
flocculant!team | bug 173414706:07
ubottubug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10 corrupting BIOS - many LENOVO laptops models" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173414706:07
ubottubug 1734147: team is akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19306:07
flocculantrespins for 17.10 will appear, updated our release note to make note of this06:08
flocculantwe'll need to do some testing and then release when the time comes06:08
flocculantmight be a idea to social media this 06:12
bluesabreflocculant: wow, that's bad11:02
JackFrostBut oh so...OK, so not fun either.11:03
flocculantimmediate question is do we disable downloads - if nothing else we could do so from getxubuntu17:47
flocculantor at least put some warning on that page17:47
flocculantknome: ^^17:47
flocculantre -release : 'investigation is still in progress of a runtime recovery of the issue' 17:58
ali1234that's a nasty bug. why is it writing to the bios at all? the docs for the driver say it is set to read only by default. accidentally writing anything seems like it should be quite unlikely20:06
=== desole is now known as hggdh

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