
Char|ienerds designing software for nerds00:00
TJ-Char|ie: check the manual @ http://www.openshotusers.com/help/1.3/en/00:00
Char|ieShould give up and get a mac00:00
Char|iefuck this00:00
nooryani84Char|ie, did u try lossless-cut?00:00
nooryani84There's this as well https://github.com/ozmartian/vidcutter00:01
TJ-Most NLEs do it the same way00:01
nooryani84I don't know if it configures it any differently... but you could always try out Ubuntu Studio in a VM00:02
nooryani84I'm guessing it would be the same as installing OpenShot though00:02
Char|ietheres only one drag mark line available on openshot00:03
Char|ieit makes no sense why you gotta drag it to a "track 2"00:04
TJ-I used openshot yesterday to extract a 30 second segment from a ~1 hour HD, and it worked OK, although I ended up prefering to use ffmpeg on the command-line so I could properly control the transcoding options00:04
Char|ieits just retarded00:04
tewardChar|ie: lodge your complaints about the openshot UI with their developers, not here in the #ubuntu support channel, please.00:05
tewardthis is not the place to go on a rant about what you do or don't like about a given program.00:05
Char|ieits linux in general00:05
Char|iehorrible software00:05
nooryani84I wouldn't complain about something that's free and openly "hackable"00:05
nooryani84I understand your frustrations though.00:06
Char|iecommand line video editing, oh joy00:06
nooryani84I think this may be similar to OpenShot however..00:06
typeVoidSo, I tried to log in (after resetting my password) https://i.imgur.com/rORE4Rm.png00:07
nooryani84Best way is to just try them out00:07
TJ-typeVoid: check in #canonical-sysadmin00:08
Char|ieits a insanely simple concept that should be simple to solve00:08
typeVoidNevermind, I think I'm logged in but https://translations.launchpad.net/ shows that00:08
nooryani84typeVoid, I'm guessing that this could be related to a lot of users trying to report issues about their Lenovos?00:08
nooryani84dont know.00:08
nooryani84the whole thing could be hyperbole00:08
typeVoidopening in a private window works fine00:09
TJ-typeVoid: sounds like a caching issue then00:09
nooryani84Did you try a different browser?00:09
VystyI'm running 16.04 and my bluetooth speaker isn't connecting to my computer. Was doing it last night. Can anyone help me troubleshoot it?00:09
typeVoidFrom earlier, yes. On mobile (Android) I used firefox focus then nightly, on desktop nightly ("57")00:10
typeVoidhuh, you're probably right00:11
nooryani84if you really want to clear out the browser00:11
TJ-Vysty: well hello :) terminal -> "bluetoothctl" then "agent on", "default-agent", "devices" then "info <MAC-of-speakers>"00:11
typeVoidI think it's caching issues00:11
nooryani84then try the refresh function00:11
LeevancleefChar|ie, you want a Linux video editing work station? Get a Blackmagic audio card and use Resolve. Or hell, you can use the NLE in Nuke. Both free.00:11
nooryani84this wont clear the cache though00:12
typeVoidI think I know how, though00:12
TJ-typeVoid: "about:cache" could help00:12
VystyTJ-: I sent you a private message so I don't fill the chatroom up.00:13
TJ-Vysty: I have then blocked; support should be in channel so everyone can contribute00:13
ErtainHello everyone. I have a server running Xenial, and now I can't get apt to resolve my package repositories. What I think I did was change my hostname via /etc/hostname. I tried changing it back, and rebooting. But apt still can't resolve the repos, giving an error such as: "Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'"00:13
VystyNo prob.00:14
Vysty[bluetooth]# info B8:D5:0B:55:DB:6B Device B8:D5:0B:55:DB:6B  Name: MHC-V11  Alias: MHC-V11  Class: 0x240414  Icon: audio-card  Paired: yes  Trusted: yes  Blocked: no  Connected: yes  LegacyPairing: no  UUID: Vendor specific           (00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacaff)  UUID: Serial Port               (00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)  UUID: Audio Sink                (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)  UUID: A/V Remote Cont00:14
TJ-Ertain: that is a DNS resolution error, did you change /etc/resolv.conf ?00:14
TJ-!paste  Vysty00:14
typeVoidTJ-, thanks but I went to about:preferences and searched 'cache'00:14
typeVoidThen deleted00:14
Vystywhat's !paste?00:14
TJ-!paste |  Vysty00:14
ubottuVysty: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:14
ErtainI think /etc/resolv.conf was changed; the file is empty. Though I could have sworn that some other mechanism is handling resolution.00:15
VystyTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26224245/00:15
LeevancleefI prefer OpenSUSE's paste site because you can prevent crawlers from reading it, and/or set it to expire on a timer00:16
TJ-Vysty: OK, that all looks correct. You can monitor bluetooth connection drops by watching the kernel log, I use "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" ... next time the audio fails see if there are any log messages related to bluetooth that suggest a cause00:16
VystyTJ-: Failing right now. The speaker's light is flashing like it's trying to find something to connect to.00:16
TJ-Leevancleef: yes, those would be useful additions00:16
TJ-Vysty: OK, check kern.log, is there anything reported over the last few minutes? show me "pastebinit <( tail -n 1000 /var/log/kern.log)"00:17
nooryani84TJ-, regarding the SPI-bug... Should I be worried?00:17
nooryani84I have no clue if this has done anything to my laptop.00:18
VystyTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26224257/00:18
TJ-nooryani84: sounds like you're hyper-ventilating over nothing at this point :)00:18
TJ-Vysty: there's one thing: "Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x0406 tx timeout"00:19
VystyTJ-: Do you know what it means?00:19
nooryani84TJ- I think you may be right :)00:19
TJ-Vysty: so looks like the radio connection may be suffering? BT operates in the same 2.4GHz band as 802.11b/g/n wifi - are you using 2.4GHz wifi?00:20
VystyTJ-: Maybe? Let me switch to the 5G network.00:20
TJ-Vysty: sometimes, strong wifi signals can knock out the lower-power BT signals00:20
TJ-Vysty: especially as BT is designed for a maximum of 10 metres00:21
VystyTJ-: Just switched to 5G and restarted my speaker...00:21
nooryani84if you have an Android phone you can check the wireless networks in your vicinity00:21
VystyTJ-: Yup, still blinknig.00:22
nooryani84I've used this in the past00:22
VystyTJ-: After my reinstall last night, the speaker worked just fine.00:22
Vystyworked fine this morning, too.00:22
nooryani84though this is mainly to check what channels are overlapping... don't know how helpful this will be here.00:23
TJ-Vysty: as nooryani84 recommends, scan for all other 2.4GHz sources. Because 2.4GHz is unlicenced other devices can use it too, like baby monitors, TV relays, and it's the same frequency as microwave ovens too00:24
TJ-Vysty: how far apart are the BT speaker and the PC?00:24
TJ-Vysty: could the issue be your body absorbing the signal because you're between them?00:25
nooryani84I worked at an ISP earlier and I've heard about baby monitors causing Wifi dropouts00:25
VystyTJ-: It's a little under 2 meters. I guess maybe that could be the issue?00:26
nooryani84Is both the PC transmitting the signal and the speaker in the same room/area that it was earlier today?00:26
TJ-Vysty: 2m should be OK generally, put I've seen local PC wifi knock out BT to a mouse on occasion00:26
TJ-Vysty: are the speakers using Bluetooth LE ?00:27
VystyTJ-: Don't know if LE. How do I find out?00:27
VystyTJ-: When I got the speaker, it worked in another room.00:27
nooryani84What's the model of the speaker?00:27
nooryani84i believe BT 4.0 and up support LE00:27
TJ-Vysty: do the speakers use batteries or mains ?00:28
VystyTJ-: They're plugged into the wall.00:28
VystyJust one speaker.00:28
TJ-Vysty: I've had issues with weak batteries in BT devices causing issues. For my favourite BT mouse, every few days I have to polish the battery terminals to keep it alive :D00:29
VystyDefinitely not running on batteries.00:29
VystyTJ-: I'm trying it in different spots around the room, now.00:31
VystyNo luck.00:31
VystyIf it's the neighbor's wifi screwing it up, is there no way to fix that?00:31
TJ-Vysty: how about triyng to use a smartphone to send audio to it? if that has problems too it points to a speaker issue, if not, it could be an issue with the PC, or with the particular position of the PC00:32
VystyTJ-: Remember how we did all that crap yesterday to get me reinstalled? This is the issue that started it.00:32
nooryani84seems its Bluetooth 3.0 on this speaker00:32
VystyTJ-: I found online that there was a bluetooth issue with 16.0400:32
TJ-Vysty: right! NO CHANGING PC CONFIG!00:32
Vysty"Bastien's Computer" problem.00:33
nooryani84so no LE on your speaker00:33
VystyI found an article that suggested that 17.10 had fixed the bluetooth issue, which is what prompted me to upgrade.00:33
VystyNow I'm trying to fix it without upgrading.00:33
TJ-Vysty: the kernel message suggests the device itself is losing the connection (tx timeout) but bluetoothctl info showed it still thought the device is connected00:33
roboziSmb know the user tatertots?00:34
VystyTJ-: Smartphone connects just fine to it.00:34
TJ-Vysty: so I'd point my finger at radio interference, or some issue with the speaker.00:34
nooryani84Vysty: Try something else.... Check if you have the same issue when conneting ...00:34
Vystynooryani84: Just did. connects fine.00:34
nooryani84ok so I was just about to ask about the martphne00:34
TJ-Vysty: connection yes, but keep it sending audio to the speaker for a few hours see if it managed not to drop00:34
Vystynooryani84: My wife's computer connected fine with it last night.00:34
TJ-Vysty: is your PC in a fixed location, or can you move it?00:35
VystyTJ-: Would this be an issue with a brand new speaker? I literally got it a few days ago.00:35
TJ-Vysty: the PC might simply be in a radio blackspot00:35
nooryani84Load up a different distro on a lice usb, see if that works00:35
nooryani84Antergos for example00:35
VystyTJ-: I can slide the PC around on my desk a little. Already tried that.00:35
nooryani84or fedora00:35
Vystynooryani84: I'll buy an audio cable before I do that.00:36
TJ-Vysty: if it's a PC issue, it's likely to be the particular BT chipset in the PC that is the root cause00:36
TJ-Vysty: how about doing tests with the speaker right on the desk? that way it's unlikely signal issues would be the cause00:36
Char|ieI used shotcut to successfully clip the video, however the quality downgrades when I export it, even if I keep it the same format.00:37
nooryani84Vysty, or a USB bluetooth adapter00:37
VystyTJ-: On the desk now... still not connecting.00:38
nooryani84Char|ie, did you try lossless-cut ?00:38
TJ-Vysty: try "sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service"00:38
nooryani84I don't know of any other apps that do lossless cuts for Linux.00:38
nooryani84not with a GUI00:39
VystyTJ-:  no luck00:40
TJ-nooryani84: they do, but they don't list the option as 'copy' like ffmpeg does, they list the complex codec options00:40
nooryani84Vysty: in any case, I think this is supposed to be a good adapter that works out of the box... https://www.asus.com/Networking/USBBT400/ shouldn't be too expensive.00:40
TJ-Vysty: I've just noticed your kern.log shows the PC had resumed from suspend. Does this also happen after a cold boot and the PC has not been suspended?00:41
