=== SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot [11:43] Uhhh....Notifyd is clipped. [15:44] Unit193: this should always have been the case, it just never worked before... otherwise notifications can get reaaaaallllly loooooooong [15:44] (horizontally, not vertically) [15:45] with gtk2 there were methods to set a max width effectively, with gtk3 that doesn't work anymore, so it's not easy to just let the window vertically grow and leave it at the sam width [20:09] Maybe, but it is trimming them too short. [20:31] ochosi: In this case they're being trimmed very short, there's got to be something between "Scolls off the screen" and "Too short to be useful", right? [20:32] My patch makes it more agressivly wrap, but it still doesn't trim long lines, pango/gtk is weird. [21:10] yeah, i know it's weird [21:10] if you have a patch, feel free to submit it [21:11] ideally we can limit the width and offer increased height [21:11] Well as I said it doesn't precisely work. [21:12] how did you get it to "more aggressively wrap"? [21:20] ochosi: Too much so, but http://paste.openstack.org/show/HZwklr8Clt7YxTPLaNPk of course. [21:20] I mean, you know gtk and the thing better than I do, so you can do it much better than I can.. [21:24] https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/tree/xfce4-notifyd/xfce-notify-window.c#n215 [21:24] the /2 is in fact a /60 [21:24] Makes it shorter! :D [21:24] and the problem is the heuristic for determining the actual screen_width is flawed (i always knew) but trying to properly handle that is actually quite a bit of work :s [21:25] maybe some newer gtk functions allow for a better matching of character-width/pixel-density of displays etc [21:26] Anyway, as it is now it doesn't wrap at all, just trims. [21:27] I think I'll just drop gtk_label_set_ellipsize and call it a day. [21:28] ochosi: Either way, thanks for looking into it again. [21:31] sure, no worries [21:31] feel free to report it as a bug so i don't forget properly looking into it again [21:32] i was just frustrated with the pixel density crap [21:32] i dont even have the hardware to test such things [21:32] and i'm too lazy to read gnome shell code ;) [21:32] Gah... Now I have to form a bug title and body that'll make sense to you later. === Unit193 is now known as JackFrost === hggdh is now known as desole