
alexssonColombo, yes00:06
Pilferswhy doesnt touchpad indicatornwork00:17
Pilfersany way to fix?00:17
Pilfersif i xinput i can disable it00:17
Pilfersi need it to disable when u type00:17
Pilfersdifficult to on/off00:17
Pilfersand it changes number on reboot00:17
Pilfersany ideas?00:18
Pilferssometimes it does work00:18
Pilfersim not sure qhy00:18
th3_g3ntl3m3nHello, can someone tell me what does happen if i disable OnBoard Lan Controller in BIOS setup?00:19
FCGregPilfers: You might want to give more info, such as what type of touchpad/laptop/etc.00:19
FCGregth3_g3ntl3m3n: Unless you have a second ethernet interface, that will kill your network connectivity00:19
Loshkith3_g3ntl3m3n: if you have an ethernet cable plugged into your machine, it will stop working. If you're using wifi, you probably won't notice.00:20
th3_g3ntl3m3nSo if i enable it again everything works like nothing happened? Or should i touch something else?00:20
FCGregth3_g3ntl3m3n: You can just enable it again on the next reboot... unless you're trying to do something special00:21
PilfersFCGreg inspiron 1300:21
Pilfersseema there is several xinput00:21
Pilfersdell touch00:21
Pilfersand synapticd00:21
th3_g3ntl3m3nOK thanks for the info.00:21
Pilfersif i disable dell it stops tho00:22
Pilfersmaybe touchpad indicator is latched to synaptics?00:22
Pilfersoh no00:22
Pilfersthe synaptics is the touchscreen00:22
Pilfersnot the mouse00:22
th3_g3ntl3m3nWhat happen if i accidentally umount the sda device? Linux crash?00:27
th3_g3ntl3m3nIm a n00b ._.00:27
electricmilkth3_g3ntl3m3n,  It shouldn't let you unmount SDA since it is in use00:27
th3_g3ntl3m3nNot even if you use sudo?00:28
auctushow do i make sure i deleted all of apache's config files? Where does ubuntu put them all? so far I have "apt-get --purge remove apache2" and "rm -r /etc/apache2"00:29
auctusi want to make sure everything is back to default when i install it again.00:29
electricmilkth3_g3ntl3m3n,  no.  If you are running Linux from /dev/sda it is not going to let you unmount00:29
electricmilkth3_g3ntl3m3n,  Only way to unmount SDA is if you are booted to Linux from another partition or from a USB/DVD00:30
electricmilkth3_g3ntl3m3n,  If you want to make it crash you could run (DONT DO THIS) sudo rm -rf /* (DONT DO THIS)00:30
th3_g3ntl3m3nI was worried that i could mistype the /dev/... direcctory and accidentally crash the system, :D00:30
electricmilkThat will force delete every file it can00:30
th3_g3ntl3m3nYeah i know.00:31
th3_g3ntl3m3nIs like deleting windows32 in Windows.00:31
electricmilkIt will delete all your documents as well00:31
ber532kauctus: if you were running apache as a user, you might also want to look for user specific config00:32
electricmilkauctus,  I believe everything is stored in /etc/apache00:32
Mr_CyclopsHello. Anyone knows of a way (free) to connect to Google Drive in Ubuntu Mate? thanks00:32
ber532kno idea about apache-specific config though00:32
Tin_manMr_Cyclops, try this link >> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/09/mount-google-drive-in-linux-with-google.html00:34
Mr_CyclopsTin_man, OMG! It worked like a Charm!! thanks a million ton buddy!!00:40
aroonianyone here use fish shell?  i cant seem to get the alt + arrow key shortcuts working .. ideas?00:40
Tin_mannp Mr_Cyclops00:41
Mr_CyclopsTin_man, do you know if it allows associating multiple Google Accounts on the same machine?00:51
Tin_manno I don't know, it's been a couple of years since I've messed with it..00:52
Mr_Cyclopsok, np .. thanks again! Apprecaite your help00:52
Tin_manyour welcome, good luck.00:52
ber532kTin_man: I believe I was using multiple user accounts for running multiple instances of dropbox once00:56
ber532kSo if it doesn't, you may want to give that a try00:57
Mr_CyclopsTin_man, sorry to bug you again, is there a similar solution to access Google Photos too?00:59
=== mentalita_ is now known as mentalita
dan2wikMy laptop keeps entering ^@ into my terminals when I plug in or unplug the power.01:21
BaltazarHM. I'm trying to install and use msf on ubuntu. After turning the user to su postgres, I can create the user with createuser. When it comes to creation of the DB, I get permission denied. createdb -O msf msf.01:22
BaltazarThis is for nmap use01:23
ColomboI am baffled.01:36
ColomboI have command. When I put commands in front of it (with comma), it stops working?01:36
akik!details | Colombo01:37
ubottuColombo: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.01:37
Colombowait wait, I will copy it into pastebin, no need to do this...01:37
Colomboapart of the export statements, the only difference I see is the space. Does the space matters?01:39
ColomboI don't see any other difference.01:39
Colomboakik: what do you think?01:40
akikColombo: it would probably be easier to debug without that bash -c around it01:41
ColomboIts quite complicated and I don't think that is possible.01:41
akikColombo: you can also use: LC_ALL="C.UTF-8" LANG="C.UTF-8" blobxfer01:41
Colombowithout exports?01:42
Colomboand without command separators?01:42
akikColombo: you've also added a space after task.sh, maybe unintentionally?01:44
bemoColombo: curious what happens if you use "en_US.UTF-8" instead... or just "C" -- for both variables.01:44
Colomboakik: that was generated by code, I haven't touched that part, I have no idea where the space came from...01:44
Colombobemo: uhm, why?01:45
akikColombo: to be honest, that doesn't look very nice01:45
Colomboits ugly.01:45
Colomboits not mine01:45
bemoto see if it's possibly the value the environment variables are being set to that is causing the problem... not the fact that you have the variables.01:45
ColomboI just need to fix it to do my work. I am not waiting for microsoft to provide a sane way to use Azure.01:46
Colombobemo: I got that... but why? How?01:46
akikColombo: i meant that way you use bash -c01:46
bemoassuming you can modify the script manually, and see if it works... ?  (anyway, was just an idea... feel free to ignore)01:47
akikColombo: you have ' ' chars inside each other. does that really work with no need to escape \' ?01:49
akikreplying to myself it works :)01:50
akikmaybe bash handles it automagically01:51
Colombobemo: I can try it, I was just curious why you think it might be an error.01:52
Colomboakik: I think it is unsescaped part in there.01:52
bemosounds like encoding related issues have been seen before:01:52
akikColombo: actually you've also changed the command01:52
akikColombo: ah never mind. i'm sleepy01:53
Colombobemo: no, completely different issue.01:53
akikColombo: what is the error you get?01:57
ColomboThat blobxfer is incorrectly executed.01:57
ColomboAnd the next parameter is treated as command.01:57
Colombobasically "Run blobxfer like this XXX"; "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT" is not a command!" or so.01:58
akikColombo: did you change the command as i suggested?02:00
Colomboehm, what did you suggested again? I must have missed it.02:01
akikColombo: you can also use: LC_ALL="C.UTF-8" LANG="C.UTF-8" blobxfer02:01
ColomboI will try it. I just tried to remove the quotation marks, if that is a problem.02:02
akikactually drop the " chars in that02:02
akikthey seem to get literally thought as " char02:02
akikprobably because they're inside the ' '02:03
Colombobbbbut... thats good, isn't it?02:03
akikyou don't need the " in this case02:03
Colombowell, it didn't help.02:03
akikjust LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8 blobxfer02:03
Colombo"Usage: blobxfer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...02:03
ColomboError: No such command "XXX".02:03
akikColombo: you're giving the command those two variable before the command options02:05
Colomboyeah, those are two options, but they are interpreted correctly.02:05
akikaccording to your paste the options need to come first?02:05
ColomboI just can't share their context.02:05
akiki meant the --saskey and --remotesource should be first?02:06
ColomboIt is correct as is.02:06
akiki have no idea. i use azure but haven't used that blobxfer02:06
ColomboIt "works" (the bug is down the path, thats why I need correct locale), without the locale things.02:07
Colombohow do you use Azure?02:07
akikpython sdk02:07
Colomboah, yeah.02:07
ColomboThe API is probably decent, but they don't provide any reasonable way to just run random stuff (i.e., for scientific computing, where you often have dozen of different programs and you need to run it)02:08
ColomboThey send me a link to some json templates, so I would need to make like 3 templates in json (which is horrible thing for configs) to run a single app.02:09
ColomboNope, same error.02:10
akikColombo: you could just add echo before blobxfer to see the options that are given02:10
akikthat way you'd see what it tries to run02:11
ColomboI don't think it provides me with log for this, unfortunately:/02:12
Colomboit is kind of very weird environment.02:12
akikagreed :)02:12
ColomboI will try different locale...02:12
akikColombo: you don't see the output for the script?02:12
ulysses_Yo! Anyone ever use a System76 laptop before? How are they?02:35
Colomboakik: of some stuff...02:38
lukasoftHello! I seem to be having an issue setting up sshd in Ubuntu Mate, newly installed. The service is set as enabled but doesn't run successfully on startup (Missing privilege separation directory: /run/sshd). running systemctl start ssh works fine though.03:22
linuxpleaselukasoft, google the error it's fairly straightforward.03:28
ruschlem2 /whois lukasoft03:32
lukasoftI thought it was straight forward as well. It seems the solutions I found to this problem only lasted during the current session, and then starting the service upon reboot fails again03:36
Colomboakik: another question, any idea why is locale reset to posix?03:36
linuxpleasesomething must be deleting the directory03:37
linuxplease /var/run/sshd is supposed to have the pidfile if im not mistaken03:38
lukasoftls /var/run/sshd yields an empty result03:39
Colombothere is /var/run/sshd.pid file03:39
lukasoftah yes, its there. I've run systemctl start ssh though so I would expect it to be there, correct?03:40
linuxpleaselukasoft, how are you trying to start ssh that you get that error03:40
lukasoftsudo sshd -t03:41
lukasoftbut once I run systemctl start ssh it doesn't seem to show the error. I'm assuming scripts generate the proper directories when that is run03:41
linuxpleaseideally you start services with systemctl yes03:42
lukasoftbut I would like to start the service when the system boots up. If I do 'systemctl status ssh' after bootup I get inactive (dead)03:43
linuxpleasesshd -t is just supposed to test your configuration03:43
linuxpleaseyou need to do03:44
linuxpleasesystemctl enable sshd.service03:44
lukasoftIt is already enabled. I believe it's just failing upon bootup.03:45
linuxpleaseis that error in the logs on startup?03:45
