
NitrigaurUbuntu 17.10: VLC causes Xorg to use 100% CPU. How can I limit Xorg CPU use. I want Xorg to max out at 90% and deny it from getting more resources than that00:02
variableIs there anyone around with the file /usr/share/xsl/docbook-xsl/xhtml/profile-docbook.xsl installed that can tell me what package is comes from?00:21
variableor maybe /usr/local/share/.... ?00:22
variablewould seem to show it comes from docbook-xsl00:22
variablebut I have that installed, and the file does not exist00:23
EriC^^!find profile-docbook.xsl00:24
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 272 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=profile-docbook.xsl&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all00:24
variable"Sorry, your search gave no results"00:25
EriC^^variable: are you sure it's ../share/xsl/ or ../share/xml?00:25
variableEriC^^: I'm expecting it to be $(PREFIX)/share/xsl/docbook-xsl00:27
variablebut if its somewhere else that'd be good to know00:27
variableEriC^^: ooh, that was sufficient, thanks!00:29
variableI hate graitutious differences among packages00:29
variableI also hate software00:30
variablead people00:30
variableEriC^^: thank you!00:30
guifalcaoHey guys,00:59
guifalcaoI just bought a new notebook (ASUS ROG Strix GL753 gaming laptop). I'm trying to install the latest Ubuntu version alongside to windows (I need both). But when I'm at the partitioning step I can only see my hard drive. And I also have a 128gb SSD, which I would like to use for installing the ubuntu01:01
guifalcaoIs there something I can do?01:01
redlegionman, i'm having quite a time getting nw-applet to run proper in awesome wm01:55
Oderushello. i am trying to modify a burg theme to move the menu location but have no clue how to do so  or even what language it is in (xml etc). any ideas01:56
ikoniaburg is pretty obsolete now isn't it ?02:01
ikoniait's certainly not the default boot loader for any os02:02
Oderusit is not default no.02:02
binaryhermitburg?  Is that like grub?02:08
Oderusit is a modified version of grub2 with a graphical iconized menu02:12
Oderusi have already made my own themes but the icon selector is always in the same place and my attempts on moving it have failed.02:13
ikoniaI suspect engaging the burg project directly will get you better results02:21
ikoniapretty much no-one uses it on a regular day to day basis02:21
ikoniaso the specialist experience and docs maybe the quickest path to sucess02:22
Oderusi cannot seem to find the person to contact02:23
Oderusthanks i think i found the person02:32
gt8ost4ldoes anybody kbow of a good ide that supports php 7.2?03:01
theoremI've installed a new AMD Radeon RX580 card ... done the driver install, but now X is giving me trouble.  I am getting the error that I am unable to use the X config and I will need to configure it myself.04:56
theoremthere's not a lot out there on this, beyond diving directly into the x11.conf file .. is there a better place to start ?04:57
theoremhmm, looks like htere is a /var/log/Xorg.0.log ...05:02
XXCoderfor some reason laptop is unable to download updates05:24
XXCoderits been a while so I wonder if distos was moved or something05:24
LeevancleefWhat version of Ubuntu are you running?05:25
XXCodernot too sure how do I find version05:25
LeevancleefXXCoder, you can find it in System Information via GUI, or just go to the terminal and type lsb_release -a05:26
XXCoderubuntu 12.04.505:27
LeevancleefOkay, it's a bit old05:27
tcpdumpHello everyone.05:28
LeevancleefXXCoder, I think 12.04 stopped getting updates some time ago. The current LTS is 16.0405:29
tcpdumpI have ubuntu server - at 11:17 my server went haywire and a bunch of apps crashed.  Im checking syslog and see the following:05:29
XXCoderwhats good distro for acer aspire one?05:29
tcpdumpIm trying to figure out what these are:05:29
tcpdumproot)(command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)05:29
tcpdumpand  (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)05:29
tcpdumpIts almost like it briefly lost network connectivity?05:31
LeevancleefXXCoder, come to #ubuntu-discuss05:32
tcpdumpAny thoughts?05:46
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LeevancleefDoes anyone know about the releases which are labelled as optimized for Raspberry Pi? Could those be an option for similarly ultra low-end machines?06:00
LeevancleefShit, nevermind, it's ARM06:01
alkisgLeevancleef: ubuntu mate is a good choice06:13
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:34
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje06:34
lotuspsychjehey alkisg06:35
CTZENIs it still possible to upgrade Kubuntu this way? https://imgur.com/a/PVpsq06:48
CTZENor Ubuntu ?06:48
lotuspsychje!eol | CTZEN06:49
ubottuCTZEN: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:49
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: i would reccomend installing a version from the topic ^06:49
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: i presume your not paying for 12.04 ESM?06:50
lotuspsychje!usn | CTZEN see the security risks here for end of life versions06:53
ubottuCTZEN see the security risks here for end of life versions: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.06:53
Doc-SaintlyAfter installing MariaDB and doing "start service mysql" it doesn't recognize it06:56
Doc-Saintlywhen I do: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start it returns: [ ok ] Starting mysql (via systemctl): mysql.service.06:56
Doc-Saintlybut the service isn't actually running...06:56
Doc-SaintlyIs this an ubuntu thing from a failed install, or a DB thing?06:57
lotuspsychje!lamp | Doc-Saintly did you start here?06:57
ubottuDoc-Saintly did you start here?: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.06:57
mjrosenbDoes anyone have tips for reducing power usage during S2Idle? my laptop seems to drain about 5% per hour, so it can't even last 24 hours on a full charge.06:57
lotuspsychje!info laptop-mode-tools | mjrosenb06:58
ubottumjrosenb: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.71-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 83 kB, installed size 378 kB06:58
mjrosenblotuspsychje: that does wonders for while the laptop is awake, but I've never seen anything about it improving power usage while in s2i.06:59
lotuspsychjemjrosenb: try installing that package, see if you can tweak more07:00
CTZENubottu: I am now at 17.10, not at EOL release, just asking is it still possible to upgrade ubuntu this way?07:02
ubottuCTZEN: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:02
CTZENlotuspsychje: I am now at 17.10, not at EOL release, just asking is it still possible to upgrade ubuntu this way?07:03
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: your screenshot mentioned other eol versions?07:03
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: if you want right answers, you need to provide us the right info07:04
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: so lets try again, you on 17.10 and you want to upgrade to..?07:05
CTZENlotuspsychje: 18.04 as soon as it will be release07:06
