
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> That is sad to hear about clive. :(06:56
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I guess he has issues, and I can even slightly understand some, but would have to disagree. Just walking out and resigning team memberships like that bemuses me though.06:58
wxli think it's just a pile of frustration of different things, but yes, probably not consitent with "stepping down considerately" :/07:35
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Good morning friends10:58
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Can anyone point me at some definitive documentation on what constitutes kubuntu membership, and why and on what circumstances someone should apply.11:00
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> O have a sense that I have been a little too do-ocratic11:01
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> But also I feel that I don't quite understand clearly what kubuntu membership represents11:02
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Policies#.7Ekubuntu-members11:17
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Thanks Rik12:55
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Ah ha, now that is a great doc, and indeed it appears I am wrong in my interpretation of membership13:02
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> However, I still feel that Andrea has provide a sustained contribution. No matter he can run his application again in due course13:03
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> In other thoughts, would it make sense for all of that document to be on the website ?13:04
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> There is some 'elastisity' to that definition IMO. The ubuntu one is a bit more general13:05
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> "We look for sustained and significant contributions. While there is no precise period that we look for, it is rare for applications to be accepted from people contributing for less than 6 months. If you are unsure if your contributions constitute as sustained and significant, ask your team mates and other Ubuntu members. Maybe they can even add some kind of endorsement to your application. "13:06
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> IMO if Andrea makes soem recent contributions for a shortish period, then should be ok13:07
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Actually I think that might be better13:07
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Yes13:08
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> The plan is for him to take on the role b of marketing manager13:08
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I am still working on role definitions in the Phab Wiki13:08
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> good way to earn his pips then13:08
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> But Andrea is quite energised13:09
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I don't think it knocked him back too much13:09
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I have discussed it with him briefly13:09
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I think he is OK13:09
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I feel very sad that clivejo has left, although I understand this has been developing for a while13:10
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> he liked it when we were the 'Jon and harald show'. I guess this was coming13:12
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Maybe he will move over to the Neon team, still making contribution13:50
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I am sure he will keep doing the magic some where13:50
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @Sick_Rimmit, I'm glad, the intention was not to hurt him in any way but to tell him where he needs to get to ;)17:31
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Also, one more point that I'd like to make, while Ubuntu Membership is not what he seeks, the same guidelines should generally apply...17:33
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I had a conversation with one of the original Kubuntu people and what I got out of it was that we're on the same page about what Membership means.17:34
clivejo_wxl: can I have some guidance on why you think I have not been consitent with "stepping down considerately"?20:04
clivejo_and no "he liked it when we were the 'Jon and harald show' "20:08
clivejo_I liked it when the team worked together to solve problems20:08
clivejo_not taking Qt development to a private telegram channel20:09
clivejo_and trying to take sddm and calamares upstream to Debian so that Kubuntu Developers can't work on it20:10
tsimonq2clivejo_: It was *not* a private Telegram channel, I put the link in #kubuntu-devel, but now that Qt is no longer a Kubuntu-specific thing, and I'm working on Qt packaging as part of both Lubuntu and Kubuntu, there was no need to do it in #kubuntu-devel.20:15
clivejo_who decided that Qt is no longer a Kubuntu-specific thing?20:16
tsimonq2But I'm sorry you didn't see the link and the notices we had before *you* broke *your* system by not waiting for a KCI nightly before updating your system.20:16
tsimonq2As people who work on Qt packaging, acheronuk, myself, mitya57, and some UBPorts folks decided to all work together on it.20:17
tsimonq2And if anything, you are *more* than welcome to propose *any* patches upstream in Debian to sddm and calamares and we will *happily* accept them but I am sick and tired of getting harumphed at by Ubuntu Archive Admins and the Ubuntu Release Team because we can't freaking work with Debian.20:18