lukasoftI don't see any errors in /var/log/auth.log. Is that the right place?03:50
PizzaLovingNerd@Drone I just registered04:05
PizzaLovingNerdCan I get some help please04:06
PizzaLovingNerdCan somebody help me?04:06
bunnypuncherwhat do you need help with?04:07
PizzaLovingNerdI just installed Ubuntu04:07
PizzaLovingNerdAnd everything worked fine04:07
PizzaLovingNerdThe wifi worked fine04:07
PizzaLovingNerdIn the Live USB04:07
PizzaLovingNerdBut now after restarting04:07
PizzaLovingNerdthe wifi no longer works04:07
PizzaLovingNerd did lspci and my wifi card isn't there04:08
ToadisattvaI'm assuiming it is a pci card?04:09
PizzaLovingNerdI am currently using a 100 kb per second wireless usb adaptar from 199904:10
PizzaLovingNerdBut I want my normal card to work so I don't get 200 kb/s04:10
Toadisattvabroadcom card?04:10
PizzaLovingNerdSomeone told me to try ip link04:11
PizzaLovingNerdthis is what I got from it04:11
Toadisattvado a sudo apt-get update then try:04:11
Toadisattvasudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source04:11
Toadisattvayou may or may not need to reboot04:11
PizzaLovingNerdI've tried rebooting04:12
Toadisattvado that command04:12
Toadisattvasudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source04:12
Toadisattvashould be drivers for broadcom card04:12
PizzaLovingNerdShould I try apt upgrade?04:13
PizzaLovingNerdlol 10 kb/s04:13
Toadisattvanot upgrade but do update first to make sure your ppa's are current04:14
lukasoftlinuxplease, can you think of any other reasons why it works fine when I run start or restart, but it doesn't work upon bootup? It's definitely set as enabled the entire time. Is this strange or am I missing something?04:20
linuxpleasepaste /etc/ssh/ssh_config on pastebin please04:23
lukasoftlinuxplease, I'm assuming you're meaning sshd_config?04:24
linuxpleaseon my system everything is working fine, I just did a fresh install of 16.0404:27
linuxpleasebefore that I ran sudo sshd -t like you04:28
linuxpleasethere is something definitely wrong with your config04:29
lukasoftYes, its very strange. I'm running Ubuntu Mate, but I don't think that makes a difference with ssh. I did change to port 2222, but I don't see how that would cause this.04:29
linuxpleaseill paste you mine04:30
bunnypuncherdid you open the firewall port for 222204:30
linuxpleasehis error is about missing file in /var/run/sshd04:30
linuxpleasesee how that config is different from yours04:32
linuxpleaseI got it by running apt-get install openssh-server04:32
lukasoftI did open the firewall (ufw). I'll check, thanks04:32
linuxpleaseMATE desktop shouldn't make any difference on ssh for sure04:32
linuxpleasetry the config file I pasted or maybe try apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server04:34
lukasoftMaybe I'll try the reinstall. Your config is much different than mine, and I only changed a few lines from the default file04:35
linuxpleaseremove the config you have and then reinstall04:35
lukasoftI ran diff with the default (i always save it) and I only changed the port and maxAuthTries.04:36
lukasoftI'm going to try a reboot with port 22 and if that doesn't work i'll reinstall04:36
JJBbyHello, I am a new Ubuntu-er and have messed up a boot loader option to have windows dual booted, any one able to help?04:39
lukasoftlinuxplease, thanks for the help, its failing on reinstall, but I need some sleep, so I'm giving up for now04:51
linuxplease:( ok05:00
alkisgGood morning all05:36
zap0i have a problem, when i run the software updater it says "you stopped it" and then it doesn't appear to run after clicking on the dialog buttons..  how do i fix this?06:12
zap0it seems to be stuck i some type of loop of failure06:13
lotuspsychjezap0: wich ubuntu version06:13
zap0lubuntu  latest-ish06:13
lotuspsychjezap0: 17.10 lubuntu?06:14
zap0i think so.06:14
zap0apt-get up*  from command line works fine06:14
lotuspsychjezap0: can we see a screenshot of this GUI?06:15
zap0the UI stuff seems to be broken06:15
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.06:15
lotuspsychjezap0: sounds like a bug06:15
zap0it's like this dialog:   https://askubuntu.com/questions/961567/ubuntu-16-04-software-updater-you-stopped-checks-for-updates06:16
lotuspsychjezap0: you didnt install external ppa's of any kind to your system?06:16
zap0.. and No, that links solution did not work.06:16
zap0lotuspsychje, i may have added 1 or 2..06:17
alkisgRun update-manager from the command line, and put any errors to pastebin06:17
zap0but why would that make the GUI fail...   yet  apt-get from command line is fine?06:17
lotuspsychjezap0: messing with your ubuntu system can make it break somehow06:18
zap0alkisg,  it's literally called    update-manager   ?06:18
zap0apt-get is running,  back in 5.06:18
lotuspsychjezap0: can you recall with packages you added via ppa?06:18
zap0it's probably  VScode | wine | arduino.    that's all the none-OS stuff i use06:19
zap0what file do i find these ppa entires in ,  so i can comment/remove them?06:20
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | zap006:21
ubottuzap0: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:21
zap0where is the  query what is currently in there commands in that article?06:23
lotuspsychjezap0: the thing is we cant really support external ppa's, so its the users risk to add and remove06:24
zap0yeah, but i just don't understand how something as fundamental as the idea of queriying what is currently there is ignored..  is that not 1 fo the most obviuos things you'd want to do?06:26
lotuspsychje!repo | zap006:27
ubottuzap0: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:27
ducassezap0: sorry, i'm afraid i don't quite understand what you want - can you rephrase?06:44
zap0what is causing a dialog to appear saying "You stopped the check for updates".  it stops the Software Update app from working.06:46
zap0it's been going no for weeks now.  and no one seems to have a clue about it.06:47
Gencadegot logs?06:47
alkisgzap0 you didn't yet pastebin the actual error06:47
alkisgzap0: if you don't reply, we can't help06:48
zap0"you didn't yet pastebin the actual error"..      2nd time:   it's this dialog here:   https://askubuntu.com/questions/961567/ubuntu-16-04-software-updater-you-stopped-checks-for-updates.06:48
alkisg(08:18:09 πμ) zap0: alkisg,  it's literally called    update-manager   ?06:49
alkisg(08:18:12 πμ) alkisg: Yes06:49
alkisg(08:18:31 πμ) zap0: apt-get is running,  back in 5.06:49
alkisgzap0: so, no, you didn't paste the error from running update-manager in terminal06:49
alkisg2nd time, let's see :)06:49
zap0ther is no error, it just stops working.06:49
alkisgzap0: update-manager always shows things in terminal06:49
alkisgPut them to pastebin in any case06:50
Harishello all06:51
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
zap0running update-manager from the commandline, launches the UI, it shows the dialog quicker than i can read it, then disappears...    then everything just looks locked-up, NOTHING in the terminal.. 45seconds later.. a dialog appears "the software on this computer is up to date" (yeah, cause i ran apt-get manually about 15 mins ago).06:53
zap0i click the only button 'OK', on it, and it disappears.    now bacjk in terminal there is still NOTHING in terminal.06:54
alkisgzap0: grep PRETTY /etc/os-release06:55
zap0="Ubuntu 17.10"06:56
alkisgzap0: ls /var/crash06:56
alkisgAnd: ps faux | grep apt | nc termbin.com 999906:56
zap01 file...    _usr_bin_xfce4-power-manager.1001.crash06:57
alkisgOK, not important, and is apt running in ps faux?06:57
zap0no.. there is only 1 thing     \_ grep -color=auto apt06:59
zap0this is the dialog,  does the solution they suggest help you to reason about it?      https://askubuntu.com/questions/961567/ubuntu-16-04-software-updater-you-stopped-checks-for-updates07:01
alkisgSo, running `update-manager` in lubuntu 16.04 displays  a whole lot of dbus errors etc. While it's working fine. And you're saying that you're not seeing anything in the terminal, not even unrelated errors?07:01
alkisgAlso gtk, accessibility errors etc etc07:02
zap0they seem to be ranting about different python versions or somefink..   is that something i should remove/add/change/update?07:02
alkisgWhat's the output of `python --version`?07:02
alkisg(09:01:50 πμ) alkisg: So, running `update-manager` in lubuntu 16.04 displays  a whole lot of dbus errors etc. While it's working fine. And you're saying that you're not seeing anything in the terminal, not even unrelated errors?07:03
zap0that sounds old.07:03
alkisgzap0: what's the output of this command? update-manager --help 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999907:04
zap0if i type update-manager without sudo, i get  just a few message about admin/password stuff... which i didn't think was relevant..  so i added sudo.. after entering the password.. there is no singel character written to the terminal from update manager... is that because i used sudo?07:04
alkisgMaybe. Reply to this first: update-manager --help 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999907:05
alkisgYou don't need sudo to run update-manager07:05
zap0update-manager --help 2>&1   outputs typicaly help text..  15 lines or so..  options --blah  etc..07:06
alkisgThe URL please07:06
alkisgupdate-manager --help 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999907:06
alkisgzap0: I don't see *any* errors there, that's very strange. E.g. compare with mine: http://termbin.com/ybfl07:09
alkisgzap0: what's the output of this? find ~ ! -uid $(id -u) | nc termbin.com 999907:10
alkisgzap0: and the output of: python3 --version07:11
HarisHas multi-spec in <Location> been added to apache on 16.x, 17.x ?07:11
zap0py 3.6.307:12
alkisgzap0: and the first command? (09:10:38 πμ) alkisg: zap0: what's the output of this? find ~ ! -uid $(id -u) | nc termbin.com 999907:14
VystyI just bought a new bluetooth speaker that was working just fine with the bluetooth function, but now doesn't seem to pair. I'm running 16.04 and the bluetooth speaker light keeps blinking like it's searching for the connection, but never turns solid blue to let me know it is connected. How can I get it to connect?07:15
fishcookeron htop the cpu usage show 100% but when i do calculate all process the cpu usage is less than 50%... is there any apps to show the cpusage like free -tm on memory?07:20
Haristop ?07:23
TaZeRyou know htop scrolls down right?07:24
Harisgood to know07:25
arch-nemesisor ps -eo %cpu,pid,cmd07:25
arch-nemesisif you want just a command rather than a curses interface07:25
Hariscurses interface ?07:26
arch-nemesisthat almost-gui in the terminal interface07:27
VystyFound out that my computer is visible as "Bastien's Computer" for bluetooth.07:27
arch-nemesisas opposed to a command that just prints information and returns you to the prompt07:27
VystyDoing some googling and seeing this is a normal problem, not finding a solution, though.07:27
VystyAnyone run into the Bastien's Computer bug?07:27
