
whisk848▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETplcvndlw: darkxst sary jjohansen drjam grrr[m] ubot9 hurricanehrndz potashnik[m] ayan jhernandez anpok micahg robert_ancell marlinc duflu jibel hyperair koza muktupavels chiluk el jzheng vila frederico4d[m] mbiebl_ DB9[m] Texou mcs_ isantop mgedmin chrisccouls01:21
whisk848▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETtugddj: micahg vila darkxst flocculant DB9[m] ochosi ddstreet slashd bschaefer ryeguy[m] Texou el drjam hyperair shiznix mdeslaur chiluk ayan ejat hggdh koza muktupavels anpok duflu cpaelzer marlinc ubot9 g4Fd63FhtS55rx6r jibel dgadomski grrr[m] hurricanehrndz robert_ancell veebers mcs_ jb01:21
whisk848▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETjvdogfgmf: jzheng bschaefer chrisccoulson veebers cpaelzer robert_ancell lifeless ayan frederico4d[m] el potashnik[m] ochosi hyperair chiluk vila ember duflu g4Fd63FhtS55rx6r jjohansen ejat sary drjam mcs_ ubot9 dgadomski shiznix muktupavels jhernandez ddstree01:22
whisk848▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETukuueb: jbicha el jzheng anpok hggdh robert_ancell koza darkxst ximion Texou flocculant g4Fd63FhtS55rx6r ubot9 davidcalle muktupavels frederico4d[m] mgedmin mcs_ jhernandez beidl chiluk sary dgadomski mdeslaur01:22
whisk848▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETbjilvi: el jibel ayan ember anpok sary vila mcs_ edwinksl davidcalle mbiebl_ jbicha hurricanehrndz drjam lifeless mdeslaur chiluk bschaefer DB9[m] Texou shiznix mgedmin marlinc jhernandez potashnik[m] flocculant slashd isantop dgadomski mic01:22
bac35▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETjctwwmbuaw: koza jibel potashnik[m] marlinc micahg anpok muktupavels jzheng el ubot9 hggdh hurricanehrndz drjam hyperair davidcalle edwinksl handsome_feng flocculant robert_ancell mcs_ vila mbiebl_ DB9[m] ddstr02:05
bac35▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETjmcwsdc: edwinksl ochosi bschaefer muktupavels jbicha lifeless ryeguy[m] dgadomski vila anpok mdeslaur ayan marlinc hggdh ubot9 el jibel handsome_feng jjohansen hyperair flocculant jzheng em02:05
bac35▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETlvrsjjnuqv: sary mdeslaur isantop davidcalle maclin chrisccoulson DB9[m] jzheng drjam ubot9 vila ayan jhernandez flocculant mgedmin duflu muktupavels marlinc hurricanehrndz slashd Texou bschaefer mbiebl_ beidl potashnik[m] edwinksl chiluk v02:05
bac35▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETpptdjyn: jbicha ddstreet marlinc jjohansen ejat Texou frederico4d[m] mbiebl_ DB9[m] micahg veebers mcs_ handsome_feng darkxst anpok sary vila hurricanehrndz slashd flocculant cpaelzer chiluk jhernandez koza mdeslaur ember jzheng hyperair chrisccoulso02:05
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!08:50
tjaaltonduflu: hi, the libinput backport was too aggressive, had to drop it from debian08:56
tjaaltonwhich means it'll autosync to bionic too08:56
tjaaltonseems to be in proposed08:57
duflutjaalton, I know, that's annoying, but am dealing with lots of home maintenance emerergencies today... I think libinput perhaps should have followed our request and made it a configurable option08:57
tjaaltonok, no worries, just a FYI08:58
Nafallomorning o/09:12
oSoMoNmorning Nafallo09:16
TrevinhoHello guys... A little jatlagged...13:42
dechinchillaFriends, I pitched an app for Ubuntu I'd like to kickstart in the hopes of getting some early input and feedback. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/661688 I didn't get quite as much of either as I had hoped. What's my next move? Where do I go?13:53
oSoMoNgood morning/afternoon Trevinho14:04
seb128hey Trevinho, back to good old Europe?14:25
seb128lut oSoMoN14:25
seb128dechinchilla, hey, try maybe ubuntu-users list or forums?14:26
dechinchillaseb128, Thanks14:26
seb128yw! and good luck with the app14:27
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oSoMoNsalut seb12814:49
Trevinhoseb128: yeah.. back to the cold :)15:05
Trevinhohey oSoMoN15:05
kenvandinejibel, sru bug 1736232 has been in the queue for 10 days.  anything we can do to get that to updates?15:52
