
Hg203are there instructions for how to install kubuntu without having a windows install on the drive first?00:03
Hg203i'm using a usb stick and it seems to assume that you have windows already00:03
Hg203it's 17.1000:03
Hg203..if i run the installer, i get past language, and then it says the drive has only 8gb of space so it can't install (which i guess it's trying to use the usb stick)00:04
Hg203in /dev there's an sda1 that seems to be mounted to /cdrom but not sure where the hard drive is00:05
Hg203hm.. anyone awake?00:07
magguxwhat kind of hdd do you have?00:20
Hg203seagate green00:21
Hg203barracuda green00:21
Hg203it's sata 300:21
magguxand you have no /dev/sdb or c? just /dev/sda?00:23
Hg203yeah, i have a sg0.. but no sg00:24
Hg203just sda and sda1 which is /cdrom00:24
=== threebar` is now known as threebar
magguxand I guess your cdrom/dvdrom is also connected on a sata port?00:27
magguxsomehow linux didnt detect your sata port and/or your hdd00:30
Hg203i don't have a cdrom it's a liveusb00:31
Hg203i made it in windows using a gui tool00:31
magguxyes the liveusb-sticks mosttime are emulated as cdom-images.00:32
=== Hg203 is now known as Hg200
Hg200yeah it's mounted as /cdrom00:33
Hg200which is sda100:34
magguxcan you do an cat /proc/scsi00:34
Hg202k, got my netbook set up so i can reboot the new box00:36
maggux cat /proc/scsi/scsi00:37
magguxthere was a doubble scsi, sorry00:37
Hg200the file scsi inside the dir right?00:38
Hg200it seems to only detect the usb stick00:38
magguxmy guess is, it didnt detect your scsci-system. thats sad.00:40
Hg200hm. how's it usually do that?00:42
magguxfor me it just worked. perhaps you can try to switch some settings in the bios. .. but Im afraid, I have no further ideas here.00:44
Hg200ok. well, i'm still here on my netbook, but i'm going to reboot this box and see what i can figure out in earlier stages of boot00:46
=== claydoh is now known as Guest97637
Hg202i tried "boot from first hard disk" and it's loaded into BusyBox v1.22.100:52
Hg202is that a liveusb / livecd feature or is this just built into my drive?00:53
Hg202no i tried looking in /proc/scsi/scsi again and it's the same stick00:54
Hg202is the OEM install option the old 'alternate installer' option?00:55
Hg202ok well that took me to the same sort of install menu gui but then it crapped out again with the same error and booted to live mode00:57
Hg202haha the windows liveusb i have installer can't find the drive either!01:05
Hg202i should check what came with this drive01:05
Hg202ok so i feel stupid. the hdd cable got loose while i was checking internal components01:17
Hg202but i've gotten uefi to see the drive and am booting into the installer liveusb again01:17
Hg202i'll see if this works01:17
Hg202whee this time i've gotten to the 'prepare' step01:19
Hg202ok it's showing me disk setup. i think it may actually function now maybe :)01:20
=== bedtime-bath is now known as bedtime
Hg202so like, what % of hard drive space should be devoted to windows (for later, not installing now) relative to kubuntu?01:40
Hg202i mean like, recommendations01:40
Hg202so like i'm on this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes01:46
Hg202it seems to think i can format a partition to ntfs but i see no such option, only fat3201:47
Hg202i figure 100gb is more than enough for the windows partition right?01:48
Hg202i'm formatting it to fat32 for now .. i'll have it become ntfs later as needed when i install windows01:48
Hg202does that seem normal?01:48
Hg202hm. according to this site, i should use ext3 for /boot but it also says not to create a separate /boot01:57
Hg202what's the deal with setting up the LVM01:57
Hg202anyway i'm going to do some other stuff now01:59
Hg202but if anyone has any thoughts feel free to say so, and also feel free to PM me01:59
=== baraba_ is now known as baraba
=== Kristine_ is now known as Kristine
Hg202can anyone tell me how to produce this sort of partition table: https://pastebin.aquilenet.fr/?2abbca6ba0889989#MIdioyh/i2nsKl8vPs0iK6olpTyQhe2+AzOWkaBNV1U=03:08
Hg202..the 17.10 installer seems to want to only make LVMs on automatic mode, and then it produces a lot of far more confusing stuff than i quite get.. but i'm not sure it'll work with a later windows install03:09
=== bedtime-sleep is now known as bedtime-obdormis
Hg202so anyway the installer using guided with LVM (no encrypt) option seems to 1- not be guided but rather create some automatic partition table i don't even understand, which doesn't seem to really make sense to install windows into any of later.03:20
Hg202but more importantly, i get to the part where it copies files and after that it crashes saying that it can't update grub03:21
Hg202ah here it is. says "executing 'grub-install /dev/dm-0' failed. this is a fatal error."03:22
Hg202k nm i'm using kde partition manager to set things up myself fully, then i'll select the installation point for the bootable device for install, maybe that'll work03:34
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest19247
=== Guest19247 is now known as Hg200
Hg200should i move /boot and stuff to the end so that it can freely resize between ntfs and /stor later?04:02
Hg200that other table didn't work; spat errors when trying to format it that way. this one worked though04:10
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
Hg200though apparently kde partition manager treats the intitial 1mb of space as hidden / automatic, while the installer explicitly shows it, so i didn't need to try to add it in kde part man04:20