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: 18.04 is still in development right now, but yes the screenshot you showed is the screen of an ubuntu setup with upgrade choices07:06
CTZENI can fire : do_release_upgrade" but internet connection is not stable at where I am now. And its a desktop computer07:06
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: what kinf of upgrade are you wondering about? with usb or with terminal or with GUI update-manager?07:07
CTZENI can fire : Screenshot has an option of "Upgrade". Is it still available to upgrad that way? Thats not my screenshot07:07
CTZENDownloaded from google07:07
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: well we dont know you grab screenshots from google07:08
CTZENlotuspsychje: I want to "Download the ISO, Live boot from USB, and then upgrade without losing my installed apps" unless they are unsupported07:09
CTZENlotuspsychje: Okey, Is it still possible to upgrade that way?07:09
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: yes thats supported, if you wait until 18.04 final has released07:10
CTZENlotuspsychje: Thats nice, I will wait untill 18.04 will release07:10
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: unless you want to help testing 18.04 before final?07:10
CTZENlotuspsychje: Thanks alot07:10
CTZENlotuspsychje: No, No, no testing. this is serious production system07:11
lotuspsychjeCTZEN: allright then its even reccomended to wait for 18.04.107:11
kisukeso stupid question, whats the least worst way of upgradeing an EOL system?07:11
ducasseCTZEN: no, that is _not_ supported anymore afaik07:11
Ben64kisuke: fresh install07:12
CTZENducasse: HUH?07:12
kisuke@ben i said least worst, not bad.07:12
Ben64it is the least worst way07:12
lotuspsychje!eolupgrade | kisuke07:12
ubottukisuke: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:12
ducasseCTZEN: what lotus is saying is incorrect, i'm afraid, you can only upgrade online07:12
lotuspsychjeoh i dint read the online part07:13
kisukethank lotuspsychje07:13
ducasseCTZEN: the upgrader will download everything before actually performing the upgrade, though07:15
Doc-SaintlyI didn't get my mariadb through LAMP, it's just installed using apt install mariadb-server07:17
Doc-Saintlyapt shows it's all configured and installed properly, but none of the commands work to start it up07:17
CTZENducasse: Okey, so what If my connection will drop in the middle of downloading the upgrades? Do I have to restart all over again?07:19
ducasseCTZEN: you restart the upgrade, it should continue where it left off07:20
CTZENducasse: Continue? Ok. Then no problem :)07:21
ducasseCTZEN: the packages it has downloaded will be in the cache, so it won't need to download them again07:22
CTZENducasse: Then it will not be any problem. Thank you for helping with information :)07:23
ducasseCTZEN: no problem :)07:24
CTZENducasse: One more question07:24
CTZENducasse: Due to rise of KDE NEON, I heard rumors about Kubuntu07:24
CTZENSome says "ubuntu" will drop support for KDE flavor in near future. Is it true?07:25
ducasseCTZEN: i seriouslu doubt that07:26
CTZENducasse: Heh, Mee too07:26
Doc-Saintlyeh, I'll try later07:32
johan-hedinsudo apt-get update with this command i am getting some issues some broken package08:23
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johan-hedinhere is my result of update command08:24
alkisgjohan-hedin: it's simple, just remove the broken repositories that you installed08:28
alkisgRun software-properties-gtk, and remove the ones that you installed and that  are causing errors08:28
johan-hedinand how to fix " Signature by key C9467A8216C570CDFBAC3AFD331D6DDE7F8840CE uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)08:28
johan-hedin "08:29
alkisgYou remove that repository08:29
EriC^^johan-hedin: that's just a warning about the hash algorithm08:29
alkisgIt's not from ubuntu08:29
EriC^^ignore it08:29
johan-hedinDont know whats going with my system.. i am facing lot of issues08:32
johan-hedinlike teamviewer_13.0.5693_amd64.deb i cant install it via Software update08:32
EriC^^such as?08:32
EriC^^it's not in the repos?08:32
johan-hedini cant install latest team viewer in my system08:32
johan-hedinseems not08:33
EriC^^johan-hedin: try to open a terminal, cd to the dir and type sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_13........deb08:33
johan-hedinEriC^^, again issue https://pastebin.com/3z7LXbZb08:35
EriC^^johan-hedin: type "sudo apt-get -f install"08:35
johan-hedinEriC^^, done now. ?08:37
EriC^^johan-hedin: all good no errors?08:37
EriC^^johan-hedin: try launching teamviewer08:37
johan-hedinRemoving teamviewer (13.0.5693) ...08:37
johan-hedin :P08:37
EriC^^johan-hedin: which ubuntu release is it?08:38
johan-hedin16.04 lts08:38
alkisgYou tried launching teamviewer and it removed it? That sounds rather strange :)08:38
EriC^^!info libqt5x11extras5 xenial08:39
ubottulibqt5x11extras5 (source: qtx11extras-opensource-src): Qt 5 X11 extras. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.1-3build1 (xenial), package size 7 kB, installed size 34 kB08:39
johan-hedinalkisg, i did not remove it..08:39
alkisgWhat does this mean? [10:37] <johan-hedin> Removing teamviewer (13.0.5693) ...08:39
johan-hedinalkisg, please check communication between us08:39
johan-hedinsudo apt-get -f install result its alkisg08:39
alkisgAh, that's what apt install said, ok08:39
alkisgTry with apt-get update; apt install teamviewer*.deb08:40
alkisgapt install tries to resolve dependencies, while dpkg -i doesn't08:40
EriC^^johan-hedin: try "sudo apt-get install libqt5x11extras5 qtdeclarative5-controls-plugin qtdeclarative5-dialogs-plugin08:40
EriC^^alkisg: good one, johan-hedin try it08:41
johan-hedinEriC^^, https://paste.ubuntu.com/26207430/08:42
xcom169hello all08:43
xcom169Do you use GPA ?08:43
EriC^^xcom169: what's GPA?08:44
xcom169EriC^^: gnu privacy assitant08:45
xcom169sudo apt-get install gpa08:46
johan-hedinEriC^^, i am waiting for next help :P08:46
EriC^^johan-hedin: try sudo apt install /path/to/teamviewer......deb08:47
johan-hedinEriC^^, its on my home and same :)08:48
EriC^^johan-hedin: can you pastebin?08:48
alkisgjohan-hedin: apt policy libqt5x11extras508:54
alkisgPut that to pastebin. Your sources sound ...missing :)08:54
johan-hedinN: Unable to locate package libqt5x11extras08:54
alkisgjohan-hedin: well then your sources are a mess. Run software-properties-gtk and put them back08:55
alkisg!libqt5x11extras xenial08:55
alkisg!info libqt5x11extras xenial08:55
ubottuPackage libqt5x11extras does not exist in xenial08:55
alkisg!info libqt5x11extras5 xenial08:55
ubottulibqt5x11extras5 (source: qtx11extras-opensource-src): Qt 5 X11 extras. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.1-3build1 (xenial), package size 7 kB, installed size 34 kB08:55
johan-hedinalkisg, https://imgur.com/a/BeFOw08:59
alkisgjohan-hedin: in the first tab, enable the normal sources, main, universe etc09:01
alkisgdon't enable any developer options09:01
johan-hedinwell done EriC^^09:07
johan-hedingreat alkisg09:07
s4ltHaving a strange issue - ssh is very laggy or hangs on connection unless '-T' flag is used, in which it is very responsive.09:20
