[01:35] ahasenack: congratulations :) [07:19] moin btw [07:37] Good morning [07:37] hiho lordievader [08:04] rbasak: I'll look at libzstd MPs as I discussed with ahasenack yesterday [08:05] rbasak: I see mongodb is still up so look at that afterwards [08:33] Hey cpaelzer [09:36] rbasak: the mongodb MP LGTM [09:36] rbasak: but there was no s390x test build yet [09:36] rbasak: I opened one up and linked it in my general ack, you can wait until you know for sure it builds there as well and then upload [09:36] rbasak: is that ok for you? [10:22] cpaelzer: that's fine. Thanks! [10:52] nice how persistent this microsoft technical support scam is, I needed to talk through three people to have them give up [10:53] with the second I started trying to sell Ubunutu UA, but they didn't even really get what I meant [11:50] in lxd 2.20, my host server reports 11GB used ram. if i run 'free' inside a container, it reports 60GB used ram. however, adding its processes' RSS usage only adds up to about 8GB. is there a magic option to set in the container's profile config that will make it report mem usage correctly? [11:54] disposable: maybe https://github.com/lxc/lxcfs/issues/175 [11:55] the suggested fix there is only 15 days old, so maybe not release anywhere [12:07] cpaelzer: thank you. most of the ram related lxd bugs seem unanswered, i must have skipped over this one. [12:32] ahasenack: congrats! [12:32] * jamespage just caught up on email [15:14] morning all [15:30] *yawns* [15:30] the chaos begins. >.< [15:31] *glares at seven malfunctioning Ubuntu servers* [15:33] teward: exams done? [15:34] yup [15:34] and i've graduated. [15:34] y'all owe me gifts :P [15:34] loljk [15:34] woohoo! \o/ congrats [16:05] teward: they let you graduate? :) [16:17] lol dpb1 [16:19] in other news: 14.04 git is broken when you're stuck behind a proxy because for some reason gnutls is stupid. [16:19] >.< [16:22] GnuTLS is stupid? Say it ain't so, Jack. [16:22] Office hours are starting as of 20 minutes ago! [16:23] gz teward! [16:31] metastable: lol. Thankfully a quick recompile with openssl instead of gnutls solves the headache I was seeing on Trusty. [16:31] ... unless the web proxy here wants to be stupid too... [16:31] but meh [16:31] dpb1: how fortunate I'm around now for my 'office hours' :) [16:34] teward: hah [17:09] dpb1: powersj: cpaelzer: rbasak: just an FYI, I'm without internet for a couple days as a result of the move from college to work, and it takes a couple days for Comcast to get off their collective butts to move my service over. Once it's available I'll push an updated nginx into the repos. Just wanted to give you all the FYI. [17:17] teward: OK. Thanks! [17:31] i mean, I have internet at work, but that's work and I'm usually busy :P === jc_ is now known as danrik === hggdh is now known as desole