
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:08
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) Hey - http://ubuntu-manual.org/ is not connecting . Any idea who we contact to get it resolved ?03:10
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om03:14
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: on my side it loads03:17
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: perhaps a country block for the user?03:17
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: perhaps #ubuntu-mirrors guys might know the way?03:18
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Humm .. I am in the US .. and I tried it too .. ;emme try again :)03:19
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Nope . pressing 'download now ' and errors out for the routing .03:20
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: for me it forwards the manual in my language(dutch)03:20
lightFare you in china? /say Bashing-om04:03
lightFBashing-om are you in china?04:04
Bashing-omlightF: No ,, not presently - why ?04:09
lightFBashing-om :in china, it's normal.04:11
Bashing-omlightF: :(04:11
alkisgGood morning all06:14
lotuspsychjehey alkisg06:14
Bashing-omFor me, "that's all folks" g nite \o06:48
lotuspsychjenite Bashing-om06:48
Bashing-omTake care lotuspsychje catch ya on my flip :)06:49
lordievaderGood morning07:01
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:04
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje07:04
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:04
lotuspsychjegreat here07:04
lotuspsychjetesting bionic07:05
lordievaderRuns Wayland (in Ubuntu) right?07:09
lotuspsychjelordievader: 2 out 3 boxes still need xorg for me07:17
lotuspsychjewayland lags alot07:17
lordievaderOh, that doesn't surprise me. There are not many applications which do native Wayland yet.07:19
ducassegood morning07:36
alkisg\o ducasse07:37
ducassehi alkisg - all well?07:38
alkisgI spent a day yesterday backing up my 1 tb disk only to discover that the target disk had bad sectors :/07:40
alkisgOh well a day lost; everything fine otherwise07:40
alkisgHow are you?07:40
ducasseall quiet, still sleepy, but good :) absolutely freezing outside, so probably staying in.07:44
lotuspsychjehey ducasse07:45
ducassehi lotuspsychje - how goes?07:48
lotuspsychjeall fine this side of the planet :p07:48
alkisgBtw, which sides of the planet are you guys from?07:49
ducassenorway here07:51
ducasselotus is from belgium07:52
alkisgAh, so we're +-1 in timezones, cool :D07:52
ducasseand you?07:52
alkisgI'm from Greece07:52
lordievaderHey ducasse07:53
lordievaderHey alkisg07:53
alkisgHere's an old page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlkisGeorgopoulos07:53
alkisgHey lordievader07:53
ducassehi lordievader07:53
lordievaderHow are you all?07:55
ducassei'm good, thanks, and you?07:57
lordievaderDoing good, trying to solve an advent of code.08:00
ducasselordievader: gotten your coffee yet? :)08:00
lordievaderYes, right in front of me 😁08:00
lotuspsychjeall sides of the world :p08:09
lotuspsychjenow -r and we good to go!08:09
alkisgWas anyone at #ops convinced about it?08:10
lotuspsychjedax was interested08:10
lotuspsychjeabout the graph from ben6408:10
lotuspsychjebut we didnt catch his url yet08:11
lotuspsychjebbl work08:26
lotuspsychjealmost holiday08:26
BluesKajHowdy folks13:47
pauljwhey BluesKaj :)13:48
BluesKajHi pauljw 😎13:49
lordievaderHey BluesKaj14:44
BluesKajHi lordievader14:44
lordievaderHow are you doing?14:50
BluesKajgood here lordievader, and you?14:52
lordievaderDoing okay14:53
Bashing-omYukkie outside . Will procrastinate here awaiting improved conditions :)17:01
daftykinssounds like a plan17:01
Bashing-omdaftykins: Wonderful .. Hey all your clients happy now ?17:03
daftykinsBashing-om: ooh yes all buttoned up for winter, all totally quiet now other than finishing up payments and paperwork with the insurance company for the house stuff17:03
Bashing-omdaftykins: Well ! All  buttoned up is not good for that bottom line to get " finishing up payments " :(17:05
daftykinsoh nah we're all good on that front too :D all settled up with folks who owe me17:06
Bashing-omdaftykins: Let it rain then :P17:08
daftykinsyep i have chocolate, i'm indoors and it's warm, plenty of toys to play with... times are good17:09
Bashing-omdaftykins: :D17:11
Bashing-omAway for a bit .. back soonest .18:34
Bashing-omMy got-to's are done :) Back here now :)20:42
daftykinshuzzah \o/20:42
Bashing-omUh Huh daftykins ! That's the way I feel . Freezing this week end and I am now ready .20:46

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