s4ltHave tried a variety of networking setups and a variety of servers.09:21
s4lthangs on "debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768"09:22
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ren0v0Hi, is there a problem in ubuntu with cron.hourly ?09:52
ren0v0A script that works in cron.daily isn't working when moved to cron.hourly. I note that the line in /etc/crontab for the hourly cron doesn't pipe through "anaparts", and also i'm getting errors in cron logs now  "CRON (root) ERROR: failed to open PAM security session: Success"09:53
ikoniarvgate: so you have a permissions problem then10:07
WhiskeyWhy do i get "Too many levels of symbolic links" when i try to overwrite a current symlink in terminal?10:15
rvgateikonia, ??10:15
EraserPencilDoes anyone have experience with CLI translation?10:28
Ben64ask your actual question10:29
tatertotsEraserPencil: probably would go smoother if you just admit what your actual problem or issue is10:30
EraserPencilI followed the github examples and read the guide from the man page but cant seem to get it to work10:32
tatertotsEraserPencil: get "it" to work?...is there another word or term more detailed you could used as substitute for "it"?10:34
EraserPencil"it" = translate-shell10:35
Ben64use the version in the ubuntu repository10:36
ren0v0ikonia, was you meaning to highlight me ?10:43
ren0v0ikonia, if so, why is that? I'm using the default ubuntu crontab, is there an issue with the hourly line as its different to the rest  https://pastebin.com/tjFtwj1f10:44
EraserPencilBen64: yea was having some problems with the one in the repo, but I'll try hacking away at it. I feel it's user error, was hoping someone had experience with it here10:46
Ben64EraserPencil: could download the newer version, its only a bash script you could run it from anywhere10:50
adrian_1908If I want to use Vulkan with the proprietary Nvidia drivers, do I need to install anything extra, or is that functionality part of the main package by now?11:20
killallHello how can i enable lock screen? https://i.stack.imgur.com/XldZ8.png11:21
XXCoderkillall: try clicking "on" or was it disabled?11:22
XXCoderthink it is actually on? that theme scheme coloring suck11:22
killallXXCoder, cant lock the screen :(11:23
killallsuper + l not working neither i have the option on the menu11:23
XXCodersadly I cant test super key as I use mac keyboard11:24
XXCoderso no sysrq11:24
XXCoderI really need to define alternate superkey11:24
killalli have in the menu, logout suspend and shutdown not the lock the screen as i always had11:25
killallnot the only one :) https://askubuntu.com/questions/986182/ubuntu-17-10-screen-lock-not-working-and-grey/987384#98738411:26
xcom169Do you use GPA ?11:35
xcom169Anybody can help me?11:35
hateball!ask | xcom16911:39
ubottuxcom169: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:39
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:47
xcom169How to set up entry password into GPA? So to start up GPA, ask for a password11:47
Ben64and GPA is....?11:48
anddamhow do I force ugprade of packages that have been kept back?11:48
hateballanddam: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:50
anddamnamely I added https://launchpad.net/~mercurial-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/releases and both mercurial and mercurial-common are listed as upgradable but kept back11:50
anddammmm this uninstalls tortoise-hg and marks a bunch of other packages as no longer required11:50
anddamshould I reinstall tortoise-hg afterwards or can I "update-in-place" mercurial?11:51
anddamnvm, my bad11:52
anddamDepends: mercurial (< 3.8~)11:52
hateball!ppa | anddam11:58
ubottuanddam: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:58
anddamI see12:01
vallahey I've got a lab openstack setup, installed with conjure-up lxd version.. but Im having some issues with the networking. Anyone here that could help or point me in the correct direction?13:32
Levin^I'm trying to make my www-data user to have ftp permissions, how to do that?13:35
leftyfbLevin^: you should use virtualhosts13:49
Levin^leftyfb: what if nginx?13:56
Saganhi there, I have a problem: I'm using mate-panel for having a GUI, but it crashed, and I can't connect via RDP to it. Is there a way to restart it without rebooting the server?14:18
SaganI guess it is, but which commands do I have to use?14:18
SaganI found already killall mate-panel online, but then I get "no process found"14:18
leloguys, to block portmap and dns connections to my server, is it better to use hosts.allow/hosts.deny or iptables?14:22
leloor another mean to do the same?14:22
alkisgSagan: to start mate-panel, type: mate-panel --replace14:31
Saganalkisg: then my console tells me that is was not able to load the module, gail, atk-bridge, and writes: (mate-panel:25571): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:14:32
alkisgSagan: are you connected via ssh?14:32
Saganalkisg: yep14:32
alkisgYou can't normally launch gui programs via ssh14:33
Saganalkisg: hm, but when I connect via RDP which was working before, it fails14:33
alkisgYou need vnc access to do that14:33
alkisgCan you upload the output of `ps faux | nc termbin.com 9999`?14:33
alkisgTo see the processes running?14:34
Saganalkisg: nc: command not found. what kind of process are you looking for?14:34
alkisgTo quickly see how you are launching rdp14:35
alkisgAnd if it crashed or if it's still running etc14:35
alkisgIf nc isn't there, that doesn't sound like mate14:35
Saganalkisg: mate-panel was running before IIRC. Currently the service xrdp is running14:37
SaganI restarted that service already but that didn't help14:38
BluesKajSagan, check if you have netcat installed14:41
SaganBluesKaj: it isn't14:42
BluesKajnc is netcat, dunno id it's default in mate, you should install it14:43
alkisgnetcat-openbsd is a dependency of ubuntu-minimal, present in all ubuntu installations14:44
Saganalkisg: then it looks like my host has and interesting version of xenial, it wasn't installed yet14:46
BluesKajalkisg, I had to install in kde/plasma a few dats ago14:46
BluesKajdays even14:46
jk^hi all14:49
alkisghttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu-mate.xenial/all => netcat-openbsd                                              | netcat-openbsd                        | Ubuntu-Mate.Xenial minimal seed                       | Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>      |           39052 |             10814:50
alkisgSame in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.xenial/all14:50
killallHello how can i enable lock screen? https://i.stack.imgur.com/XldZ8.png14:51
BluesKajyeah, the openbsd version alkisg , I was just looking for netcat in the terminal, not installed14:52
alkisgYeah openbsd is the preinstalled version, if someone wants he can replace it with -traditional (the plain netcat is the -traditional one)14:54
jk^i have a problem with PAE. I read all the guide, but it appears 3 dashes not 2, then i don't know which is the correct syntax of the text i have to enter :|14:56
jk^Guides tell do add forcepae -- forcepae (after ...quiet splash) but there are 3 dashes :\ which is the correct syntax?14:56
