia-384 trusty00:18
ubottunvidia-384 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-384): NVIDIA binary driver - version 384.90. In component restricted, is optional. Version 384.90-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 41102 kB, installed size 166290 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)00:18
Bashing-omrobozi: Look'n good . ' sudo apt install nvidia-384 ' . reboot and let's do see an effect .00:20
roboziBashing-om, installed and rebooted. No unity gui yet and i got to an black screen. But able to switch to virtual terminal00:29
Bashing-omrobozi: What desktop are we dealing with ' ls -al /usr/share/xsessions/ ' ?00:33
Bashing-omrobozi: ' cat /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop ' .00:41
Bashing-omrobozi: correct to . sledge hammer approach ' sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ' .00:46
Bashing-omrobozi: reboot and cross fingers .00:51
roboziNo success00:52
Bashing-omrobozi: K; lets get some hints then . from the F1 terminal ' sudo service lightdm stop ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure unity-greeter ; sudo service lightdm start '.Looking for error reports OR Now does the display start ?00:56
roboziBashing-om, restarted too and nothing01:06
Bashing-omrobozi: Hummmm .. what is on tty7 ? alt+F7 key combo .01:07
roboziBashing-om black screen01:11
roboziClicking that screen does nothing01:11
roboziJust makes me unable ro continue typing in the current tab/window01:12
Bashing-omrobozi: When all else fails read the instructions : ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .01:13
Bashing-omrobozi: reading, I will be awhile .01:17
Bashing-omrobozi: X is perfectly happy happy . Will have to look elsewhere for the source of the issue . What shows ' lsmod | grep nvidia ' ; sudo lshw -C display ' ?01:25
LeevancleefI require /etc/resolv.conf to not exist, but something keeps generating it on every reboot. Anyone know what it is and how to stop it?01:33
jiqirenLeevancleef: dhcp?01:43
Leevancleefjiqiren, possibly, but I'm trying to figure out how I can safely alter its behavior01:44
Bashing-omrobozi: Well graphic's driver is installed, loaded and working . An issue in your user account ? what now do you see in the guest account ?01:46
jiqirenLeevancleef: what's the goal of not having a resolv.conf ?01:46
Leevancleefjiqiren, it's somehow blocking the functionality of dnscrypt-proxy, which I have used to replace systemd-resolved01:47
roboziBashing-on, black screen after the ubuntu logo01:49
Leevancleefjiqiren, don't worry about it. The error was PEBCAK01:53
LeevancleefDidn't see that resolv.conf address was slightly wrong by default01:53
Bashing-omrobozi: Grasping here now ' rm ~/.dmrc ~/.gconf ~/.gconfd ~/.metacity ~/.compiz-1 ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.config/dconf -rf <-  those are the folder that contain the config files for unity, compiz and gnome. if you delete them everything gets reset.01:56
jiqirenLeevancleef: glad you figured it out, i've never touched dnscrypt-proxy so didn't have anything to share :)01:57
Leevancleefrobozi still can't boot? Is there at least a suspect yet?01:57
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roboziBashing-om ~ my keboard doea not have this symbol :(02:02
roboziit is a pt-pt keyboard02:03
quartershello. testdisk ruined my luks partition by forcing it to be an ntfs partition and I was trying to change it back to a lvm partition using gdisk but I get a warning about "about to write gpt data. This will overwrite existing partitions" I reckon this means that I lose everything on the disk.  If so, how can I fix the messed up partition using gdisk without nuking my entire disk?02:04
Bashing-omrobozi: the " ~/ " is shorthand for "your" home directory . substitue then /home/<username>/ for ~/ .02:06
roboziBashing-om https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqpWcyP6BllXiLIG7IEa2j2My1jFSg02:07
roboziThe symbol is at the top and not middle02:08
Bashing-omrobozi: :) .. but in that last I have no idea of what pythonenvwrapper is all about :(02:10
roboziBashing-om, ran that lenghty rm cmd and restarted.  No advances02:18
Bashing-omrobozi: Ouch - ' sudo prime-select nvidia ' ?02:20
ulysses_Hola Ubuntuers02:21
robozihttp://termbin.com/1cvy restardet and no progress02:23
ulysses_So what's going on today?02:26
Bashing-omrobozi: Again all happy there too . try ' dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ ; unity --reset-icons ; setsid unity '02:28
roboziBashing-om https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqpWcyP6BllXiLIJyR0f_sQUTDDW4Q02:37
roboziThe last command is locking02:38
Bashing-omrobozi: Beats me . I wil have to smoke on this and cogitate some more . " no display ! "02:42
roboziBashing-om ..... lol02:42
hosashaving problem updating apps because of "ImportError: No module named 'six'" but this package is installed already. pls I need your help -  thanks02:43
bonhoefferi'm trying to set up sftp -- getting an "authentication error" is there a good log to check02:44
kenrinYou could check auth,  or just use -vvv02:47
kenrin/var/log/auth.log that is02:47
bonhoefferok -- i got this log on the client: https://gist.github.com/tbbooher/85e4ea994fcdadfe36f01e40db20aecb02:50
kenrinLooks like it is only setup to use an ssh key and you aren't providing one02:51
bonhoefferok -- thanks02:51
bonhoefferI see -- i have set up passwordless access -- this is conflicting here02:51
dedondestawhat is the prefered way to apply iptables rules upon ubuntu start?02:52
hosasI'm repeating this question because I got logged out by network failure02:52
bonhoefferi like that setting for regular ssh logins -- so i have to keep that for sftp02:52
bonhoefferi have to be consistent?02:52
kenrinThe way I usually set it up is allow ssh only on root user02:52
kenrinThat way people can still sftp02:53
kenriner,  only ssh key for root user I mean02:53
bonhoefferok -- so i could allow for only one user to login /ssh by password02:53
bonhoefferand restrict all others02:53
hosasI'm having problems updating apps because of: No module named 'six' - but the package is already installed.  thks02:54
kenrinYeah,  you can put a Match User thing into your sshd_config02:54
bonhoefferkenrin, thanks02:54
kenrinhosas:  the only thing I can think of is you got multiple python versions installed and you put six on the wrong one ?02:56
hosaskenrin: I installed it in both 2.7 and 3.6 - now it's stopping from updating others apps02:58
kenrinDoes it error if you python3 -c "import six"02:59
bonhoefferkenrin, amazing thanks02:59
bonhoefferworks perfectly02:59
Bashing-omrobozi: ' sudo apt-get install ubuntu-session ' session-setup-script is run before a user session starts. If this command returns an error the session will not start (user is returned to a greeter).02:59
roboziThat was already installed03:01
hosaskenrin: yes it does give me error03:04
Bashing-omrobozi: ' ps aux | grep -i lightdm ' is lightdm even running ?03:05
hosaskenrin: it says: "ImportError: No module named 'six'"03:05
kenrinI'd try installing six with pip,  or see if you got any PPAs that are messing up03:07
kenrinpython3 -m pip install six03:07
hosaskenrin: it says: "Successfully installed six-1.11.0"03:09
hosaslet me try updating the apps again03:09
hosaskenrin: it worked a thousand thks03:13
kenrinNo problem,  those multiple python versions are killer~03:13
Leevancleefrobozi, could it be that your installation media was corrupt/03:15
roboziHow do i know that?03:16
LeevancleefCreate another and try again03:16
Bashing-omrobozi: For sure running . any report from ' sudo restart lightdm ' ?03:21
roboziThe output is: lightdm start/running, process 231603:24
Bashing-omrobozi: alt+F7 still a black screen ?03:29
fellasi followed the instuctions to install openstack using this and it was a bloody mess how can i remove all the effects and installations from conjure-up03:31
Bashing-omrobozi: ' export DISPLAY=:0 ; dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ ; sudo service lightdm start ' .03:32