aaapmay i know anyone able to open .docx file in mc successfully?07:30
alkisgaaap: mc is midnight commander?07:30
aaapalkisg, yes07:32
alkisgaaap: and you're expecting .docx to open with libreoffice, yet it opens in something else?07:32
aaapalkisg, it give an error07:33
alkisg...what error, paste it here exactly as it shows07:33
aaapbash: ./abc.doc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error07:34
alkisgaaap: and if you run `xdg-open abc.doc`, does it open correctly in libreoffice?07:36
aaapalkisg, i can open the file if i use: libreoffice abc.doc07:37
alkisgThat's not what I asked though07:37
alkisgRun: xdg-open abc.doc07:37
alkisgAnd tell me what happens07:37
aaapalkisg, the do file get open successfully07:38
alkisgaaap: and you're running mc as the user, not as root, correct?07:39
aaapalkisg, yes. as non-root user07:40
aaapexcel file get open successfully07:40
alkisgIf xdg-open works, and mc doesn't, it sounds like an mc configuration issue. mc opens .doc fine here.07:41
alkisgThe configuration of mc is in ~/.config/mc, can you move that whole directory aside and try with a clean configuration?07:41
alkisgBtw, what's the output of this?  md5sum /etc/mc/mc.ext07:43
aaapalkisg, d3a9511c2dc35421f4aca1fe5e1d59c8  /etc/mc/mc.ext07:44
alkisgOK, it's untouched07:44
aaapit is consider a newly installed mc07:45
aaapnothing been configure07:45
alkisgWhich ubuntu version?07:45
alkisgYou mean it happens in both versions?07:48
alkisgto see the version: grep PRETTY /etc/os-release07:49
alkisgaaap: does this open the document? MC_EXT_FILENAME=abc.doc /usr/lib/mc/ext.d/doc.sh open msdoc07:56
=== Toothless is now known as Typh
fubHi. Im using ubuntu 17.10 with i3. My right click is too fast, so when I release the mouse button, the first item in the context menu is already selected and clicked.08:09
fubHow can I fix this?08:09
KristjanMy name is Kristjan. I am in urgent need for money. Please send me money. For example 70$. Bank account nr: EE671010010225901016 (Estonia). Name: Kristjan Robam08:28
=== littlebit1 is now known as littlebit
pizzaburgerHi! When running 'sudo openvpn --conf mullvad_random.conf' I get this error 'Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in [CMD-LINE]:1: conf (2.4.3)'. I dont quite understand what is the problem here. Any suggestions?08:34
alkisgpizzaburger: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/en/man8/openvpn.8.html says "--config", not "--conf"08:37
EraserPencilwhats a good certification for debian OSes08:39
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pizzaburgerNow I get 'Options error: --up script fails with '/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf': Permission denied'08:43
pizzaburgerdo I chmod +x ?08:45
soeeif i want ot zip recursively fodler but exlude one subfolder what would be the command?08:48
soeesomething like: zip -R . -x img ?08:49
EriC^^soee: zip -r zipfile.zip . -x img08:51
Eli-5dcehey... i'm wondering if there is any generic sound driver usable for ubuntu? My onboard audio failed me so i'm using a sound card in my pc08:52
EriC^^Eli-5dce: does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' list anything?08:53
Eli-5dceEriC^^: no.... I've tried looking for drivers on the three OS's i've found. windows i found it, fedora not yet and ubuntu not yet. I cant figure it out :/ I can't find anything suitable either08:55
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EriC^^Eli-5dce: what does 'aplay -l' give?08:55
Eli-5dcelet me see08:55
Eli-5dceit shows my ATI Hdmi's but no card and no onboard audio. I know the onboard hardware failed because it was working fine but a few minutes after it stopped providing sound and detecting the audio08:57
EriC^^was cleaning my keyboard :D08:59
=== dan3wik is now known as absynth
TyphHey there ShapeShifter49909:10
ShapeShifter499does anyone know what happened to #ubuntu-mythtv?09:10
tatertotsjust a guess..but maybe along with the printing press, and with the advent of streaming media online........maybe it's been decommissioned09:19
pizzaburgeralkisg: thanks!09:22
=== absynth is now known as dan2wik
TyphWill Ubuntu 17.10 speed up if I install the lubuntu-desktop package and sign into the LXDE session at the LightDM login screen?09:45
TyphMy computer has 4 GB Dual-Channel DDR2-800 RAM, an NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS 256 MB graphics card, a 3 TB 5400 RPM 3.5' WD Red hard drive and a Dual Core Intel Pentium E5200 @ 2.50 GHz09:46
Ben64that's really slow09:47
akikTyph: lxde is much lighter than gnome 3, yes09:51
hateballTyph: Yes, it should run much smoother than GNOME or Plasma09:57
alkisgUbuntu-mate ftw! :D09:59
SPFI found a temporary workaround. Remove lightdm and manually execute startx. Should I write a bug report on lightdm?10:00
alkisgSPF: ...workaround for what?10:02
TyphIt's safe to leave the ubuntu-desktop package on my computer after installing lubuntu-desktop? I guess it doesn't matter... the hard drive is 3 terabytes after all...10:03
Ben64Typh: yeah it's fine10:04
SPFalkisg: when I have lightdm, I cannot login10:05
alkisgSPF: and when did that happen etc?10:05
SPFit says "failed to start session" when I try to login10:06
alkisgUbuntu version, desktop environment, when was it working, when it stopped etc10:06
alkisgGive details.10:06
SPFUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS10:06
SPFwell, I had Gnome, tried to get to Unity10:07
SPFthen lightdm broke I guess10:07
Typh16.04 comes with unity, so I don't know how he had unity...10:07
TyphI mean had gnome10:07
alkisgYou started with the ubuntu-gnome installation, and then installed unity?10:07
SPFI have "activities" in the top left corner10:08
SPFmy other Ubuntu doesn't have that10:08
alkisggrep -i cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list; ls /usr/share/xsessions/10:08
alkisgOutput of those commands?10:08
SPFfluxbox.desktop  gnome.desktop10:09
alkisgIn lightdm, you can select the session. Do both of them fail?10:09
SPFyes, both fail10:10
alkisgSounds like you removed some essential packages then10:10
alkisgPut your /var/log/apt/history.log to pastebin10:10
SPFit does complain about pam_kwallet10:11
SPFalkisg: http://paste.debian.net/1001428/10:14
lesshastehow do I set and keep the keyboard layout?10:15
averageUbuntu needs to stop distributing both gpg and gpg210:15
averagethis is a huge mistake10:16
averagego and rethink your strategy about promoted usage of GnuPG10:16
averageP.S.  Here's why https://superuser.com/q/111267310:16
IndustrialHi. How do I get a list of fonts on ubuntu?10:16
IndustrialIn the terminal10:16
Industrial(or GUI)10:17
Ben64find /usr/share/fonts ?10:17
Industrialgnome-font-viewer takes 2 minutes to load all the fonts because it needs to display them, and it can not sort/filter/search the list.10:17
EriC^^_can someone try 'apt show linux-image-$(uname -r)-generic' and see the uri it gives for the .deb file? thanks10:24
Ben64EriC^^_: what are you doing10:26
EriC^^_Ben64: i installed ubuntu on another laptop and it's broken, apt / apt-get segfaults, i tried manually installing debsums and it said the /boot/vmlinuz..... FAILED10:27
EriC^^_so i'm trying to manually install a newer version and see how it goes, i tried making a partition on my usb disk that's later in the disk and md5sum'd it but i ended up with a 'can't find any squash system or something' in an initrd prompt10:28
EriC^^_i want to get the laptop up and running cause i spilled some coffee on my other one and im waiting for it to dry up completely before turning it on10:29
Ben64"http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security/main amd64 Packages" is the closest thing to what you're asking but I don't see that helping10:29
alkisgSPF: apt-get purge gnome*10:30
alkisgSPF: that essentially breaks ubuntu.You need to reinstall all those packages.10:31
EriC^^_Ben64: thanks10:31
SPFalkisg: just apt-get install or --reinstall all packages?10:32
alkisgSPF: apt install all the packages in http://paste.debian.net/plain/1001428 in the apt purge gnome* line10:32
EriC^^_damn i still can't locate the .deb file10:33
alkisgapt install libc-ares2 etc etc10:33
mattiasbDoes anyone know if there are plans to release libvirt versions of the official Ubuntu Vagrant boxes available here: https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu ?10:34
alkisgEriC^^_: be more specific, do you think you need to manually download and install a kernel? Which one, and for which arch, amd64?10:34
mattiasb...or if anyone knows the reasoning behind just supporting virtualbox?10:34
alkisgSPF: possibly reinstalling ubuntu will be less work :)10:35
EriC^^_i think i found it, yes alkisg10:35
SPFalkisg: not really, awk is really powerfull10:35
alkisgSPF: I meant, I'm not sure if those are the only problems your installation has10:35
alkisgYou did butcher it a lot :)10:35
Ben64yeah that pastebin is full of bad news10:36
alkisgEriC^^_: I haven't understood why you don't boot from e.g. a live usb stick and work from there, fix apt and everything10:37
EriC^^_alkisg: fix apt how?10:37
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SPFalkisg: what about lightdm? should I install it as well before reboot?10:37
TyphThat's the first time the Suspend optioned worked for me, after I switched to LightDM and LXDE10:38
alkisgEriC^^_: suppose you fix the kernel, and then boot into broken apt, that won't help, you'll still need to solve the apt issue. So I think you should start with apt, not with the kernel. How is it broken, error messages etc?10:39
EriC^^_alkisg: it's segfaulting about a corrupted appstreamcli10:39
alkisgSPF: you need to reinstall all of the essential packages, yes, ubuntu doesn't work without them10:40
SPFalkisg: it's already installed, including lightdm, but still same issue10:40
EriC^^_ok let me boot into the newer kernel and see how it runs10:40
alkisgEriC^^_: is that unity on 16.04?10:40
EriC^^_it used to run on this laptop before10:41
EriC^^_even efibootmgr -v segfaulted, i dunno why, i tried a memtest and it passed10:41
alkisgEriC^^_: it's a broken installation that you want to revive, not a failed new installation, correct?10:41
EriC^^_no it's a fresh install, alkisg10:41
alkisgEriC^^_: so, in the live usb all programs like apt and efibootmgr work fine, yet when you install, they segfault?10:42
EriC^^_i didnt try that, i installed, booted nothing worked, then i suspected a faulty usb so i tried creating the efi partition later in the disk, i usually only use this usb at the start for making live usb's10:43
EriC^^_let me reboo10:43
EriC^^_nope same issue10:45
alkisgEriC^^_: so in the live usb everything works fine?10:45
EriC^^_let me try dd'ing an iso real quick10:46
XXCoderas long as its not ddos ;)10:46
EriC^^_same thing for live usb10:53
EriC^^_sort of, it doesn't segfault, it reaches ... Done but mentions ** (appstreamcli:3123): CRITICAL **: Error while moving old database out of the way. AppStream cache update failed.10:53