Vystynooryani84: Appreciated. I'm just going to buy an audio cable.00:41
Vystynooryani84: Less things that can go wrong.00:41
VystyTJ-: Good question.00:41
Char|ienooryani84, that worked :D00:41
VystyTJ-: I'll reboot and see what happens. Be right back.00:41
TJ-Vysty: there are a lot of weird issues due to PC firmware ACPI DSDT bugs like this00:42
nooryani84I've never liked Bluetooth00:42
nooryani84Very few hw-manufacturors implement it well00:42
TJ-I've used it for over a decade and not had terrible issues00:42
nooryani84It depends on what it's used for00:42
TJ-Everthing )00:42
nooryani84Well... I'm sure it's my user error in most cases :)00:43
nooryani84The biggest issue with BT is pairing.00:43
TJ-rfcom, hdp, a2dp, avrcp, etc.00:43
nooryani84Newer BT sounds great, though older versions were power hogs00:44
nooryani84Logitech even make a mouse now that has both an RF adapter and BT, so you can connect with either.00:44
TJ-BT mice and keyboards are very handy, and work well on Linux (mostly! - aside from bluez 5 tripping up the original Apple wireless keyboard pin-code entry)00:46
VystyTJ-: Back.00:46
VystyThat worked.00:46
nooryani84The K380 looks pretty good00:46
nooryani84small and solid built, but I've been holding back due to reports of issues using it with the RPi00:47
TJ-Vysty: I'm going to suggest an ACPI workaround that could prevent the issue, if ACPI suspend/resume is the cause. See  http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html00:47
VystyTJ-: ...do I just type these commands into a terminal?00:48
nooryani84TJ- : Would very much like to try something like this https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/m720-triathlon?crid=7 which uses the Logitech Unifying adapter as well as BT.00:48
TJ-Vysty: can copy/paste them, or download/run the linked shell script00:49
Vystycopy/paste is what I meant00:49
VystyBefore I do this... is there anything it can screw up/00:49
VystyI'm gunshy after yesterday.00:49
TJ-Vysty: of course, it'll make your BT speaker sound like a 7.1 system :D ... no, it's relatively sane00:50
nooryani84sane defaults +100:52
TJ-As sane as anything I ever code is :p00:52
VystyTJ-: Great. No sarcasm meter through chattext.00:53
VystyHm... why am I having a problem pasting this all in at once.00:54
TJ-Vysty: maybe do it a line at a time?00:54
TJ-Vysty: if you're having problems download the script instead00:55
VystyTJ-: Do I need to put in the lines are the big block of code?00:56
VystyLike this one? GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\""00:56
TJ-Vysty: what you see is what is required, you don't interpret anything00:57
VystySo... yes put them all in?00:57
TJ-Vysty: that question suggests to me that your primary problems are caused by over-thinking/interpreting literal instructions00:58
TJ-Vysty: Yes, you do00:58
VystyTJ-: Well primarily problem is NOT thinking about anything and just putting it in. This causes system crashes. I'm avoiding the primary problem by being overly cautious.00:58
TJ-Vysty: if it's a problem download the script, and run it: "wget http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/acpi_osi.sh; sh ./acpi_osi.sh"00:58
TJ-Vysty: :D OK, I'll allow that00:58
VystyNow, the REASON I asked, and this hardly counts as being overly cautious, is *what is written here* says that: /etc/default/grub will have added the acpi_osi parameters to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX so it will look something like this (there may be other kernel options that were added on some previous occassion):  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\""00:59
VystySo, per the instructions on this page, this string looks like it might be an output that I need to look out for, NOT something I input.00:59
VystyThus my concern, and thus my question.00:59
TJ-Vysty: correct01:00
nooryani84shouldn't it be GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi_osi="!Windows 2015"01:00
Albertxproblem for join in win , oh yes01:00
VystyGot it, so I have put in everything.01:00
TJ-nooryani84: no, stop confusing things :D01:01
AlbertxIn linux more problem if update windows01:01
nooryani84i'm so glad i dont have to do anyting in grub anymore01:01
VystyTJ-: So now that I've individually put in each line that was in the script, just hope it works better from here on out?01:01
nooryani84best advice for a non-dell/lenovo is to buy a laptop 2-3 years old.01:01
TJ-Vysty: you execute the 7 lines that start "VERSION="$(sudo strings ..."01:01
VystyTJ-: Done.01:02
TJ-Vysty: reboot, then suspend, resume,  see if the speaker connectivity behaves01:02
TJ-Vysty: that is what this acpi_osi= is supposed to fix, if it is the cause01:03
VystyRebooting now.01:03
nooryani84TJ-: the forwardslashes, are they necessary?01:03
TJ-nooryani84: oh yes, as the article explains01:03
nooryani84shouldn't it jus be acpi_osi=! acpi_osi="Windows 2015"01:03
TJ-nooryani84: "Don't be put off by all the \\ characters. Those are required in order to allow sed to insert literal double-quotation marks into the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX string."01:04
nooryani84i thought it would be double quotes inside single quotes01:05
nooryani84though I haven't changed grub via scripts before.01:05
TJ-nooryani84: there's a $VERSION variable there needs to be evaluated, so can't use single-quotes overall01:06
nooryani84nicely documented!01:07
nooryani84*looking over*01:07
VystyTJ-: Yo.01:11
VystyIt worked.01:11
TJ-Vysty: hmmm, chalk another one up for the ACPI team :)01:11
VystyTJ-: hold on... might have another problem...01:11
VystyTJ-: Volume seems WAY low now.01:11
TJ-Vysty: don't blame me !!! :D01:12
VystyThere we go.01:12
VystyTJ-: thanks again TJ for your patience with me.01:12
VystyTJ-: Like I said yesterday, I'm usually in here after I become frustrated.01:13
TJ-Vysty: this time you're ahead of that curve :) Glad you got it sorted out01:13
roboziSmb know the user tatertots?01:19
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JJBbyI have a terminal question, if I am installing something that has over 1 line to enter into the terminal can I copy and paste all of them and have them run or should I copy and run each line seperate?02:10
PokolokoHello i havebeen trying to fix and audio issue ive been having for the past 3 days to no avail.  I can only  hear audio from the right speaker02:20
Pokolokofor the life of me everything i tried didnt work02:21
Bashing-omJJBby: Because you ask, then the response is one at a time. Understanding what the command is and some expectation of what the result02:21
Bashing-om"should be" . :)02:21
Pokolokocan anyone help please ?02:24
Bashing-om!ask | Pokoloko02:26
ubottuPokoloko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:26
Bashing-om!manual | JJBby02:43
ubottuJJBby: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:43
tatertotsi doubt it02:45
=== EraserPencil1 is now known as EraserPencil
codepython7772what is a good laptop to buy for ubuntu these days?02:46
Bashing-om!sound | JJBby02:56
ubottuJJBby: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:56
JJBbyBashing-om thank you! I will look at those as well!02:57
DDRHi all. I've got an ubuntu install which is running out of disk space. Using k4dirstat, I can see maybe 20 gb worth of files. I've got another 100 gb on top of that reported as being used by dolphin's disk display. How might I go about finding out where these files are?02:59
JJBbyThe ubuntu-manual is having problems with downloading02:59
JJBbyFatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website/test/includes/db.php:29 Stack trace: #0 /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website/test/pages/download.php(125): DB->__construct('db.ubuntu-manua...', '3306', 'ubuntumanual', 'Ba4ieghu') #1 /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website/test/includes/router.php(121): require('/home/godbyk/bz...') #2 /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website02:59
JJBby/test/includes/router.php(31): router->route_request('download/16.04/...') #3 /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website/test/includes/router.php(23): router->route() #4 /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website/test/index.php(21): router->router() #5 {main} thrown in /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual-website/test/includes/db.php on line 2902:59
JJBby© Copyright 2010–2017 The Ubuntu Manual Team - some rights reservedAll of our work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike02:59
Bashing-om!paste | JJBby03:03
ubottuJJBby: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:03
JJBbyThank you!03:04
znhcan someone help me with grub? i have to manually select bootia32.efi which goes to minimal bash and then enter the grub commands to boot. already tried the boot-repair but no success.03:08
JJBbyIs there a way to turn off  or ignore whos entering and exiting the room?03:12
Bashing-omJJBby: What irc client are you using ? /ignore setting differ .03:14
JJBbyBashing-om I am using Pidgin and open to suggestions for other IRC clients03:16
lotuspsychje!grub | znh try this while you wait03:21
ubottuznh try this while you wait: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:21
Bashing-omJJBby: I am prejudiced .. but mine of choice is irssi . it is terminal based and has a learning curve :)03:21
daxif you're not particularly interested in terminal-based learning curves, the usual GUI client these days is hexchat03:22
JJBbyI probably need a GUI until I get a good handle on that Terminal!03:23
JJBbyHow do you UNSET something in the terminal and what does that do?03:24
Bashing-omdax: Ya mind looking at http://ubuntu-manual.org/ . The 'download now' gives a routing error .03:25
daxI know. I don't know any Ubuntu Manual people, so there's nothing I can do about that.03:25
Bashing-omdax: K .. we just limp along with out :)03:26
lotuspsychjemorning dax03:27
lotuspsychjedax: join discuss, we got that graph for you03:28
daxlotuspsychje: if you could throw it in #ubuntu-ops, that would probably be more useful. I am not, after all, the only person pondering this stuff :)03:28
lotuspsychjedax: did that yesterday03:28
daxI saw the one you put in there. I assumed you meant a new, user one.03:29
lotuspsychjeah, no we havent reached him yet dax03:30
daxTurns out Pici has one too, so it's not too urgent. Would be interested in seeing if they match though, I am ever wary of statistics.03:30
lotuspsychjedax: come to discuss mate, alkisg had a nice idea aswell03:31
daxAgain, ops stuff goes in #ubuntu-ops, because I'm neither the sole person interested in this nor particularly active.03:31
lotuspsychjeallright, i did all that yesterday..its not in my hands anymore now03:32
daxYes, that was more for any further info or nice ideas, or whatever :)03:32
lotuspsychjedax, Bashing-om on my side the manual opens and forwards to my language (dutch)03:33
lotuspsychjecountry issue?03:34
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Beats me . dax advises is aware of the issue with no known fix .03:34
JJBbylotuspsyche Maybe its the english link thats broken03:34
daxTo be fair, me being aware of the issue is approximately as useful as anyone else being aware of it. I'm merely a channel operator for #ubuntu, which doesn't make me in any way useful for handing infrastructure issues for some other Ubuntu endeavor.03:35
lotuspsychjeJJBby: could be yes, we should test more languages03:35
lotuspsychjeJJBby: perhaps i would talk to the #ubuntu-mirror guys, they might know a way03:38