roboziBashing-om https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqpWcyP6BllXiLIM09K37z5fo8Ohpg03:42
hiexpoHello all hi i created a desktop launcher this is the command and it opens a shell i want it to use roxterm how would i do that thanks sh -c "nmap;${SHELL:-bash}"03:42
Bashing-omrobozi: and when you executed - export DISPLAY=:0 - any sass back from the system ? as still saying there is no X11 $DISPLAY .03:46
roboziBashing-om that command gives no output as u can see in that latest image03:47
Bashing-omrobozi: That last does not show to me . seems it is one I have seen before maybe not the one you have in mind ?03:50
roboziUploaded the wrong image03:53
robozi1 minute to give the new one03:53
ShmamJust installed mysql-server with apt and running "mysql_secure_installation". What is the current root password? Blank doesnt work, my root password for system, and I cant think of what else to try.03:58
Bashing-omrobozi: IK .. but I do not understand why the system is screaming about /org/compiz/ !04:01
Bashing-omrobozi: ' dconf dump /org/compiz/ ' to see the Compiz settings you have .04:03
roboziBashing-om, that command gives no output04:05
Bashing-omrobozi: scratching my head again .04:05
Shmamwhere is the default mysql password?04:06
striveShmam: There is none.04:07
Bashing-omrobozi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1166765 .04:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1506023 in unity (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1166765 Unityshell sometimes is removed from active-plugins unity list" [High,Fix released]04:08
Shmamstrive: when I run "mysql_secure_installation" it prompts for root password and blank or my system root password doesnt work04:09
Shmamso how do I get into it to set it up?04:09
Ben64Shmam: need the mysql root password04:09
Shmamthe guide that I'm following says that mysql will prompt you for a password but it didn't on mine: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-04#step-2-install-mysql04:09
ShmamThis is a fresh install on a new server04:10
Shmammine just installed as any other application would04:10
Ben64it does ask you when installing mysql04:10
ShmamI just tried purgeing it and reinstalling and still nothing04:10
Ben64it does. anyway to reset it https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resetting-permissions.html04:11
Shmamthats the install log04:12
Ben64Shmam: what os are you on04:14
ShmamRight now it's debian but I ran into the exact same problem on my ubuntu server04:14
Ben64so go to #debian04:14
Shmammaybe it's because the apt version is out of date?04:14
hggdhalso ask why a install of mysql-server also brings in mariadb04:17
Ben64ask in #debian though04:17
hggdhindeed. BTW, this does not seem to happen on 16.04 or Bionic04:18
hiexpoShmam, https://linode.com/docs/databases/mysql/how-to-install-mysql-on-debian-7/04:18
roboziNot able to cd to that directory04:21
roboziAnd the ran of the cmd04:22
robozigsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/04:22
Bashing-omrobozi: .. ouch . lemme look .04:23
Bashing-omrobozi: still look'n bit you have the 384 version vice " libglx.so.340.32 " .04:25
roboziGives me this error; https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqpWcyP6BllXiLIPoY6TcmrkBmuhFw04:27
roboziYeah, i know about my version04:29
roboziBut my problem is right in the :04:30
robozicd /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/04:30
roboziI dont have this dirwctory04:30
Bashing-omrobozi: That directory is for sure required ! I do not have a clue here what to do !04:38
roboziIn /home i have the dolder /xorg but there is no other folder inside with extentions04:40
roboziMy xorg folder just has /mesa /libva and /drm04:41
Bashing-omrobozi: the path here starts a /usr; not your home . what returns ' ls -al /usr/lib/xorg/modules/ ' ?04:43
Bashing-omrobozi: so far so good as it is there " drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 Dez 15 22:32 extensions" . now what shows ' ls -al /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ ' ?04:49
roboziDrwxr-xr-x command not found04:52
Bashing-omrobozi: No ..  the system IS telling you the truth that " Drwxr-xr-x ' is not found . The quote is but to show you that the path is valid .04:56
roboziAh, i see the path is valid but the command is not able to acces it04:57
Bashing-omrobozi: Next step in the path ... what results ' ls -al /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ '04:59
roboziIt says that cannot acces it, no such file or directory05:01
roboziThat is strange05:02
Bashing-omrobozi: Ouch that blows me away . the output of ls -al /usr/lib/xorg/modules/ clearly shows the extensions directory :(05:04
roboziBashing-om, how we arw going to proceed?05:20
Bashing-omrobozi: Got the better of me .. missing a system directory .. re-install the operating system ?? . again make sute that /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ does not exost .05:22
lotuspsychjerobozi: can you tell us what your end goal is with modules? what are you trying to do exactly?05:22
kantlivelongany reason why nfs client isnt picking up a nested mount?05:23
roboziI dont know05:23
lotuspsychjerobozi: i mean, what did you do to get this issue?05:24
roboziBashing-om but we checked and have seen that the extention folder exists05:25
roboziWhy we cant acces it?05:25
lotuspsychje!nfs | kantlivelong doublecheck these steps mate05:25
ubottukantlivelong doublecheck these steps mate: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:25
kantlivelonglotuspsychje: nested mount points arent covered05:25
pepperbrushhey guys, what's a good way to partition for dual booting if you have an ssd and an hdd? I was thinking just 50/50 ntfs and ext4 on each drive05:26
kantlivelongredhat has an article but subscriber only - https://access.redhat.com/solutions/5335405:26
TakagamiDepends on the distribution and version of windows...05:26
lotuspsychje!dualboot | pepperbrush05:27
ubottupepperbrush: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:27
Bashing-omrobozi: Oh my .. so confused as you do state " It says that cannot acces it, no such file or directory" . what is the trith here in respect to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ ?05:27
lotuspsychjepepperbrush: with an ssd, i would surely install ubuntu single on the ssd05:27
pepperbrushI don't mean getting everything to work, just ideas for splitting the drives up05:27
lotuspsychje!partitioning | pepperbrush can this help?05:28
ubottupepperbrush can this help?: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap05:28
pepperbrushI was thinking of putting the OS for both on the SSD and programs on the HDD05:30
lotuspsychjepepperbrush: main Os on the ssd is always good idea for speed05:30
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pepperbrushI'm going to put both OSes on the SSD, half and half should be fine05:31
roboziBashing-om https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqpWcyP6BllXiLIRiWDvBPBjeF9MRA05:31
pepperbrushI guess I just haven't decided how to split the HDD05:31
pepperbrushmaybe start out with a small ntfs partition and extend it if I want more space?05:32
Bashing-omrobozi: You are miss-spelling " extensions " . :(05:37
roboziAh, i can now get to that folder05:43
roboziBashing-om that is a problem when i a person knows too many languqges05:45
ylwghst /j #gnustep05:45
rflemingHello.  Quick quesiton... GDM doesn't show user accounts with UID < 1000 correct?05:46
Bashing-omrobozi: stepping on them what have we in the extensions directory //chasing after the launcpad hint - and getting ready to repair your damage ) . ' ls -al /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/05:47
roboziWhy it saya me that? I have choosen the right nvidia driver numbering05:52
robozi(robozi) http://termbin.com/nsau05:59
roboziOutput to that extensions library05:59
Bashing-omrobozi: because there is no libglx.so.384 file in that directory ( and I do not really expect there to be ). we need to revert that move andf put libglx.so back .06:01