EriC^^_i can install stuff, apt works10:54
EriC^^_alkisg: i'm in the live usb right now10:54
alkisgEriC^^_: dmesg | grep - i segf10:55
alkisgAny segfaults?10:55
alkisgEriC^^_: also, are you installing from usb stick to usb stick, or to ssd, or to hdd?10:56
EriC^^_nope, i tried md5sum -c md5sum.txt for the live usb and it all checks OK10:56
EriC^^_usb to ssd10:56
alkisgEriC^^_: dmesg | nc termbin.com 999910:57
alkisgIf you have no segfaults in dmesg in the live system, and your installed one was so broken, reinstall, don't try to revive it10:57
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
EriC^^_alkisg: i installed the one a few days ago and it segfaulted right away10:57
alkisgEriC^^_: yes, it sounds like a broken library that affects a lot of programs10:58
EriC^^_in the live usb it mentions the appstream cli error, in the install it segfaults10:58
alkisgPossibly due to bad installation/copying of files10:58
EriC^^_must be the usb is bad, if even in the live usb its mentioning appstream error10:58
SPFalkisg: I fixed the lightdm issue, thanks for the hepl10:58
alkisgEriC^^_: appstream isn't very important, I can't test currently but casper may block its updates10:59
alkisgSo as to save RAM10:59
alkisgSPF: np10:59
EriC^^_alkisg: aha10:59
alkisgEriC^^_: if you need another eye to check for dmesg errors, pastebin it11:00
EriC^^_alkisg: http://termbin.com/tjwr11:01
EriC^^_alkisg: i'm trying to reinstall ubuntu right now, who knows11:03
alkisgEriC^^_: seems fine; reinstall and check dmesg again BEFORE restarting to check for ssd write errors11:03
BluesKajHi folks11:03
EriC^^_alkisg: good idea11:03
alkisgHi BluesKaj11:03
BluesKajHi alkisg, EriC^^_11:04
EriC^^_hi BluesKaj11:04
EriC^^_alkisg: install completed, dmesg is clean, i havent restarted yet but i tried sudo efibootmgr -v, it segfaulted and dmesg said efibootmgr[31667]: segfault at 746000 ip 00007f3f82605abe sp 00007ffc8a0e2310 error 4 in libefivar.so.0.23[7f3f825ff000+f000]11:07
EriC^^_i'll try to restart into the install now and see how it goes11:08
EriC^^_alkisg: it's broken11:12
MacroManWhere are printer settings stored? I need to find the setup of a printer from a HDD out of a dead computer.11:12
EriC^^_when i first do apt-get update, it mentions /var/lib/dpkg/lock error, ps aux | grep dpkg shows nothing, so i remove the lock and then apt-get update segfaults11:12
EriC^^_i'll try to see if i have another usb somewhere11:13
hateballMacroMan: /etc/cups/printers.conf11:16
MacroManhateball: Thanks11:17
Typhlubuntu-desktop was such an improvement over the GNOME 3 desktop and session manager that I've actually switched to it on all my computers running Ubuntu11:20
TyphThanks everyone who helped me11:22
tilerenderingis there a way to find out whether “localhost” and e.g. “” are on the same machine? I need this to determine whether I m on this or that host11:43
tilerenderingand I need to integrate this in runtime code11:44
aroratilerendering: what?11:46
tilerenderingarora: just solved this in another way, by making it available in the database11:47
alkisg[13:12] <EriC^^_> when i first do apt-get update, it mentions /var/lib/dpkg/lock error ==> that's unattended upgrades, run ps aux|grep apt, not dpkg12:08
alkisgEriC^^_: if you delete the lock and update, you cause race conditions, and possibly broken dpkg states12:08
alkisgEriC^^_: so it's possible that this lock deletion caused the later problems12:09
alkisgI had to kill apt many times, but I never had to delete the lock. It's very risky.12:10
* alkisg now sets unattended-upgrades to "show only" instead of "automatic install" in all his systems...12:11
EriC^^_alkisg: i'll try reinstalling, i think last time i checked for both apt and dpkg12:18
EriC^^_it's something else i think, cause efibootmgr segfaults preinstall, i dunno let me try to reinstall12:19
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=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
EriC^^_alkisg: i just tried to dd if=usb bs= count= (same as usb size) | md5sum and the hash is correct, so i think the usb is actually ok13:21
EriC^^_i wonder why after installing it doesn't work *shrug*13:22
EriC^^_sorry i meant the bs= count= same as the iso file size13:22
alkisg[14:19] <EriC^^_> it's something else i think, cause efibootmgr segfaults preinstall, i dunno let me try to reinstall ==> preinstall => in the live usb?13:22
EriC^^_alkisg: yes, i was just about to mention that, my laptop had a while ago some odd uefi issue where the list disappeared, and i was only able to install in legacy mode, it's some hp bug that can happen suddenly, recently i noticed the uefi was suddenly working, so when i was reinstalling i decided to install in uefi mode, maybe it has to do with stuff, somehow? (the apt segfaults are kind of odd though)13:23
EriC^^_anyhow, i'll try to boot in csm legacy mode now and reinstall to see if it helps13:24
EriC^^_alkisg: should i try to chroot to the install from the live usb just for kicks? im going to try it13:29
locsmifHi all. I'm trying to recover an encypted Ubuntu installation from a Mint LiveCD. I can access the encrypted volumes just fine (I didn't use an LVM), but the problem is it's a Windows dualboot and the MBR was overwritten by Windows. I have some idea what to do, but I'd rather double-check here. What should I do?13:31
locsmifOr more importantly, what shouldn't I do.. :p13:31
EriC^^_locsmif: you should mount the rootfs run grub-install --recheck /dev/sda --boot-directory /mnt/boot13:32
EriC^^_locsmif: or just setup a proper chroot and run grub-install /dev/sda && update-grub from there13:33
EriC^^_alkisg: i tried to chroot to the install and run apt-get update, it segfaulted13:34
locsmifEriC^^_: I tried a chroot, but I don't recall exactly how to set up the rest of the chroot prequisites. I got as far as mounting proc and that was it13:35
locsmifFor the former option, I don't have to mount or specify the encrypted root, just the unencrypted boot partition? Sounds good13:35
ioriaEriC^^_, sources.list is ok ?13:36
locsmifI have to be very careful because this machine is now loaded with hooked up devices. My smartphone, the USB flash drive (wasn't actually literally a LiveCD) with mint, and three harddrives with various partitions ..13:36
EriC^^_locsmif: i'm not entirely sure about not specifying the rootfs13:37
locsmifEriC^^_: roger13:37
EriC^^_locsmif: i'd chroot instead, "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"13:37
EriC^^_then sudo chroot /mnt and 'mount -a' from inside the chroot13:37
locsmifThanks for that, I'll try13:37
EriC^^_ioria: let me see13:37
EriC^^_ioria: they look ok13:38
locsmifEriC^^_: so I run that mount loop first and then I chroot?13:38
ioriaEriC^^_, you can strace apt-get update ...13:38
EriC^^_ioria: http://termbin.com/8xg113:39
locsmifEriC^^_: oh, it's a bind mount, sorry13:40
EriC^^_locsmif: yes run it first13:40
locsmifthe encrypted root partition should obviously have been mounted under /mnt already, right?13:41
locsmifok, thanks13:41
locsmifI'm asking all the dumb questions because I don't want to screw this up, and it's very screw-uppable :P13:41
EriC^^_ioria: apparently running 'appstreamcli refresh' is making it segfault13:42
EriC^^_locsmif: heh yeah, no dumb questions though ;)13:43
EriC^^_ioria: alkisg i followed here, it's working now, *shrug* https://askubuntu.com/questions/943463/library-corruption-error-during-apt-get-update13:44
EriC^^_said to run 'sudo apt-get purge libappstream3'13:45
EriC^^_i've no idea why this has happened now, 16.04 was running on this laptop before using same iso, very odd13:45
ioriaEriC^^_,  i see ... i was suggesting you to mv pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin from /var/cache/apt/13:45
EriC^^_ill try reinstalling and see, it's worth a shot, it also removed gnome-software and ubuntu-software too xD13:46
ioriaEriC^^_,  can you paste the complete error you got ?13:47
EriC^^_ioria: oddly enough, after reinstalling the packages it removed, i'm not getting it anymore, it only says AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors.13:49
EriC^^_thanks for the help alkisg and ioria , appreciated13:50
ioriaEriC^^_, no problem13:50
adrian_1908As a regular Desktop user, is there any harm in disabling avahi? I don't need any dynamic network smarts, and worry the autoconf created IP carries potential for conflict/loopholes.14:02
locsmifEriC^^_: thank you, it worked like charm, no hiccups14:07
EriC^^_locsmif: great, no problem14:07
bulletxthi, is this repo offline ?    add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php514:07
Robin___Hello :) Is it possible to login my user twice? (need to experiment with commands)14:15
TJ-Robin___: Yes, at separate TTYs, via Alt+Ctrl+F1 through F614:16
Robin___TJ-: thanks. I try14:16
Robin___It works. One last question. If I type ls /hh 2> lserror.txt <-- What exacly does the 2?14:28
Robin___I know 2> represents an standard error, but why would i use it?14:29
Robin___that i redirect the error to be written in the file instead of the console?14:30
TJ-Robin___: correct14:32
Robin___alright. thanks14:32
d1rewolfis there an officially supported way to install ubuntu to zfs entirely during server install?14:41
rainbowwarriorhello, i am running Ubuntu 17.10 and it says my sd card is 67 GB when its 64 GB, how can i fix please?14:45
xpkill23 /join #ubuntu.de14:45
xpkill23Cannot join #ubuntu.de (Channel is invite only) help please thank s14:48
=== WilburMercer is now known as Leevancleef
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
hitmandreamsanyone around that can assist me with a sound issue with 16.04?15:16
leftyfb!ask | hitmandreams15:17
ubottuhitmandreams: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:17
hitmandreamsI'm having a sound issue with a secondary audio card. Periodically I get an audio pop, sound stops, then it comes back again. If I run "killall pulseaudio" it makes the same pop while restarting sound (as expected) but it seems like it is doing it on its own periodically. To further the issue, I noticed I can reproduce the issue by opening Discord and joining a voice channel. After a few seconds the popping sound occurs and15:22
hitmandreamssound comes back (all but for Discord anyway). I went through the process of getting a log from Pulse Audio and instead of ctrl+c to stop it, pulseaudio was killed. I have the log, but after a couple searches I'm not really able to find anything that will help.15:22
BluesKajhitmandreams, if you have your audiodec in the uefi/bios on auto mode then you have aseveral options in pulseaudio/pavucontrol and alsamixer to choose your default sound card. You can check those settings and make sure they are all set to the same mode15:30
BluesKajcorrection: audiocodec15:31
heap_hi whats the easiest way to partition drive from unbuntu console (not fdisk) drive 5TB15:34