jk^i link an image https://drive.google.com/open?id=181PSJoEKNHMOLGavbWzuBIh9_CaqTFli14:56
alkisgjk^: three dashes mean "whatever I put there should go both to the live and to the installed system"14:57
alkisgIf you're sure you want pae nowadays.... put three dashes14:57
jk^to the live means "live usb"?14:58
alkisgjk^: yes15:04
neuredoes ubuntu have keyboard shortcut to minimize window?15:04
neurei think i pressed some key combo and my terminal window just disappeared15:05
jk^alkisg ok then? Which is the correct syntax? :|15:05
neurehow do i get it back?15:05
alkisgjk^: I already answered, [16:57] <alkisg> If you're sure you want pae nowadays.... put three dashes15:05
leftyfbneure: what version of ubuntu?15:05
jk^ehm, maybe it's due to my english, but i don't understand what i have to type :\15:05
jk^alkisg :(15:05
jk^excuse me15:05
leftyfbneure: look in your side bar on the left for the window icon15:05
neureaccording to the switcher i dont have those terminal windows any more15:06
leftyfbneure: then they are closed15:06
neuremaybe there is also key combo to close terminal window?15:06
leftyfbthere is15:06
leftyfbneure: look in your keyboard settings under shortcuts15:07
neurei got a new keyboard, tenkeyless us layout, and i am accidentally pressing some keys :/15:07
gguu33sstt_hi, i just upgraded my lenovo s10-2 to lubuntu 17.10 from a previous version. after reboot i get the following message "/dev/sda1: clean xxx/xxx files, xxx/xxx blocks" and cant login. im running it in recovery mode right now. i will appreciate any help15:09
neurenah this is something else15:11
neurethe whole terminal window just disappers15:11
EriC^^gguu33sstt_: do you get a login screen?15:11
gguu33sstt_no i dont15:11
EriC^^gguu33sstt_: try without recovery mode, when you get that screen try "ctrl+alt+f1 or f2" and try to login, can you use the pc and talk here at the same time?15:12
gguu33sstt_yeah im gonna switch computers15:13
srulican i boot ubuntu from regular bootable usb on mac or does the usb need to be prepared differently to boot a mac?15:18
alkisgjk^: you're supposed to type --- forcepae15:19
jk^no :\ i don't know what i have to type :(15:20
alkisgjk^: --- forcepae15:21
alkisgI don't know what else to tell you15:21
alkisgIt's just one word15:21
jk^so i try with: ...quiet splash --- forcepae15:21
alkisgjk^: are you sure you need forcepae? Which cpu do you have exactly?15:21
jk^yes, it's celeron m15:22
jk^just another question15:22
jk^the guide tells that after enter the parameter forcepae, i have to press "Return"15:22
jk^return is the "Esc"?15:22
jk^or "enter"?15:22
alkisgNo, it's "enter"15:22
gguu33ssttEriC^^: y tried ctrl + alt + f1 and tried to log in but i get "failed to connect to http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release. check your internet connection or proxy setting"15:22
jk^thanks a lot15:22
jk^the problem is that many and many people tells me to enter the forcepae "TWO TIMES (before and after)". Then i have doubt about that15:23
EriC^^gguu33sstt: no problem, that's from the motd, can you get an internet connection on the machine to upload logs and stuff?15:23
alkisgjk^: you only need it one time, after the ---15:23
gguu33ssttEriC^^: just by connecting an ethernet cable?15:24
EriC^^gguu33sstt: yeah that might work15:26
[worksti]hello, i have set up postfix and sendmail, but i would like mail that goes to my account to be forwarded to my gmail account. i have searched the net, but all i could find were guides on how to send mail to OTHER people VIA gmail, but that is not what i want, i just want my own mail to be sent to my own mail account. can someone point me in the correct direction ?15:26
gguu33ssttEriC^^: ok its connected15:28
leftyfb[worksti]: if you search google for "postfix forward email" I have confirmed that the first 5 results all tell you exactly how to configure your server to forward email to another account15:29
gguu33ssttEriC^^: tried to log in again but i get the same message15:30
EriC^^gguu33sstt: can you press ctrl+c or something to get a shell?15:30
gguu33ssttEriC^^: sh command will work?15:32
EriC^^gguu33sstt: do you get a prompt right now? such as user@host:$ ?15:33
gguu33ssttEriC^^: yes i was already on that prompt15:35
EriC^^gguu33sstt: ok, try "sudo systemctl start lightdm"15:35
gguu33ssttEriC^^: nothing15:37
EriC^^gguu33sstt: try pressing ctrl+alt+f7 or ctrl+alt+f115:38
gguu33ssttEriC^^: i put my password and got back to the prompt15:38
ioriagguu33sstt, can you boot another kernel ? like 4.10 or such ?15:39
gguu33ssttEriC^^: if i hit ctrl + alt + f7 i get the mouse cursor15:39
gguu33ssttEriC^^: im going to try booting on 4.1015:40
EriC^^gguu33sstt: try ctrl+alt+f1 again and type "sudo systemctl restart lightdm"15:40
gguu33ssttEriC^^: i booted on 4.10 (not recovery mode) and it worked15:44
ioriagguu33sstt, if your video card is MG 945 it's likely  to be hit by a bug with 4.13 kern15:44
EriC^^gguu33sstt: ah great15:44
ioriagguu33sstt,  lspci -k | grep -i VGA -A 215:44
gguu33ssttioria: that command line goes in the 4.13 kernel prompt?15:46
ioriagguu33sstt,  nope... why ?15:47
gguu33ssttioria: where i put that command line?15:47
ioriagguu33sstt,  open a terminal, please15:47
gguu33ssttioria: ok15:48
ioriagguu33sstt,  lspci -k | grep -i VGA  and copy/paste the line here15:48
[worksti]leftyfb: thanks, it seems i misunderstood what i wanted to do15:50
gguu33ssttioria: "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GSE Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)15:50
jk^alkisg, so is the content of that image wrong?15:50
ioriagguu33sstt,  yes, 945GSE15:50
[worksti]ive got it working the way i want now. any way to send the 'old mail' ? it already went to my user mail on the server, visible in the mail tool, but its not forwarding to my gmail, only new incoming mail is15:50
HathadarI am trying to mount an NTFS RAID0 array from an old windows box.  mount complains the device is already mounted or busy but it does not show up in the mount list.15:50
ioriagguu33sstt,  there is a bug for your card and the new 4.13 kernel ...15:51
ioriagguu33sstt,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/172463915:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in Linux "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [High,Confirmed]15:51
leftyfb[worksti]: you'll have to use a mail client configured to look at your local machine and manually forward each email15:51
ioriagguu33sstt,  in that post you can find a couples of workarounds15:52
ioriagguu33sstt,  like edit  /etc/default/grub  with GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text  or using  'nomodeset' parameter15:53
DaekdroomHello, I've just installed a new pair of speakers for my PC, but I can't seem to reproduce audio through them. I've checked PulseAudio and ALSA settings to no avail.15:54
EriC^^Daekdroom: maybe this can help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure15:57
BluesKajDaekdroom, checked them how ?15:57
DaekdroomBluesKaj, pavucontrol and alsamixer.15:57
DaekdroomEither way, I figured it out now, oh well.15:58