roboziSo, this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26192351/ wont help me?06:04
Bashing-omrobozi: "gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins" I thought might - was worth a try . the other no .06:05
Bashing-omrobozi: Ya need to move "libglx.so" back .06:06
bluewhistlehello, what do the first the second columns of the output of lastb represent?06:07
OERIASHas anyone here used an HDMI to USB adapter on Ubuntu?06:09
roboziOk, how do o move back that file?06:09
roboziBut how do i move it?06:11
roboziAnd ur latest command i have already ran06:12
roboziAnd o got this output:06:12
roboziTermbin does not work06:12
roboziIn this situation06:12
Bashing-omrobozi: ' sudo mv libglx.so.xorg libglx.so ' . while cd'd into the directory .06:14
Bashing-omrobozi: Yeah .. I am of the mind that compiz is not running - for some unknown reason .06:16
roboziBashing-om, so, what we going to do now?06:39
Bashing-omrobozi: ' sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity unity-2d ' .06:40
roboziHas not solved06:44
roboziRestarted too06:44
Bashing-omrobozi: Was my last thought . I sleep on this and see what we can do tomorrow .06:45
roboziOk. Thx anyway06:46
roboziHave a good night06:46
roboziSleep well06:46
Bashing-omrobozi: Keep plugging away . I would like to know what is going on here .06:47
Art100hello - need help to configure network bridge in netplan07:12
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PissWizarddoes Ubuntu usually have software that's horribly out of date in the repository?07:50
PissWizardif I've already installed it, will the "ubnutu software center" display the installed version, or the latest version in the repository?07:52
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:53
alkisgSo no horribly out of date, but the latest stable version before release07:53
PissWizard"stable"? isn't it stable if it's released? Chromium is at version 65 now, and I only have version 62. I've had the same situation with Wine.07:54
ducassePissWizard: as long as you update, you will always have the latest available version for your release, but ubuntu does not normally release new versions of packages for a release07:54
alkisgSuppose wine ships stable version 2.5 somewhere in 2015. Then Ubuntu 16.04 will have that, for 5 years.07:54
PissWizardhehehehehe. that's crazy.07:55
alkisgIt's not a rolling release, it doesn't follow newer stable versions07:55
alkisgNo, it's what people want07:55
alkisgIf you want a rolling release, google for it, there are many07:55
PissWizardit is? everything gets broken for me though. web pages won't load. games won't work under Wine.07:55
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates07:56
alkisgThis is how to request a newer stable version for a specific package, e.g. wine07:56
alkisgSuppose I have office 2011 working in wine. I *don't want* a newer stable version because it might break it. *You* may want it for games. Use a ppa or a rolling release or whatever; I'm just saying that what Ubuntu chose has valid reasons07:57
alkisgE.g. I'm using the ppa for wine staging here07:57
PissWizardyeah. I had to do the same thing.07:57
PissWizardI realize it's probably short-sighted to just be looking to solve my own problem as efficiently as possible instead of putting the wheels in motion to get the system working with ... requesting a newer stable version, but I'm a complete wreck of a "human being".07:58
alkisgThey had to divert from that reasoning for the kernel, xorg, firefox and chrome, where they constantly allow newer versions. You can't imagine how many systems those new versions break.07:58
auronandacePissWizard: one solution for wine is to use playonlinux. that will let you use whatever version of wine you want08:04
PissWizardauronandace, is that any easier to update it? because I'd have to figure out how to get that working.08:05
PissWizardI struggle with everything. I'm struggling right now to figure out how to install a newer version of Chromium.08:05
auronandacePissWizard: it manages all the wine versions. think of it like a package manager for wine. new versions of wine will show in the management section08:07
PissWizardI've been unable to use this video chatroom website called "wekiki" every since it came out a year ago.08:07
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PissWizardso I thought I'd try updating Chromium.08:08
PissWizardmaybe it's because it's Chromium instead of Chrome.08:08
auronandacePissWizard: what version of ubuntu are you on?08:08
PissWizard.... 16.04?08:09
PissWizardoh, it's Xubuntu actually08:09
auronandacePissWizard: they share the same repositories08:09
PissWizardbut that's the same except for the desktop UI thingie, right?08:10
auronandacePissWizard: yes08:10
auronandace!info | chromium-browser xenial08:10
ubottu'chromium-browser' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backpor08:10
auronandace!info chromium-browser xenial08:11
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 63.0.3239.84-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 73086 kB, installed size 283105 kB08:11
auronandacePissWizard: 63 is the latest at the moment08:11
PissWizardwhat? mine's 62.0.3202.9408:11
auronandacePissWizard: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:12
PissWizardI gotta close my browser for that, yeah?08:12
auronandacePissWizard: that would help08:12
PissWizard.... maybe I can do that now. uhg. I'm so bad at everything.08:13
PissWizardoh no. I see Wine in there. I hope it doesn't break anything. also I need to remember to erase all it's links to my files every time it updates. bloody nosy thing!08:17
auronandacePissWizard: erase all links to your files?08:18
PissWizardit resets the default every time it updates. there's no links to erase.08:19
auronandacePissWizard: i have no idea what you mean08:19
PissWizardhm. did it not update? normally in winecfg the.... desktop integration tab, folders, all that stuff points to default directories.08:20
auronandacePissWizard: seriously, use playonlinux.08:21
dupondjeHi all. I got this kind of keyboard on my laptop: https://ssli.ebayimg.com/images/g/MkAAAOxyIPNTc5tL/s-l640.jpg08:39
dupondjebut how to enable the rupee and euro sign on 4 and 5 ?08:40
PissWizarddupondje, isn't that just a european layout?08:47
dupondjePissWizard: well its Qwerty International according to dell :D08:49
PissWizardsettings -> keyboard -> layout -> Keyboard layout. edit that to English{UK} instead of English{US}.08:50
PissWizardhm. I dunno. I don't see "English{International}" or anything.08:50
PissWizardpretty sure "English{UK}" is what would be considered "international" anyway.08:52
PissWizardall that European thing is very international.08:52
PissWizardoh, hm, there's sub-listings under English{UK} and I see one for International. maybe try that. I noticed UK has that Euro currency symbol on 4 instead of 5.09:00
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alkisgdupondje: https://askubuntu.com/questions/354726/how-to-type-the-indian-rupee-symbol?rq=109:09
vijuI am getting unable to get lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock while trying to update packages09:16
dupondjealkisg: found that also.. Thing is, how to access that menu in 17.10 :D09:16
azureusgood  morning09:17
bjneAnyone know why the ls-lR.gz files in ubuntu repositories does not correctly reflect the content of the repo?09:21
alkisgviju: it's probably apt-daily doing its work, just wait09:29
learningcSometimes there is an application open, but I cannot switch to it.  Is this a known bug in ubuntu 16.04?10:37
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
Shawn|i7-720QMis there a way to make CLI have a background color, and have more resolution?10:56
Shawn|i7-720QMwithout a window manager?10:56
Ben64depends what you mean by CLI10:56
Shawn|i7-720QMand have a special font10:56
Shawn|i7-720QMcommand line interface10:56
