
sum957▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETvjltnyap: dlew86 ochosi Noskcaj hggdh azizLIGHT gryphon xMopxShell Metacity pleia2 Drone ShellcatZero hyperair el teward william JasonO daffodil LarrySteeze lubot db` TacoGS drkokandy schmidtm ikonia davidcalle ubuntulog Fallen[m] IdleOne markus-k PresidentPip Church Unit193 DLange mpmc LargePrim02:00
lbnt_srhello, i would like to get some help here. I just upgraded to lubuntu 17.10 my lenovo s10-2 but the system wont start. i get the following message: '/dev/sda1: clean, xxxx/xxxx files, xxx/xxx blocks'. it works on recovery mode only02:09
tsimonq2What did you upgrade it from?02:10
lbnt_srprevious version of lubuntu02:11
tsimonq217.04 or 16.04?02:12
lbnt_sr16.04 probably02:12
tsimonq2How long did you wait after seeing that message?02:12
lbnt_sra couple of hours02:14
tsimonq2lbnt_sr: This isn't Lubuntu-specific, try #ubuntu02:14
=== lbnt_sr is now known as gguu33sstt
=== jk^^ is now known as jk^
Frank_how can i verify my e-mail adress21:50
wxlsay what, Frank_ ?21:53
Frank_i downloaded lubuntu and  the result is on the f drive but i like to install21:56
wxlwhat's that have to do with your email?21:56
wxland i assume by f drive you mean flash drive? did you just copy it or how did you move the file? (a regular copy won't work)21:57
Frank_on the lubuntu home page i registered myself but got the message that i have to verify my e-mail-adress21:58
wxlwhich home page?21:59
Frank_the f drive was created by the download program21:59
wxlyou mean it saved to your hard drive?21:59
Frank_the lubuntu home  page22:00
wxlwhich one?22:00
wxlwhat's the address?22:00
Frank_no  normally i just have a c: harddisk and a usb station, the download result (about 1.5G)22:02
wxlhow did you download the .iso file?22:02
Frank_my e-mail adress is vanduuren.frank11@gmail.com22:02
wxli don't want your email address. i want the site of the "home page" you refer to22:03
wxlthis is the tutorial for putting the .iso file onto a flash drive: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#022:03
Frank_by under chrome ask for lubuntu and started the 64-version22:03
tsimonq2wxl: He's probably referrring to the "sign up to get emails when we post a new blog post" thing that Mario did...22:04
wxlor phabricator? i have no freaking clue22:04
* tsimonq2 whistles and walks away22:04
Frank_i suppose the phabricator22:04
wxlyou suppose, or you know?22:05
Frank_it's been six years ago i was last using lubuntu but i'm glad i'm gettting at least some information22:06
Frank_now i need rufus22:12
Frank_rufus has done something, probably created a bootable USB22:22
Frank_yes it has a autorun 64kb22:24
Frank_thanks for the tutorial, i will reboot my laptop22:25
Frank_well, i have a usb stick with lubuntu on it, so it seems.22:44
Frank_i noticed that lubutu.me.phab tells me to veryfy my e-mail adress22:45
Frank_but my toshiba boots from c: not from the USB=stick rufus just created22:46
Frank_but i subscribed to the lubuntu-users group, succesfully . tomorrow there is a lot to do22:54

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