
=== mkljczk is now known as m4sk1n_
ahasenackhi, can a package have a build-dep that's only available in the backports pocket in a particular ubuntu release?20:24
ahasenackassuming the package itself is not in backports20:24
tsimonq2ahasenack: iirc, no, but I could be wrong.21:28
rbasakahasenack: I agree with tsimonq2.23:24
tsimonq2rbasak: Well, I think *should* it is a different question than *can* it. I think the answer should be no on both counts, but I don't remember if backports was enabled even when apt pinned at a lower value on the builders.23:30
rbasaktsimonq2: you can build it. For example you can enable backports in a PPA. But it isn't acceptable for the archive.23:31
tsimonq2rbasak: Hm, alright. Out of curiosity, was this ever formalized anywhere or is it just an unspoken rule?23:32
rbasakI think Launchpad won't permit such a package to end up in the archive unless you're an archive admin.23:33
tsimonq2Hm, ok.23:33
tsimonq2Would you happen to know if I could test something like this on staging.launchpad.net?23:34
rbasakI don't know.23:34
tsimonq2Alright, thanks rbasak.23:34
rbasakBut I'm curious to know the answer :)23:34
tsimonq2Same :)23:35

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