Shawn|i7-720QMthe plain CLI10:56
Ben64depends what you mean by command line interface10:56
Shawn|i7-720QMfor pity sake..10:56
Shawn|i7-720QMthe native CLI10:57
Ben64depends what you mean by the native CLI10:57
Shawn|i7-720QMoutside of window mangers as I have said before10:57
bazhangShawn|i7-720QM, as in a bash term?10:57
Ben64are you talking about a terminal application? the consoles on tty1-6?10:57
Shawn|i7-720QMsure.. if thats what its called bazhang10:57
bazhangShawn|i7-720QM, did you see what Ben64 just asked?10:58
Shawn|i7-720QMof course what about it11:00
Shawn|i7-720QMhis question is pertaining to a desktop environment, as I have said, outside of any desktop manager..11:00
Shawn|i7-720QMor bash11:01
Ben64well, i tried11:01
pizzaburgerHi! Are there any methods of making sure that all communication through internet goes through a VPN server when utilizing one?11:05
alkisgShawn|i7-720QM: there are graphical applications = terminals, and there's the linux console that doesn't support graphics. You can run bash in both. So people here were asking you which terminal application you're using11:10
alkisgShawn|i7-720QM: if you have windows and graphics, it's a "desktop environment", if you only have text because e.g. you installed ubuntu server, then it's the console11:11
alkisgAnd your question is answered differently in each case11:11
Shawn|i7-720QMwhy application? is bash called an application?11:13
Shawn|i7-720QMI thought application referred to a desktop manager residing program11:13
alkisgbash is an application and terminals are applications and the console is an application too11:13
Shawn|i7-720QMI thought bash ran programs, and desktop managers ran applications11:14
alkisgAnyway, if you don't know how to answer the questions, we can guide to answer them11:14
alkisgIf you don't want to answer them, you're trolling and we shouldn't waste more time11:14
Shawn|i7-720QMI'm not trolling, just looking for reasoning11:14
alkisgFor general offtopic questions, try #ubuntu-offtopic11:14
alkisgLet's continue on topic now, for specific support questions11:15
Shawn|i7-720QMI am here, because I am using ubuntu server11:15
alkisgThis is the desktop channel, there's an #ubuntu-server dedicated channel11:15
alkisgSo you should start with that information before continuing :)11:16
Shawn|i7-720QMthank you11:16
alkisgThat said, some questions can be answered here as well11:16
rcw2hi, using virtualbox on ubuntu and i have a seperate harddrive attached via usb with an old installation of ubuntu.  trying to discover the exact steps for using and boot into that old installtion.  any help?11:16
rcw2i have a vdi created already11:17
rcw2i think thats the first step11:17
alkisgrcw2: one quick method is sudo apt install kvm; sudo kvm -m 1024 /dev/sdb11:17
alkisgFor virtualbox,you need to create a .vmdk that contains the whole sdb11:17
alkisgThere's a special chapter about that,using vboxmanage11:18
Art100does anyone know how to configure a network bridge in netplan yaml11:18
alkisgrcw2: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk11:20
tzanoloClient: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "artful" 17.10 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (2,59GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7,5 GiB Total (6,0 GiB Free) Swap: 7,7 GiB Total (7,7 GiB Free) • Storage: 270,4 GB / 972,9 GB (702,5 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller • Uptime: 22m 26s11:23
rcw2alkisg thanks a lot.  must the old drive plugged into usb be smaller than the new drive that has virtual box on it?  for example. new drive: 500gb old drive plugged in: 1TB.  is that going to make this not possible?  the old installation only takes up say 20GB.  so if i make the vmdk 20GB will it work this way do you know?11:28
alkisgrcw2: I think you misunderstood, the .vmdk will be only 1 kb, and will point to your external disk11:33
alkisgIt won't occupy any space in your hard disk11:33
alkisgIt's a text file that points to the external device, which is accessed raw11:34
alkisgYou don't create it from the gui, but with a terminal command11:34
alkisgIf you already created a vmdk disk, delete it, it's not useful11:34
rcw2alkisg,  gotcha.  the instructions you sent were for a CLI, but do you know if its possible to use the GUI to 1. create the vmdk (in the exact way necessary, I know i can create a vmdk) and 2. point to the old hdd via that vmdk?11:40
alkisgrcw2: as I already said, this isn't possible using the gui11:43
greglI get an occasional error saying there is a problem with the session-installer.. It don't seem to bother anything that i can see.. Is anyone else have these errors pop up?13:08
alkisggregl: what's the output of ls /var/crash ?13:22
tsousaHello. i installed the latest release of ubuntu but my cpu fan is very very loud. that is not the case on windows that i almost dont hear it. the temps are almost the same on both machines. What is the problem? The pc is not a laptop13:24
alkisgMeh can't that bot do a fuzzy search and propose the correct factoid there? :D13:26
alkisgsupybot does it...13:26
alkisgTry defining acpi_osi=some windows version as it says there ^13:27
rafficerAm I right for some help?13:33
rafficerI'm trying to resize a partition because / ran out of space...13:34
rafficerCan't get it to work and I'm not sure how to continue13:34
roboziBashung-om, let me know when u will be on13:43
rafficerHmm...Where can I help with ubuntu?13:46
tatertotstsousa: open terminal13:50
alkisgrafficer: open a terminal and type : df -h | nc termbin.com 999913:53
alkisgWhat's the output?13:53
roboziMy unity gui interface is not loading13:54
tatertotsrobozi: mind if i help?13:56
=== Neo3 is now known as Neo1
tatertotsrobozi: never mind :) good luck13:58
roboziTatertots, of course, yesterday all night with bashing-om tried to solve my issue13:58
tatertotsrobozi: sudo apt install inxi pastebinit13:58
tatertotsrobozi: let me know when done13:58
tatertotsrobozi: yeah i know, i've observed bits and pieces, and i've seen your youtube video of yesterdays symptom(s)14:01
tatertotsrobozi: let me know when done14:01
roboziSo, i am not able to login into my ubuntu, after ubuntu logo i get a black screen. From yesterday, i have updated the kernel. Yesterday i was able to login into the unity gui login, but after entering the password nothing wad happening. Today i get just the ubuntu logo and after that a black screen. I am running my commands from virtual terminal14:08
roboziTatertots, done and restarted pc14:08
roboziNo success14:08
Exterminadorhello guys. today i've used "dmesg" command, and I'd like to know if someone can explain me whats happening on line 871 in this paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26194676/14:13
ducasseExterminador: you could ask in #nouveau?14:16
Exterminadorducasse, sure thing, thanks :D14:16
rafficeralkisg: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/CZB8DxxXv3UdMfV9hu04qw14:17
rafficerThat's the output14:17
ducasseExterminador: another way of saying 'i have no idea' ;)14:17
Exterminadorhahaha.. no problem.. you can't know everything ;P14:18
alkisgrafficer: you're using lvm, I don't know lvm well enough to comment, wait for someone else. In general 3.3 GB for / is extremely little :)14:18
rafficerI know, the harddrive is quite little. I also got to resize the lvm to roughly 7gb https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/HfdaCKjT-Zx0QZOVYNYQhg14:19
rafficerBut I don't know how to get / to actually use it14:19
BluesKajHiyas all14:19
tatertotsrobozi: inxi -Fxxprzc0|pastebinit14:23
tatertotsrobozi: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...say so14:23
roboziTatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/2619473714:26
tatertotsrobozi: sudo apt install sosreport14:27
tatertotsrobozi: let me know when done14:27
roboziTatertots, done14:28
chuunahi, the whois package dont show full whois info on domains? anyone with same problem?14:29
tatertotsrobozi: let me know when done14:30
chuunacant even find the whois.conf14:32
