
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/16/windows-10-bundled-password-manager-had-security-flaw/04:45
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Why to stick with Linux.04:45
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Keeper, the windows password manager gives out your password to websites.04:45
floridagram-bot2<SivaMachina> And so my physical collection of old Windows/DOS games begins.04:56
floridagram-bot2<SivaMachina> Found a copy of Theme park at a Goodwill04:57
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Nice05:05
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> That was a good game05:05
floridagram-bot2<govatent> So I randomly won an apple watch last night at our company holiday party. Made for a very funny story cause we were trashing talking the watch when we walked in past the prices. I didn't think it's win anything at all. What's the best way to sell it so I can get a gear s315:55
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> @KMyers the jobs picture, please15:56
floridagram-bot2<govatent> oh god18:15
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> Did you really think we weren't going to jump on that?18:24
floridagram-bot2<govatent> lol i was expecting to be bashed :p18:31
floridagram-bot2<govatent> @KMyers what version of the s3 gear do you have?18:33
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I'm looking at the Frontier from best buy and comparing it to what tmobile sells directly with cell service18:33
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I don't have the gear, currently using the LG Watch Sport. I want the gear S3 but can't as the password manager u use daily does not support it18:34
floridagram-bot2<govatent> @ke19:24
floridagram-bot2<govatent> @KMyers which ecosystem do you think would be the better option for a new person jumping from the pebble platform. Android Ware or samsung's gear platform?19:25
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @govatent, Wear. Samsug Gear is limited to those who own Samsung Phones where Android Wear covers those who use iOS or any Android Device19:27
floridagram-bot2<govatent> what andriod ware device closest competes with the s3 gear? I'm likely picking up a gear s3 today, but i'm trying to do all my research. i don't plan on leaving the S7 phone for ages. and my pebble will be my backup watch19:33
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> If you are sure that you are going to stay with the Samsung ecosystem, the S3 is really a nice watch.19:35
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I am really considering it but the fact that my preferred password manager does not work with it is the only thing that is holding me back19:36
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I wish I had Samsung Pay on my watch 😓19:36
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I have a lot of points that I am planning to blow19:37
floridagram-bot2<govatent> nice.19:38
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I guess i'm also looking at app ecosystems. Things like 2fa apps which i do with my pebble, i'd like a music tagging app so i don't have to pull out my phone to tag a song, and for maps i know they use HERE which is good enough. I use my pebble for walking navigation with gmaps19:39
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Take a look at the Fossil Store and look at the Founder Q19:40
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Assuming you dont want LTE of course19:41
floridagram-bot2<govatent> yea. LTE won't be a big deal i guess.19:42
floridagram-bot2<govatent> i don't know if the best buy edition of the s3 frontier has a sim with it19:43
floridagram-bot2<govatent> or if its the bluetooth edition only19:43
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @govatent, Not sure. Although if you get the TMobile version, you can finance it so you dont need to pay for it all at once. You can get it on a "Digits Duplicate Line" for $10.00 more a month19:50
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> The Bluetooth/WiFi ones have better battery life19:51
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I'm actually gonna try and see if I can get store credit from best buy for the shit watch19:53
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> That works as well19:53
floridagram-bot2<govatent> Everything I pictured and more21:41
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> It is amazing21:41
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> @govatent you still there?22:59
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> At microcenter22:59
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I'm back home.23:00
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> Ah, Aaron and I are on our way there now, lol23:00
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, What are you getting me?23:05
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Prepare to get your mind blown23:05

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