JJBbyWell does any one have a english version of the ubuntu manual that they could send?03:38
Bashing-omdax: But but but .. dax you the go to ! Just ask dax :P03:38
lotuspsychjeJJBby: there are english ubuntu wiki's very usefull as alternative, and manpages from terminal03:39
lotuspsychjeJJBby: wich ubuntu version are you on?03:39
JJBbylotuspsychje: I am less then 12 hours into learning how to use ubuntu. pretty new to irc. And trying to set up some programming software to start moving along theodinproject course. Im pretty new to everything03:39
lotuspsychje!cookie | dax03:39
ubottudax: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:39
JJBbyloruspsyche: I am running 17.1003:40
lotuspsychjeJJBby: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/index.html this opens for you?03:43
JJBby lotuspsychje: Yes, it has opened03:43
lotuspsychjeJJBby: you are now using ubuntu with gnome again, so you can browse gnome online/wiki's see also the ##programming channel and if other questions plz ask ubuntu related here in chat03:44
lotuspsychjeJJBby: and a warm welcome to the ubuntu community03:44
JJBby lotuspsychje: Thank you! its been an experience so far. Every where I look theres only more questions.03:45
lotuspsychjeJJBby: the best approach to ubuntu is experiment yourself, if you get stuck..ask here and lots of reading & learning :p03:46
JJBby lotuspsychje: thats the plan, again that you!03:47
=== MrC is now known as MrChristmas
JJBbyWould I be able to ask here if I am having trouble installing software?03:58
lotuspsychjeJJBby: sure mate04:00
Bashing-omJJBby: sure , So long as it is 'buntu related - the only dumb question is the one you do not ask :)04:00
JJBbyIts using the terminal in Ubuntu to get ruby and ruby on rails together, is that related enough?04:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:01
lotuspsychjeJJBby: all packages available for your system you can search first with this command: apt-cache search packagename04:01
JJBbylotuspsychje: and how do I find the packetname i need?04:02
lotuspsychjeJJBby: depends on what you need04:03
lotuspsychjedekatch: welcome04:03
dekatchha thanks lotuspsychje :)04:05
JJBbylotuspsychje: I think that worked? Not sure what really changed04:07
lotuspsychjeJJBby: install packages: sudo apt install yourpackage04:08
dekatchi am struggling a bit atm. i want to move all files from several subdirectories into its main directory04:08
dekatchand i am looking for a good source / tutorial to teach myself a little04:09
dekatchoh, i want to do that with the mv command.. and a single command line** i should add04:09
lotuspsychje!bash | dekatch04:10
ubottudekatch: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:10
dekatchyea, i know that lotuspsychje . looking for a good guide, a user written one on which several weird usecases are explained04:12
capellahow will you handle filename collisions?04:33
plongshotI know the officail ubuntu repos for 16.04 contian apache 2.4.18  but is there a convenient way to install 2.4.29  ?  <--- the very very latest version?04:40
plongshotI've been poking around on the internet but not seing a deb package or a 3rd party repo to add for it04:41
lotuspsychje!latest | plongshot04:41
ubottuplongshot: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:41
lotuspsychjewe dont support ppa's neither plongshot04:42
plongshotso what do I do?04:42
lotuspsychjeplongshot: if you want a higher version, install another ubuntu version04:42
plongshotwhat about adding a repo from a later version of ubuntu?04:43
plongshotWhat I mean to say is is that possible?04:43
lotuspsychjeplongshot: not reccomended04:43
lotuspsychje!pinning | plongshot04:43
ubottuplongshot: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:43
lotuspsychjeplongshot: or perhaps try searching snaps of your package? sudo snap find ...04:44
lotuspsychjeplongshot: but mixing package versions on ubuntu can scramble your system04:44
lotuspsychjeso try not to04:45
plongshotIs there a convenient way to check what version of a package is included in a particular release of ubuntu?04:51
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | plongshot yes with !info packagename ubuntucodename04:54
ubottuplongshot yes with !info packagename ubuntucodename: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"04:54
lotuspsychje.!info apache xenial for example04:54
avocado1Hey guys. Complete Linux newbie here, trying to get into any kind of friendly community here :)05:14
Bashing-omavocado1: You have found the support channel . general chat and friendly folks too in #ubuntu-offtopic :)05:17
avocado1Oh ok, thanks!05:18
ubuntivityHello. How can I edit the Title bar (window decoration) in themes folder in Ubuntu 16.04?05:54
=== avelardi_alt is now known as avelardi
en1gmaok im pretty sure i have a problem with adb and ubuntu desktop 16.04 x64 LTS. when i plug in my phone and put into usb debug mode i can not connect with 'adb shell' command. if i boot to windows 10 x64 i can. i have revoked keys several times for each06:05
en1gmaonly in windows 10 will it ask my to accept computers connection after i have revoked keys (like it supposed to)06:05
en1gmawith ubuntu and adb i can not get the popup and am always unauthorized06:06
en1gmain 'adb devices'06:06
en1gmacan anyone help out on this. i hate booting to windows just to do adb commands when its awesome to do in ubuntu06:08
lotuspsychjeen1gma: whats your endgoal with smartphone?06:14
alkisgGood morning all06:14
alkisgen1gma: sometimes `killall adb-server; sudo adb shell` helps, i.e. running it with sudo...06:15
en1gmaahh lemme try that. i just deleted the keys in .android. i think i need to reboot it says. 1 min06:21
en1gmayea didnt work06:24
en1gmaalso tried 'sudo adb shell' too06:24
en1gmait never made any new keys in "~/.android'06:24
alkisgWhen running with sudo, make sure that `ps aux|grep adb` reports nothing running06:24
alkisgOtherwise it can't bind to ports etc, they're already used06:25
en1gmak lemme check. i pretty sure i did 'adb kill-server' though06:25
alkisgBtw, you do see the phone in lsusb, right?06:25
=== blazeme8` is now known as blazeme8
=== yCrazyEdd is now known as CrazyEddy
en1gmaalkisg that did it06:26
en1gmai killed all and did not start adb with 'adb start-server'06:27
en1gmathis time i just started it with 'sudo adb shell' and it started up and then i got the authentication popup.06:27
elBashing-om: lotuspsychje: i found that username on launchpad and pinged them with a message about the manual site and just got an email to say it should be fixed now.06:35
lotuspsychjeel: ok tnx06:37
johan-hedinhi, which web cam you will refer to use on ubuntu 16 ? i am looking lot of these are  only supported with windows07:07
lotuspsychjejohan-hedin: most cams get recognized in ubuntu07:08
johan-hedinquantum not working it07:09
johan-hedinlotuspsychje, any webcam additional , you will suggest which can give best performace when i am doing my whiteboard presentation07:11
hateballjohan-hedin: you could try asking in ##hardware I guess07:15
hateballother than that, like lotuspsychje said most cams should work, at least to some degree07:16
FuraiIs there a way to refresh ubuntu installation.07:16
lotuspsychjeFurai: use a liveusb with the ubuntu of your choice, and preserve your /home from there: refreshed07:22
FuraiRight, and loose anything custom from opt.07:25
FuraiAnyway, that's what I did with prevoious upgrade.07:26
FuraiThis time I went with do-release-upgrade and I'm having minor issues since then.07:26
FuraiAnyway, will figure it out.07:26
dan2wikCould I make a cd-rw drive into a swap drive?07:28
alkisgdan2wik, no07:31
alkisgFurai, what issues?07:36
Furaialkisg, DE crashing on random. Like even whole login session. Sometimes happens just like that, but most of the time when I unlock machine.07:37
alkisgFurai, on next login, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old or /var/crash for the crash07:38
FuraiHmm, might do.07:41
FuraiBut most often then not when it happens I have to force shutdown PC (in case switching to new tty doesn't seems to work).07:42
alkisgFurai, xorg writes xorg.log when it crashes, and on next reboot it renames it to .old. It should be there unless it's a really hard crash07:42
FuraiOk, thanks.07:44
FuraiAlso, it seems like I don't have wayland at all. I wonder if all this problems comes from the fact that I was using ubuntu gnome since 15.1007:45
FuraiAnyway, it kind of works. And I think that when 18.04 will come out - then I'll do a fresh installation (preserving directories I want).07:46
* alkisg tries to find out if firefox in 16.04 is build with aslr (address randomization...) causing it to be slow in i386 systems...08:12
alkisgWhoops, yup, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/BuiltPIE08:13
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
odinsbaneIs the default desktop still unity in 16.04?08:54
trijntjeodinsbane: yes08:55
odinsbanethanks. Not sure if I should set my mom up with that because of lts, or one with gnome as default.09:01
pavlushkaI want to give ordinal values to a set of numeric entries in a spreadsheet but need some idea/help on how to formulate it in spreadsheet09:12
pavlushkagot it, =RANK(AA4,AA$3:AA$27)09:17
dn1987pHello, I'm having troubles connecting a client to a WLAN. While I figured out last week that disabling IPv6 solves the issues, now the fix doesnt seem to work anymore...10:36
dn1987pI'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and try to connect via NetworkManager, any ideas what I could check/try?10:36
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
LyzardKingHi! I'm the maintainer for ubuntu-make. I need to change (or remove?) the page in wiki.ubuntu.com. I can't log in atm (even in the ubuntu community forum...)11:06
LyzardKingok...I managed to login, but the page is set to immutable...11:08
czartI just installed Java JRE by typing in 'sudo apt-get install default-jre'. This installs Open JDK, right? Is there a big difference between Open and Oracle JDKs, just if I am using Java run other applications (I will not be developing in Java)?11:10
FlannelLyzardKing: #ubuntu-doc is probably a better place to ask.11:10
alkisgczart: yes there's significant difference, keep it in mind in case you see apps not working or running very slowly, in which case install the oracle version11:11
czartalkisg: OK, thanks for sharing experience :)11:11
omeniusso firefox is unusable for me, leaking the memory full in matter of minutes and never clearing it when ff is closed11:17
omeniusany other good browsers? Tried chromium but that sucker is missing bookmarks from left hand side11:17
TyphGoogle Chrome omenius :)11:18
Typhomenius: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html11:18
alkisgIf you think you discovered firefox leaks in a reproducible manner, you should report them11:18
alkisgFirefox works fine for thousands of users...11:19
LeevancleefThousands is an understatement11:19
alkisg...with the same version of ubuntu :D11:19
Leevancleeflol, more accurate11:19
LeevancleefAnd I can't believe someone seriously recommended proprietary Google Chrome11:20
LeevancleefAnd provided the link. As if anyone using Freenode IRC isn't aware of the world's endemic web browser11:20
TyphI mean... it spies on you... but it's stable and nice to use... :)11:22
TyphIsn't that what most users care about? Stableness?11:22
omeniusthe spy part is little too much for mee11:22
omeniuscannot be myself when spied11:23