roboziTatertots, done14:33
tatertotsrobozi: let me know when done14:35
jeremiesIf you have openssh-server installed and connected to the internet through tethering with an android phone, do you have port forwarding?14:35
krytariktatertots: ...14:35
alkisgrafficer: I believe you're supposed to use resize2fs after enlarging the lvm volume14:37
alkisgIn general, partition resizing etc is done with gparted from a live pendrive14:37
hsiktasthe needrestart version in xenial is still affected by this bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=81663015:27
ubottuDebian bug 816630 in needrestart "needrestart: Systemd unit names containing dots parsed incorrectly" [Normal,Fixed]15:27
hsiktaswould bugs like these be fixed even for universe packages?15:28
pahow can i install the bootloader( grub) on a disk that apparently does not have it?15:29
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:30
alkisgpa ^15:30
transhuman_hi! got a problem with a VM on centos , the VM is a new install of ubuntu 17.04, networking doesnt seem to work even though networking has assigned it an IP address for the interface. I am using the same virtual network for other vms, its bridge to network, doesnt work with ipv4 or ipv6 even though both ip addresses are available on host networking works fine16:09
transhuman_networking is fine on host I mean16:11
transhuman_and in other vms16:11
transhuman_neither ping nor apt get works16:12
transhuman_its a copy of server install 17.0416:12
transhuman_I tried virtio and one of 2000 version of virtual driver16:13
transhuman_(on the host)16:13
transhuman_bb later to see replies (going to try a few more things16:13
superKillerhello. when doing sudo apt-get update,  what does the error could not resolve 'dl.google.com' mean ?16:44
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
pipe-to-grepI'm trying to follow the python snap tutorial for Google Code In. I've cloned an offlineimap repo and ran snapcraft. I get an error that halts it. https://pastebin.com/4YwSkQ8j16:44
leftyfbpipe-to-grep: you want to join #snappy16:48
superKilleranybody got any ideas ?16:48
leftyfbsuperKiller: what do you think it means?16:48
superKillerleftyfb: it says it failed to fetch the url before which it says could not resolve the url. i am not sure what this exactly means.16:49
leftyfbsuperKiller: it means it's not resolving dl.google.com16:49
superKillerleftyfb: what can i do to fix it16:50
leftyfbsuperKiller: what version of ubuntu are you running?16:50
pipe-to-grepDo 'ping google.com' and ensure you have internet connection16:51
superKillerleftyfb: 17.04 with gnome de16:51
leftyfbsuperKiller: run this: sudo grep -R google /etc/apt/sources*16:52
leftyfbsuperKiller: then paste the output to pastebin16:52
superKillerpipe-to-grep: im here on my laptop.also,  yes that command works fine16:53
superKillerleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/Ybzq5RYG16:53
leftyfbsuperKiller: are you using any proxys?16:54
superKillerleftyfb: no16:54
leftyfbsuperKiller: are you in an area or on an internet connection which might be blocking google for some reason?16:54
superKillerleftyfb: no im searching for solutions on google16:55
leftyfbsuperKiller: can you paste the full output of sudo apt update to pastebin?16:55
superKillerleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/dDuQwrhY16:56
leftyfbsuperKiller: nmcli device show|grep DNS16:57
superKillerleftyfb: IP4.DNS[1] :
chuunahi, the whois package dont show full whois info on domains? anyone with same problem?16:59
chuunacant even find the whois.conf16:59
leftyfbsuperKiller: try editing /etc/resolv.conf and replace whatever nameserver ip to
superKillerleftyfb: the file says to not edit it17:01
leftyfbsuperKiller: that's fine. It's just to troubleshoot. After a reboot it'll go back17:02
superKillerleftyfb: done17:04
leftyfbsuperKiller: try apt update again17:04
superKillerleftyfb: ah it worked !17:04
yellabs-r2hi there17:04
leftyfbsuperKiller: do you have access to the configuration of your router? (
yellabs-r2can i run and install ubuntu 17.10 on 32 bit laptop ?17:05
yellabs-r2or can i  install the 64 bit iso on the 32 bit pc ?17:05
leftyfbyellabs-r2: the 64bit iso will not work on a 32bit pc17:05
bonhoefferi installed a ftp server yesterday -- now i have sftp working -- how can i kill the ftp service now and only allow sftp17:06
yellabs-r2ok, so its the last 32 bit ubuntu LTS , and then no more 32 bit , right ?17:06
bonhoefferspecifically vsftp service that i set up -- wondering if i can kill this17:06
yellabs-r2thats 16.0417:06
bonhoefferand still sftp over port 2217:07
leftyfbbonhoeffer: uninstall the ftp server17:07
leftyfbyellabs-r2: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/ubuntu-17-10-32-bit-builds-dropped17:07
bonhoeffercool -- so uninstall vsftp17:07
yellabs-r2yes ok, to bad17:07
yellabs-r2but understandable17:07
bonhoefferleftyfb, ?17:07
leftyfbyellabs-r2: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads17:08
leftyfbyellabs-r2: download the 32bit server iso, install it, then install ubuntu-desktop or whatever DE you want17:08
bonhoeffersudo apt-get remove --auto-remove vsftpd <-- ?17:08
leftyfbbonhoeffer: sure ... if the opposite is how you installed it17:08
superKiller_leftyfb: sorry i got disconnected17:08
leftyfbsuperKiller: do you have access to the configuration of your router? (
leftyfbsuperKiller_: ^17:09
yellabs-r2or use network install , that an idea , thanxs17:09
bonhoefferjust wanted to make sure i wasn't killing dependencies that sftp needed17:09
leftyfbbonhoeffer: sftp/scp uses ssh17:09
yellabs-r2i386 - For 32-bit Intel/AMD (x86)17:09
yellabs-r2thanx again17:09
superKiller_leftyfb: yes. why17:10
leftyfbsuperKiller_: to clarify if your ISP is assigning you a DNS server that isn't resolving dl.google.com for some reason17:10
bonhoefferthanks leftyfb17:10
leftyfbsuperKiller_: and if so, change it to google's or some other public DNS so you don't have this problem anymore17:11
superKiller_leftyfb: okay. can you pls explain to me(if possible) why the change worked ?17:11
leftyfbsuperKiller_: because that is google's public DNS server which works just fine. There's no problem with your pc at all. It's the DNS server you were using before we changed it to google's17:12
leftyfbsuperKiller_: I'd like to find out what DNS server your ISP is assigning to you via DHCP, test it directly and if it fails, just do away with it and use a public DNS server like google's17:13
superKiller_leftyfb: and so if i keep it to that setting is that okay ?17:13
superKiller_leftyfb: in there i have 2 forms. one is primary dns and the other is secondary dns. both are set to
leftyfbsuperKiller_: If the DNS server your ISP is giving you is failing on something like dl.google.com, there's probably other issues you're going to run into down the road. With anything connected to the internet. The proper solution is to first verify 100% this is the case and then change it on your router so all your devices get a properly working DNS server17:14
superKiller_leftyfb: ok.what can i do to verify this17:15
leftyfbsuperKiller_: At the moment, we're not looking for how to change it, we're looking for the networking configs your ISP has giving you. Find out where on your router config it'll display your WAN/public ip info17:15
superKiller_leftyfb: so what field am i looking for17:16
leftyfbWAN or public ip info17:17
superKiller_yes i do see the info tab17:17
elec64is dri2 a fedora thing?17:21
lodghi guys. plese help me. then i try to connect to my openvpn server from command line from user i see ERROR: Cannot ioctl TUNSETIFF tun: Operation not permitted (errno=1) with sudo no problem17:32
lodgubuntu 17.10 network manager gnome also does not connect17:34
BluesKajlodg, sudo is rtequired for vpn terminal connection command17:36
lodgBluesKaj, what about gui?17:36
alkisgwow, network manager is much better there :D17:37
strivelodg: Just remember to run as root :)17:37