nicomachus!info parted | heap_15:35
ubottuheap_: parted (source: parted): disk partition manipulator. In component main, is standard. Version 3.2-18 (artful), package size 44 kB, installed size 156 kB15:35
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, I never disabled anything in the BIOS, so the built in card is likely still enabled there. I have checked alsamixer and made sure it's the default there. Sound Prefs has built in disabled and the one I use set (although it doesn't say default anywhere). Is pavucontrol a separate install?15:40
hitmandreamsscratch that, found it in repo15:41
BluesKajright pavucontrol is a stand alone app15:43
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, confirmed it has all devices off except the one I want to use in pavucontrol, just like the default sound prefs app. Alsamixer is setup with my card as well.15:44
=== Luke_ is now known as Guest22027
BluesKajhitmandreams, I also used 2 sound cards for a while but it became too complicated, so i blacklisted the onboard and ran with pcie m-audio card together with pulseaudio and pavucontrol...a simpler and easier setup for me at least15:46
hitmandreamshow can I go about blacklisting the onboard card? I'm fine with that as I don't actually use it.15:48
hitmandreamswill turning it off in the BIOS do it automatically?15:48
BluesKajhitmandreams, which ubuntu release?15:49
leftyfbhitmandreams: turning it off in the BIOS will probably solve everything15:50
BluesKajit has to be blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf15:51
BluesKajleftyfb, disabling in the bios didn't work for me15:52
hitmandreamsI'll try both and see what happens. Thank you leftyfb and BluesKaJ15:52
BluesKajbut I have an old BIOS equipped pc , not UEFI15:53
heap_trying that parted but no idea what should i fill for Start END?15:54
leftyfbI hate UEFI15:54
BluesKajhitmandreams, blacklist the driver , not the device15:54
BluesKajleftyfb, yeah , not a fan either15:55
heap_any idea what should i put as Start /End in parted?15:56
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, the Kernel driver listed in lspci right?15:56
hitmandreamsfor the built in device15:56
heap_anyone any view on that???15:57
BluesKajhitmandreams, yes most likely snd-hda-intel if it's an intel audio chip15:58
hitmandreamsthat's the one15:58
BluesKajheap_, https://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_chapter/parted_2.html15:59
heap_BluesKaj: i know what start/end means16:00
heap_but i have no clue how to find out what values16:00
geirhaheap_: the print command shows where any existing partitions start and end16:00
heap_why its not putting in default values?16:00
heap_its empty drive16:00
heap_no existing partitiosn.16:00
geirhaheap_: https://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_mono/parted.html#SEC2216:01
BluesKajone  large partition i hope16:01
geirhawell, then start at 0, and end depends on how large you want the partition16:01
heap_BluesKaj: ?16:01
heap_i want one partition to use as much space as possible16:02
BluesKajread on :-)16:02
heap_thats what im saying 333x ... i was expecting default16:02
heap_read on what?16:02
heap_you are posting man pages..16:02
BluesKajwhat geirha posted16:02
heap_i already read.16:03
heap_the drive is empty16:03
geirhaheap_: so what is the geometry of the disk, according to the print command?16:03
heap_Disk /dev/sda: 5001GB16:03
heap_Start? 116:04
heap_End? 5001GB16:04
heap_Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.16:04
geirhawarning is because you started at 1 instead of 0, probably16:04
heap_Start? 016:04
heap_End? 5001GB16:04
heap_Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.16:04
heap_same shit.16:04
geirhaI can't find anything in the docs that GB in the offset is allowed, or what it means16:07
heap_even if i use 100%16:07
heap_same issue.16:07
heap_oh my god, feels like in 197116:09
leftyfbI'm trying to add UEFI functionality to my pxe server that works just fine on legacy machines. I Got as far as a kernel actually booting and then kernel panicing/tracing(depending on the kernel). Do I need some UEFI specific kernel/initrd?16:10
heap_really havent seen that stupid utility for ages.16:11
heap_why its not counting some default values16:11
leftyfbheap_: try gdisk16:12
heap_i dont have gui16:12
leftyfbit's not GUI16:12
heap_leftyfb: thanks16:14
heap_parted is really for kids16:14
heap_gdisk is able to print secotrs etc etc16:14
hitmandreamswell, onboard audio disabled in BIOS and PCIe card set as default with onboard drivers blacklisted. Same issue. Something is killing pulseaudio I think16:17
hitmandreamswhen it comes back some things continue working while others don't is what seems to be happening16:17
lukasoftHello all! How do I go about troubleshooting ubuntu freezing to the point where I can't type ctrl+alt+F1 to rerun the window manager?16:20
nicomachuslukasoft: I would check kern.log and syslog16:29
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lukasoftnicomachus: my issue is I don't really know what to look for :( I don't see errors standing out16:32
nicomachuslukasoft: paste the logs to paste.ubuntu.com and link here16:35
hitmandreamswell, I think I've narrowed it down to an SPDIF issue with pulseaudio and/or alsamixer potentially16:36
hitmandreamsWas still having issues, so I removed spdif and plugged in my wired headphones and haven't had the issue happen once16:37
lukasoftsyslog: https://pastebin.com/0AE18MqS16:37
BluesKajhitmandreams, spdif out is digital for devices like amps that have digital inputs16:40
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, right. It goes to my Turtle Beach headset16:41
lukasoftkern.log: https://pastebin.com/zGt9D8tH16:41
nicomachuslukasoft: not that it would cause system freezes, but there are a lot of UFW blocks there. might want to chec your UFW logs and see what's going on16:42
hitmandreamsI was using the Digital Surround 5.1 (IEC958/AC3) Output + Analog Stereo Input (that's an analog mic input)16:42
nicomachuslukasoft: same in kern.log16:42
lukasoftnicomachus: I've been setting up an ssh server, not sure if that would cause it, but yea, I noticed that as well16:42
nicomachuslukasoft: don't really know how it would cause system freezes, but you may wanna check your UFW rules and make sure you aren't ddosing yourself16:43
BluesKajhitmandreams, ok , now I hope you left you audiio codec in the uefi/bios on auto mod, since you already blacklisted the onboeard sound  chip driver16:43
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, I disabled the onboard audio AND blacklisted the onboard driver since I only use the PCIe card16:44
hitmandreamsdisabled from BIOS16:45
BluesKajhitmandreams, because auto codec then defaults to your pcie soundcard16:45
BluesKajhitmandreams, however if your pcie cardstill works ok , then there's no need to back into to the bios16:47
BluesKajanyway i have to go push some snow ...bbl16:48
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, just re-enabled it, we'll see how that goes16:50
tatertotslukasoft: how many occurrences have you observed?16:50
lukasofttatertots: Every few days. It just happened again a little less than an hour ago so I thought it would be a good time to get help because logs would be fresh16:51
hitmandreamsnope, same thing happens. Issue with the digital profile that uses spdif16:52
tatertotslukasoft: well you've got MCE's in your log16:52
lukasoftnicomachus: I have a windows machine on, it seems its trying to find info on my machine, but I don't know why. I'm not actively connecting16:52
tatertotslukasoft: and that's not cool16:52
nicomachuslukasoft: if you don't want it to use that Windows machine to connect at all, just block the IP with ufw16:53
tatertotslukasoft: you probably want to make those go away and see if your symptom(s) persist.16:54
lukasoftThanks guys - I'll deal with the MCE issues first I assume, haha. What should I be looking for?16:54
TJ-lukasoft: there are tools to decode MCEs16:55
nicomachuslukasoft: sudo ufw deny from
TJ-lukasoft: there's a package (on debian) called mcelog that does16:55
nicomachuslukasoft: wait16:55
nicomachuslukasoft: these look like they're coming from your machine and going to
tatertotslukasoft: as long as you see stuff like the following i'd expect you to have problems16:56
tatertotslukasoft: Dec 19 11:10:13 chris-desktop06 kernel: [    0.065753] mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 0: Machine Check: 0 Bank 0: f20008400000080016:56
tatertotslukasoft: Dec 19 11:10:13 chris-desktop06 kernel: [    0.065767] mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 0: Machine Check: 0 Bank 5: f200001014000e0f16:57
tatertotslukasoft: Dec 19 11:10:13 ring a bell?16:57
lukasoftYea, I think that's when the box froze or I rebooted. Not sure which, as I only waited 2-3 minutes before rebooting16:58
tatertotslukasoft: make those go away and see if your symptom(s) persist.16:59
lukasofttatertots: Thanks, I'll look into that.17:00
firusvg7win all17:03
Levin^hi there17:12
Levin^through SSH, I configured my crontab with two wget17:12
Levin^do I need to use sudo wget on cron?17:12
BluesKajhitmandreams, change your pavucontrol setting to analog if that's what you want17:23
lukasofttatertots, unfortunately I haven't found anything conclusive, mcelog isn't providing any info17:26
lukasoftbut it seems to be a DMEM issue based on banks and addresses?17:26
lukasoftnicomachus: Is there a way to diagnose what is creating the packets if they're coming locally?17:28
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lukasoftIt just looks to me like windows doing a multicast name resolution. Are you sure that's something I should be stopping?17:30
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, I want to use digital surround out (over SPDIF) + Analog Input. Which it is set to in pavucontrol.17:32
alkisglukasoft: all recent OSes have multicast dns, yes, avahi, zeroconf etc17:33
alkisgSo some traffic in LAN exists because of that17:33
lukasoftalkisg, so its typical, and something I shouldn't need to block in the firewall, correct?17:36
BluesKajhitmandreams, so you have the setup you want then?17:37
alkisglukasoft: yes; you'll even lose local name resolution if you block it, e.g. \\windowsshare or ubuntu.local17:38
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, yes, but the setup doesn't work properly. I've had the correct sound cards and profiles in use. The issue is that pulseaudio kills itself for some reason periodically when using this setup. This only happens when using the spdif out however.17:39
hitmandreamswhen it kills itself, some applications begin working again after and some need to be killed and restarted to get sound back, but it will happen again in 10 seconds or less typically17:40
lukasoftthanks alkisg!17:41
BluesKajhitmandreams, that's the pulseaudio daemon screwing up. you might be able to fix it in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf setting to: daemonize = no17:45