DaekdroomPulseaudio set my video card to a duplex output instead of stereo analog, whatever the difference is.15:58
BluesKajDaekdroom, in alsamixer make sure automute isd disabled and your vol ctls aren't muted(MM)15:59
DaekdroomBluesKaj, yeah, checked that already.15:59
gguu33ssttioria: thanks i will try them and see how it goes. i will be around if i need more help. thank you EriC^^ as well15:59
BluesKajgda set you pavucontrol to analog out if you have that option15:59
ioriagguu33sstt,  ok15:59
DaekdroomIt doesn't help that the speakers show up as two devices and it doesn't give a clue as to which I should choose, but yeah, I think I got it working.16:00
EriC^^gguu33sstt: no problem16:00
SPFI'm on 16 LTS, and lightdm is not working. I'm not able to log into the GUI16:04
SPFI get failed to start session16:05
alkisgjk^: you've asked me 100 times, I don't know how to tell it with other words. That image means "use forcepae only on the live cd". If you put it after ---, it means "use it in the live cd AND in the installed system". So yes, it's wrong.16:11
alkisgjk^: it's not even that important, you can add it later if you want16:12
slogger3141hello - 1st ever post so be gentle :-) - I have a query regarding backport of a wifi driver to ubuntu 1404 if its suitable for this channel?16:21
slogger3141i have a new laptop - currently has to run 1404 - cant yet use 1604 (which works with the wifi card - have booted off usb and ok)16:22
slogger3141also works with kernel 4.9 running on 140416:23
slogger3141however fails on 1404 with 4.6 kernel16:23
EriC^^!hwe | slogger314116:23
ubottuslogger3141: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:23
tomreynslogger3141: welcome! if it's about ubuntu support, you're welcome to just ask your very question right away, no need for politeness (asking to ask) there.16:23
slogger3141will checkout the link ubottu posted16:24
tomreynslogger3141: i'm still trying to understand this: (if i get you right) you're saying that everything works fine on ubuntu 16.04, but you somehow (can you explain how?) have to use 14.04 instead. 14.04 comes with linux 3.13.0 by default, the newest supported kernel package you can run there is (package 'linux-generic-lts-xenial')16:31
DaekdroomHello again, how do I disable the boot splash screen in Ubuntu 17.10? It seems that editing grub is not enough anymore.16:32
EriC^^Daekdroom: did you update-grub after editing?16:33
DaekdroomEriC^^, yes16:34
EriC^^Daekdroom: can you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/cmdline" ?16:34
tomreynshould be just one line16:34
DaekdroomEriC^^, I'm in recovery mode but I want a splashless normal session.16:35
EriC^^Daekdroom: removing 'quiet splash' usually does it..16:35
slogger3141tomreyn: yes all works ok if i install 1604 - however due to application requirements currently I have to use 140416:35
DaekdroomEriC^^, as far as I know, there's something to fiddle with systemd now.16:35
slogger3141from an app perspective the newest kernel we can use is 4.616:36
alkisg16.04 comes with 4.416:37
slogger3141ideally yes - we should move to 1604; but not an option today16:37
tomreynslogger3141: what kind of applications demand a specific kernel version?16:37
tomreynslogger3141: if it's not a matter of kernel modules, i would suggest running those applications inside a container / VM then16:38
tomreynVM also works if it's about the kernel16:38
tomreynslogger3141: backporting wireless drivers won't be fun, and moreover finding a kernel version which is all of: (a) supported (gets security patches), (b) new enough to support your hardware and (c) old enough to make your application snot fail ... will be difficult16:40
slogger3141yes - I've tried downloading the latest iwlwifi and recompiling on 1404 - not fun :-(16:40
EriC^^slogger3141: maybe the lts-xenial will be good for you, if 16.04 worked16:41
EriC^^(the hwe package + xorg stack)16:41
tomreynslogger3141: in case containers are not an option / too complicated and you dislike the virtualization approach, you cuold also try to buy additional, pluggable, hardware which works with the older kernel. but this will only last until trusty looses support.16:42
slogger3141thanks Eric - I'll download that and give it a go16:42
N0rbertDear all! I have a problem with bug 1727687. What should I do to confirm and triage it?16:42
ubottubug 1727687 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd boots system offline ("Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job network.target/stop")" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172768716:42
slogger3141we should be on 1604 in 1st quarte 2018- however wanted a temp fix so we can use new laptops before then16:42
tomreynslogger3141: yes you should try linux-generic-lts-xenial first of all.16:44
TJ-slogger3141: is the application requirement really dependent on the kernel version, or is is (more likey) dependent on library version?16:44
slogger3141definitely kernel related - cant really say more sorry16:45
* tomreyn guesses it's AV :)16:45
TJ-slogger3141: Linus is very particulalr that the kernel MUST NOT break userpace; if it does, then that's a serious bug16:46
tcpdumpHey everyone, I have a server that tanked at about 6:32 AM CST-  Our monitoring showed that it was in distress. I see no logs referencing any issues. I've looked at dmesg, syslog, etc.  Are there any other logs that would show a drop in network, for example?16:51
TJ-tcpdump: kern.log (mostly historical dmesg), auth.log16:52
tomreynbut since network is not part of the system you'd need to montor / log network availability / performance outside of the system / seperately.16:53
tomreynalso check the OOB / hardware event log if this system provides such.16:57
alkisgslogger3141: 16.04.1 comes with 4.4, which meets your requirements. The latest one, 16.04.3 comes with 4.10, so *don't* download that one, download 16.04.117:05
alkisgUpdating 16.04.1 will still keep the 4.4 kernel17:06
tomreynalkisg: i think he said he must not use ubuntu 16.04, must use 14.0417:07
slogger3141yup - but will use 1604 next year17:07
alkisgtomreyn: he said "up to 4.6 kernel"17:07
alkisgSo, 16.04 fits that17:07
alkisgAnyways, if there are other requirements, sure17:07
* alkisg doesn't know what the problem is anyway, just saw the kernel version there :)17:08
tomreynnobody knows but the one who asked. ;)17:08
slogger3141and even he's not 100% sure ;-)17:09
* alkisg suspects some aircracking software... when people feel the need to hide... it's for a reason :D17:09
N0rbertalkisg, do you remember bug 1487679? I have similar problem - bug 1727687. What should I/we do to triage them. They broke LTSP sometimes.17:16
ubottubug 1487679 in nbd (Ubuntu Xenial) "CRITICAL BUG: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job NetworkManager.service/start" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148767917:16
ubottubug 1727687 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd boots system offline ("Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job network.target/stop")" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172768717:16