lodgOK. why the manager does not connect with the imported ovpn file?17:39
lodgactivation of network connection failed. in previous ubuntu versions (>17.10) there were no problems17:43
jakeunltdsudo apt-get install networkmanager-openvpn-gnome17:43
jakeunltdor something like that17:43
lodgjakeunltd, installed and import working ovpn file17:45
BluesKajlodg, make sure the .ovpn file is located in /etc/openvpn17:47
transhuman_Hi! my problem is definitely ubuntu 17.04 (latest) it doesnt run network right. other versions run it fine other vms with different ubuntu versions run fine same virtual settings and same virtual host17:49
lodgimport in gui is not enough?17:50
transhuman_must be missing a virtual driver (any idea what it might be and how to fix?17:50
transhuman_if it was on vmware I know its open-vm-tools but this is centos17:50
transhuman_err host is centos but this is kvm ...sorry for the typo17:50
BluesKajlodg, that depends on the vpn gui configuration17:52
lodgBluesKaj, ovpn file is not in this directory /etc/openvpn after importing17:53
lodgBluesKaj, if you use ubuntu 17.10 Can I share a file with you so you can check the problem?17:55
BluesKajlodg, yes, because NM uses it's own confif files, and the gui relies on N17:55
lodgHow can I contact you?17:58
BluesKajlodg, which vpn service first of all?18:06
BluesKajlodg, also make sure you have network-manager-openvpn-gnome installed18:07
lodgBluesKaj, I'm using openvpn docker image (kylemanna/docker-openvpn) in scaleway vps18:08
BluesKajlodg,I'm not familiar with using a vpn in a vps and docker images18:09
lodgok how to debug nm and view error logs?18:11
BluesKajlodg, /var/log/syslog?18:17
pennTellerHi guys anybody have any experience debranding odoo CRM? Their channel seems to be dead18:25
transhuman_anyone able to tell me what the open-vm-tools equivalent for KVM tools is?18:30
transhuman_open-vm-tools is for vmware18:30
yeatstranshuman_: what do open-vm-tools do?  beyond virsh there's virt-manager if you want a GUI18:48
transhuman_I thought they optimize the guest for control by the host18:53
transhuman_and also for networking optimization I think its necessary thats why vmware uses it18:54
transhuman_I have the virt-manager installed. Its a problem with IPv6 I have narrowed it down after disabling IPv6 it works perfectly18:54
EgoAleSumhi, I’ve installed the zfs-auto-snap package, and it’s working but it’s only executing the “frequent” snapshots (every 15 mins) and not the hourly, daily, etc… any idea?18:56
EgoAleSumok i think the issue is that scripts in /etc/cron.(daily|hourly|weekly|monthly) are not executed automatically?19:04
roboziWhy ubuntu channel is so quite?19:10
roboziIt used to have many active people bqck in the time19:10
someone235_Hi, I have a USB with ubuntu installation. How can I check if it's 32bit or 64bit?19:12
yeatstranshuman_: depending on the guest OS, check out https://www.spice-space.org/19:13
apb1963I'm getting raw php from apache; I can't figure out why php isn't executing the code; it's just a one line echo currently. ubuntu 16.0419:13
yeatssomeone235_: boot it up and do 'uname -a' in a terminal - it will either say i686 or x86_6419:15
someone235_yeats, k thx19:20
alexasI have installed the second Ubuntu and when I tried to copy files from the Ubuntu I previously used I have an error 'Error splicing file: input/output error' any help will be appreciated19:27
alexasthey both on the same disk19:27
yeatsalexas: I would recommend backing all your files up to external media before continuing - the disk could need a fsck or there may be some problems with the physical disk19:35
alexasI am backing it up now as an whole image19:35
yeats(of course, you should be backing up to external media regularly and especially before upgrades/changes)19:35
alexasI didn't have any upgrades done just default additional partitioning from default ubuntu installation medium19:36
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yeatsalexas: good - once that's done, boot the computer with a live USB/CD and run fsck on all the partitions19:36
alexasthat of course doesn't mean that I will have safe files that I can't work now in the image file am now doing, dight?19:36
alexasyeats: they should be unmounted, right?19:37
yeatsalexas: yes19:37
alexasyeats: thanks, so nothing I can do from the running system to solve that?19:38
yeatswell, probably not from what I was just reading (see https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/error-splicing-file-input-output-error-cannot-copy-4175423816/page2.html for instance, found by googling the error you pasted here)19:38
alexasok got it, thank you19:39
yeatsalexas: I/O errors often mean failing hardware19:39
yeatsbut an fsck might just fix it19:39
alexasyeats: yes but there was operations on the disc so perhaps it's not failing19:39
yeatsalexas: without seeing what's going on myself, I can only speak generally - could be a system under duress from whatever it's doing (e.g., full RAM and starting to swap), could be in need of fsck, could be failing hardware19:43
alkisgssd or hdd disk?19:45
alkisgwhat file system, ext4?19:45
alexasyeats: it is possible if i create an image of the disk with problems and then run out diagnostic on the mounted image, or not?19:45
alkisgor e.g. ntfs?19:45
alexasalkisg: ext419:45
alkisgok, check smartmon result too19:45
alkisgafter backup19:45
alexasalkisg: can I made all the operations on the data from the image I am doing of it later?19:47
alexasI mean I would like to format it because there is no critical data on it and I need it for other means19:47
alexasor I should first 'fix' it and then make an image of it?19:48
apb1963Has anyone setup wordpress on 16.04 ?19:53
alkisgalexas: backup first, see smartmon output after, fix image directly on ssd after19:53
alkisgMaybe the ssd is worn out19:53
apb1963has anyone setup apache on 16.04?19:54
apb1963not a soul19:55
TaZeRapache is some kind of indian tribe?19:56
striveTaZeR: Yes, Apache is named after the tribe.19:58
strive"superior skills and warefare"19:58
strivewarfare, rather.19:59
striveYea, pretty neat.19:59
leftyfbapb1963: nobody here is going to take your survey. Ask the question regarding your issue. Not who has done what.20:00
striveapb1963: Digital Ocean has some pretty good guides on those.20:05
DisgruntledAnonAnyone willing to help a noob who's trying to install ubuntu?20:08
leftyfb!ask | DisgruntledAnon20:09
ubottuDisgruntledAnon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:09
JoeRWGood morning, everyone.20:09
DisgruntledAnonAlright, well, this issue is...pretty complicated.20:09
DisgruntledAnonBasically, I've gotten the ubuntu disk onto my USB drive, and reset, but upon choosing "install ubuntu" it puts me on a weird black/white screen20:10
DisgruntledAnonthat was more than one line but yeah.20:10
EgoAleSumI have an issue with scripts in /etc/cron.(daily|hourly|weekly|monthly) are not executed automatically… a package i installed put something in there, but they’re not being executed? I’m on 17.1020:10
leftyfbDisgruntledAnon: I would suggest maybe trying the server installer. Then after it's installed, type: sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop20:11
DisgruntledAnonAlright, and what does the server installer do?20:11
leftyfbwork :)20:12
DisgruntledAnonAlright...well, it's a pretty slow download, only at 2% now, so I'll get back to you on that.20:13
DisgruntledAnonholy mother of god how big is this ubuntu server file leftyfb???20:17
brainwashEgoAleSum: more details please20:17
tomreynDisgruntledAnon: if you think it's the servers that's slow, you could cancel and re-download (possibly hitting a different mirror)20:17
leftyfbDisgruntledAnon: smaller than the desktop installer20:17
brainwashEgoAleSum: "a package" "something" ...20:17
EgoAleSumbrainwash: i just installed “zfs-auto-snapshot”. it created multiple cron scripts, into fodlers such as /etc/cron.d, /etc/cron.daily, etc20:18
EgoAleSumbut only the scripts inside /etc/cron.d are executed20:18