tsimonq2If anything, I discussed *both* of these before I did them.20:18
tsimonq2Where were you?20:18
clivejo_so as a consumer of Qt packages, that group of people didn't think that a quick email to kubuntu-devel woulld have been a considerate thing to do?20:18
clivejo_can you show me a log of where you discussed both of these things?20:19
tsimonq2It shouldn't have been a problem to update Qt packages in the *pre-alpha* development release after *all* the appropriate no-change rebuilds were done and *all* the relevant flavors were tested, and even then, the emails were on bionic-changes and I did say something in #kubuntu-devel. The email to kubuntu-devel would have been redundant.20:20
tsimonq2You can find them on irclogs.ubuntu.com as far as I'm concerned, clivejo_20:20
clivejo_in which channel?20:20
tsimonq2#kubuntu-devel and maybe here too.20:20
tsimonq2Also it took up like a whole day's conversation in #ubuntu-release.20:20
tsimonq2You would have seen it if you were paying attention to any one of the development channels we regularly talk in, is my point20:21
clivejo_well I can't see it in my logs20:22
clivejo_which is why I asked you to point me to the public logs20:22
tsimonq2They're there. irclogs.ubuntu.com. I have things to work on and can't be bothered to find logs of a discussion we had a month ago about a Qt that's already landed and discussion that was in multiple channels.20:23
tsimonq2And anyways, if you have the unstable KCI PPA enabled, the *least* you could do is check the packages being installed/uninstalled on every system update.20:27
tsimonq2So, I don't know what to say...20:28
clivejo_fine, but from POV as a previous Kubuntu Development I think we should have been involved in any decisions relating to Qt20:28
tsimonq2The active Kubuntu Developers have been. I invited you to the channel and you declined. That's on you.20:28
clivejo_you invited me AFTER the fact20:29
tsimonq2I didn't.20:29
clivejo_you did20:29
tsimonq2I specifically invited you *before* we landed it.20:29
clivejo_when and where did this invite happen?20:30
tsimonq2#kubuntu-devel iirc20:30
clivejo_you keep stating this, I have searched the logs and can't find this invite20:33
tsimonq2That makes me wonder, because I *did* say something.20:34
clivejo_the first mention of a Telegram group that I can find20:35
tsimonq2hmph, I could have sworn I linked you before that...20:36
clivejo_and please note you pinged me and told me Qt 5.9.2 had migrated20:37
tsimonq2It wasn't *just* me in this channel, acheronuk was there too. So I *didn't* do this by myself, either way...20:38
clivejo_but it was you and wxl made such a huge deal about santa learning how jenkin works on his own hardware20:39
clivejo_about the importance of the ML20:40
clivejo_can you not see how hypocritical that is?20:40
tsimonq2The difference between that and this is that Santa didn't involve *anyone* else. He didn't have public PPAs, public uploads, public discussion. He did that by himself. And by the time everyone was involved that was, it was probably redundant to send an email to kubuntu-devel.20:41
clivejo_the fact that "now that Qt is no longer a Kubuntu-specific thing" is of huge importance to the Kubuntu project20:42
clivejo_it is the foundation of the project20:43
tsimonq2But it's no longer unique to Kubuntu. The main discussion *shouldn't* happen in the Kubuntu channels.20:43
clivejo_where was this discussion made?20:44
tsimonq2In a central Telegram channel.20:44
tsimonq2And in #ubuntu-release.20:44
tsimonq2And a little in #ubuntu-devel iirc.20:45
clivejo_Qt has historically been under the Kubuntu Devel umbrella and why it is in Kubuntu packageset20:45
clivejo_then Kubuntu should be involved in any discussion on that changing20:46
tsimonq2Kubuntu was involved.20:46
tsimonq2Kubuntu Developers were involved.20:46
tsimonq2Rik was involved, I was involved.20:47
clivejo_well that is one Kubuntu Devel20:47
clivejo_there are others20:47
valorieimo Qt has been beyond our control since Ubuntu began using Qt for Unity20:47
valoriewe had to wait for updates longer than we wanted, etc.20:47
tsimonq2valorie: And now that isn't the case.20:48
valorieand we didn't have the manpower to take it back20:48
tsimonq2(the slow part)20:48
clivejo_valorie: quite true, but we had feedback on what was happening in kubuntu-devel20:48
valorielots of grumbling20:48
tsimonq2clivejo_: It's still broken?20:48
tsimonq2I think not.20:48
clivejo_and we got to test it in KCI to see if there was any issues20:49
clivejo_I've no idea20:49
clivejo_I'm on Qt 5.9.320:49
tsimonq2So you've added the CI Train PPA for Qt 5.9.3?20:50
clivejo_anyway, just going round in cricles20:52
clivejo_I would like to know why you think I have not Stepped down appropriately20:52
clivejo_so I can address it20:53
tsimonq2clivejo_: I think it's hypocritical that you're criticizing me for not using the mailing list even though it's redundant yet you didn't say you were leaving on the mailing list.20:54
clivejo_the only issue I could identify was access to the Linode server of which Phil, Aaron and I had access20:54
clivejo_tsimonq2: I officially stepped down last year20:55
tsimonq2Did you send something to the mailing list?20:55
clivejo_all of my contributions have been behind the scenes on KCI20:56
tsimonq2But did you send something to the mailing list?20:56
clivejo_tsimonq2: yes, on both -devel and -council20:56
tsimonq2I can't find it, where is it?20:57
clivejo_you are being petty now20:57
tsimonq2Am I/21:01
tsimonq2Just giving you a taste of your own medicine, clivejo_.21:02
clivejo_it was discussed at length last year after my brother was almost killed21:03
clivejo_since then acheronuk has been doing the bulk of the work21:04
clivejo_I have also been pushing for the appointment of a full time release manager to work on the project21:05