Typhomenius Other Linux browser options are Midori, Epiphany, Konqueror, Qupzilla, Dillo <(not recommended to try Dillo)11:23
omeniusI find myself speaking differently when I'm near of iPhone knowingly11:23
ThinkT510omenius: what do you mean chromium is missing bookmarks?11:23
omeniusMidori I like really much for light usage11:24
omeniusI can get bookmarks only on top bar, not on left side11:24
ThinkT510omenius: and that means the browser is entirely unviable for you?11:24
omeniuswell yes, I have ton of bookmarks that I constantly use11:25
jk^when i need a software, have i to download and install it from official site or software center?11:25
alkisgFrom software center11:25
omeniusbtw. how do you put softwares in software center? Sometimes I'm a bit paranoid about software being official11:26
jk^is it not safe download and install from official site?11:26
ThinkT510omenius: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/bookmark%20sidebar?hl=en-GB11:26
alkisgIt's not recommended, because it's not checked by ubuntu developers11:26
omeniusthanks, did not think about extensions11:27
alkisgjk^: Which software are you talking about?11:27
jk^ok alkisg11:27
omeniusoh wee, now I have more fancier side bookmark panel than ever11:28
jk^alkisg: i can't find chrome :\ why?11:29
alkisgjk^: sudo apt install chromium-browser11:29
alkisgThat's the one provided by ubuntu11:29
jk^i can't open a .txt file :\11:36
jk^It tells me "Invalid UTF-8"11:38
Typhjk^ Open terminal and type 'nano <filename>'11:38
jk^12:42:07) jk^: i try to download tor browser from software11:43
jk^(12:42:25) jk^: it tells me "Signature verification failed"11:43
jk^(12:42:25) jk^: what means?11:43
jk^"You might be under attack, or there might just be a networking problem, click start try download again"11:43
matt3o12I sometimes use a shared server and wish to use my own shell. I can install it and launch it from bash but I cannot change it using chsh because it is not listed under /etc/shells. What are my best options to change the shell?11:48
matt3o12I cannot put it into ~/.bashrc because it breaks scp. I cannot put it into ~/.bash_profile  because this gets not execute when I login using xfce4-terminal. And I cannot put it into ~/.profile because this breaks logging in completely (my home folder is mounted via NFS (i believe) so that I can log into it using ssh and so that I can log into it on many shared desktops).11:53
=== Fuchs is now known as foX-mas
EraserPencilwhat are the reasons sudo chmod 777 gives me only rwxr-xr-x12:00
EraserPenciltrying to get my database up and runnning but hit a writing permissions error12:01
geirhathe filesystem probably don't support unix permissions12:03
EraserPencilit's postgresql for ubuntu12:04
=== nitemare is now known as t_robotham
geirhaIf the file you are trying to chmod is on a filesystem that doesn't support unix permissions (such as FAT32), then chmod will not be able to change the file permissions12:06
=== zedde is now known as Varazir
tyilfor some reason, my ubuntu 16.04 is having pinentry troubles in thunderbird12:27
tyilI get the error "GnuPG cannot query your passphrase via pinentry.12:27
tyilhowever, using just gpg -d I can decrypt files properly12:27
tyilpinentry is also available at /usr/bin/pinentry12:27
tyil(and so are pinentry-curses, pinentry-gtk2, pinentry-qt, pinentry-x11)12:28
tyilusing mutt with their sample gpg config yields a similar error, and no mails can be encrypted, decrypted or signed12:32
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
=== ehlodex_ is now known as ehlodex
cekGuys, I'm trying to find a snl star wars parody where baldwin was selling guns to the crowd. What episode was that?12:44
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
dekatchcek, a parody. you might want to stress out google for that request. do light search terms. "star wars parody baldwin" or something and consume all the media suggested12:55
dekatchi rather guess the video will be on yt?12:56
cekdekatch: i searched 10 pages of that12:56
dekatchso consume only the yt videos to filter some stuff out12:56
cekmaybe it wasn't baldwin?12:56
dekatchmaybe start for the original episode12:57
dekatchand then combine your search terms with parody12:57
cekwhat was the original ep? the jew, watto was trying to sell some guns I think , in a cave / shop12:58
dekatchnot a star wars geek here dunno12:58
dekatchid suggest try #starwars LOL12:58
* dekatch rofling it out12:59
cek0 users channel, already tried.12:59
dekatch!info #starwars12:59
ubottuPackage starwars does not exist in artful12:59
dekatchdunno, just was there, but there are some users13:00
dekatchbut possible they never respond to anything - maybe just some bnc13:01
throsturI cannot install nginx or nginx-full, dpkg shows error 'subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1'. What can I do?13:39
EriC^^throstur: can you pastebin the fulll output?13:44
tewardthrostur: pastebin the full output, as well as the output of `sudo systemctl -l status nginx`13:44
BluesKajHowdy folks13:47
throstursystemctl: http://sprunge.us/jdAT ; apt-get: http://sprunge.us/CAJW13:51
throsturthese were after trying once13:51
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
blackflowthrostur: running anything else on port 80?14:05
throsturblackflow: I don't know, but what does it matter, I don't want to run nginx on port 8014:10
throsturI just want to install it14:10
throsturand run it on port 8090 :)14:10
tyilnobody here has any clue why pinentry on ubuntu 16.04 is fucked?14:13
EriC^^throstur: what does dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^(ii|rc)" show you?14:14
blackflowthrostur: then reconfigure it and run again. what you're seeing is defaults, which want port 80, so the postinst script trying to start nginx at default port 80, failed.14:14
blackflowthrostur: but it installed it. so reconfig to different port, and start it.14:14
zaapielmy sound isnt working14:15
zaapielit shows 100% on the mixer but no audio is available for any application14:15
EriC^^zaapiel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure14:15
zaapielEriC^^, does it matter if im on kubuntu14:16
throsturEriC^^: http://sprunge.us/CLSV14:17
throsturblackflow: how do I reconfigure it?14:17
blackflowthrostur: https://nginx.org/en/docs/14:19
blackflowthrostur: the config is under /etc/nginx/14:19
throsturI found the problem, there is a symlink in sites-enabled called 'default' that wants to run the server on port 8014:20
throsturso I must somehow delete this file during installation14:20
blackflowor stop whatever is running on port 80 until you install nginx14:21
throsturno.. that doesn't work, I have no way of knowing what could be running on port 80 and whether or not it is safe to shut it down14:21
blackflowthrostur: sure you do. there's netstat, or ss14:21
throsturblackflow: I'm automating this. I'm not going to enumerate every singe possible service that could possibly be running on port 80 for any possible customer14:22
blackflowthrostur: eg, sudo ss -4lp14:22
blackflowthrostur: then indeed you have to modify the package not to start nginx upon installation.14:22
blackflowthrostur: there's a way to prevent "maintainer scripts" from being run on installation which basically does just that.14:23
throsturnow we're talking... so how do I do that?14:23
insidiousAnyone know how to change the DPI settings to make the font and menus larger?14:23
blackflowthrostur: iirc this was one way, but I don't know if that still applies: https://jpetazzo.github.io/2013/10/06/policy-rc-d-do-not-start-services-automatically/14:23
insidious uname -a14:24
insidiousLinux solaris 3.19.0-80-generic #88~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 13 14:54:07 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:24
throsturinsidious: are you using the X window system?14:24
insidiousi reckon.14:25
blackflowthrostur: another solution is to make your own nginx package (using existing src deb), and modify those post-inst steps however you see fit.14:25
throsturblackflow: sadly this introduces security issues and forces us to maintain a custom package14:26
blackflowthrostur: however, I hope you realize that this is a total hack and wrong way to do. the administrator of the system where the package is being installed must know of such conflicts and do the necessary steps in order to satisfy all the requirements.14:27
insidiousAny ideas?14:27
blackflowthrostur: it doesn't introduce security issues, you only have to track the src deb and bump it every time it updates upstream (ubuntu being your upstream)14:27
blackflowthrostur: right, so you don't have to worry about it then. the admin installing the package must take care of it.14:28
throsturblackflow: it is a security issue because the deployment is in an "isolated" environment where the origin of updated packages could be coming from anyway14:28
throsturfor example, we could deploy in China and our cdn might not be whitelisted14:28
blackflowthrostur: then such security issue exists regardless of whether you install from src deb or deb.14:29
throsturso then even if we would maintain the package, the user would be vulnerable by virtue of being behind the great firewall14:29
blackflowthrostur: another way is to build a snap...14:29
=== mentalita_ is now known as mentalita
throsturwe just have to do it right once, and then we never have to worry about it again14:29
blackflowthrostur: so you have several options now. 1) disable maintainer scripts on target machines, 2) build your own package, 3) use snaps14:29
throsturI'm not adding another technical debt nightmare to my list of things to get sorted14:29
throstur1 is totally winning14:29
=== LyzardKing__ is now known as LyzardKing
blackflowyes, but... i've had issues with that when I used that approach. it also prevents _other_ important maintainer scripts.14:30
insidiousin settings , display i don't see a option to change DPI settings.14:30
blackflowie. I don't know of a way to disable just _starting_ a service upon installation of a package.14:30
insidiousor maybe its the scaling i'm need to change14:31
throsturblackflow: well it's trivially easy to just isolate the installed package with two sed commands14:31
insidiousto make windows etc look bigger14:31
throsturwe already have the requirement that the installation script must be executed with full root privs14:31
blackflowthrostur: containers were invented for precisely this kind of problems. isolating services/applications in their specific namespaces (in this case network ns) so they don't collied with other stuff on the machine.14:32
throsturinsidious: it would be a good idea to figure out what window manager you're using. I don't know how you can figure it out graphically, but you can probably figure it out by looking at your distribution's home page14:32
blackflowtrying to work around the possibility that something else runs on port 80, from the packaging side, is totally wrong.14:32
throsturblackflow: indeed... and we use containers a lot. But you can't 1000 containers into a container inside a container14:32
TJ-throstur: instead of creating a custom package, just use dpkg-divert for /etc/nginx/sites-enabled before installing nginx14:32
throsturbut you *can* put 1000 of containers into a physical host14:32
throsturinsidious: google 'gnome increase dp'14:33
insidiousthere is no slider in the display menu for scaling for some reason14:33
throsturchange that to dpi14:33
insidiousthrostur, i have done that... problem is postings from 2008 and 2011 methods are not working.14:34