DisgruntledAnonsmaller than the desktop installer, huh? Well, the desktop installer was about 1% every second or two and this is only at 17% after taking the trash out.20:18
tomreynDisgruntledAnon: so you hit a slow mirror, this can happen.20:19
DisgruntledAnonIt's literally the only download I could find on Ask Ubuntu or the main site, my dude.20:19
leftyfbDisgruntledAnon: http://mirrors.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/17.10/ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso20:19
leftyfbactually, no20:19
leftyfbthat one20:19
DisgruntledAnonI should have just stuck to the original at the rate this is going. Too late now, so, time to clean my bathroom out. >.>20:20
EgoAleSumoki think i’ve figured it out. the zfs-auto-snapshot should depend on anacron, which was not installed. filing a bug now20:21
brainwashEgoAleSum: so, it's a matter of running the cron job while the system is not up?20:22
brainwashonce it boots20:22
EgoAleSumbrainwash: no the system was up20:22
EgoAleSumit’s up 24/720:22
brainwashwhat is installed?20:23
skinuxWhich is the best matrix screensaver I could have, with Xenial 16.04 and AMD Radeon R5 Graphics?20:24
brainwashEgoAleSum: maybe bug 171972420:25
ubottubug 1719724 in zfs-auto-snapshot (Ubuntu) "zfs-auto-snapshot 1.2.2-1 does not make snapshots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171972420:25
EgoAleSumbrainwash: actually, installing anacron isn’t the right solution… the scripts simply are not executed20:25
EgoAleSumbrainwash: sounds like thats my bug20:26
EgoAleSumbrainwash: and for “which cron”… whatever came with the minimal install of ubuntu20:26
adam82Good Afternoon ubuntu :)20:26
adam82(at least it is afternoon here)20:26
EgoAleSumyes it’s definitely my bug, brainwash20:27
brainwashmaybe you can install the newer package version20:27
brainwashor adapt the change(s)20:28
brainwashskinux: xscreensaver has GLMatrix20:28
EgoAleSumbrainwash: yeah i’m just gonna modify my scripts with the changes from GitHub20:28
IspiraWeee! I'm having the dreaded IPv6 issues on my server installation! So let me give a little background here, I recently spun up a new VPS with Ubuntu Server 16.04.3, everything was working fine (IPv6 included) for the past few days, today I just logged in to do some work on the server and nothing connects to IPv6. Found this out after apt update go20:28
Ispirat stuck resolving an ipv6 addr, then confirmed it with ping6. I've tried rebooting the server with no joy. This is the result of ifconfig and ping6 running for a couple of minutes with no response http://upaste.me/r/543f492624507fe3920:28
IspiraAnd the server _does_ in fact have IPv6 networking enabled. https://i.imgur.com/16mDAw8.png20:29
brainwashskinux: package is xscreensaver-gl20:29
IspiraI tried googling for the solution but all the results I can find are pretty old and suggest disabling IPv6 is a "solution"20:29
tomreynIspira: first of all, run the server from the recovery system the host probably provides and check whether ipv6 works there. ipv6 is often treated 2nd class and 'best effort' connectivity, especially by VPS hosts. so it's not uncommon to fail completely, be slow, have broken resolvers etc.20:32
tomreynIspira: if it works there but not on your system then ask yourself what you have changed between when it worked and now.20:33
DisgruntledAnonAlright leftyfb, get ready to explain the obvious to me in another minute -- the server's almost done downloading at 95%20:42
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DisgruntledAnonAlright, finished with the download. Now, first things first, where should I put it? Should I have it burned to my USB? Will it even work that way, or will that be a problem for Ubuntu itself?20:45
jykaI'm building a local repository. I have a xenial 64 bit client, and I have nothing i386 related in sources.list. Why is apt-update trying to fetch something i386 related? Does it use some i386 packages and do I need to sync them too?20:45
DisgruntledAnonoi, leftyfb, you still there?20:48
DisgruntledAnonor should I just go back to cleaning my bathroom while I wait for a reply?20:48
BloxxHi... Can someone pls help me... I am trying to do Automatic Reset with Resetter and I get an error in the first step (loading packages: Problems trying to remove: gcc-7-base:amd64 E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.20:49
BloxxI am using 16.0420:50
DisgruntledAnon...guess it's back to the bathroom for me then. Just, say something whenever, leftyfb, because I am really confused as to where I should be keeping that server20:50
jykahmm when add deb [arch=amd64]   to all lines in sources.list, it doesn't whine. Weird why is it searching for i386 packages by default20:51
brainwashjyka: what is "it"?20:52
brainwashwhat are building?20:52
BloxxHi... Can someone pls help me... I am trying to do Automatic Reset with Resetter and I get an error in the first step (loading packages: Problems trying to remove: gcc-7-base:amd64 E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.20:54
jykaI found the answer but I'm still wondering why is 64-bit ubuntu searching for i386 packages :) "On Ubuntu amd64 installations, i386 is enabled as an additional architecture by default. apt & co. expect repositories to provide all configured architectures, which causes the error "20:54
brainwashis it enabled by default? I don't think so20:55
leftyfbDisgruntledAnon: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/20:56
leftyfbBloxx: please don't repeat20:56
leftyfbBloxx: what is "Resetter"?20:56
leftyfbjyka: probably for compatibility with 32bit applications20:57
Bloxxapp for reseting  Debian-based Linux system to default20:57
leftyfbBloxx: I don't see it in the official Ubuntu repositories20:57
Bloxxok. do you know anything I can use to restore my ubuntu 16.04 to default20:58
leftyfbBloxx: fresh install>20:58
leftyfbBloxx: a fresh install will be the easiest, cleanest and quickest way20:59
BloxxI have dual boot, but on the windows side I have disk locked by admin, so I cannot just do a fresh install20:59
leftyfbBloxx: are you not the admin of your own pc?21:00
Bloxxyes, but superadmin is university21:00
Bloxxthey unlocked disk so I made a partition and installed ubuntu and then locked it back...21:00
leftyfbBloxx: contact your University's IT department for support with their equipment21:01
akikBloxx: is it a configuration problem you want to resolve?21:02
leftyfbakik: he wants to reinstall ubuntu on a school-loaned computer but doesn't have access to do so21:02
BloxxI am using anaconda for R and Python and at some point I cannot install any packages anymore...21:03
Bloxxso, I wanted to just clear everything to default and do it again... I am highly aware that the problem is somewhere between the chair and the keyboard...21:03
akikBloxx: it would help if you would paste the error messages somewhere like pastebin.com21:04
akikor paste.ubuntu.com21:04
akikBloxx: then somebody could help you resolve the problem with no need for reinstall21:05
Bloxxok... I will redo the actions to get an errors and upload it... thank you guys for help...21:06
disgruntledanonargh. Alright, sorry leftyfb.21:07
disgruntledanonMy thing wouldn't let me post, had to refresh.21:07
disgruntledanonso needless to say, I missed a few messages because of that, sorry but you'll have to repeat yourself21:08
alexasalkisg: can you please look at smart report and tell me if you see anything wrong there? http://termbin.com/augi21:25
EriC^^alexas: you let your laptop battery run out a lot and turns off by itself21:28
alexasEricsorry can you elaborate on that please?21:30
alexasit's a used laptop21:30
EriC^^alexas: i'm j/k, the power cycle sasys 4000 or so, the power off retract (when the hdd suddenly shuts off) is around half of that21:30
EriC^^i dont see anything about reallocation or bad sectors in the smart report, it usually mentions those *shurg*21:31
alexasEriC^^: thanks for letting me know21:31
jhutchinsalexas: what was the original problem?21:32