hitmandreamsthat setting is already set17:47
BluesKajhitmandreams, what's the driver for your pcie sound card ? It will be snd-nameofdriver17:50
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, snd_oxygen17:52
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, the card is an asus xonar dgx pci-e gx2.517:53
BluesKajhitmandreams,ok open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , at the bottom add the line: options snd_oxygen index=017:55
BluesKajyou'll need to reboot afgterwards17:55
hitmandreamsadded. rebooting now.17:57
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hitmandreamsdidn't work18:00
hitmandreamswould a pulse log help?18:01
BluesKajdunno , but it's worth a look18:06
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, https://pastebin.com/YXm6FpdQ18:12
hitmandreamsCreated a conf file that stops pulseaudio from respawning. Killed pulseaudio. Ran "LANG=C pulseaudio -vvvv --log-time=1 > ~/pulseverbose.log 2>&1". Started music, which played fine. Then opened another app that uses the mic. Clicked back into Chrome where the music was playing from and pulse killed the instance I started. That was the log from doing those steps18:13
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BluesKajwish i knew more about PA, I just started using it last month, previously I used 2 sound cards and switched between them depending on the source , but it was a pita after a while and I managed to simplify the switching to one card, but the snd driver needs pulseaudio and that's mainly for webaudio thru the browser ,  whereas the intel audio chip does not18:21
hitmandreamsI hadn't checked, but I'll see if there's a PA irc perhaps. I'm pretty sure it's an issue between PA and SPDIF somehow.18:23
hitmandreamsThanks BluesKaj18:23
BluesKajthe m-audio sound quality is so much better than the intel so that's the reason for the single pcie sound card usage18:24
BluesKajhitmandreams, thinks it's tha damn daemon that's polling your audio hardware and switches bewtween them for some reason18:25
BluesKajpa daemon18:25
TJ-hitmandreams: read all the instances of "underrun" on this page for some ideas https://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/doxygen/streams.html18:28
hitmandreamsTJ, thank you. So because SPDIF is digital, the buffering could be causing it which is why I don't experience this with all analog (out/in) but do with digital out and analog in. hmm18:34
wolfcommhow do you enable http access for git under ubuntu's git/gitweb/gitolite packages?18:37
BluesKajhitmandreams, do you have loopback enabled in alsamixer?18:43
CTZENAre ubuntu development releases kinda rolling?18:44
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, how can I know? I don't think so18:45
hitmandreamsS/PDIF Loopback [Off]18:45
BluesKajok, was thinking the analog in18:48
BluesKaj anyway, I'm out of ideas ...BBL18:48
fs1Can anyone help before I go nuts, I try to install broadcom driver offline in Ubuntu after mounting the ISO file as repository but when I want to install the broadcom driver it shows18:50
fs1"Media change: please insert the disc labeled"  'Ubuntu 17.10 _Artful Aardvark_ - Release amd64 (20171018)' in the drive '/media/cdrom/' and press [Enter]18:50
fs1When I boot into live usb and type sudo apt-install bcmwl-kernel-source it installs without issues, but on the installed Ubuntu I can't get it to install.18:51
ThyriaenI got a strange issue, sometimes ( i would say 1 out of 10 times ) -> if i open a dropdown menu or a window, or something happens to change the general composition of my window - a part or the entire surface ( not limited to my one of two screens ) get greenish fractals - if i then for example move my mouse over to the top left of the screen to the menu it gets normal again [ typical things when this occurs: is something like: steam18:53
Thyriaennotification, clicking on a dropdown menu in the address bar ...) :: it is not related to the temperature of my graphics card - i am running a Rx Vega 56 with amdgpu ( on a staging kernel 4.13 for the dc patches )18:53
d1rewolfall, I'm getting "virtlogd[3145]: End of file while reading data: Input/output error" whenever I try to start a kvm vm on ubuntu 16.04.3. Any ideas what would cause this?18:54
acresearchpeople, i am on ubuntu 17.10 macbook pro 2011. i am trying to connect a projector using the lightning adaptor to get a second screen. it is not working. i have not done it before. what should i do? and is it possible with a macbook pro 2011?19:08
TJ-acresearch: does the device show up for the OS? (dmesg or xrandr -q) ?19:09
acresearchTJ-: xrandr -q gives one screen after connecting the second one19:11
TJ-acresearch: so the device is detected then.19:14
acresearchTJ-: i don't think so. what should i see    2 screens?19:14
acresearchTJ-: Screen0 and Screen1?19:14
acresearchTJ-: because there is only Screen019:15
TJ-acresearch: "xrandr -q" will list all GPU outputs that have a device connected19:16
acresearchTJ-: there is too much output, i don't knwo what is what19:17
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acresearchTJ-: ?19:26
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acresearchhello people, anyone knows how to connect a second screen to ubuntu? it is not showing up in the displays19:30
alkisgacresearch: what's the output of: xrandr | nc termbin.com 999919:32
acresearchalkisg: http://termbin.com/edat19:33
alkisgacresearch: ah, is this 17.10 with wayland?19:33
acresearchalkisg: yes19:33
alkisgDunno then, I'm still on 16.04 LTS19:34
acresearchalkisg:  oh ok19:34
alkisgwayland doesn't even have a proper mechanism for resolutions19:34
alkisgJust a draft that gnome implemented19:34
acresearchalkisg: oh ok19:35
acresearchalkisg: nothing on xorg either, just switched19:38
acresearchi kept searching online for several hours, but there doesn't seen to be anyone asking this question.19:40
acresearchis it possible to connect a monitor using USB?19:49
vtoxDoes anyone got a decent tutorial which shows how to connect Ubuntu Server to a WIFI router with wpa2 trough wlan0? I've tried all guides and youtube vids nothing seems to do the job.19:52
alkisgacresearch: so what's the output of xrandr on xorg?19:57
alkisgacresearch: because if it's xwayland, it's not real xorg19:57
hitmandreamsfor reference, updating to PulseAudio 10.0 manually seems to have fixed the issue for now19:58
alkisgacresearch: the reason people don't ask how to connect 2 monitors, is that it usually works out of thebox19:59
BluesKajhitmandreams, heh, having the latest version helps too :-)20:00
hitmandreamsBluesKaj, haha, yeah. 16.04 only goes up to 8.0 supposedly so I had to compile and install manually to get 10.020:00
hitmandreamsthere's a delay on changing the volume, but I can live with that. Seems like it fixed whatever the buffer issue was that was causing it to crash. We'll see how it goes.20:01
acresearchalkisg: i think it doesn't work with mac computers, i am talking to the people in #linux and this seems to be the conclusion20:02
alkisgacresearch: well, google says for example "I actually have a Macbook 3,1 and dual monitors worked out of the box for me with a Dell 20" Widescreen. Maybe the monitor isn't supported?  This was Ubuntu 9.04 by the way. "20:03
alkisgSo, supported since years...20:03
acresearchalkisg: macbook 4,1 seems to be an exception in many things20:04
alkisgacresearch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro_Penryn#External_Monitor20:05
alkisgEtc etc, all say it's working20:05
acresearchalkisg: but when i plug the cabel it does not show up20:07
alkisgStart by reading the wiki....20:08
acresearchalkisg: it says to boot with cable attached, which i did20:08
alkisgacresearch: so you installed the nvidia-settings package?20:09
acresearchalkisg: looking for it20:09
acresearchinstalled nvidia-settings alkisg    should i restart?20:11
alkisgThat's the extend of my knowledge, I've never seen a mac :)20:11
acresearchalkisg: and i hope you never do haha :-)20:12
acresearchnividia setting will not open20:12
alkisgacresearch: what does `sudo ubuntu-drivers devices` show?20:13
acresearchalkisg: http://paste.debian.net/1001543/20:14
alkisgacresearch: and this one? lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA20:15
acresearchalkisg: http://paste.debian.net/1001545/20:15
alkisgHaha that doesn'tlook like nvidia :D20:16
acresearchalkisg: i will restart 1 moment20:18
TJ-acresearch: we really need the exact model number. If it's a 2011 model it'll be something like 8,1 8,2 or 8,3 (A1279, A1286, A1297)20:19
acresearchalkisg: no, seems that solution is too old (2008)20:20
TJ-acresearch: we really need the exact model number. If it's a 2011 model it'll be something like 8,1 8,2 or 8,3 (A1279, A1286, A1297)20:20
acresearchTJ-: where can i find that?20:20
TJ-acresearch: presumably stamped on the case, or in the firmware setup screens maybe20:20
kolbertHi there :)20:22
acresearchTJ-: A127820:23
TJ-acresearch: thanks, so that's a 13" model20:24
acresearchTJ-: yes20:24
TJ-acresearch: thing is, that number covers models from mid-2009 to late-2011 :D20:24
acresearchTJ-: mine is 201120:24
TJ-acresearch: this is the table I'm looking at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBook_Pro#Technical_specifications_220:25
TJ-acresearch: so, looks like "MacBookPro8,1"20:25
acresearchTJ-: yes true20:25
acresearchTJ-: i remember something like this20:26
TJ-acresearch: this post shows a typical "xrandr -q" output in comment #2:  https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19954020:27
acresearchTJ-: ok i get that output in xorg not waylans20:27
TJ-acresearch: makes sense since wayland isn't Xorg :)20:28
TJ-acresearch: what type of monitor connector are you using? HDMI? DVI? DisplayPort?20:28
acresearchDVI is the 12 pin right?20:29
acresearchTJ-: ?20:29
TJ-acresearch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Visual_Interface20:29
acresearchTJ-: hmmm no20:29
acresearchi am using the old type, the one that has i think 12 pins, the one found everywhere20:30
TJ-acresearch: displayport? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DisplayPort20:30
acresearchTJ-: no older20:30
ioriaacresearch, vga20:30
TJ-acresearch: ahhh, so it's Analog output not Digital20:31
ioriaacresearch, why did you install nvidia-settings if you don't have nvidia ?20:31
TJ-acresearch: and I was just reading of a bug in the i915 driver causing that to fail for older kernels. What does "uname -r" report?20:31
TJ-ioria: alkisg suggested it because it looked like there was an external thunderbolt GPU20:32
ioriaTJ-, ok20:32
ioriaacresearch, just to be sure : lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D'20:32
TJ-acresearch: that forum link I gave you, with the 'xrandr' output, is a report about the failure of the Thunderbolt->VGA port due to a kernel bug.20:33