blackflowthrostur: sounds like you don't have the control over the target systems and are trying to work around missing/incompetent admins that can't pre-solve such collisions with proper configuration/containerization. not sure you have any options then.14:34
TJ-throstur: e.g. "dpkg-divert --divert /tmp/default --rename /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" (or sites-available/default)14:35
blackflowdpkg-divert, maintainer scripts policy, all that is something that the _Admin_ has to do, not somethign you can pre-package.14:35
throsturTJ-: so dpkg-divert --divert /tmp --rename /etc/nginx/sites-enabled14:35
throsturhaha TJ- it took me that long to read the man page x)14:35
throsturblackflow: you can totally prepackage this...14:36
TJ-throstur: It depends on what is creating the sites-enabled/default symlink, if it's a post-inst script that'll fail, so you may need to target sites-available//default which is a real file from the package14:36
throsturI see14:36
throsturotherwise it would not even create the directory, right?14:36
TJ-throstur: experiment with it, but for orchestration I use dpkg-divert a lot for controlling configs in this way14:37
EdizHello, I am trying to make my existing middlewares work after upgrading to 5.5 - but after successful login I am being redirected back to the login page (the middleware is working but the logged in user is somehow not persisting) here is my code -> https://hastebin.com/rujizufoza.php <- I'm most certainly missing something can someone help?14:37
throsturI love it TJ-, this is probably the best solution so far. I will test it now14:37
Edizoops wrong chan14:37
TJ-throstur: dpkg-divert before the package is first installed and you're covered14:37
throsturTJ-: hehe, kind of obvious :) but thanks14:38
blackfloworchestrating a system where you don't know what's running and on what port? now, what could possibly go wrong :)14:38
TJ-blackflow: that doesn't enter into it at this point; the whole point is to prevent nginx's default config from being applied14:39
blackflowTJ-: so what's wrong with first creating the config files?14:39
blackflowwhy divert at all? just echo "<config>" > /etc/nginx/sites-available/default14:40
blackflowI don't get the point of diverting. you're doing config management, so just pre-define the config files.14:40
insidiousall i can find is how to change the font scaling14:42
insidiousdoes not change the windows or menu bar tho14:42
KristjanMy name is Kristjan. I am in urgent need for money. Please send me money. For example 70$. Bank account nr: EE671010010225901016 (Estonia). Name: Kristjan Robam14:43
insidiousi found this gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"14:44
insidiousbut don't work14:44
TeduardoHowdy, I did apt-get upgrade on an Ubuntu machine and it was going through it's whole dealy and then i ctrl-c'd on the wrong thing and it stopped. How do I restart what it was doing so that it completes?14:45
KristjanMy name is Kristjan. I am in urgent need for money. Please send me money. For example 70$. Bank account nr: EE671010010225901016 (Estonia). Name: Kristjan Robam14:45
TJ-Teduardo: "apt-get -f install" should make it sane again14:45
insidiousis Fractional Scaling in GNOME14:45
insidiouswhat i'm trying to change.14:45
TeduardoTJ-: it was ctrl-c'd during the post install tasks it looks like last thing it said was "processing triggers for ureadahead"14:47
Teduardoso technically all of the stuff was upgraded, but i guess not all of the post install tasks were finished.14:47
throsturTJ-: it seems the divert you showed me does not work as expected, the symlink exists anyway. Maybe it was created earlier?14:51
throsturI'll check that, if that is the case I can just nuke it before installing14:51
TeduardoI guess I will reboot it and hope for the best.14:51
blackflowthrostur: just pre-create the file14:52
blackflowthrostur: even empty is ok. mkdir -p /etc/nginx/sites-available && echo > /etc/nginx/sites-available/default14:52
blackflowI'd have suggested that first, but it wasn't clear you're doing config management / orchestration, because it makes no sense you do that and don't know what's running on the system.14:53
throsturyeah, well I'm only responsible for a very small part of the installation... it's a behemoth. this install script is designed for machines with minimum 64 cores and 256gb ram14:54
throsturI don't even know what nginx is being used for14:55
throstursometimes it's OK to be a monkey and let someone else do the planning...14:55
blackflowthrostur: I really don't understand your use case. If you have the control of "apt install nginx" side, then you can pre-define whatevre config you want.14:55
blackflowotherwise you really need custom packages, or a snap, or containers of whatever kind.14:56
TimmmmHi, I think I've found a bug in Python 2 in Ubuntu, but I'm using 16.04 so it might have been fixed. Can someone quickly run this on a newer version to check for me? $ python -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('include'))"15:08
TimmmmIt should say `/usr/include/python2.7` but on my system it says `/usr/local/include/python2.7` and there's nothing there.15:09
akikTimmmm: ubuntu doesn't install python to /usr/local15:09
Timmmmakik: I know - that is the bug.15:09
akikTimmmm: you're right15:11
akikTimmmm: it prints /usr/local/include/python2.7 on 16.0415:11
Timmmmakik: Yep. I was hoping someone could check it on newer versions.15:12
geirhait's probably a packaging bug15:12
TimmmmIs everyone still on 16.04?15:17
blackflowTimmmm: same on 17.10 for python2.715:20
Timmmmblackflow: Thank you!15:20
throsturhow do I force apt-daily.timer and apt-daily-upgrade.timer to NOT be running and to stop whatever they may have started?15:40
throsturbecause I have this annoying race condition that I restore to snapshot but the timer triggered in time that "never happened" and so as soon as I restore from snapshot I have to wait for a while before I can test my stuff15:41
TJ-throstur: via 'systemctl'15:45
throsturTJ-: but stopping/disabling the timer will not stop the underlying, already started apt job will it?15:45
throsturor is the solution "restore from snapshot, disable with systemctl, wait for apt to finish and release lock, then make new snapshot" ?15:46
throsturseems like duct tape to me15:46
TJ-throstur: of a process is already running then either let it run to completion, or  try "systemctl stop apt-daily.service" or whatever it is called15:47
zaapieli need some help15:47
throsturTJ-: I systemctl cat apt-daily.timer and couldn't find the name of the service :(15:47
zaapieli need to know what device my usb is mounted from15:47
throsturoh well15:47
zaapielanyway to tell15:47
throsturzaapiel: lsusb15:47
throsturmaybe lsblk15:47
throsturI don't have a mounted USB to verify15:48
zaapielit says bus 00115:48
throsturzaapiel: so probably /dev/bus/001/...15:49
Ontanihey guys, i'm trying to install samba and access it from a windows device. I've tried the simplest config I can find15:49
TJ-throstur: "systemctl status" initially. see "man systemctl" for a wide variety of options15:49
throsturOntani: the guide at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/samba is suprisingly verbose, you can probably figure out how to solve your issue with that as a reference15:49
Ontanii'm not sure if its a windows issue or not I don't have any other clients to test with15:50
Ontanii'm just getting: Windows cannot access \\
Ontanii'm able to ping without issues15:50
throsturOntani: if you need to test with another client, you can mount it on your own machine with mount -t cifs ... -o uid=...15:51
throstur-o guest,uid=ontari,gid=ontari,iocharset15:52
robairtmy bad15:52
Squarismanyone know how to move launcher from one monitor to another when using dual screens in 17.0415:56
blackflowSquarism: on Unity? Settings -> displays (or whatsitcalled), there's "Launcher placement" drop down15:58
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Ontaniit was iptables :(16:04
throsturhow do I supply an answer to this at invocation time? http://sprunge.us/CNFN16:41
throsturI tried -yq but to no avail16:41
ddoobbBackup  software recommemdations?16:42
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mDfRgddoobb what kind of backup16:43
mDfRgddoobb what are your needs?16:43
mDfRgOneKey, are your ports open>16:44
ddoobbBackup  software recommemdations? I'd also like to get into the habit of taking regular, say weekly backups after this.16:45
mDfRg137/udp 138/udp 139 tcp 445 tcp16:45
ddoobbI'd like to take a full disk backup before I move some partitions around.16:46
ddoobbI'd also like to get into the habit of taking regular, say weekly backups after this.16:46
mDfRgddoobb, please elaborate on the specific use case scenario. Or you\ll get general recommendation, probably useless16:46
mDfRgFull root disk backup?16:46
mDfRgOr /home dir?16:46
ddoobbFull hard drive backup16:47
throsturddoobb: out of curiosity, why do you want this? (as opposed for example to /home backup)16:47
mDfRgyou want to clone disk to have a system snapshot or do u care more about specific file versioning?16:47
ddoobbJust a snapshot I can revert to in case my partitioning experiment goes wrong16:48
throsturddoobb: use a virtual machine16:48
mDfRgthen Clonezilla16:48
mDfRgClonezilla all the way for you16:48
TJ-I'd add a disk, create an ephemeral (no metadata) MD RAID-1 mirror, sync, break the mirror. Then I've got a disk I can instantly swap to if the 'experiment' goes wrong16:50
mDfRgdownload latest stable iso, burn it to CD/DVD or write to USB just as you'd do live USB with any other Linux distro, then boot to it16:50
devel_Guys, how do i mount efi system in live cd, i want to restore backup, but dunno how to mount it.16:50
devel_mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt doesnt work, busy or smth, umount doesnt help16:50
mDfRgwith Clonezilla your snapshot is compressed, co it takes less space with what TJ is recommneding16:50
devel_the system i want to access is efi and i am on live cd16:51
TJ-mDfRg: my aim would be for speed of recovery to a working system, rather than space, for a full-disk backup16:51
mDfRgTJ-, clonezilla has it under the hood adjustments and is in fact faster than simple dd / RAID 1 clone16:52
throsturTJ-:  the dpkg-divert thing isn't working, could you help me with that? it seems that dpkg-divert --divert /tmp/default --rename '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*' and dpkg-divert --divert /tmp/default --rename /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default both do nothing to prevent the file from being created16:53
ddoobbsorry i may have missed some responses due to connectivity issues16:53
throsturddoobb: mDfRg | with Clonezilla your snapshot is compressed, co it takes less space with what TJ is recommneding16:53
throsturthis is the only thing you missed of importance16:53
throsturdoes ubuntu have a system-wide environment file, that all users automatically inherit?16:54
mDfRgddoobb, here you go: https://pastebin.com/b2VrgcNy16:55
TJ-throstur: dpkg-divert won't affect anything that is created by scripts, it'll only affect files shipped in the package. I wouldn't expect symlinks in sites-enabled/ to be shipped, but sites-available/default *may* be shipped. Check the list of files installed by the nginx* packages, using either "apt file list" or (if installed) "dpkg -L <package-name>"16:59