alexasjhutchins: I was unable to copy data after parting drive with second installation of Ubuntu21:32
jhutchinsalexas: Did you resolve it?21:33
alexasjhutchins: yes, apparently after fsck check with live usb21:33
jhutchinsalexas: Good.  Smart test looks good, you shoudl be fine.21:34
jhutchinsalexas: You might occasionally check dmesg and the syslog for error messages.21:34
alexaswill do21:35
pennTellerHi guys, how can I run a command everytime my server boots? I am specifcially trying to make odoo start on boot21:37
EriC^^pennTeller: systemwide? or just as your user when you login?21:40
pennTellerEriC^^, systemdiw, regardless of someone loging in or not21:40
pennTellerEriC^^, on boot21:40
EriC^^pennTeller: add a crontab "@reboot command" to sudo crontab -e so its runs as root21:41
pennTellerEriC^^, thank you very much man21:41
EriC^^pennTeller: no problem21:42
th3_g3ntl3m3ncountry /help22:04
auronandaceth3_g3ntl3m3n: what do you need help with?22:05
th3_g3ntl3m3nNothing at the moment, i was just having problems to connect to this channel...22:08
TheNH813I have a problem with both the shuf command and the $RANDOM feature in bash. It only sometimes returns a number, which causes my script that randomly selects lines out of a file to fail. Is this the right place to ask or should I go elsewhere?22:11
TheNH813IS there a better way to get a random number between 1 and 1000?22:12
alkisgTheNH813: there is a #bash channel. I don't think it can only somtimes return a number though, unless you unset it so it loses its properties22:18
TheNH813Allright I'l check that channel out. And maybe my code is just wrong. Because I thought the same thing.22:18
alkisgTheNH813: so, $RANDOM would be the best way, but if you really need it, there's also /dev/urandom, but it's harder to handle it22:21
alkisgAnd of course it's always possible to implement your own random even in bash22:21
TheNH813Yeah I could do that. Like, grab data from /dev/urandom with od and then map it to 1-1000.22:23
leftyfbI don't see what the problem with $RANDOM is. It will always generate a number22:23
TheNH813Well, I need a number between 1 and 1000.22:24
TheNH813Basically, it pulls random lines from a text file. It generates random names for testing purposes. There's a file for the most common 1000 last and first names.22:24
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alkisgTheNH813: echo $((1+$RANDOM%1000))22:25
TheNH813I'l give that a try and see if it works better.22:26
leftyfbTheNH813: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26197285/22:26
alkisgleftyfb: no need for a loop, see above ^22:27
TheNH813I really need to improve my bash skills. I can do a lot of things, but I never even knew $((1+$RANDOM%1000)) existed.22:28
leftyfbme either :)22:28
TheNH813And AWK/GAWK are a complete mystery to me.22:28
* alkisg has spent the last 8 years doing shell programming :D22:28
TheNH813Nice. :D22:29
TheNH813With the existence of Zenity/GTKDialog, you can do pretty much anything.22:29
TheNH813Even simple GUIs. It's actually impressive.22:29
alkisgEh, at that point, it's better to use python22:30
th3_g3ntl3m3nI have a querstion: Is blackubuntu (a pen-testing distro) an OS created by Canonical Group? Or it just another derived from ubuntu that has nothing to do with it an its developers?22:30
alkisgThe second22:31
oerhekssee their wiki ?22:31
leftyfbit also hasn't ben updated in 6 years22:32
leftyfbI would stay far away from it22:32
pennTellerGuys is there a way to git clone into a folder and remove duplciates on the fly?22:35
TheNH813I know why my script wasn't working.22:38
TheNH813I had the number generation in each section for one part of a if then else loop in such a way as that it would reach the end of the loop without doing anything 50% of the time.22:38
TheNH813Well, now I feel dumb.22:39
TheNH813@pennTeller I don't know, but wouldn't a duplicate get overwritten if it's the same file? Or do you mean in different directories?22:42
pennTellerTheNH813, I have a directoy full of files from a repo22:43
TheNH813Do they have different names?22:43
pennTellerTheNH813, they have the same names at the ones in the repo22:43
th3_g3ntl3m3nis there an equivalent command that can kill the system in ubuntu just like del system 32/*.* on Windows?22:46
pennTellerI get fatal: destination path '.' already exists and is not an empty directory.22:47
oerheksth3_g3ntl3m3n, sure, sudo22:48
TheNH813th3_g3ntl3m3n: If you must know, yes. It's "rm -Rf /". And don't every try that command unless it's in a virtual machine, as it also erases ALL attached drives in addition to the system drive.22:50
TheNH813Well, all attached and mounted drives.22:50
TheNH813I was erasing a computer once and did that for fun and forgot to unmount a drive full of .deb packages. Was no big loss but something I didn't think of nonetheless.22:51
th3_g3ntl3m3nWish i was there to see you face when you did that. LOl22:52
th3_g3ntl3m3nThat moment when there is a total of 1056 people connected to this chat but this seems dead.23:06
TheNH813True. Most are probably AFK.23:06
akikthat rm "remove all files" has been fixed already23:07
TheNH813--no-preserve-root disables that, but yeah don't delete / is the default on most distros.23:09
akiksome people write /* not sure if that still gets rid of your files23:13
TheNH813What do you need help with?23:26
th3_g3ntl3m3nSorry, i tried to type the ¨help¨ command. xd23:27
TheNH813XD been there done that.23:27
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kurtis12345I'm trying to install linux on a dell inspiron laptop, but it freezes on the splash screen, i've tried ubuntu, lubuntu and xubuntu all freeze on the splash screen23:35
TheNH813What's the screen resolution?23:35
TheNH813Okay. Give me a second to calculate something.23:36
=== m3_m3n3 is now known as th3_g3ntl3m3n\
th3_g3ntl3m3n\dude this sh*t sucks23:37
TheNH813Try booting with the "VGA=799" option.23:39
TheNH813Also remove quiet and splash and instead put nosplash debug.23:40
TheNH813Then it will at least indicate where it failed.23:41
kurtis12345sorry to sound ignorant but how do i add flags?23:41
TheNH813Okay, so at the boot menu, press "E" on your keyboard to edit the parameters for that entry.23:41
kurtis12345i'll give it a shot23:43
TheNH813If that dosen't work put VGA=792 and see if it boots at 1024x768. Won't look good but it will at least see if it's a graphics problem or not.23:44
kurtis12345seems to be stuck on acpi region does not cover the entire command/response buffer23:48
kurtis12345oh wait its doing something23:48
NegativeFlareThere we go, I'm back23:49
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kurtis12345says "a start job is running for detect the available gpus and deal with any system changes23:49
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kurtis123453min 49s / no limit23:50
TheNH813Well, that's definitely the problem. It's waiting indefinitely to change gpu settings.23:51
kurtis12345my gpu is a 1050m23:51
TheNH813Try adding nomodeset vesa to the parameters mentioned before and try again.23:52
TheNH813That will disable GPU acceleration. It's going to need the NVidia drivers installed most likely to work with acceleration.23:52
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kurtis12345lovely that's booted in, now to install it to the hdd and go from there23:54
TheNH813And make sure to change the options before booting the new install or it will do the same thing every time until the right drivers are installed.23:55
TheNH813Afterwards it should work well.23:55
TheNH813You'l find this of use after you install and reboot into the new installation.23:56
kurtis12345awesome thanks23:56
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TheNH813Their GPUs work good, the only issue is they can be temperamental with generic drivers.23:56
TheNH813So we fix it, and move on. Good luck!23:57
TheNH813You're welcome.23:57
TheNH813Hello the_g3ntl3m3n.23:58

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