tomreynis there an EOL for 12.04 ESM? if so, which?17:18
tomreynalso, will there be ESM for 14.04?17:18
p1l0tSo I'm still on Ubuntu 15.04 and I can't update or upgrade anymore. I tried using a sed command to get willy updates and I still got the 404. Am I screwed do I have to do a clean install?17:33
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:35
whitebeasthello im running ubuntu 16.4 and i have a usb stick that is not showing up. whne i open gparted it shows its there but says its unallocated. how do i fix this?17:48
mentalitain ls -l output17:49
mentalita-rw-rw-r-- 1 mentalita mentalita      0 Dec 17 15:35 217:49
mentalitafisrt 'mentalita' is user, and second is group17:49
mentalitawhat's the difference?17:49
mentalitaI mean what is a user and what is a group17:49
leftyfbwhitebeast: that means there's no partition on it. Use gparted to create partition and format it17:49
lordcirth_workwhitebeast, it sounds like it's unformatted.  Is there supposed to be something on it?17:49
mentalitaalso, the first dash, I was told it's for special permission. What are those?17:50
lordcirth_workmentalita, there's a great guide here: https://linuxjourney.com/lesson/file-permissions17:50
whitebeastlefty : when i create a partition table it should be msdos right?17:51
lordcirth_workwhitebeast, for a USB stick to store files?  Yes, msdos is good.17:53
mentalitalordcirth_work: it is indeed a nice guide, but it doesn't say what is a group and what is a user.17:53
Jeatonive been out of touched for awhile, is ubuntu still using unity has the standard de?17:53
whitebeastinput output error on dev/     ?????17:54
lordcirth_workmentalita, your user is the account you log in as.  Your username and password.17:54
whitebeastthe stick itself is in rough sape. could it just be damaged?17:54
lordcirth_workJeaton, currently yes, next release 18.04 will not.17:54
mentalitalordcirth_work: and a group?17:54
lordcirth_workwhitebeast, quite possible, USBs break easily17:54
Jeatonlordcirth_work: going to gnome 3?17:54
whitebeastok thanks you guys17:55
lordcirth_workmentalita, a group is a way of categorizing users.  By default, users get a group created just for them, because you have to belong to a group.17:55
mentalitalordcirth_work: I see, thanks.17:56
lordcirth_workA user can in fact belong to multiple groups, but has to be in at least one group.17:56
mentalitais root in a group?17:56
ioriamentalita,  yes, in the root group18:00
mentalitahow can I see the groups?18:00
mentalitamentalita@mentalita-pc:~$ groups mentalita adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare18:01
ioriamentalita,  cat /etc/group18:01
ioriamentalita,  or type 'id'18:01
mentalitaum...a group is a collection of users, right? there's say 'bin' group. what does it consist of? which users?18:02
mentalitathis doesn't make sense18:02
EriC^^mentalita: some groups are for programs and dont have a home dir and a set shell even18:07
mentalitaEriC^^: okay, but do those groups still consist of users? if so, which ones? the only one?18:08
mentalita(in this case)18:08
ioriamentalita, already posted you  cat /etc/group  right ?18:10
mentalitaioria: yes?18:10
ioriamentalita, so, if you want to know what users are in a specific group, you look into it18:11
mentalitaioria: can it be empty?18:11
mentalitaand what are those numbers18:12
mentalitawhat is 6018:12
ioriamentalita, guid18:12
lordcirth_workusers and groups have numeric ids, uids and gids respectively, as the guide I linked mentions18:14
mentalitaok will look18:14
adrian_1908In ~/.profile I export LD_LIBRARY_PATH but the variable remains undefined, whereas other exports next to it in the same file get exported. Any idea what might cause this?18:27
TJ-adrian_1908: something else cancelling it out afterwards?18:30
adrian_1908TJ-: my first thought too, but nothing there. Could it be that `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/other/path"` doesn't work if the variable starts out empty?18:31
m5wHello.  I have a setup script that gets run with sudo -i and occasionally uses sudo -iu "$SUDO_USER" to run commands as me.  Is there a better way to emulate me running something with plain sudo (not -i) than to execute sudo inside sudo -iu "$SUDO_USER"?18:31
lordcirth_workconcatenating emptystring with the string should get you ":/other/path" I think18:31
lordcirth_workYup it does18:32
lordcirth_workYou probably don't actually want a leading colon18:32
adrian_1908Yup, it does. Maybe that'll ill formatted and gets swallowed when defined in ~/.profile. Since I don't have anything else, I'll just define the path alone.18:33
TJ-adrian_1908: you could try adding "set -x" (the debugging option - displays each line before executing it) earlier and see what's going on18:34
Whiskeyif i are in path /sdfd how do i look in the path before that one and build on that path?18:39
Whiskeyroot/current-path root/some/dir/i/try/point/to18:40
TJ- Whiskey  ../18:40
Whiskey../some/dir/i/try/point/to <- does that work?18:40
TJ-Whiskey: ".." means "parent directory"18:40
Whiskeyto start look from root again i mean18:40
Whiskeyi know it does, but does it work if you build on it18:40
Whiskeyit did18:41
TJ-Whiskey: use a variable set to the starting point. E.g. BASE="root"; ls "$ROOT/current-path $ROOT/some/dir/i/try/point/to"18:41
Whiskeyhmm thats smart thanks18:42
TJ-Whiskey: but use the same variable name, ignore my bad example!18:43
Levin^hi there18:52
Levin^there are updates on a webserver running ubuntu every now and then18:53
Levin^so I was wondering if it's really necessary to backup the whole server before doing updates18:54
Levin^or that's not really necessary?18:54
arch-nemesisIf you do the update, and then everything fails, then it was necessary18:54
adrian_1908Levin^: What do you mean, backup as a safety precaution?18:55
adrian_1908I never do backups before updates. But then, nothing I run is mission critical.18:55
Levin^maybe, somehow, some update could break something, I don't know18:55
arch-nemesisI never do backups either, but its not a bad idea. Do you do incremental backups?18:55
adrian_1908Never had an issues with servers. It's the desktops that are fragile because of the graphics stack and all that DE junk.18:56
Levin^I only do backups of my applications alone18:56
TJ-Levin^: if the system is using LVM, or a file system that supports it, you can take snapshots before the upgrade18:56
adrian_1908I would do content based backups, i.e. milestones if your content changes. Or if it constantly changes, periodic backups.18:56
arch-nemesisFor me, I have backups of the data. The OS can be re-installed18:56
TJ-OS configs can often be just as important, e.g. under /etc/ and /var/18:57
Levin^another example, if you update your old application's PHP to the latest, it will mostly break something18:58
Levin^but it's PHP, it can be changed quite easily18:59
Levin^but I don't have much knowledge about the OS itself18:59
Levin^but ok, it seems it's not a known practice, to require a snapshot before updating the OS19:00
arch-nemesisTaking an image is not a /terrible/ strategy, but it might not be the best strategy19:04