BlitzerHoundSo I took off my password so that my room mates could use my computer, but now I'm having trouble. I can't use any sudo commands because it still asks me for a password, and I can't even add a password now because unlocking the account tab in settings also requires a password. Is there something I can do?16:59
TJ-throstur: /etc/environment you mean?16:59
throsturTJ-: thanks16:59
TJ-throstur: if sites-available/default is created by a script then dpkg-divert can't help you17:00
throsturTJ-: how do you do apt file list? it says file is not an action17:00
TJ-throstur: sorry, "apt-file list" - it's a separate package ("apt install apt-file")17:00
throsturah, got it thanks17:01
mDfRgBlitzerHound, boot to console (from grub) and with root enter passwd <username>17:01
Squarismblackflow, thanks. Not sure how i could have missed that =D17:01
mDfRgBlitzerHound, next time just make a separate profile for friends or enable guest account17:02
BlitzerHoundOkay. Now how do I boot to console and what is grub?17:02
mDfRggiving away PC without password is a bad idea unless it's a plastic takeaway17:02
BlitzerHoundI didn't give it away, it's my room mate. They just use my computer while I'm at work sometimes.17:03
mDfRgBlitzerHound, google is your friend: https://askubuntu.com/questions/92556/how-do-i-boot-into-a-root-shell17:03
mDfRgBlitzerHound, either way anyone can access it via internet, right?17:03
BlitzerHoundMy computer?17:04
mDfRgBlitzerHound, is it offline?17:04
TJ-throstur: I once had a similar issue, albeit temporary, so I did a quick and dirty hack! Something like this: "mkdir /etc/nginx; mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /etc/nginx", then "apt install nginx", then "mkdir -p /tmp/nginx; mount --move /etc/nginx /tmp/nginx; rm /tmp/nginx/sites-enabled/default; mv /tmp/nginx /etc/nginx; umount /tmp/nginx"17:04
mDfRgWith cable/wifi unplugged?17:04
BlitzerHoundNo, it's on wifi17:04
TJ-throstur: mucho hacko but does the job :)17:05
mDfRgso if it can connect to the Internet, the Internet can connect to it, right?17:05
mDfRgThere is a reason you cannot skip password in the installer17:05
BlitzerHoundWell, if it's someone trying to access my computer from somewhere else, I don't know that a password is going to help me.17:06
BlitzerHoundI don't know anything about hacking.17:06
mDfRgworst case scenario just enable autologin so your friend will not have to enter password17:06
throsturhaha TJ-  that's a beautiful albeit risky as hell looking hack17:06
BlitzerHoundI tried enabling auto log in, but it didn't work. I still had to put in my password.17:06
TJ-throstur: indeed, but as the package doesn't lend itself to sane config control...!17:07
throsturhaha... I think I'll manage with sites-available trick17:07
mDfRgguest session / separate account sounds safer17:07
BlitzerHoundI'll probably do that then if I get the password working again.17:09
mDfRgJust do as stated in askubuntu link. It's easy.17:10
BlitzerHoundI'm reading it now17:10
TJ-throstur: There's another more 'package-manager' friendly way; Use "apt-get install --download-only nginx" - now you've all the .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archive/ - then use "cd /var/cache/apt/archive; dpkg --unpack nginx*" then remove the default files from where-ever they are unpacked to, or remove the (part of) the script that is creating the symlink, then finish with "dpkg --configure nginx-common17:12
TJ-nginx-core nginx-full" or whatever the package list is17:12
throsturTJ-: thanks, I'll write this down. I think it worked though, by diverting sites-available17:13
BlitzerHoundSo when I get into shell thing, I just put "enter passwd <username>" and replace it with my username?17:20
mDfRgyou enter 'passwd yourusername'17:21
mDfRgand then new password twice17:21
mDfRgyou don't have encrypted home?17:21
BlitzerHoundI don't know what that is, so probably not.17:22
mDfRgyeah, probably not. SO you're good to go17:22
BlitzerHoundAlright, thanks again for your help.17:23
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BlitzerHoundAlright, so it says to hold shift or any other button during boot, and nothing happened. I tried it like 5 times and the same result trying it on different parts of the boot.17:45
electricmilkBlitzerHound,  I just came in. What are you trying to do?17:47
BlitzerHoundI can't use sudo because I removed my password, so I'm trying to make a new one. I need a password to unlock the user accounts tab, so I can't add a password like that. So I was told I could boot into shell or root or whatever and change it from there. But I can't boot into root.17:48
Bashing-omBlitzerHound: EFI system ? then it is the escape key that grub looks for . spam the escpape - 3 second window of opportunity - as soon as the bios splash screen clears .17:49
BlitzerHoundOh. So I just keep pushing it while it's booting?17:49
BlitzerHoundIt said I should hold it17:49
electricmilkI see17:50
BlitzerHoundI'll try it again with the escape key17:50
TJ-BlitzerHound: it's the Escape key these days17:50
Bashing-omBlitzerHound: Here are easy instructions to reset your password in Ubuntu: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword // quickly press/release the escape key .17:50
TJ-BlitzerHound: UEFI doesn't provide a way for the boot loader to monitor the state of the Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys like was possible with BIOS boot17:50
BlitzerHoundAlright, so that worked, and it said I changed my password. But I still can't use the password for the terminal or to set my password. So I don't know what I changed the password for.18:02
BlitzerHoundIs there anything else I can do?18:04
Bashing-omBlitzerHound: You are aware that when the pass word is entered in terminal there is no response ? Just enter the pass word blindly and hit the enter key .18:05
BlitzerHoundI know, I entered it. But it said it was wrong, and after 3 tries kicked me out18:05
Bashing-omBlitzerHound: Ouch, sorry - now above my skill level .18:07
BlitzerHoundWell, I was thinking about changing to a different distro. Would that help by any chance?18:07
Bashing-omBlitzerHound: Well, a re-install is rather drastic .18:09
DrkShad0wCreating a deb file, is there a way I can auto-mark my package as "hold"?18:10
BlitzerHoundWell it wasn't for this reason, but I was going to change it anyway18:10
DrkShad0wThe problem is it installs a version range of another package, but my package is removed on an apt-get upgrade and a package outside the desired range is installed.18:11
auronandace!pinning | DrkShad0w18:12
ubottuDrkShad0w: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:12
DrkShad0wpinning did not do it for me, and pinning I have to set up on each individual server. my goal is just do it with a package..18:12
DrkShad0weven with a package pinned, it will still remove the package and upgrade the "other" package.18:12
Albertxto any have problem with the installation over secondlife.com for ubuntu ?18:13
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DrkShad0wIs there a way I can hold a package I've made on install? It's requiring a specific version range of another package and pinning just removes my package on dist-upgrade.18:18
SleakerDrkShad0w: probably check out the Pinning how to on the wiki18:21
Sleakerit mentions how to give priorities to specific releases.18:21
DrkShad0wsleaker: pinning just causes my package to be _removed_ on upgrade.18:21
Sleakerdid you add a release to the apt.preferences?18:21
DrkShad0wIt upgrades a dependency and because my package requires a lower version my package is removed. It doesn't hold ym package and keep back the dependency as well.18:21
DrkShad0wI don't know the release. I don't have one specified in any file.18:22
DrkShad0wI just specify version. I assume the same behavior would be seen if I specified a release instead of a version.18:22
SleakerDrkShad0w: are you dist-upgrading to a new release or same release just updates?18:23
DrkShad0wsame release.18:24
Sleakerah I don't think pinning will work for that.18:24
DrkShad0wbut ya know it's now working. wtf.18:24
Sleakeryou can try setting the pin priority higher18:24
Sleakeralso read the information on the debian page about pin priorities18:25
DrkShad0wnoo it's not fully installed right now..18:26
DrkShad0w(dist upgrade behavior not working -> before, with apt pinning set; not fully installed right now -> I was trying to put a apt-mark hold in postinst, and dist-upgrade is no longer trying to remove it.)18:27
DrkShad0wwith all the pinning, it just removes it with a properly-installed package.18:28
littlejohnnyHi, im getting some of these in my auth.log now and then, seems to be round about the same time (in minutes).  'unix_chkpwd password check failed for user'18:35
littlejohnnyand its not for user root18:35
littlejohnnyso i dont know if im getting hacking attempts? or is it something else?18:36
TJ-littlejohnny: that's slightly suspicious, that should only be called by pam_unix to check user account/password  expiry dates18:38
TJ-littlejohnny: it's a setuid helper so a target for attacks, so could be an indicator. Not sure I've seen that in auth.log myself. Have you deleted any user accounts from the system recently (would explain the not-found) ?18:39
papadopoulosHow do I switch the location of my libstdc++.so.618:39
papadopoulosI have one I'd like to use over another18:39
littlejohnnyTJ-, yes but the port for sshd on my router is closed..18:41
TJ-papadopoulos: use LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the executable that needs it18:41
littlejohnnyso how would they get to my pc?18:41
TJ-littlejohnny: why assume ssh? there's no indication of SSH access is there?18:41
littlejohnnyTJ-, and no i havent deleted any user accounts recently18:42
TJ-littlejohnny: does the log show which username it was checking?18:43
littlejohnnyTJ-, yes sorry its not sshd. So then what do you think it could be?18:43
littlejohnnyyea the username i am using18:43
papadopoulosTJ- +118:43
TJ-littlejohnny: hmmm, let me check my logs in case it's just something I've never noticed18:43
littlejohnnywhich is arbitrary and unguessable TJ-18:43
TJ-no, not seeing that in any auth.log's18:44
littlejohnnyvery strange.. where does unix_chkpwd come from TJ- ?18:44
TJ-littlejohnny: "man unix_chkpwd"18:45
TJ-littlejohnny: it's a helper for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) which is used for all user authentications (see "man PAM")18:45
BlitzerHoundalright, >I think it worked18:46
littlejohnnyso PAM is calling it?18:46
BlitzerHoundI realize that last time I didn't put the thing where I mounted the /18:46
BlitzerHoundAnd this time around it actually said password changed successfully18:46
littlejohnnyTJ-, do you think it could be an attack?18:47
TJ-littlejohnny: it could be local malware trying to exploit the setuid program. is there a pattern to the timings of the log entires that would indicate it's just a cron job ?18:49
TJ-BlitzerHound: Yay!18:50
BlitzerHoundYep, that worked. Thank you everyone.18:50
BlitzerHoundI can use sudo now18:50
littlejohnnyTJ-, hardly doubt its malware.. havent changed any software and dont just install anything. The timings are similar to each other but not all of them. theres one or two that are different18:54
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TJ-littlejohnny: possibly a cron job, or triggered when your user logs in/uses PAM (e.g. sudo)18:57
skinois there anyone online who can help me with LAMP install on ubuntu 17.1019:04
littlejohnnyTJ-, i see it is compiz: i dont know what program though.19:05
