
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> I only spent 15 there00:15
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, You have more discipline then I do00:35
floridagram-bot2<ahoneybun> I just got a Google home mini00:43
floridagram-bot2<govatent> nice01:21
floridagram-bot2<govatent> it was such an amazing place01:21
floridagram-bot2<govatent> i actually went because i needed a usb drive for backups for jennifer's computer. her old WD backup drive failed. it was over 5-6 years old and it had smart erros and was causing the OS to act funny trying to read the drive01:21
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Best to replace the drive ASAP01:22
floridagram-bot2<govatent> it wasn't a big deal. just backups. no new data. and it's ok to lose the historical backups01:23
floridagram-bot2<govatent> so i got a new usb, and fired up the backup again01:23
floridagram-bot2<govatent> sadly to say, it's time machine. she had the mac before she met me.01:23
floridagram-bot2<govatent> she now mostly works on a chromebook01:24

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