
nickoecjwatson: hmm, it seems that https://staging.launchpad.net/ is 503. Was there other staging/testing servers?10:27
cjwatsonnickoe: Staging is always down over the weekend while it's being restored from the latest production database dump.12:56
nickoecjwatson: ok12:56
cjwatsonnickoe: You can use https://qastaging.launchpad.net/ instead for most things (though its database dump is a couple of years old)12:56
nickoecjwatson: but that also seems down, https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/12:57
cjwatsonnickoe: Hm, true.  Not much I can do about it at the weekend.12:57
cjwatsonnickoe: What are you trying to do?12:57
nickoeI just wanted to play around with some project options, but it is not so important. It can wait. :)12:58
cjwatsonnickoe: You could try https://dogfood.paddev.net/12:58
cjwatsonnickoe: (that's a developer playground, pretty much, but it's usually up)12:59
nickoecjwatson: ok, thank you.12:59

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