
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETukdgmjcp: jalcine BenderRodriguez ducasse ikevin jink nicomachus Mr_0 hggdh ReimuHakurei phunyguy LambdaComplex IdleOne guntbert el matsasc leftyfb trijntje freakyy davidcalle pchoo kostkon daftykins Hirppa Met01:30
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETtxcxwxr: BenderRodriguez popey StanleyHsiao Tesla42 ubot9 harrow acheronuk ubot5` eruditass davidcalle matsasc nicomachus leftyfb daftykins IdleOne Mr_0 Lukewh ubuntulog2 ducasse jink Bashin01:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETqkoqeypy: kostkon Lukewh ubot5` JanC Hirppa Metacity daftykins boshhead ariver BenderRodriguez Ben64 nicomachus pauljw el dragan-s phunyguy Tesla42 alkisg eruditass trijntje ReimuHakurei matsasc KeithIMyers Mr_0 hggdh leftyfb ikevin Bashing-om EriC^^ harrow ubot9 DJones guntbert freakyy le01:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETkfxyjgw: Lukewh ubot5` guntbert JanC kkremitzki Hirppa trijntje lordievader DJones alkisg acheronuk EriC^^ diarpi harrow eruditass matsasc pauljw KeithIMyers Ben64 popey Tesla42 leochill1 StanleyHsiao leftyfb hggdh jalcine Bashing-om DalekSec Spydar007 freakyy phunyguy Metacity BenderRodri01:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETlgzlzy: eruditass freakyy ubot9 BenderRodriguez jalcine el leochill1 nicomachus phunyguy ubuntulog2 popey ubot5` ducasse guntbert alkisg boshhead lordievader Lukewh matsasc LambdaComplex Ben64 Bashing-om dragan-s IdleOne acheronuk Mr_0 kkremitzki Metacity Spyd01:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETcgaurtwd: Spydar007 phunyguy Ben64 nicomachus KeithIMyers eruditass IdleOne jink Tesla42 BenderRodriguez pauljw daftykins leochill1 pchoo popey ducasse ariver guntbert trijntje jalcine diarpi DJones harrow EriC^^ Metacity dragan-s ubot9 LambdaComplex lordievader Lukewh ubuntulog201:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNEThwpomdlqvi: el ubuntulog2 ariver pchoo eruditass Lukewh leochill1 Bashing-om LambdaComplex boshhead ikevin Hirppa trijntje guntbert nicomachus jink dragan-s alkisg StanleyHsiao Ben64 lordievader ReimuHakurei ubot5` ducasse ubot9 Metacity matsasc davi01:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETffqkcz: ducasse ubot9 diarpi leochill1 pauljw eruditass dragan-s ariver LambdaComplex StanleyHsiao Mr_0 Tesla42 nicomachus BenderRodriguez hggdh el trijntje matsasc ReimuHakurei IdleOne DalekSec Bashing-om kostkon alkisg acheronuk leftyfb ikevin phunyguy ubuntulog2 EriC^^ Hirppa harrow dav01:31
koralg889▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETpvsmel: BenderRodriguez JanC DJones Mr_0 leochill1 matsasc daftykins hggdh kostkon leftyfb ubot5` boshhead ducasse DalekSec popey ubot9 ReimuHakurei kkremitzki nicomachus pchoo StanleyHsiao jalcine acheronuk davidcalle dragan-s phunyguy Hirppa Bashing-om jink alkisg freakyy eruditass el ar01:31
LeevancleefHi. XXCoder, what year is your Aspire One?05:33
LeevancleefDo you know its CPU and RAM?05:34
XXCoderfirst one. the orginial. linux version with ssd lol05:34
LeevancleefThis is a netbook from 2008?05:34
LeevancleefYou might try Lubuntu 16.04 LTS05:35
LeevancleefGet the Alternate download05:39
LeevancleefI'm not sure if your CPU is 32 or 64-bit05:39
XXCoderconsidering its age its hard to tell05:40
LeevancleefXXCoder, run the command lscpu05:41
XXCoderah yes AOA11005:41
LeevancleefWhat does it say in the very first line for "Architecture?"05:41
Leevancleefand CPU op-modes05:41
XXCoderdoest say, says no lsb modules aviliable05:42
LeevancleefI found the AOA110 on Newegg. It should have 512 MB RAM and the Intel Atom N270 CPU, which is 32-bit05:44
XXCoderyeah not surpised, it was pretty cheap05:44
XXCoderone of my favorite though05:44
XXCoderI wonder if theres a way to install distro over current distro05:45
