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flocculantjbicha: we likely to see an update to gvfs before release? bug 173953705:30
ubot5`bug 1739537 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "mtp volume is not removed when unplugging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173953705:30
seb128good morning desktopers08:18
dufluMorning seb12808:27
seb128hey duflu, how are you?08:29
dufluseb128, I was hungry so snacked. Fine now :) You?08:36
seb128I'm good :)08:36
dupondjeHi guys. Small question, what could be the cause that gnome-terminal laggs my whole pc when there is fast output in it (like when I tail -f some logfile)08:37
dupondjegnome-terminal goes to like 60% cpu :s08:39
dufludupondje, that sounds familiar but I can't fine the Ubuntu bug reports. You would have more luck looking upstream closer to the source: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=gnome%20terminal%20performance08:49
dufluI also can't *find* them08:49
dufludupondje, maybe https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77892608:56
ubot5Gnome bug 778926 in Backend: Wayland "[gnome-terminal] Very poor scrolling performance on wayland with high DPI" [Normal,New]08:56
dufluOne surprising side-effect of using Wayland instead of X11 is that there is now no 2D acceleration where previously there was in Xorg. So some simple things like clearing a rectangle to a colour or scrolling could be much more CPU intensive with Wayland08:57
dufluSo I discovered when working on GTK performance issues in 17.1008:58
dupondjeThat seems the be the issue indeed :) Cause its since I'm using a new laptop with HiDPi08:59
dupondje2D acceleration still needs to be added or ?08:59
dufludupondje, OK then two separate issues. (1) Please subscribe to that bug. (2) I don't think 2D acceleration is planned at all, AFAIK. Devs would probably prefer instead that more people used OpenGL instead of software blitting. Fortunately GTK4 does exactly that, compared to GTK309:01
dufluAnd Qt already does. So only GTK3 is a problem really09:02
dufluOnly GTK3 on Wayland is a problem really09:02
dufludupondje, solving the problem you describe is one of the main goals of GTK4, as far as I have heard09:04
dupondjebut gtk4 is for 20xx? :D09:05
dufluYes, probably this century09:05
* duflu has no idea on the timeline for that09:06
dupondjeso until then we have to live with gnome-terminal eating 60% cpu? :D09:06
dufludupondje, if you scroll fast enough then yes. You have to keep in mind the computer will and must display each frame accurately. So if you scroll really fast it's like asking the machine to play a 3D game with software rendering09:07
dufluThat's what GPUs are *mostly* for. To avoid that bottleneck and push hundreds of millions of unique pixels to the screen each second, more efficiently than a CPU can09:11
dufluThen there is the argument that it's not really an important bug. If your terminal is scrolling so fast that it uses significant CPU then it's already too fast to read, and not useful. Maybe redirect your output so it doesn't scroll09:18
dupondjewell partly agree :) thing is, it worked fine, and now (on wayland) its broken, which is not cool ofcourse09:22
dufludupondje, yeah I experienced similar when testing window (actually just decorations) redraw performance. It was much faster with X11 vs Wayland09:30
dufluBut that's somewhat intentional. No fast path exists for GTK3 on Wayland yet09:30
dupondjein fact its better to stay on X11 then :)09:35
dupondjein this stage09:35
dufludupondje, there are benefits and drawbacks. It's also possible gnome-terminal just contains some bug that is fixable without needing GTK4 acceleration09:38
dufluBut in general you can't animate in software a largish window like a terminal that is scrolling without using noticeable CPU09:39
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LyzardKing_willcooke: Hi! I'm the maintainer for ubuntu-make. I just updated the wiki.ubuntu.com page to reflect the recent changes (snap, ppa, and other details.). At the moment the updated ppa is on my personal launchapd account. Is the ubuntu team interested in keeping instead the ubuntu-desktop ppa (aka the old one...)?12:08
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jbichaflocculant: do you mean for bionic or for artful? (gvfs)12:40
alexarnaudjbicha: Hello, do you plan to package BRLTTY 5.5 for Ubuntu 18.04 ? Do I have to fill a bug for that ? It's braille display driver for GNU/Linux.12:56
jbichaalexarnaud: I'm not working on brltty now12:59
alexarnaudI know but who is in charge of this package ? Do you plan to migrate the BRLTTY package from main to community to use the Debian package ?13:02
alexarnaudThe new BRLTTY release 5.5 comes in April 2017 and Ubuntu BRLTTY package stays on 5.4.13:04
jbichano, brltty needs to stay in main13:04
jbichalots of people are on holiday now13:05
jbichamaybe ask in #ubuntu-devel in January, maybe you can find someone from the Foundations Team to work on doing the merge (updating the package)13:06
jbichayou can file a bug if you like. If you do, add the tags upgrade-software-version and needs-debian-merge13:07
alexarnaudOK :), to be honest I don't exactly why BRLTTY needs to be in main. But you're more experienced than me. I just want to inform you about the current situation of BRLTTY on Ubuntu. As I've to help blind people to use Ubuntu since few months I think it could better to have an up-to-date BRLTTY package on 18.04.13:08
alexarnaudThanks, I'll do that.13:08
jbichait needs to be in main so that it can be used in the installer13:22
alexarnaudOh, thanks for the explanation.13:54
flocculantjbicha: bionic :p17:27
jbichaflocculant: sure, we'll package a new release eventually17:27
jbichagvfs follows the GNOME release schedule so if we package GNOME 3.28, that's around February https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointTwentyseven17:28
flocculantjbicha: okey doke - thanks for the info17:29
flocculantwas a bit disconcerting when I had a bunch of phones and tablets apparently :p17:29
kenvandineheber, popey just invited you to be a mentor, can you please accept it?17:34
heberkenvandine, sure let me check17:42
robert_ancelljackpot51, hello, looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/+bug/169921621:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1699216 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Encrypted home support" [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:13
robert_ancelljackpot51, I updated the bug with some feedback.21:23
jackpot51Thanks robert_ancell22:02
jackpot51I will get to work on updating it22:02
robert_ancelljackpot51, note I haven't got confirmation from the original authors that is a valid use of account type but it seems reasonable to me. The other option was a CreateUser2 method that took params arg of type "a{sv}" so we could add any other future options into it.22:15
jackpot51That makes sense22:16
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