littlejohnnytrying to find out19:05
littlejohnnyTJ-, what could it be in compiz19:07
littlejohnnyskino, LAMP or LEMP?19:07
littlejohnnylmao TJ- nevermind man. its when i was entering wrong pwd when entering Ubuntu. i was like wtf19:09
TJ-littlejohnny: *tuts* - Alarm over19:09
TJ-littlejohnny: in future try not to hack yourself :D19:09
littlejohnnyhahaha il try :P19:10
littlejohnnyit was good investigating this though!19:10
TJ-littlejohnny: yes, this is how we learn most of time19:12
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ZedDeeHi there, does anyone here have any experience with bridges or iptable rules?19:32
arktvrvsyea, bad experience :)19:32
papadopoulosrun away!19:33
arktvrvsanyway, ZedDee might have more luck if you summarize the issue youre having.  that  way someone can chime in if they know19:34
ZedDeeHaha okay, well I'm trying to set up an AP with an internet connection from ethernet, but with all traffic redirected through a SOCKS proxy19:35
dbbhi all - I am doing maintenance on a 1604 box here.. I notice that the group on a lot of /var/log things is adm  but  `id adm` shows nothing.. can someone point me to a "theory" of adm here?19:45
crisedtrying to install ubuntu on XPS 13, however on installation it seems it didn't recognize the hard drive.19:53
crisedDo I need to change something on BIOS?19:53
skinoHi sorry i left my PC on again lol. it was LAMP i was looking at what is Lemp :S19:57
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VystyTJ-: Yo sir. You around?20:02
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crisedIs enabling AHCI in a notebook a good idea  in order to install ubuntu?20:09
crisedWhat does `Erase disk and Install Ubuntu` when there is a Windows 10 partition?20:17
crisedIs this the *cleanest* way to install ubuntu? Or should I manually delete all partitions then install ubuntu?20:17
arktvrvsthats what erase disk does20:18
arktvrvsbut that you are asking, maybe you should keep the windows partition 'just in case'20:18
crisedarktvrvs: I don't want to keep windows20:18
crisedarktvrvs: How can I manually delete all partitions in order to install? Which one do I need?20:21
crisedJust free space partition?20:21
dbbthis is the question .. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131834620:25
* dbb reads20:25
posscroogle is being useless, how do I upgrade the xorg stack on xenial to a later/recent hwe?20:25
poslatest amdgpu-pro is being picky20:25
dbb"In Ubuntu members of the group admin can run programs with root privileges, members of adm are allowed to view some logfiles"20:27
mjiigI'm having some network problems, does anyone know if this fairly regular re handshaking of the wireless protocol every two minutes is expected behaviour? https://paste.ubuntu.com/26229217/20:28
tsarompythat is weird20:29
tsarompyi use wicd tho20:29
dbbadm ->  I just tried it.. and  `groups adm` on 1404 returns something, while on 1604 it does now20:29
crisedAny display setting advice for Dell XPS 13 high dpi screen?20:30
akikdbb: groups shows the groups of the user20:30
akikdbb: i.e. groups username20:31
mjiigtsarompy, I've no idea if network manager is the cause of this or just part of the symptom, but I wasn't sure if redoing the handshake was an anticipated part of the protocol or something20:31
dbbok, I will try `id` also20:31
mjiigGiven how weirdly regular it is20:31
dbbhm - ' if no USERNAME is specified, for the current process'20:32
dbbmy own login.. I must be in adm group on the 1404 machine then...20:32
akikdbb: you can list the group membership also with: grep adm /etc/group20:32
dbbthx akik -- I am curious how I might run my own (great) server that mainly does my own work...20:33
dbbof course I am sudo .. but looking at the apache2, I am wondering about this adm20:33
dbbits not for graphics, I am using it mainly for math20:34
akikdbb: on 16.04 you should create a systemd service20:34
dbbakik: .. create a systemd service to do *what* ?20:36
cryptzhey guys, can anyone help me with setting an mtu. I am using netplan and it seems to ignore mtu 9000. if i set it manually with ip link set it works until reboot, is there any way to make this persistent?20:43
cryptz17.10 server btw20:43
akikdbb: did you mean a computer server or an application server?20:44
akikdbb: you said that you might run your own server20:44
dbbhi akik thx for the reply..20:44
dbbI have a stable 1604 machine that I use for mainly math20:44
dbbit also has apache2, and a few academic papers in the web server20:45
dbbbut, I want to be secure, so i keep up to date.. today I was looking at the apache2 log area20:45
dbband I saw the adm user, and I was wondering how to best admin the apache2 , use that group , things like that20:45
akikdbb: the adm is a group20:46
dbbyes, I said that20:46
ubottuApache HTTP Server is the most commonly used HTTP server on Linux systems. For setup information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html . For information on setting up a "LAMP stack", see /msg ubottu !lamp.20:46
dbbyes, I have added mods to apache2, looked at the mod-info data, things like that20:46
akikthe httpd package comes with the pre-defined user/group. use that20:47
dbboh hm - the package is httpd20:47
akikdbb: oh sorry it's called apache220:47
TJ-mjiig: is the system using kernel v4.13 ("uname -r") ?20:48
dbbok - httpd can also be nginx or other20:48
dbbI have the default apache220:48
dbbyeah - I should probably add a cert too :-/20:49
dbbI see that apache2 still includes the non-systemd way of doing things20:49
mjiigTJ 4.13.0-19-generic20:50
TJ-mjiig:  and is the wlp59s0 an Atheros device, possibly the AR9462 ?20:50
dbb.. if I can figure it out, I would like to change the logrotate rule a bit, and also setup my sudo user in a clean way20:51
dbbI see group www, www-data, adm20:53
dbbclear as mud :p20:53
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mjiigTJ-: lspci gives me "Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 8265 / 8275 (rev 78)" which I think means no?20:54
TJ-mjiig: correct; drat! I found a likely regression affecting the Atheros device that causes the same messages for 4.1320:55
TJ-mjiig: are there a lot of other access points operating in the same frequency band as your AP? It could be due to interference20:56
mjiigA handful, but I'm confused by the regularity and the fact that no one else using the AP seems to get a similar problem20:57
TJ-mjiig: yes, that does seem weird. Besides the syslog wpa_supplicant messages, anything in kern.log suggesting an iwlwifi driver issue?21:11
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TJ-mjiig: often these issues are related to doing encryption in the hardware; have you tried adding "options iwlwifi swcrypto=1" into a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ so the driver uses software crypto ?21:13
mjiigTJ-: I see https://paste.ubuntu.com/26229424/ in kern.log (repeated a lot) which looks moderately worrying. It seems to be flipping between APs which is weird since it should only be able to see one here...21:18
TJ-mjiig: Ahhhh! didn't realise you had multiple APs. That explains it21:19
cryptzhey guys i am unable to set mtu too 9000 in netplan (the change doesnt take effect when i issue netplan apply) is there another way to keep that setting between reboots?21:19
mjiigTJ-: I don't *think* I do, which makes this confusing, but at least looks like it's at least partially my routers fault not just Ubuntu's21:20
TJ-mjiig: maybe try tying it to a single BSSID ?21:22
TJ-mjiig: the MACs of the BSSIDs are related, so either you've got virtual BSSIDs configured or it's switching bands - does syslog show which channels/frequencies it's moving to ?21:27
VystyI'm rendering video with kdenlive and it's taking a massive amount of time to do so. Can anyone recommend any resources for information on software tweaks, rendering profiles, or hardware upgrades that could help with this?21:28
Albertxhave a problem with a installer21:29
Albertxany help me ?21:29
VystyAlbertx: I've learned you have to be patient on this channel.21:29
Albertxtry install a pkg21:29
VystyAlbertx: I can't help you, but if you have patience here, you will find someone that can.21:30
Albertxagain installer the pkg Second_Life_5_0_9_329906_i686.tar.bz221:31
TJ-Vysty: basically, if possible, render to the same format as the original material, so it's 'just' a copy of frames rather than re-encoding. Also, ensure hardware helpers like VDPAU are enabled and in use21:31
Albertxhave a error ---> https://justpaste.it/1etn921:31
VystyTJ-: Thanks TJ. First point was easy to understand. What's VDPAU?21:32
AlbertxI agree msgg to me21:32
TJ-Vysty: Video Decode and Presentation API - an interface for using GPU hardware acceleration for encoding/decoding frames for things like H.26421:33
VystyTJ-: Translation for the less nomenclaturely-gifted?21:33
=== Albertx is now known as itunes
TJ-Vysty: it makes encoding faster!21:34
VystyTJ-: Doi. I got that part. :P How do I do it?21:34
mjiigTJ-: The frequencies appear to be 5240 MHz and 2462MHz21:34
mjiigSelecting a BSSID in network manager didn't appear to stop it switching at all...21:35
TJ-Vysty: if the VDPAU drivers are installed,  most applications should make use of it automatically. Check with " dpkg -l '*vdpau*' | grep ^ii "21:35
TJ-mjiig: so it's switching from 802.11gn to 802.11an/ac21:36
VystyTJ-:  https://pastebin.com/vpmrcNJx21:36
TJ-mjiig: 2.4GHz to 5.xGHz bands. The 'fix' would be to simply rename one of the SSIDs on the router. E.g. on my local dual-band router I have the 2.4GHz 802.11bgn called "XXXXX" and the 5.xGHz 802.11an/ac named "XXXXX5G"21:37
TJ-Vysty: packages are installed (that's what the "ii" denotes), but I'm not how to confirm if there's hardware acceleration available and used by kdenlive21:38
VystyTJ-: Okay, I'll focus on your first point then: keeping the file type the same.21:40
VystyTJ-: Your opinion, what's the best file type to be uploading to YT?21:40
mjiigTJ-: I don't suppose you know off hand if it's possible to get the local wifi driver to stop switching? The router is ISP provided, I can probably reconfigure it if I need to but would rather avoid playing with it21:41
TJ-Vysty: as far as I can tell kdenlive does support it, if the underlying GPU does. What GPU does the system have?21:41
TJ-mjiig: yes, in the Network Manager connection editor, I think you can set the BSSID to tie the connection to21:41
VystyTJ-: Good question. How do I find out?21:42
TJ-Vysty: does this report anything? "lspci -nn -d ::0300"21:43
VystyTJ-: vyst@delanic-enterprises:~$ lspci -nn -d ::0300 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0412] (rev 06)21:43
TJ-Vysty: thanks, let me check21:44
TJ-Vysty: do "sudo apt install vainfo" then once installed do "pastebinit <( vainfo )"21:46
VystyTJ-: pastebinit <( vainfo )21:47
VystyTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26229578/21:47
VystyI always forget that I can't CTRL-C in the terminal.21:48
TJ-Vysty: well, you've got support there which is good news21:48
oerheksshift ctrl c perhaps?21:48
mjiigTJ-: Ah, telling network manager to use the 2.4GHz BSSID didn't work, but telling it to use the 5GHz one seems to have21:49
mjiigTJ-: Hopefully it'll hold up. Thank you so much for your help!21:49
VystyTJ-: :D21:49
VystyTJ-: Next step?21:49
TJ-Vysty: so the trick is, in kdenlive, to use the H.264 profile for rendering output (which is the encoding most supported by most GPUs)21:49
VystyTJ-: Which one?21:50