tsimonq2How would that happen?21:06
clivejo_how would what happen?21:06
tsimonq2clivejo_> I have also been pushing for the appointment of a full time release manager to work on the project21:06
clivejo_I don't know21:07
clivejo_my idea was a paid role from Kubuntu funds21:07
tsimonq2If you haven't figured that out, then what's your case for pushing it?21:07
clivejo_but that idea is not supported by the KC21:07
tsimonq2This is the first I'm hearing of that idea.21:08
clivejo_the case is that it is NOT fair relying on the contributions of one person21:08
clivejo_and not having any backup or support21:08
tsimonq2Agreed, we should have someone be paid to work on Kubuntu21:08
clivejo_well it is no secret21:08
clivejo_tsimonq2: it is not for you or i to agree to21:09
clivejo_the KC control those funds21:09
valorieI'm not against the use of funds, but it would need a plan21:10
valorieand a funding model21:10
clivejo_but again we are drifting from the point21:10
valoriewe have funds, would be good to spend them on something for Kubuntu21:10
valoriebut I have a birthday party to prepare for, so going afk21:10
clivejo_I am NOT happy with being accused of not stepping down considerably21:10
clivejo_what are the issues I need to address?21:11
tsimonq2I, for one, assumed you were back, and that you just left suddenly.21:11
tsimonq2But wxl made that claim, not I, iirc.21:13
clivejo_I left kubuntu-devel because there was no reason for me to have it21:13
tsimonq2(Why do you say that?)21:14
clivejo_because I'm not a Kubuntu Developer21:14
tsimonq2When did that change?21:14
clivejo_I told you when it changed in -devel channel21:14
tsimonq2But did you send something to the mailing list?21:15
clivejo_<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I'm moving to GTK21:15
tsimonq2I thought you were joking?21:16
clivejo_why do I need to send something to the ML21:16
tsimonq2Because you *always* need to send something to the ML, *riiiiiiiiiight*?21:16
clivejo_your funny21:16
clivejo_no uploads since I stepped down21:19
clivejo_I was happy enough doing my own thing with KCI21:20
clivejo_no, I wasn't joking. I moved to PureOS21:29
clivejo_because my Kubuntu install was broken21:30
clivejo_because the update to Qt broke it21:31
tsimonq2And why didn't you check the packages that would be uninstalled before doing the upgrade? (Because I assumed you have the KCI Unstable PPA enabled, no?)21:31
clivejo_I only enable KCI when I believe it to be stable21:32
clivejo_this update was from the archive21:32
tsimonq2Did you check if it uninstalled packages?21:32
tsimonq2And did it?21:33
clivejo_it was broken21:33
tsimonq2What broke?21:33
clivejo_I don't know21:34
tsimonq2And did you send something to the mailing list?21:34
clivejo_you are just winding me up now21:34
tsimonq2But did you?21:34
clivejo_you know I didn't21:35
tsimonq2Why didn't you?21:35
clivejo_because it is +1 bionic, things break21:35
tsimonq2Then why didn't you cope with it?21:36
clivejo_I have no way to grab the packages I needed to downgrade21:36
tsimonq2Then how did you install PureOS?21:37
clivejo_and I had a PureOS iso burnt to DVD21:37
tsimonq2Ok, then why didn't you use that to reinstall?21:37
clivejo_installed it from DVD21:37
clivejo_I did reinstall it21:37
clivejo_I was on PureOS for almost two weeks21:37
tsimonq2Reinstall Kubuntu>21:39
clivejo_I didn't want to21:39
tsimonq2Why not?21:39
clivejo_because it involved downloading an iso and reconfiguring21:39
tsimonq2No it doesn't21:40
clivejo_to be back in the same position as I was before21:40
tsimonq2You obviously had some old KCI packages installed21:40
tsimonq2acheronuk's install went fine21:41
clivejo_fair enough21:41
tsimonq2So you could have reinstalled and it would have most likely been fine.21:42
tsimonq2But you didn't.21:42
tsimonq2That's on you.21:42
clivejo_I didn't reinstall Kubuntu because I don't want to use it any more21:42
tsimonq2Why not?21:42
clivejo_because it is a decision I have taken21:43
tsimonq2Do you no longer have interest in Kubuntu?21:44
clivejo_I no longer feel part of the team21:44
tsimonq2Then why are you here?21:44
tsimonq2It takes two to tango. :P21:44
clivejo_because I want to know the outstanding issues21:45
tsimonq2But I thought you didn't feel like part of the team any more?21:45
tsimonq2We'd be happy to have you21:45
clivejo_it feels like a personal attack21:46
tsimonq2What does?21:46
clivejo_that I have just felt issues behind21:46
clivejo_the comments made earlier today21:46
tsimonq2Couldn't you solve the issues privately with the people who said those things?21:47
tsimonq2And if not, why didn't you send it to the ML?21:47
clivejo_well I did think it was dealt with privately21:48
clivejo_but obviously not21:48
tsimonq2So did you send something to the ML?21:48
clivejo_I am not on the ML any more21:50
tsimonq2You can still send emails to the ML21:50
clivejo_do you want me to wash all my dirty laundry in public?21:51
tsimonq2No, but you *always* need to send something to the ML, *riiiiiiiiiight*?21:52
clivejo_including your personal "mission" to have a certain someone kicked off the project?21:53
clivejo_you are making me very angry.  Could someone on the KC please identify the issues and strings I need to resolve21:56
clivejo_acheronuk has been given access to the Linode server.  The old KCI server (blue systems) is available for use for experimental work21:57
clivejo_ie on the new KCI if required21:58
clivejo_acheronuk should also have access to that (he can ping me if needs help with that)21:58
clivejo_the only outstanding thing I can think of is the unstable build on falkon valorie is using via my PPA21:59
clivejo_maybe a ninja or someone could take that on22:00

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