acresearchioria: TJ- http://paste.debian.net/1001548/20:34
ioriaacresearch, ok, i thought you could have a GeForce 9400M, but nope20:36
acresearchioria: :-)20:36
TJ-acresearch:  What does "uname -r" report?20:37
acresearchTJ-: 4.13.0-19-generic20:37
TJ-acresearch: so it should work immediately. The problems I saw were fixed in v4.320:37
TJ-acresearch: so, is the DisplayPort->VGA adapter the Apple branded device?20:37
acresearchTJ-: yes20:38
acresearchthe system works when i switch on the MAC OS20:38
TJ-acresearch: could be another regression I guess20:38
TJ-acresearch: this is the original bug: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9145120:39
ubottuFreedesktop bug 91451 in DRM/Intel "Apple miniDP-to-VGA adapter doesn't work anymore since Kernel 4.1" [Normal,Closed: fixed]20:39
acresearchTJ-: reason i am trying to connect the second screen is because i am demonstrating how to use linux tomorrow to students,,, i guess i will just have to demonstrate on pictures20:45
acresearchTJ-: thank you very much for your help :-) i really appriciate it, but it is time to sleep20:46
TJ-acresearch: does the projector not have a digital input you could use?20:46
acresearchTJ-: like bluetooth?20:46
TJ-acresearch: no! like DVI or HDMI20:47
acresearchTJ-: the project has everything, i don't have the adapters, you know how apples are everything has a seperate adapter20:47
ioriaacresearch, if you want to illustrate linux, never show up with an apple product  (joke) (not really)20:47
acresearchioria: the only i have a mac because i got it for free20:48
TJ-acresearch: could you run Linux inside a virtual machine on MacOS for it?20:48
acresearchioria:  i like the concept of recylcling computers, i haveb't bought a computer for ages20:48
acresearchlinux always helped me20:48
TJ-acresearch: oooooooooooooo hang on!!!20:48
acresearchTJ-: !!!!!    that is a great idea20:48
TJ-acresearch: reading this... it says "...On my 2014 MacBook Pro with 2 Thunderbolt ports I found HDMI port to HDMI-VGA adapter did not work, but if I used my Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter then plugged the HDMI to VGA adapter into that, the VGA signal to the external monitor worked fine..."  https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/189974/hdmi-vga-projector-cannot-connect-to-macbook-pro20:49
acresearchTJ-: that is strange20:49
TJ-acresearch: does your VGA adapter dongle have an optional external power input on it? because for Mac's I'm reading it needs a powered port which the Mac doesn't provide20:51
acresearchTJ-: no power input, only thunderbolt to VGA (nothing else next to it)20:52
TJ-acresearch: OK, well, was worth a shot!... go with the VM solution then and save yourself a headache20:53
acresearchTJ-: yeh i think i will do that20:53
acresearchthanks for the idea20:53
th3_g3ntl3m3nI used the dd command in the command line to make an USB flash drive booteable by copying a Windows.iso file to the device but it didn´t work as expected.21:31
th3_g3ntl3m3nThis is the command that i used to copy the files in the USB: sudo dd bs=4M if=(the file).iso of=/dev/sdb21:33
PTNapivoskiISO images must be used to optical media... Try Rufus to create a bootable pen drive...21:35
PTNapivoskiSorry... Rufus is for Windows...21:36
th3_g3ntl3m3nI will use unetbooting to see if it works.21:36
electricmilkI heard Rufus is awesome.  I used to use Pen Drive Linux USB installer.21:39
electricmilkunnetbootin used to be horrible21:39
electricmilkNot sure if it still is21:39
PTNapivoskiI use Rufus in Windows to create bootable devices... I created with Ubuntu and Windows...21:43
Steristin the terminal I'm using the Find function, but, the directory I'm looking through has several thousand files. Find does not move the selection to what it finds, only highlights what it finds21:53
Steristis there a way to make it move the selection to the found item?21:53
VystyI'm in the processing of upgrading from 16.04 to 17.04 and I've run into an error "The upgrade will continue but the 'gconf2' package may not be in a working state." The installation appears to have stopped, as well. How do I get the installation to continue?21:54
VystyI'm also unable to close the error window.21:55
Steristvysty try using synaptic to reinstall gconf2, if you manage to somehow close the window21:56
VystySterist: If I can't close the Window... what then? Force close it?21:56
Steristctrl alt T should open a terminal, from there you can just issue a reboot command but I honestly don't know if that's a wise thing to do. your pc may or may not boot Ubuntu21:58
Steristbut if it does make you with a non booting Ubuntu, you will still be able to recover your personal data relatively easily with a liveCD21:59
VystyI backed up my data before doing this.21:59
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Sterista Google search may give you a better fix than any potential solution I can offer22:00
leftyfbVysty: why would you update an LTS to the previous non-LTS that will be unsupported in 1 month?22:01
eyedropI wrote a 40mb iso to a usb stick. then I ran sync. it ran for 10 minutes before I tried to kill it. kill -9 did nothing. so I tried to reboot, and I started getting errors about cpu #2 being stalled. I hard rebooted, and now my PC takes about 3 minutes to go from power on to POST. wtf?22:10
TJ-eyedrop: did you leave the USB storage connected during the boot ?22:12
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th3_g3ntl3m3nPIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU!22:12
VystyMy computer just crashed and I'm on my wife's computer now.22:13
VystyUpgrading from 16.04 to 17.04 and the upgrade had an error mid-installation as is wonked-out. Need help in proceeding.22:13
netsrotHi, how do I get xsidplay2 working in ubuntu? Right now I'm having to use an old debian version in qemu and it's a lot of trouble.22:13
VystySaid there was a problem with gconf2.22:13
eyedropTJ: yeah. still happens after I put a different ISO on it and after I pulled the USB drive entirely22:14
VystySterist: Did you write me anything after your initial messages? My IIRC client crashed shortly afterward.22:14
TJ-eyedrop: check the 'dmesg' or /var/log/kern.log for clues; could be a coincidental hardware failure22:15
VystySterist: Are you able to help me work through this?22:16
Steristmy knowledge is very limited, you'd be much better off with a Google search of the exact error you're getting22:17
SteristTJ- wasn't that you that helped me with a grub recovery like 2 years ago?22:17
TJ-Sterist: I have no recollection :) I have trouble remembering assistance I've done a week ago!22:17
TJ-Sterist: you have a good memory! "2015-10-09 03:07:01      TJ-     Sterist: do you get left with a grub rescue> prompt?"22:19
VystyHaving an issue upgrading from 16.04 to 17.04. Can anyone assist me with the issue or point me to a useful resource?22:21
Steristit's DDR4!22:22
eyedropTJ-, nothing jumps out at me, but I pulled everything from my USB hub and it's fine now... I think you're right22:23
LoshkiVysty: my best advice is 1) avoid anything that's not an LTS, 2) never update, always install from scratch, reconfigure services then restore data 3) Profit22:24
Loshkis/update/upgrade between releases/22:24
VystyLoshki: I see I should have asked before starting. Any advice now that I'm already screwed up?22:25
LoshkiVysty: abandon it. Even if you manage to patch something working together out of this bodge, why would you trust it?22:26
VystyLoshki: How do I abandon? This happens to me every few years and I forget how to deal with it each time.22:26
SteristTJ- turned out that problem was a "rare bug" in "old linux kernels" that caused a  MBR to report having 256 partitions, OOM'ing almost any OS that isn't capable of recognizing the specific error. I narrowed it down to a partition/drive issue a couple months ago when I pulled the old laptop out of the closet to salvage the hard drive. when I attached it to a new laptop externally, it crashed the new one the same as the old one22:26
VystyLoshki: Do I need to re-downloaded 16.04, slap it on a USB, format, and re-install at this point?22:27
TJ-Sterist: that sounds familiar now :)22:27
LoshkiVysty: basically, yes redownload and reinstall. And 16.04.5 should be lots more stable than 17.04.anything. Do you have anything other than Ubuntu 16.04 on that machine?22:29
eyedropTJ-, thanks, that was a weird one22:30
TJ-eyedrop: sounds like the controller or hub messed up, probably overheated due to the 'dd' and didn't reset22:31
VystyLoshki: Nope.22:31
VystyLoshki: I quit dual-booting Windows because I never used the Windows.22:31
eyedropTJ-, I have definitely been abusing it lately. I guess it's earned a vacation.22:32
VystyLoshki: I'm finding places to download 16.04.3. Where can I get 16.04.5?22:32
LoshkiVysty: then provided you have backups, you can tell the installer to wipe everything and start from scratch. How are your disks laid out? Do you have a /home?22:32
TJ-eyedrop: I've killed USB<>PATA/SATA adapters thay way with sustained writes or reads22:33
LoshkiVysty: just download 16.04.3. Once installed, you can update over the network to
VystyLoshki: Thank you for helping, by the way. I get really frustrated when these things happen b/c it seems like I only know enough to get myself in trouble. I really appreciate it when someone helps me out here.22:33
LoshkiVysty: I've been there, most of us have.22:34
VystyLoshki: If you don't mind reminding me.... once I get this downloaded and put on a USB drive, I can force-shut down my computer, plug in the USB, and turn the computer on to go from there, yea?22:35
LoshkiVysty: yes. You can run the live install and look at your disks, backup anything you think you may need, then hit install. It should detect the existing system (depending on how broken you left it) and ask where to preserve it and install alongside, or to wipe it all. Think carefully at this point, since there's no coming back once you hit "wipe"22:37
VystyLoshki: Indeed. Where do I look at the disks? I backed up this morning but I want to do it again just to be redundant.22:39
VystyLoshki: I'm formatting a USB drive for the install.. what's the best file system to use?22:40
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VystyFAT32 or NTFS?22:40
Ben64neither, just dd the iso straight to the usb22:41
TJ-Vysty: neither; .. ^^^^22:41
VystyEAsy enough22:41
VystyWhen I'm doing this reinstall, where will I have the opportunity to back up any data?22:44
Ben64you need to do that before22:44
VystyI did.22:44
VystyLoshki mentioned that I could be able to do it again, and I Figured I would for redundancy.22:44
VystyRedundancy meaning paranoia.22:44
VystyLoshki: Just rebooted with the USB drive and the new installation procedure didn't begin. Is there a key I need to hold down? I forgot.22:52
LoshkiVysty: no keys, are any lights blinking. It can take a couple of minutes to boot from USB. Did you use "dd" to create the USB?22:55