XXCoderwithout flash drive and such05:45
LeevancleefThat's a direct link to the image for Lubuntu 16.04 Alternate 32-bit, which imo is your best hope for running a currently supported version of Ubuntu05:45
XXCoderya downloading now05:45
LeevancleefI don't think there's a direct upgrade path from Ubuntu 12.04 to Lubuntu 16.04, unfortunately. You're going to need installation media.05:48
XXCoderyeah have to be flash drive as theres no cd drive :) on both pc and laptop lol05:49
LeevancleefRemember to back up your personal files05:49
LeevancleefYou can use the USB as a live image to try out the OS and it should give you some idea of how it runs05:50
LeevancleefXXCoder, I should point out that Lubuntu uses the LXDE light weight desktop environment. It's going to be a lot different than the Unity desktop you used in Ubuntu 12.0406:05
LeevancleefBut I think it might actually run better on your hardware06:05
XXCoderI dont use unity06:05
XXCoderin least not on pc :) its xfce mint06:05
XXCoderlaptop not too sure what its on06:06
LeevancleefAh, okay then06:06
LeevancleefYou said you were running Ubuntu 12.0406:06
XXCoderyeah it seems to be custom to AOA. I remember installing it but its been few years06:06
ducassegood morning, all06:08
alkisgGood morning ducasse, hi all06:12
ducassehi alkisg - all well? ready for a new week? :)06:12
XXCoderfound old usb drive I modded into lego brick 200 years ago. lets see how much space it has06:13
alkisgYup! Starting with a clone of my disk... and trying to distrupt things less, I'll do dd sda while I'm still using it :D06:13
XXCoder256 mb not enough drat06:13
XXCoderoh wait thats free space06:14
ducassealkisg: i'm going to examine that rpi in more detail today, see if it can be salvaged06:15
ducassenot sure i have a recent backup of the sd card, but...06:16
alkisgducasse: another plan would be to dd/save the sd card, and dd/write a new image from e.g. mate web site06:16
alkisgYou can even just write noob, which is a few mb06:16
alkisgNot a whole os06:16
alkisghttp://director.downloads.raspberrypi.org/NOOBS_lite/images/NOOBS_lite-2017-04-10/NOOBS_lite_v2_4.zip => 30 MB or so06:17
ducassenah, i'll be using xbian on it, so i'll grab the latest image from their site06:18
alkisgducasse: does that have a working youtube media player?06:18
alkisgOuch "In contrast, XBian offers new package updates at least once a week" => sure method to destroy the sd cards :D06:19
ducassepretty sure the youtube addon worked when i last tried it, yes06:19
ducassei've typically only installed updates every couple of months or so, don't see the need to get them all immediately as long as it works06:24
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:34
ducassehi lotuspsychje06:35
ducassehow are you?06:35
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse all fine here and you?06:35
ducasseall good, still quiet :)06:36
lotuspsychje+R magic :p06:36
XXCoderDD takes a while.06:44
lotuspsychjehi XXCoder06:44
lotuspsychjeXXCoder: what are you doing?06:45
XXCoderoh making flash drive install for ubuntu06:45
lotuspsychjecool wich version?µ06:45
ducassedid you set the block size with bs?06:45
XXCoderlubuntu 16.0406:46
XXCoderlaptop may be one of best netbook ever made, but its still a netbook :)06:46
lotuspsychjehardware that works needs ubuntu :p06:47
lotuspsychjewhat you think about adding !usn line on the !eol trigger? good idea?06:56
lotuspsychjehey EriC^06:58
XXCoderLeevancleef: well crap usb drive died lol07:05
XXCoderor maybe not as it is detected in lsusb07:05
EriC^morning all07:08
lotuspsychjehey hey EriC^07:08
EriC^hey lotuspsychje07:08
EriC^how's it going?07:09
lotuspsychjegreat EriC^ 2 pc jobs yesterday07:09
XXCoderdoing md5sum chck :)07:09
