
gothicfre670▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETgllvq: dreamon spyke581 mcs_ torv dixie7z_ n5pwp GridCube Zeioth sary Hund bazhang ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄01:30
Chromelonhello there! I'm having an issue with getting conky to work05:54
Chromeloni'm using conky manager with the teejeetech themes and idk why they're not working properly05:54
Chromelonthey should look like this: https://i.imgur.com/1c43f0C.png05:54
Chromelonbut they look like this: http://i.imgur.com/CQPmw86.png05:55
moetunesChromelon:  have you tried starting conky from a terminal ?08:48
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
=== jk^^ is now known as jk^
jk^i have a problem with PAE. I read all the guide, but it appears 3 dashes not 2, then i don't know which is the correct syntax of the text i have to enter :|14:56
jk^Guides tell do add forcepae -- forcepae (after ...quiet splash) but there are 3 dashes :\ which is the correct syntax?14:56
jk^i link an image https://drive.google.com/open?id=181PSJoEKNHMOLGavbWzuBIh9_CaqTFli14:56
geniiBefore the three dashes15:04
jk^yes but many people tells me to be sure to enter the parameter two times. If i remember well, one is for kernel and the other one is for bootloader :\15:07
geniiI'm not sure why, but the guide given for Lubunt says, yes, one time before one time after the dashes. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE15:10
jk^yes, but in my case the dashes are three not two15:11
geniiLooks like before feeds to GRUB, after gets handed to the initrd kernel as an option15:11
geniiHowever many there are, put once before, once after15:11
geniiInitial Ramdisk15:12
* genii wanders back to work again for a bit15:12
jk^the correct syntax?15:12
jk^"then, which is the correct syntax?"15:12
jk^excuse me, but i'm not very well at computer :\15:13
geniijk^: If in doubt, use the same syntax shown on the page I linked. So: forcepae -- forcepae    ( 2 dashes instead of 3 )15:22
jk^then i have to cancel one dash15:23
jk^so is the content of that image wrong?15:51
geniiBack up over the last dash, then put a space, then put again forcepae15:55
electricmilkAnyone know what happened to ubuntuguide.org?  I loved that site for quick access21:53
hk238I installed Xubuntu on a system with Wifi using an Asus USB N10 Nano adapter, which has some problems. How can I create a connection with it using Xubuntu? I was expecting to use 'wifi-menu' but that's not available. Is there something else?22:56
electricmilkhk238,  Probably need the driver22:59
hk238could I possibly download it on an USB using this computer, then install it on that one?23:00
electricmilkhk238,  so.....23:00
electricmilkI recommend just plugging in ethernet to the PC if possible though23:00
electricmilkIf you can't...23:00
electricmilkYou'll need to install git23:00
electricmilkWell shoot this will be tricky23:01
hk238what would you normally use to start a wifi connection? All I know about is wifi-menu23:01
electricmilkThats the problem.  You most likely need the drivers...so you need internet to get them.23:01
electricmilkI suppose you could get on another computer and download the files needed with git then put it on a USB23:01
electricmilkgit clone https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes.git23:02
electricmilkcd rtl8192cu-fixes23:02
hk238yeah this I'm sort of aware of23:02
electricmilkmake ; sudo make install ; sudo modprobe 8192cu23:02
hk238however you can start the connection with wifi-menu and then download that with the connection even though it will drop23:02
hk238but I don't know what you use to start the connection in the absence of wifi-menu23:02
electricmilkAre you sure the wifi adapter is working properly and isn't a physical issue?23:03
hk238There's this issue with that thing you mentioned something like the computer forgets the device23:03
hk238and that thing '8192cu' or something like that is supposed to fix it, but at least with a previous install of archlinux (which didnt' work out eventually) it was possible to connect internet23:03
electricmilkEhh don't think that was me23:03
hk238but the connection had to be reset quite often23:04
hk238so I tried to install the same fix, but then the arch linux froze.. but I don't think it was the driver that caused freezing23:04
electricmilkhk238, supposedly there is a linux driver available on the ASUS website23:05
hk238it seems it might be possible to start the connection using wpa_supplicant? :o23:10
electricmilkhk238,  You can start wifi from the terminal https://askubuntu.com/questions/294257/connect-to-wifi-network-through-ubuntu-terminal23:14
hk238hm it does at least list the SSID of the wifi network so it must be working somewhat:  )23:21
hk238thanks for help I have to go to bed now.. good night!23:24

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