arch-nemesisThe downside of that strategy is that you'll have to take the whole server down and it takes a lot of time and drive space. But if you want to do it that way, clonezilla might work for you19:05
arch-nemesisIt's sort of like norton ghost, if you're familir with that19:05
arch-nemesisA better strategy might be to have use ansible or puppet to apply your configurations. If you can do that, it will enable you to re-create the server easily, move to a cloud server, etc.19:07
arooniE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? ... QUESTION: why?  i'm not running any update process to my knowledge?  how to resolveEE?19:08
arch-nemesisarooni: There might be something running it in the background, like packagekit. or if you have background updates running.19:09
tomreynps auxw | grep dpkg19:09
arch-nemesisBut if you're sure, the lock is just a file. You can remove it.19:09
arooniarch-nemesis: https://gist.github.com/9e589e40ecd24301c3e4e641a4e30075  ;; dnsmasq is running updates?  i dont understand lol19:10
arooniarch-nemesis: in any case i guess that process finished so i can upgrade now19:10
arch-nemesishah. Well -that's the -7 flag. Looks like a background update.19:12
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TheWildI need PHP 5.4, so "sudo update; sudo apt install php=5.4", but unfortunately it can't find that version.19:26
TheWildDownload sources and compile them yourself?19:26
tomreynTheWild: which ubuntu release are you running?19:27
tomreynTheWild: 16.04 provides php7, do you still need 5.4 (which is no longer supported upstream)?19:28
TheWildyes. I need to run a project that relies on various wacky behaviors of 5.4.19:29
adrian_1908Since 5.4 isn't the latest of the 5 series either, I would presume he does.19:29
tomreynTheWild: xenial does not provide php 5.x, but there are unofficial php 5.6 packages available from https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php19:30
tomreynTheWild: if you need an even older php version you're on your own. the problem there is that the web applications are outdated, not that ubuntu is too new.19:31
TheWildyup, I know.19:31
adrian_1908TheWild: i.e. you'll have to build it yourself :/19:31
TheWildI'm not happy chasing dependencies, so I'll probably end up with installing Windows on VirtualBox just to work as server and running PHP 5.4 there.19:33
alkisgAnd you'll install an older version of XAMPP, which is also available for Linux... :D19:34
adrian_1908TheWild: consider running a container instead, you can screw around in there with outdated libraries etc.19:34
tomreynTheWild: also be aware that 5.4.x will have (and keep) unpatched security vulnerabilities.19:35
TheWildmm... I think my boss's framework the project is running on is a bigger problem19:36
TheWildokay, thanks tomreyn, alkisg, adrian_190819:38
tomreynTheWild: good luck, sounds like a wontfix19:38
arch-nemesisDoes 14.04 run PHP5.4? I mean, if you're happy running unmaintained software, that might be easy until you can get upgraded.19:39
tomreynTheWild: yet another option would be to use ubuntu 12.04 ESM, which provides php5 support. security support is available with an ubuntu advantage subscription only. incurring cost can be a way to make your boss reconsider.19:44
tomreynhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.5/ for more info + downloads19:45
tomreynthat's php 5.3.10 there19:48
arch-nemesisTheWild: There are tools to migrate from php5 to php7. Maybe they work for your application.19:52
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
grymhi all, i am unable to install `libssl-dev` on 16.04.3 on arm64.  I get "the following packages have unmet dependencies": https://paste.pound-python.org/show/KentbcSJF6iwEZwbc4TR/19:57
geirhagrym: Just to rule out the simple stuff, did you run   sudo apt update   first?19:58
grymgeirha: yep.  and apt full-upgrade as well19:58
tomreynthe current xenial arm64 package depends on libssl1.0.0 version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.1019:59
geirhagrym: Ok, could you pastebin:  apt policy libssl-dev libssl1.0.019:59
TheWildif I finish all the tickets before christmas, I can stay at home for 27-29 December. So... either local server at home or I'll just stay few more hours at the office.20:00
grymgeirha: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/BxlyOM54q8rzpqEcKiT4/20:00
tomreyngrym: can you show: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; yes no | sudo apt-get -V dist-upgrade20:03
geirhahm, so you have 999 priority on *ubuntu4.5 of libssl1.0.0, and 999 priority on *ubuntu4.2 of libssl-dev, and they don't match20:03
grymgeirha: yeah.  i'm a little confused.   it's arm64, but it shouldn't be _this_ weird.20:04
tomreyngrym: you can ignore my last line, i missed that you have pinned packages20:04
grymtomreyn: righto :)20:04
tomreynso why do you pin?20:04
grymtomreyn: this is a  fresh-out-the-box nvidia px220:05
geirhaLooks like it's the repo, file:/root/apt-repos that just has highest priority, but it contains "mismatched" packages20:05
grymtomreyn: so.. it's whatever nvidia did20:05
geirhawell, you can specify the specific version you want to install, but if other packages depend on that specific version of libssl, that won't work either20:09
grymgeirha: i think the only thing i need it for is to build python against.. how would i specify the exact version ?20:10
geirhapackage[=version]. E.g.    apt install libssl-dev=1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.10 libssl1.0.0=1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.1020:10
grymgeirha: here goes nothin.20:11
geirhahow does nvidia expect the /root/apt-repos to be updated, I wonder20:11
grymi guess we'll find out20:12
grymit installed cleanly anyway20:12
tomreynprobably some cron job pulling it from http://20:15
grymgeirha: looks good so far.  thanks for the help20:17
geirhagrym: glad to hear :)20:26
tsarompy#ubuntu! <321:25
tsarompyi just switched back from debian to artful aardvark21:25
Butterfly___welcome back21:27
tsarompyi missed it21:27
Butterfly___i went debian > ubuntu > mint... and still using the last one :)21:27
tsarompymint eh21:27
Butterfly___don't know mint ?21:27
tsarompyi dont like the idea of mixing debian and ubuntu packages21:27
tsarompyseems dangerous21:27
Butterfly___mint doesn't do that21:27
tsarompyi thought thats what mint was21:28
Butterfly___it's pretty stable, i installed 14 month ago, and it's still running through 2 upgrades (18.1 to 18.2 to 18.3)21:28
tsarompyi installed from the ubuntu mini.iso21:28
mentalitamint is crap, ships with py 3.5.221:28
tsarompyrunning awesomewm21:28
tsarompybut i want a badass desktop so im installing kde21:28
Butterfly___mentalita : just cause of py 3.5.2 the entire distro is crap ? :)21:29
Butterfly___and cause it ships with that, doesn't mean you have to stick with it21:29
mentalitait does tell a lot about a distro21:29
tsarompyanyone play with bionic beaver yet?21:30
leftyfbtsarompy: yes, someone has. See #ubuntu+1 for further discussion.21:31
tsarompyi wonder21:33
tsarompywould it be safe to use kde neon sources in sources.list?21:33