Hg200er. mgr04:20
Hg202ok so i've now realized two things. 1- my box doesn't like to actually boot into uefi mode. it uses uefi but it boots only in legacy mode for some reason05:20
Hg202parted -l says it's a gpt file system, but i'm not sure what's up with that.05:20
Hg202i think i just confused it by doing it this way.. i need to set up a new part table05:20
redphantom_Im on 17.10 - my Internet doesn't connect automatically on startup ever since configuring openvpn to connect via the NetworkManager GUI. I always need to press "Connect" manually and things connect just fine. I have the automatically connect option selected, but still no dice. Any ideas?05:33
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> Good day everyone!06:04
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> Any idea if the Kubuntu 16.04.3 iso is broken?06:07
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> I'm trying to install from a usb but no luck so far06:08
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> Sums ok, usb ok (tested on one 2.0 and one 3.0) bios/uefi modes checked06:09
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/M6sy1Ili/file_3858.jpg Always ends like this06:11
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> Tried making the live images with DD and etcher, same result06:12
lordievaderGood morning07:02
spearlmanWhat's the nicest way to tell apt to keep a number (let's say 3) of old kernels around?  (i.e. so autoremove doesn't get rid of them)07:57
spearlmanFor a temporary fix, I don't mind just telling apt not to autoremove kernels at all07:58
spearlmanahh.. it looks like this stuff is all generated from /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal ...08:05
spearlmanI don't really wanna screw around with that.. not as simple as a variable to set, clearly08:06
lordievaderspearlman: What are  you trying to do?08:10
=== kvm2k3k is now known as kvm2k
redphantom_Im on 17.10 - my Internet doesn't connect automatically on startup ever since configuring openvpn to connect via the NetworkManager GUI. I always need to press "Connect" manually and things connect just fine. I have the automatically connect option selected, but still no dice. Any ideas?08:25
=== harry is now known as Guest23608
Guest23608Can somebody tell me how I can load the images in the startscreen of Konquerer?10:31
Guest23608Can somebody tell me how I can load the images in the startscreen of Konquerer?10:32
=== bedtime-obdormis is now known as bedtime
=== bedtime is now known as bedtime-tubby
=== bedtime-tubby is now known as bedtime-afk
BluesKajHowdy folks13:47
zaapieli need help14:05
zaapielmy audio isnt working14:06
zaapiel'it shows in the tab as 100% but no sound is coming out14:06
zaapielanyway to check to see if its being regestered14:07
lordievader!ask | zaapiel14:44
ubottuzaapiel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:44
lordievaderOh, he left.14:46
BluesKajhis patience only lasted 4 mins14:47
=== bedtime-afk is now known as bedtime
zaapieli need helpw tih my sound16:13
zaapielit isnt working and i cant reinstall since i used a usb16:13
EldonMcGuinnessWhat is the issue zaapiel? Have you checked audio and video to see if your hardware is listed?16:15
BluesKajzaapiel, no point in reinstalling, have you updated and upgraed since installation, and installed kubuntu-restricted-extras?16:16
zaapieli see default in audio and video16:17
zaapieland im installing kubuntu restricted extras now16:17
BluesKajzaapiel, ok run aplay -l and post the result in pastebin16:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:18
zaapielaudio volume says no devices found16:21
zaapielit the systray16:21
BluesKajzaapiel,  run sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel, then open alsamixer in the terminal and amke sure you pcm and othe volume controls are unmuted, also disable automute if needed16:25
zaapieldid and it showed volume up but im not seeing anything in the systray16:27
zaapielno sound either16:27
BluesKajthen check system settings >multimedia>audio&video>audio hardware setup and choose the options that fit your audio output connections.. The reboot16:27
BluesKajthen reboot16:28
BluesKajis za not the device preference tab, the harware tab which sets up your pulseaudio choices/options16:30
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guzhi hele21:24
=== happy is now known as Guest84415
myrdroidHi i just upgraded from 16.04 to 17.10 and all I get I'd a blue screen on login. How do I get plasma to start22:13
myrdroidAlso how can I get online from  tty?  I tried using nmcli device WiFi onnect ssid password password but I can only ping the router not websites22:16
myrdroidPlasma-desktop apparently isn't installed22:18
myrdroidTyping on my phone22:19
myrdroidWhen I try to connect with nmcli I get   could not build name for facility network : invalid parameter22:33
valoriemyrdroid: it's possible some people here will know how to use nmcli, but you are much more likely to get help on some networking chan22:35
valorie#networking  seems the likely option22:35
valoriebut alis gives lots of options22:36
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:36
myrdroidAny suggestions?  #kde always throws me back here when I ask there. And my primary goal really is to get plasma running again22:36
myrdroid#networking is for KDE tools?22:37
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=== myrdroid is now known as kaddi
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan

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