VystyNope, just copy and pasted.23:00
VystyLoshki: Looking up directions now...23:00
VystyHow do I perform a checksum from Windows?23:02
kolbertVysty, I think 7zip has tools to do it23:02
TpmSpainHi all23:11
TpmSpainI need some help with an Wifi dongle. Tplink T2UH v.123:11
TpmSpainI follow this guide. https://askubuntu.com/questions/674116/how-to-install-tp-link-t2uh-wireless-adapter-driver-ralink-mt7610u23:12
TpmSpainbut i get errors under when i make install23:13
TpmSpainmake -C /home/tommy/mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916/os/linux -f Makefile.6 install23:13
TpmSpainmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/tommy/mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916/os/linux'23:13
TpmSpainmkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/Wireless’: File exists23:13
TpmSpainrm -rf /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA23:13
TpmSpainmkdir /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA23:13
TpmSpaincp /home/tommy/mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916/conf/RT2870STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/.23:13
TJ-5!paste | TpmSpain23:13
TJ-!paste | TpmSpain23:13
ubottuTpmSpain: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:13
DalekSecTJ-: FWIW, when drone silences people, it PMs them with "Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation."23:14
TJ-oh, of course! I'm half asleep and in level 4 auto-drive mode :)23:15
TpmSpainI'm sorry about the mess23:16
DalekSecTJ-: That's OK, not sure how well known that is. :)23:16
TpmSpainBut this is the error code i get.23:17
kolbertHow can I adjust scroll speed?23:17
TpmSpainas i said i followed this guide..  https://askubuntu.com/questions/674116/how-to-install-tp-link-t2uh-wireless-adapter-driver-ralink-mt7610u23:17
VystyLoshki: Okay, I got the USB drive to boot. I have a few options. 1. Install Ubuntu Server 2. OEM install 3. Install MAAS Region Controller 4. Install MAAS Rack Controller 5. Check disc for defects 6. Rescue a broken system 7. Boot and Install with the HWE kernel23:18
VystyIs it just #1?23:18
voltyI would like to remove the read permission. recursively, for all the files under home directory,  to 'Others'. Should go without problems, right?23:19
Bashing-omVysty: Server install has no GUI, is that your intent ?23:19
TJ-TpmSpain: I'd guess the "make" step failed. Can you re-run that step and show us the result?23:19
VystyBashing-om: NOPE.23:19
TpmSpainstraigt away23:20
VystyBashing-om: Which one do I want then?23:20
VystyBashing-om: I'm just trying to get back to normal 16.04 Ubuntu.23:21
Bashing-omVysty: Is it (u)buntu that you want ? https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop . and consider which kernel you want to run .23:22
VystyBashing-om: F*** man, all I want is a working computer. I just tried to upgrade from 16.04 to 17.04 and the whole thing crashed.23:23
Bashing-omVysty: No big deal . takes 20 minutes to re-install. But install what you want the 1st time :)23:24
VystyMy goal was to get to 17.10 because I heard they had fixed a bug with bluetooth capability, which is a problem I was having with my new speaker.23:24
VystyI was also hoping that the upgrade might help with the video editing software I have been using.23:25
Bashing-omVysty: May I suggest that you burn a 17.10 and test it in a " try ubuntu" mode ?23:25
VystyBashing-om: Am I testing for if it works, if I like it, or both?23:25
Bashing-omVysty: Both ... and if the testing is acceptable .. then of course install 17.10 .23:26
VystyBashing-om: Loshki just suggested a safe play is to wait for the next LTS. What's your opinion on that?23:26
VystyOther than the bluetooth issue and the slow video editing, I was perfectly happy with 16.04.23:28
TpmSpainDid my last pic. help #TJ-23:28
TJ-TpmSpain: yes, the build failed - you can see error reports. So there's nothing to install23:29
TpmSpainokay.. why did the build fail ?23:29
TJ-TpmSpain: Without diving into the Linux source-code, I'm guessing the TP-Link source-code you have hasn't been updated to build with your system's v4.10 kernel23:30
VystyBashing-om: Also, just read that there is a current issue with 17.10 and Lenovo computers. My computer is a Lenovo. I'll just stick with 16.04. Can you tell me what the next step is to installation?23:30
Bashing-omVysty: Well, 17.10 to me is but testing for the 18.04 release . IF 17.10 resolves your issues - well, install 17.10 and upgrade when 18.04 is released . Now if you are comfortable with bugging and fixing . Why test and install 18.04 ( daily image) .23:31
TpmSpainokay. Thats a bummer..23:31
VystyBashing-om: Sounds good to me. I'm just going to stick with my 16.04 and see if I can figure out the issue some other way.23:31
Bashing-omVysty: K; the above link for (u)buntu . IF that is the DE you want to run .23:32
Bashing-omVysty: (D)esktop (E)nvironment . be awre as you want latest that installing 15.04.3 will get you the zesty (17.10) kernel and Xstack . Might be a good thing in your use case .23:33
VystyApparently I downloaded the wrong link before. Downloading what I think the proper one now.23:34
TJ-TpmSpain: the symbol IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS was removed in April 2016 for v5.723:35
Bashing-omVysty: Good deal .. practice makes perfect . do not forget to md5sum that .iso file :)23:35
TJ-TpmSpain: sorry, for v4.723:36
TpmSpainGuess i wasted 25 euro23:36
VystyBashing-om: Practice makes perfect if you do it right. I do this so infrequently I forget each time.23:37
TJ-TpmSpain: hang on...!23:38
TpmSpainwill do23:38
TJ-TpmSpain: ... this may make it build... not sure if it'll also work though! ...23:38
LoshkiVysty: next time you want to try out a release to see if it works better than what you have, try it via live cd, or install it alongside you're existing distro, so you can switch between them.23:38
VystyLoshki: Thanks. I'll endeavor to remember that.23:39
TpmSpainGiant smil and very thankfull23:40
TJ-TpmSpain: Do this "sed -i 's/IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS/NUM_NL80211_BANDS/g' include/cfg80211.h " - it alters that symbol, then try "make" again and see if it reports success at the end23:40
VystyOnce I Get this up and running... can you guys help me through upgrading to 16.04.5 and restoring my backup data?23:40
LoshkiVysty: where (and in what form, and how large) is your backup data, btw?23:42
VystyOn my desk, in an external HD, and... relatively small.23:43
TpmSpainno errors so far23:43
LoshkiVysty: then it will be the easiest part of this whole business :-)23:43
TJ-TpmSpain: if "make" seems to have worked then do the install step again "sudo make install" and continue23:43
VystyI figured. I just need someone to double-check my actions before I do them. Like I said, I seem to know enough just to get myself in trouble.23:43
Bashing-omVysty: 16.04.5 is a ;ong way down the road yet . current is 16.04.3 .23:43
VystyBashing-om: Oh, well. Don't worry about that, then.23:44
TpmSpainnot true..23:44
TpmSpain2 sec..23:44
TpmSpainill upload the screen shot..23:44
TpmSpainIt did a hole lot of building.. but at the end..23:44
LoshkiVysty: my bad, I get the LTses confused. 14.04.5 is the latest 14, I forget where 16.04 is up to. It doesn't matter, you're going to update to latest 16.04.something after installation.23:45
VystyNo problem.23:45
VystyLike I said, I don't really care what I have. My goal is a working computer.23:46
TpmSpainlast link works.23:46
VystyOkay, USB boot drive created.23:46
VystySOB. My boot USB isn't showing up on the GNU GRUB.23:47
TJ-TpmSpain: Hmmm, the 'make' got further but the kernel source-code has changed significantly in that area, so the MediaTek driver source you have is out of date and won't build23:47
LoshkiVysty: there's usually a bios setting to set boot order. You want usb before disk...23:48
Bashing-omVysty: Annddd .. did you change the bios boot priority to the USB ?23:48
VystyBashing-om: Yes.23:48
VystyBashing-om: Current priority: USB FDD, USB KEY, then USB HDD23:48
VystyUSB CDROM down at the bottom... maybe that's it.23:48
LoshkiVysty: try it23:49
VystyNope. That didn't change anything.23:49
Bashing-omVysty: If you are copying the .iso to a USB device then the boot order is correct .23:49
LoshkiVysty: for testing, can you unplug the disk altogether, leaving to boot from USB or nothing23:49
LoshkiVysty: also, did you ever manage to checksum the usb stick. It matters.23:50
VystyLoshki: Checksum, yes.23:50
VystyLoshki: How do I "unplug the disk altogether"?23:50
TJ-TpmSpain: there may be a better source of the source! hang on, what does "lsb_release -d" tell you?23:50
TpmSpainUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS23:51
VystyLoshki: ACtually, I did a checksum on the ISO, not on the USB stick.23:51
LoshkiVysty: close, but no cigar. Did the windows instructions not mention how to checksum the USB disk?23:52
VystySee? This is why I need someone looking over my shoulder.23:52
TJ-TpmSpain: oh good! Someone has created an Ubuntu package in their Personal Package Archive for that device and 16.04, see here: https://launchpad.net/~hanipouspilot/+archive/ubuntu/rtlwifi?field.series_filter=xenial23:52
VystyI'm running WinMD5Free to Checksum the .ISO on the USB drive right now.23:52
VystyUnless there is some other way to Checksum the USB drive itself.23:53
TJ-TpmSpain: follow the instructions under "Adding this PPA to your system" and then do "sudo apt install mt7610u-dkms"23:53
TpmSpaingot it23:53
TJ-TpmSpain: it *may* hit the same problem; I cannot tell if that package has been updated to work with the kernel version your system is using23:53
TpmSpainill give it a go.23:54
TpmSpainI do like arnold and be back..23:54
VystyHm... where do I get the original MD5 checksum value?23:56
Bashing-omVysty: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows .23:56
TpmSpainError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.10.0-28-generic (x86_64)23:57
TpmSpainConsult /var/lib/dkms/mt7610u/0.2/build/make.log for more information.23:57
VystyOkay..... now I have no idea what I'm doing.23:57
TJ-Vysty: which ISO did you download? 16.04.3 ?23:58
VystyI haven't installed anything. I'm trying to get to a point where I CAN install.23:58
LoshkiVysty: which guide are you following?23:58
VystyApparently I don't know how to do a checksum.23:58
TJ-Vysty: "download" not install :)23:58
Bashing-omVysty: 1) download the desired .iso. 2) verify the .iso; 3) copy to USB ; 4) verity that copy 5) install !23:59
VystyTJ-: My bad, yes 16.04.323:59
VystyLoshki: Guide? I'm following you guys. I have yet to find a guide that doesn't confuse the shit out of me.23:59
TJ-TpmSpain: darn! the only thing I can recommend is to use an older 16.04/Xenial kernel (prior to v4.7) so that module will build23:59
tsarompyhey, question?23:59

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