TJ-Vysty: if you see no improvement in rendering times then maybe it's already as fast as it can be21:50
VystyTJ-: Options include: H.264/AAC fast, high profile, and (CBR)21:50
VystyThere is also an H.265/.AAC HEVC21:50
VystyThere is also an H.265/AAC HEVC*21:50
TJ-Vysty: You'll have to check in kdenlive; I don't use it, but I'd look for something like "H.264 base" or "H.264 high profile" - not sure exactly how it'll name the profiles21:51
VystyGot it. Yea, that's the one I'm rendering with right now that's taking ages.21:51
TJ-Vysty: no, not H.265, support for that (much newer) encoding is less likely to be baked into the hardware21:51
TJ-Vysty: how many frames per second is it rendering? Any indication of actual numbers?21:52
VystyTJ-: Nope.21:52
VystyTJ-: But I am going from webm to mp421:53
TJ-Ahhh, and webm is using the VP8/9 codecs I'd guess21:53
TJ-Vysty: I just noticed your pastebin actually lists the H.264 High profile as the main one supported :)21:54
VystyWell, there we go. I already have that part maximized.21:54
VystyTJ-: Looks like I need to focus on what I put in vs. what I'm asking it to spit out.21:54
TJ-Vysty: yes, so sit back and wait. Back in the early 2000s when I was encoding lots of video I'd leave it to run overnight21:55
VystyTJ-: I've been using Cheese to record myself. I think webm is the only option.21:56
VystyTJ-:  Looking into OBS studio right now.21:57
TJ-Vysty: can't kdenlive capture too?21:58
Vystyuhh... mreh?21:58
VystyTJ-: I honestly never though to ask.21:58
TJ-Vysty: there's some indication it can, or used to: https://userbase.kde.org/Kdenlive/Manual/Capturing21:59
VystyI don't mind using a different program to record.21:59
VystyI just... had a 3 hour render time on my last video.22:00
VystyWhich is more than twice as long as the video I did before that.22:00
VystyEven though both videos are roughly 40 mins.22:00
Vysty(First one was recorded in YT's live stream, second was with Cheese.)22:00
TJ-is the input in a lower resolution, or the same?22:01
VystyThe input of?22:01
VystyThe YT has a lower resolution, pretty sure. Video quality isn't as good.22:01
TJ-the YT vs Cheese frame size? were they both 1920x1080, or whatever?22:01
TJ-well lower resolution == faster to encode since not so much data to crunch22:02
VystyTJ-: Definitely, which is why I'm on here asking about best practices. :D22:03
VystyTJ-: I haven't done any videos since March, so I'm reteaching myself all this crap.22:03
VystyTJ-: Working on getting a standardized workflow that I can write down and follow.22:03
TJ-Vysty: for my laptop I've got a CrystalHD mini-pcie hardware encoder device. Sometimes dedicated hardware can make sense if you need/want speed and quality22:04
VystyTJ-: I'm open to that.22:05
VystyTJ-: I just want to make sure the hardware I buy is actually going to help.22:05
TJ-ha, I said encoder, but the CrystalHD is a decoder.22:05
VystyTJ-: Whatever the case, would you have any hardware recommendations?22:07
VystyI've been thinking of getting a solid state drive and a graphics card, but I don't know if either would help.22:07
TJ-SSD's will certainly make things more zippy in general. May not help massively for video encoding itself though22:08
VystyI'm thinking about the whole process: recording, editing, rendering, and uploading to YT.22:09
VystyRecording and editing are going pretty well. Rendering and uploading are my current bottlenecks.22:09
VystyLowering the filesize is an obvious first start.22:09
TJ-I'd think a beefy discrete PCIe GPU would help most22:09
TJ-one that can do a lot of hardware accelerated encoding22:10
VystyTJ-: A what?22:10
TJ-'discrete' means a stand-alone plug-in adaptor card - as opposed to the 'integrated' GPU the PC has soldered onto it's motherboard22:11
VystyTJ-: Simplification for Vysty: which card should I get then?22:11
TJ-Vysty: is your PC a laptop or a 'desktop' ?22:11
VystyLenovo. Small tower, so space might be an issue.22:12
TJ-Vysty: ok so it should have some empty PCIe slots. First step is find out what they are and how much room there is then evaluate suitable GPUs22:12
VystyIs there a terminal command I can run to figure that out?22:13
TJ-Folks in the ##hardware might be helpful in determining what cards would fit AND be good H.264 encoders if you have the make/model of the PC and links to manual/specifications22:14
TJ-Vysty: unfortunately, no, although dmidecode can get general info, it won't help with determining space or power constraints22:14
VystyTJ-: I would like to keep talking about this, but I realized I haven't eaten anything yet today and I need to cook something. You will be around in a bit?22:14
TJ-Vysty: it's 22:14 here; I'm about to go22:15
VystyTJ-:  Damn. I'll look for you later.22:19
VystyTJ-: You wouldn't use any other chat mechanism like Skype or something where I could reach you, would you?22:19
TJ-Vysty: no, I don't22:24
VystyTJ-: Too bad. I'll look for you here.22:26
j3n0v4Hello all22:38
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MehrzadI don't know if this problem is related to libreoffice or ubuntu, after an update of ubuntu today, i can't open files at specific addresses and get the error "General input/output error while accessing [dir]"22:48
kaddiHi my upgrade failed and I'm trying to get online from tty using the command nmcli do connect wlan0. I connect to the network but not the Internet. I'd there any way to fix that?23:02
adrian_1908Got no ethernet cable lying around to plug into your router? I'd do that before struggling with wlan via cli.23:05
kaddiNo unfortunately I own a ultra book which means an adapter to micro lan is needed and I don't have one23:07
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chuunahi, anyone know why the whois package output dont give "full" info https://ghostbin.com/paste/6kkt523:07
Razvaguys, I've reinstalled Ubuntu 17 for 3 times, updated everything. STILL the VPN GUI is broken. I'm creating the connection, clicking "ON" and it just gets back to OFF. any hints?23:08
RazvaInvalid VPN service type (cannot find authentication binary)23:12
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adrian_1908Razva: Does you situation necessitate PPPTP? Either way, I found that NetworkManager is pretty flaky in handling VPN connections, so I ended up not using it for that anymore.23:15
TJ-kaddi: does the interface get an IP address using DHCP?23:20
kaddiTJ- I think so. Running dhclient just restored my Internet accesd23:24
geniichuuna: Because the online service additionally queries the registrar and not just iana or icann, etc. If you want similar results, use a syntax like whois -h whois.markmonitor.com "google.com"   ..where here the registrar is markmonitor.com in google's case23:24
TJ-kaddi: right, so it sounds like you'd made the Wifi connect but not got an IP address since you had no connection defined23:25
TJ-kaddi: from command line you can use "nmtui" to create/edit connections23:25
kaddiThanks tj!  That looks like a handy thing to know!23:27
chuunagenii: a friend of mine with arch get the "full" info23:29
chuunaalso there is no whois.conf as mentioned in ubuntu wiki23:29
bolovanoshithere - which IDE for php, js, html would you recommend? 16.04.3 LTS23:29
bolovanossry - free one...23:29
bolovanosI have thought that there is something like pycharm from jbrain, but it looks like not the case23:30
adrian_1908bolovanos: If you can do without a "full" IDE, I would recommend Atom. It can probably offer a lot in the ways of an IDE through plugins actually.23:30
TJ-bolovanos: Eclipse has a lot of support for those23:31
bolovanosadrian_1908, - looking at it thank you23:32
chuunaas mention here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man1/whois.1.html23:32
bolovanosTJ-, thank you, but its is bit overill - forgot to say - almost out of space on disk :)23:32
TJ-bolovanos: Vim :)23:33
bolovanosTJ-, :}23:34
DroidLinux93Hi, My acer K202HQL monitor supports up to 1600x900 and Windows and Ubuntu is defautling me to 1366x768. The higher res everything is so small to barely read but i prefer it because of the better screen space inbetween the panel and dock. How do i make the text as comfortable to read as it was at 1366x76823:42
DroidLinux93The default res is okay but the dock and panel is very fat..23:43
chuunagenii: I tried whois from ubuntu and then from debian23:43
chuunadebian give "full" whois info23:44
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chuunanvm, the whois package is outdated23:46
geniichuuna: You could always also just do something like put this in a file and make it executable: whois -h $(whois $1|grep 'Registrar WHOIS Server'|cut -d':' -f2) $1     ..name it maybe something like whois2, call it like ./whois2 google.com23:49
cryptz_anyone familiar with netpan in 17.10? i setup my server with static ips and bond interfaces via netplan but i cannot get mtu 9000 to work23:51
cryptz_netplan i mean23:51
KsChoiceAnybody who might have an idea what is going on here? I can login on server over SSH (using keys), but not directly on the server using TTY.. I've passwd updated my password various times. I've confirmed that I type it correctly by typing the password at the username login (just in case a different language keyboard was configured, perhaps, with special characters in different keys)23:52
TJ-KsChoice: I was going to suggest you come over here, it's easier to diagnose here23:53
KsChoiceLinux Ubuntu server 16.04.3 LTS, I checked auth.log which shows "pam_unix(login:auth): authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/tty1 ruser= rhost= user=sven" and then "FAILED LOGIN (2) on '/dev/tty1' FOR 'sven', Authentication failure"23:53
KsChoiceTJ-: Yeah, I figured so as well23:53
KsChoiceIt is really weird though..23:53
TJ-KsChoice: did you see my Question about whether it works if you log-out of SSH first?23:53
KsChoiceTJ-: No, havent done that yet, I'm worried I won;t be able to log back in at all :)23:53
KsChoiceBut I'll try23:54
TJ-KsChoice: that worry suggests you think the password or PAM config is somehow changed!23:54
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KsChoiceI'm actually wondering if there is a PAM problem yeah, but I never ever touch PAM to begin with so if it is, I would not know why23:55
KsChoiceall logged out, problem persists23:55
TJ-KsChoice: as long as you have physical access you can always boot to recovery mode if login fails23:55
KsChoiceSSH still working fine though23:55
KsChoiceTJ-: Yeah, just hope not to get there :D23:56
KsChoiceTJ-: I finally have the server setup as I want it to work, I'm going on vacations this friday, I cannot use any crap right now23:56
chuunais there a chance ubuntu could enable this? https://blog.torproject.org/debian-and-tor-services-available-onion-services23:56
TJ-KsChoice: OK, the obvious things are Keyboard encoding, keyboard fault, caPs LoCk, keyboard-configuration, locale23:56
KsChoiceBut on topic.. so auth.log gives me pam_unix(login:auth): authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/tty1 ruser= rhost= user=sven23:57
TJ-KsChoice: do you have an alternate keyboard to test with?23:57
KsChoiceTJ-: I typed the password on the username23:57
TJ-KsChoice: what's the native local? en_US?23:57
KsChoiceI'll try a different KB23:57
chuunait would be awesome to be able to update ubuntu via onion services23:58
KsChoiceTJ-: Locale is a mix of en_US.UTF-8 and es_MX.UTF-823:59
TJ-KsChoice: any non ASCII characters in the password?23:59

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