LeevancleefXXCoder, You need to burn the ISO to the USB drive07:11
XXCoderI just did dd07:11
XXCoderseems all files verified07:11
XXCoderbut not too sure if it would stop with file difference or just say "error" and keep going07:12
XXCodergonna check mna07:12
XXCoderlol usb drive is now checking "cdrom drive"07:15
ducassehi EriC^ - all well?07:15
XXCoderaoa110 is supposely able to have ram upgrade to 1 gb07:17
XXCoderbut dunno07:17
XXCodertheres also touchscreen hack07:18
XXCoderbut cant buy it now07:18
EriC^hi ducasse , yes thanks, you?07:19
ducasseall good, thanks07:19
XXCoderram upgrade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0TDKRqA7TA really nasty lol07:25
lotuspsychjebbl work08:18
XXCoderumm bit of weird issue09:31
XXCoderlaptop mouse works fine, but if it goes to sleep, and I wake it up09:31
XXCodermouse is gone unless I switch to tty 1 and back to 709:31
XXCoderbesides that strange issue it works nicely. not bad for laptop from 200810:02
EriC^^XXCoder: did you try playing with acpi_osi values?10:04
XXCoderoh just put laptop away lol10:05
XXCoderprevious os wasnt bad but was years old10:06
XXCoderbefore that it was android laptoo lol10:06
XXCoderthen linux again for couple years as I used it for homework and programming projects10:06
EriC^^cs major?10:07
XXCoderbefore that I used toshiba heavylaptop10:08
EriC^^didnt know android had a laptop10:08
XXCoderwell satelette series but I call it you don't need that shoulder laptop10:08
XXCodertheres project android x8610:08
XXCoderit was 13 pounds10:09
EriC^^the toshiba?10:09
XXCoderacer aspire one the first (and the only good one) was very light at 1 pound or so10:09
EriC^^my first laptop was a hp compaq my dad sent me10:09
XXCoderbtw aoa110 was FIRST laptop and first publicily marketed computer with ssd.10:10
EriC^^it looked hilarous, then a dell something, then i bought a hp pavilion g6, now an hp pavilion 1510:10
XXCodertoshiba was already 6 years old back then, bought at late 200210:10
EriC^^same here the compaq was kind of dinosaurus looking10:11
XXCoderI had one newer laptop, compaq one10:12
XXCodergave it away10:12
EriC^^i wonder if they still make any10:12
EriC^^hp bought them, and then i dunno what happened10:13
XXCoderhm maybe its not compaq10:13
EriC^^ever tried msi?10:13
EriC^^its kind of gimmicky, but their hardware is pretty high end10:13
XXCoderheh only msi I know is microsoft installer10:13
EriC^^which country are you from?10:14
BluesKajHowdy folks11:47
EriC^^hey BluesKaj12:17
BluesKajHi EriC^^12:18
BluesKajwhat's up today?12:18
EriC^^not much12:19
EriC^^casual day12:19
BluesKajyeah, probly just do an errand or 2 later, we have freezing rain here so the roads are probly dangerous atm , wait for the salt trucks to run12:27
EriC^^hey pauljw , how's it going? :)15:36
pauljwhi everyone18:40
BluesKajhey pauljw18:50
pauljwhi BluesKaj :)18:54
pauljwhey EriC^^18:54
EriC^^hey pauljw :)18:54
Bashing-omAnnddd we do Monday :) See what the session brings .19:23
lotuspsychjegood evening to all21:37
lotuspsychjeinstalled all machines with bionic21:37
Bashing-omconfidence !21:39
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: or..drived to bug out :p21:40
lotuspsychje2 out 3 machines dont like wayland already21:40
lotuspsychjexorg to the rescue21:40
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: 2 ends on the same rope :)21:41
lotuspsychjeClient: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: AMD C-60 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (997MHz) • Memory: Physical: 3,5 GiB Total (2,4 GiB Free) Swap: 2,0 GiB Total (2,0 GiB Free) • Storage: 12,5 GB / 129,3 GB (116,8 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Funct21:42
lotuspsychjeion 5 • Uptime: 45m 12s21:42
lotuspsychjenite nite22:08

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