
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== floccula1t is now known as flocculant
flocculantbluesabre_: so - what do you want us to do - other than say something on release note, funnily enough someone commented in #x yesterday about it05:37
flocculantnote the ubuntu download page https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop05:41
* flocculant thinks we should do the same05:44
flocculantI posted on facebook about it now - and answered someone who's possibly affected05:59
flocculantwe really should be more proactive on this sort of thing :|06:00
flocculantapparently I posted on some other Xubuntu fb page ...06:30
flocculantpleia2: any idea what https://www.facebook.com/groups/424769327667974/ is?06:31
sorinellois there any way to recoverr your laptop from this ?08:23
=== bluesabre_ is now known as bluesabre
bluesabreflocculant: I agree that we should display some warning, probably more visibly than ubuntu does10:28
bluesabreknome: can you make it happen? :-)10:28
bluesabreflexiondotorg: please let me know if you need any more info for https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88458710:51
ubottuDebian bug 884587 in engrampa "engrampa: Drop unused dependencies for lighter installation requirements" [Wishlist,Open]10:51
bluesabreflocculant: this is what you were looking for https://www.facebook.com/xubuntuusers/11:16
sorinello_or at leas how do I find out if I am using that driver which is supposed to be blacklisted ?14:19
knomebluesabre, make what happen?14:25
knomedone, i think14:33
pleia2flocculant: nope, news to me (though admittedly, fb is not really my jam)15:38
* pleia2 joins anyway15:38
pleia2at least, trying to join :) they make you answer questions that have to be reviewed by an admin to join15:40
pleia2ah, they let me in ;)15:47
knomeapparently that bug does not affect my thinkpad 1315:50
knomewhich is something15:50
knomei tweeted the warning15:59
pleia2is it worth a message to users and devel mailing lists too?17:21
pleia2(not that we have much of a role here, maybe just users)17:21
flocculantbluesabre pleia2 - I know about the users one - I'm admin there - will just need to watch which one I'm posting in :D17:28
pleia2yeah, I'm on the users one too (and totally don't look at it, because I'm bad at my xubuntu job)17:29
flocculantpleia2: but I thought I took that from you cos you didn't like it :p17:30
pleia2yeah, but I should probably stay aware of our social media thingys17:30
slickymasterWorkI think you just remained with G+, pleia2 17:30
slickymasterWorkwhich you also dislike :P17:31
flocculantany nastiness I'd let you know anyway :p17:31
pleia2to be fair, G+ is hard to use when I'm traveling (which is a lot) because it's not great on slower connections17:31
flocculantbluesabre: not sure how we could display warning more visibly - they've disabled 17.10 download ... 17:31
slickymasterWorkbecause of LP 1734147, flocculant?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10 corrupting BIOS - many LENOVO laptops models" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173414717:33
slickymasterWorkright 17:34
flocculantI've been rabbiting on about it in here for 2 days ;)17:34
slickymasterWorkjust come across it today :P17:34
pleia2^ that's what I was suggesting a users mailing list post for17:34
flocculantyou didn't see the team ping then slickymasterWork :p17:35
slickymasterWorknopes, went to Lisbon Tuesday nigh just arrived today morning17:35
flocculantpleia2: ohhh - m/l ... I thought you meant users fb page :D17:35
slickymasterWorkhaven't yet went home, so haven't checked my irssi session17:35
pleia2flocculant: yeah sorry, context switching17:36
flocculantdoing it now :)17:36
flocculantand done17:41
pleia2thanks flocculant :)19:35
flocculantnp :)19:35
ochosi_bluesabre: is switching to xfpm 1.6.x planned for bionic in the near future? would be nice so i can get some testing from ppl and feedback whether there is still stuff i need to fix in xfpm before 18.0423:05
ochosi_currently it also doesn't seem to be part of any of our PPAs23:06
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
ochosiflocculant: also fyi ^23:07
ochosi(ok ok, it's part of "daily builds", but even there it seems wrongly tagged as 1.6.0)23:08

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