Butterfly___mentalita : the distro focuses on stability, it doesn't chase version numbers21:33
tsarompyi hate that21:34
tsarompyi blame chromium for that21:34
tsarompyi feel like firefox 4 was yesterday21:34
tsarompynow its at 230871387410837421:34
mentalitaButterfly___: python 3.6.3 is very stable21:34
Whiskeyset pidfile="../dir/dir/dir" it donĀ“t seems to read ../ why?21:35
Butterfly___mentalita : and you can just install that in mint as well if you really need it...21:36
Butterfly___nothing holds you back from doing so21:36
mentalitaif I add a ppa21:37
mentalitathird party21:37
mentalitawhich I don't feel like doing21:37
electricmilkAnyone know what happened to ubuntuguide.org?  I loved the "Full Page" option but not seeing it online21:40
BaltazarQuestion folks: In ubuntu, when I type ifconfig: eno1: inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask: /// when I create a VM, it is **eth0** and ip:  (...) WHY?21:41
lordcirth_workBaltazar, physical machines use deterministic naming, based on hardware.  VM's don't.21:52
lordcirth_workIt used to be that everything was 'ethX' but then adding a new card could rearrange the numbering.21:53
BaltazarHm! thanks lordcirh_work21:54
jiffehmm, I just did an apt-get upgrade and now everything seems hosed22:04
jiffe ubuntu-server depends on apport; however: Package apport is not configured yet.22:05
jiffeand trying to install apport I get python errors ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'22:05
jiffeactually looking through logs it looks like python is the problem22:06
arlaharenhello! i'm using ubuntu 16.04 and i'm getting horrific network latency when on wifi. any idea on how i can troubleshoot that? i tried to force 802.11g (54 Mbit/s) but it doesn't seem to take. iwconfig still says 114.4 Mbit/s. how do i force my network card into 802.11g?22:25
brainwasharlaharen: I guess you should tell us how you tried to force g22:27
kantlivelongseems like the serial console provided by grub is clunky. once system boots it works nicer. any reason for this? 16.0422:29
arlaharenbrainwash: i did this: sudo iwconfig wlp3s0 rate 5422:29
arlaharenit gets weirder... :/ i just enabled my work vpn and then all my requests are snappy again. none of the requests are going to stuff at work though.22:33
arlaharenoh, well. i think i figured out what's wrong. it's not related to wifi at all. it's dns resolution. when on vpn i can access the dns servers from work. when i'm not i can't. i need to handy way to change the dns config when i get on and off vpn.22:37
convergeanyone knows how can I fix it ? https://paste2.org/jhOpMnsY22:51
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
dingiri have a amd card, i put a nvidia with a riser card23:08
dingiri get to the login screen, when i login with username x server resets... what does it mean23:09
Bashing-omdingir: You replaced the AMD card with a nvidia card ... OR added the nvidia card ?? - in any respect .. system not loading a graphic's driver for the card in use .23:11
dingiri added nvidia23:11
electricmilkdingir,  I'd connect to display with AMD card and then install the NVIDIA drivers23:15
dingirdisplay is connected to amd card.... when i plug in the nvidia through the riser card the display is off until the login screen appears23:16
dingirfrom there im stuck as i can not log in... even ctrl+alt+f1 wont work]23:16
dingirmight be a bad idea trying to mix both23:16
Bashing-omdingir: ^^ Got me then . I do not know how to tell the system what to do in this use case . Prime ? : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME23:16
dingiryea need the propriatary drivers.. its for mining23:17
kantlivelongit appears that a lvm snapshot renders the system unbootable. nice23:23
kantlivelongwhat a joke23:25
kantlivelonglike how is this considered logical?23:33
ikoniasnapshots don't change the system state23:33
Mathisenmaybe you did something wrong ?23:33
ikoniathey just take a backup of the current volume23:33
ikoniaso how can they render it unusable ?23:34
ikoniaI've never had that issue23:34
Butterfly___did you run out of space?23:34
ikoniathe snap won't complete if there is not enough LE23:35
ikoniait's pretty vocal if it doesn't complete23:35
kantlivelongbecause dm-snapshot isnt loaded so it does something odd with the disk and goes to emergency prompt23:36
ikoniawhat is the actual situation you've created23:37
kantlivelongikonia: i created a snapshot of a data lv23:37
kantlivelongand rebooted23:37
ikoniaso if it's a data volume, it shouldn't impact it as at worst it would have a problem, but the root volume would be untouched23:38
ikoniahow did you create the snapshot ?23:38
kantlivelonglvcreate --snapshot /dev/mapper/datavg-datalv -L 4T -n datalvsnap23:39
ikoniawhy did you do -L ?23:39
kantlivelongonce i get into the maint prompt its already mounted and fine23:39
kantlivelongbecause i wanted the snapshot to be a specific size..?23:39
kantlivelongnot sure why you wouldn't specify size23:39
ikoniaif your snapshotting a volume, you want to snap the volume23:40
ikoniaif the volume is say 5TB, -L4T wouldn't work23:40
ColomboHi all23:40
kantlivelongits the snapshot size. of course it would work23:40
kantlivelongand now it boots23:40
kantlivelongadd dm-mod, dm-snapshot,dm-mirror to /etc/module and /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, rebuild initramfs. all good23:40
ikoniakantlivelong: so it's just missing from the initrd23:41
kantlivelongikonia: yes but why wouldn't that be a default when installing lvm....?23:41
ikoniaprobably worth logging a bug against that as it's not been a problem before23:41
ColomboMy locale defaults to POSIX, but the /etc/default/locale is not POSIX and apt-get install --reinstall locale didn't help. Is there something that keeps resetting my locale to posix?23:41
kantlivelongi just cant believe no one has encountered it23:41
kantlivelongikonia: yeah im going to replicate on a fresh install and log it. its just crazy how that could be missed23:42
kantlivelongto make it worse the serial console provided by grub that systemd was using was buggy as heck. once booted it switches to getty and works fine23:43
alexssonfuck Ubuntu23:44
alexssonit sucks23:44
kantlivelongalexsson: very insightful23:45
alexssonkantlivelong, good. Need more?23:45
alexssonkantlivelong, I was banned... cant keep with the good news...23:47
ikoniaalexsson: you're not banned, you where kicked,23:47
ikoniaalexsson: drop the language and attitude, you're in a support channel, if you need help, just ask23:47
alexssonikonia, Yes, Ubuntu sucks, how can you help me making Ubuntu un-suck?23:49
kantlivelongalexsson: thats not very helpful info to make it "unsuck"23:49
ikoniaalexsson: stop messing around, ask for help with specific issues or be quiet, there will be no more warnings23:49
alexssonhmm, alright23:49
kantlivelongreally interested in why serial provided by grub is so different than by agetty23:50
ColomboMy locale defaults to POSIX, but the /etc/default/locale is not POSIX and apt-get install --reinstall locale didn't help. Is there something that keeps resetting my locale to posix?23:51

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