
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> @acheronuk, Anoth option might be to ship PIM on LTS releases, and business/institutions etc are more likely to use those, but excluded it from our interim isos17:41
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Maybe.17:57
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> just pondering options18:07
valorieacheronuk: that means PIM for 18.0420:09
valorieso ......20:09
tsimonq2valorie: Sure, but it's probably an 18.10 thing to seriously consider21:59
tsimonq2It's fun to give wxl things to do, but it's becoming a PITA to maintain for that kind of software. ;)21:59
tsimonq2wxl: PIM is where most of your fun symbols tasks have come from :)22:00
wxlah ya pim yay22:00

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