ubot5`bug 1736232 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Zesty) "GNOME Software shows U1 login for snaps" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173623215:52
jibelkenvandine, I approved bug 1716633 this morning (needed to wait to check if there was new crashes for this version on errors.u.c)16:07
ubot5`bug 1716633 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Zesty) "Installed, popular and featured snaps are loaded in parallel threads can crash" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171663316:07
jibelkenvandine, it should be good to publish now.16:07
kenvandinejibel, awesome16:08
jibelkenvandine, you can ask someone from the sru team on #ubuntu-release16:08
kenvandinejibel, thx, i pinged16:11
kenvandinejibel, we're very anxious to get started on the next critical gnome-software SRU :)16:11
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flexiondotorgHello desktopers16:54
flexiondotorgAnyone here familiar with the the supported resolutions are for banner-icon.png that is overlaid on banner.png for feature snaps in GNOME Software?16:54
oSoMoNhello flexiondotorg17:03
oSoMoNsorry I'm not familiar with that17:03
flexiondotorgoSoMoN: o/17:03
jibelkenvandine, whn is it planned?17:04
kenvandinejibel, robert already did the backport and james should be working on getting it in proposed17:05
kenvandinejibel, bug 169028017:05
ubot5`bug 1690280 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "Classic confined snaps don't install" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169028017:05
jibelkenvandine, okay, QA can probably do the verification this week for a release 1st week of january17:06
kenvandinejibel, great17:07
kenvandinepopey, ^^17:07
flexiondotorgoSoMoN: Where is the source for the snap plugin for GNOME software?17:09
jbichaflexiondotorg: it's upstream so https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/tree/plugins/snap17:10
flexiondotorgThanks jbicha17:10
GunnarHjjbicha: Are you there?18:57
jbichaI'm half here .)18:58
GunnarHjjbicha: Ok. Just wondered if you could sponsor bug #1735362. But it's no urgency, I suppose.19:06
ubot5`bug 1735362 in ibus-libpinyin (Ubuntu) "Replace ibus-sunpinyin with ibus-libpinyin" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173536219:06
GunnarHjdoko: If I forward to Debian, that would be including your change of the build dep from python2 to python3.19:08
dokoGunnarHj: ta!19:08
GunnarHjdoko: Ok.19:08
jbichaGunnarHj: ask Seb if you want the desktop bugs team subscribed to pkgs19:11
dokoGunnarHj: hmm, where did you forward the patch to Debian?19:32
GunnarHjdoko: Haven't done it yet...19:48
jibelkenvandine, is there a card on the board for next sru?19:48
kenvandinejibel, nope19:48
kenvandinewell, i don't think so :)19:49
jibelkenvandine, I didn't find any19:49
GunnarHjjbicha: Ok, I'll ask Seb about that. Or do you see an alternative?19:49
kenvandinejibel, i'll add one19:49
jibelkenvandine, thanks.19:49
jbichaalternative to Seb? no, he's irreplacable :)19:50
kenvandinejibel, actually there is19:50
kenvandinewell, not specifically for the sru19:50
kenvandinebut that's for the fix19:50
kenvandinejibel, i assume we need a new card?19:51
jbichamy understanding is that Main packages need a Canonical team subscriber and I guess that means ibus stuff falls to the Desktop team these days19:51
jibelkenvandine, i'd be useful to have a card for each SRU with the list of bugs that it will address19:52
jibelso yes, a new card19:53
kenvandinejibel, will do19:53
jibelunless it's the only bug fixed in this sru19:53
kenvandineit is just one bug19:53
kenvandinejamesh should be able to confirm19:53
GunnarHjjbicha: Yeah, that was my understanding.19:53
jibeli find cards to document a single bug redundant with LP, but that's my opinion :)19:55
kenvandinejibel, cool, then we'll just use the bug :)19:55
dokoGunnarHj: please do20:01
GunnarHjdoko: I will in an hour or two.20:11
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oSoMoNg’night folks21:48

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